path: root/doc/telemetry.md
blob: ee8d0dddbd3fd610a5cef3ccd58d4dba393bf3ef (plain) (tree)

# create elasticsearch passwords

in elasticsearch container

./bin/elasticsearch-setup-passwords auto

save passwords in consul, at:

- `secrets/telemetry/elastic_passwords/apm_system` for user `apm_system`
- `secrets/telemetry/elastic_passwords/kibana_system` for user `kibana_system`
- `secrets/telemetry/elastic_passwords/elastic` for user `elastic`

check kibana works, login to kibana with user `elastic`

# create role and user for apm

create role `apm_writer`, give privileges:

- cluster privileges `manage_ilm`, `read_ilm`, `manage_ingest_pipelines`
- on index `apm-*` privileges `create_doc`, `create_index`, `view_index_metadata`
- on index `apm-*sourcemap` privilege `read_cross_cluster`

create user `apm` with roles `apm_writer` and `apm_system`. give it a randomly generated password that you save in `secrets/telemetry/elastic_passwords/apm`

check apm data is ingested correctly (visible in kibana)

# create role and user for grafana

create role `grafana`, give privileges:

- on index `apm-*` privileges `read` and `view_index_metadata`

create user `grafana` with role `grafana`. give it a randomly generated password that you save in `secrets/telemetry/elastic_passwords/grafana`

check grafana works