path: root/cluster/prod/app/postgres/deploy/postgres.hcl
blob: 749731dc067abc7b30a53e552df7529c9f7f8714 (plain) (tree)


job "postgres14" {
  datacenters = ["orion"]
  type = "system"
  priority = 90

  update {
    max_parallel = 1
    min_healthy_time  = "2m"
    healthy_deadline  = "5m"
    auto_revert = true

  group "postgres" {
    network {
      port "psql_proxy_port" { static = 5432 }
      port "psql_port" { static = 5433 }

    task "sentinel" {
      driver = "docker"

      config {
        image = "superboum/amd64_postgres:v11"
        network_mode = "host" 
        readonly_rootfs = false
        command = "/usr/local/bin/stolon-sentinel"
        args = [
          "--cluster-name", "chelidoine",
          "--store-backend", "consul",
          "--store-endpoints", "https://consul.service.prod.consul:8501",
          "--store-ca-file", "/certs/consul-ca.crt",
          "--store-cert-file", "/certs/consul-client.crt",
          "--store-key", "/certs/consul-client.key",
        volumes = [
      resources {
        memory = 100

      template {
        data = "{{ key \"secrets/consul/consul-ca.crt\" }}"
        destination = "secrets/certs/consul-ca.crt"
      template {
        data = "{{ key \"secrets/consul/consul-client.crt\" }}"
        destination = "secrets/certs/consul-client.crt"
      template {
        data = "{{ key \"secrets/consul/consul-client.key\" }}"
        destination = "secrets/certs/consul-client.key"

    task "proxy" {
      driver = "docker"

      config {
        image = "superboum/amd64_postgres:v11"
        network_mode = "host" 
        readonly_rootfs = false
        command = "/usr/local/bin/stolon-proxy"
        args = [
          "--cluster-name", "chelidoine",
          "--store-backend", "consul",
          "--store-endpoints", "https://consul.service.prod.consul:8501",
          "--store-ca-file", "/certs/consul-ca.crt",
          "--store-cert-file", "/certs/consul-client.crt",
          "--store-key", "/certs/consul-client.key",
          "--port", "${NOMAD_PORT_psql_proxy_port}",
          "--listen-address", "",
          "--log-level", "info"
        volumes = [
        ports = [ "psql_proxy_port" ]

      resources {
        memory = 100

      template {
        data = "{{ key \"secrets/consul/consul-ca.crt\" }}"
        destination = "secrets/certs/consul-ca.crt"
      template {
        data = "{{ key \"secrets/consul/consul-client.crt\" }}"
        destination = "secrets/certs/consul-client.crt"
      template {
        data = "{{ key \"secrets/consul/consul-client.key\" }}"
        destination = "secrets/certs/consul-client.key"

      service {
        tags = ["sql"]
        port = "psql_proxy_port"
        address_mode = "host"
        name = "psql-proxy"
        check {
          type = "tcp"
          port = "psql_proxy_port"
          interval = "60s"
          timeout = "5s"
          check_restart {
            limit = 3
            grace = "10m"
            ignore_warnings = false

    task "keeper" {
      driver = "docker"

      config {
        image = "superboum/amd64_postgres:v11"
        network_mode = "host" 
        readonly_rootfs = false
        command = "/usr/local/bin/stolon-keeper"
        args = [
          "--cluster-name", "chelidoine",
          "--store-backend", "consul",
          "--store-endpoints", "https://consul.service.prod.consul:8501",
          "--store-ca-file", "/certs/consul-ca.crt",
          "--store-cert-file", "/certs/consul-client.crt",
          "--store-key", "/certs/consul-client.key",
          "--data-dir", "/mnt/persist",
          "--pg-su-password", "${PG_SU_PWD}",
          "--pg-repl-username", "${PG_REPL_USER}",
          "--pg-repl-password", "${PG_REPL_PWD}",
	   The postgres daemon accepts, ::, and * here but not Stolon.
           Otherwise you will have the following error and your cluster will be broken (no replication)
           WARN	cmd/keeper.go:1979	provided --pg-listen-address "*": is not an ip address but a hostname. This will be advertized to the other components and may have undefined behaviors if resolved differently by other hosts
           WARN	cmd/keeper.go:1984	cannot resolve provided --pg-listen-address "*": lookup *: no such host
          "--pg-listen-address", "${attr.unique.network.ip-address}",
          "--pg-port", "${NOMAD_PORT_psql_port}",
          "--pg-bin-path", "/usr/lib/postgresql/14/bin/"
        ports = [ "psql_port" ]
        volumes = [

      template {
        data = file("../config/keeper/env.tpl")
        destination = "secrets/env"
        env = true

      template {
        data = "{{ key \"secrets/consul/consul-ca.crt\" }}"
        destination = "secrets/certs/consul-ca.crt"
      template {
        data = "{{ key \"secrets/consul/consul-client.crt\" }}"
        destination = "secrets/certs/consul-client.crt"
      template {
        data = "{{ key \"secrets/consul/consul-client.key\" }}"
        destination = "secrets/certs/consul-client.key"

      resources {
        memory = 600

      service {
        tags = ["sql"]
        port = "psql_port"
        address_mode = "host"
        name = "psql-keeper"
        check {
          type = "tcp"
          port = "psql_port"
          interval = "60s"
          timeout = "5s"