path: root/src/util.rs
blob: 186678db076507b0e062f23dddd5d19fe68002c5 (plain) (tree)






















use crate::endpoint::SerializeMessage;

use std::net::SocketAddr;
use std::net::ToSocketAddrs;
use std::pin::Pin;

use futures::Stream;

use log::info;

use serde::Serialize;

use tokio::sync::watch;

/// A node's identifier, which is also its public cryptographic key
pub type NodeID = sodiumoxide::crypto::sign::ed25519::PublicKey;
/// A node's secret key
pub type NodeKey = sodiumoxide::crypto::sign::ed25519::SecretKey;
/// A network key
pub type NetworkKey = sodiumoxide::crypto::auth::Key;

/// A stream of associated data.
/// The Stream can continue after receiving an error.
/// When sent through Netapp, the Vec may be split in smaller chunk in such a way
/// consecutive Vec may get merged, but Vec and error code may not be reordered
/// Error code 255 means the stream was cut before its end. Other codes have no predefined
/// meaning, it's up to your application to define their semantic.
pub type AssociatedStream = Pin<Box<dyn Stream<Item = Packet> + Send>>;

pub type Packet = Result<Vec<u8>, u8>;

/// Utility function: encodes any serializable value in MessagePack binary format
/// using the RMP library.
/// Field names and variant names are included in the serialization.
/// This is used internally by the netapp communication protocol.
pub fn rmp_to_vec_all_named<T>(
	val: &T,
) -> Result<(Vec<u8>, Option<AssociatedStream>), rmp_serde::encode::Error>
	T: SerializeMessage + ?Sized,
	let mut wr = Vec::with_capacity(128);
	let mut se = rmp_serde::Serializer::new(&mut wr)
	let (val, stream) = val.serialize_msg();
	val.serialize(&mut se)?;
	Ok((wr, stream))

/// This async function returns only when a true signal was received
/// from a watcher that tells us when to exit.
/// Usefull in a select statement to interrupt another
/// future:
/// ```ignore
/// select!(
///     _ = a_long_task() => Success,
///     _ = await_exit(must_exit) => Interrupted,
/// )
/// ```
pub async fn await_exit(mut must_exit: watch::Receiver<bool>) {
	while !*must_exit.borrow_and_update() {
		if must_exit.changed().await.is_err() {

/// Creates a watch that contains `false`, and that changes
/// to `true` when a Ctrl+C signal is received.
pub fn watch_ctrl_c() -> watch::Receiver<bool> {
	let (send_cancel, watch_cancel) = watch::channel(false);
	tokio::spawn(async move {
			.expect("failed to install CTRL+C signal handler");
		info!("Received CTRL+C, shutting down.");

/// Parse a peer's address including public key, written in the format:
/// `<public key hex>@<ip>:<port>`
pub fn parse_peer_addr(peer: &str) -> Option<(NodeID, SocketAddr)> {
	let delim = peer.find('@')?;
	let (key, ip) = peer.split_at(delim);
	let pubkey = NodeID::from_slice(&hex::decode(&key).ok()?)?;
	let ip = ip[1..].parse::<SocketAddr>().ok()?;
	Some((pubkey, ip))

/// Parse and resolve a peer's address including public key, written in the format:
/// `<public key hex>@<ip or hostname>:<port>`
pub fn parse_and_resolve_peer_addr(peer: &str) -> Option<(NodeID, Vec<SocketAddr>)> {
	let delim = peer.find('@')?;
	let (key, host) = peer.split_at(delim);
	let pubkey = NodeID::from_slice(&hex::decode(&key).ok()?)?;
	let hosts = host[1..].to_socket_addrs().ok()?.collect::<Vec<_>>();
	if hosts.is_empty() {
		return None;
	Some((pubkey, hosts))