use std::marker::PhantomData;
use std::sync::Arc;
use arc_swap::ArcSwapOption;
use async_trait::async_trait;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use crate::error::Error;
use crate::netapp::*;
use crate::proto::*;
use crate::util::*;
/// This trait should be implemented by all messages your application
/// wants to handle
pub trait Message: Serialize + for<'de> Deserialize<'de> + Send + Sync {
type Response: Serialize + for<'de> Deserialize<'de> + Send + Sync;
/// This trait should be implemented by an object of your application
/// that can handle a message of type `M`.
/// The handler object should be in an Arc, see `Endpoint::set_handler`
pub trait EndpointHandler<M>: Send + Sync
M: Message,
async fn handle(self: &Arc<Self>, m: &M, from: NodeID) -> M::Response;
/// If one simply wants to use an endpoint in a client fashion,
/// without locally serving requests to that endpoint,
/// use the unit type `()` as the handler type:
/// it will panic if it is ever made to handle request.
impl<M: Message + 'static> EndpointHandler<M> for () {
async fn handle(self: &Arc<()>, _m: &M, _from: NodeID) -> M::Response {
panic!("This endpoint should not have a local handler.");
/// This struct represents an endpoint for message of type `M`.
/// Creating a new endpoint is done by calling `NetApp::endpoint`.
/// An endpoint is identified primarily by its path, which is specified
/// at creation time.
/// An `Endpoint` is used both to send requests to remote nodes,
/// and to specify the handler for such requests on the local node.
/// The type `H` represents the type of the handler object for
/// endpoint messages (see `EndpointHandler`).
pub struct Endpoint<M, H>
M: Message,
H: EndpointHandler<M>,
phantom: PhantomData<M>,
netapp: Arc<NetApp>,
path: String,
handler: ArcSwapOption<H>,
impl<M, H> Endpoint<M, H>
M: Message,
H: EndpointHandler<M>,
pub(crate) fn new(netapp: Arc<NetApp>, path: String) -> Self {
Self {
phantom: PhantomData::default(),
handler: ArcSwapOption::from(None),
/// Set the object that is responsible of handling requests to
/// this endpoint on the local node.
pub fn set_handler(&self, h: Arc<H>) {
/// Call this endpoint on a remote node (or on the local node,
/// for that matter)
pub async fn call(
target: &NodeID,
req: &M,
prio: RequestPriority,
) -> Result<<M as Message>::Response, Error> {
if *target == {
match self.handler.load_full() {
None => Err(Error::NoHandler),
Some(h) => Ok(h.handle(req,,
} else {
let conn = self
match conn {
None => Err(Error::Message(format!(
"Not connected: {}",
Some(c) =>, self.path.as_str(), prio).await,
// ---- Internal stuff ----
pub(crate) type DynEndpoint = Box<dyn GenericEndpoint + Send + Sync>;
pub(crate) trait GenericEndpoint {
async fn handle(&self, buf: &[u8], from: NodeID) -> Result<Vec<u8>, Error>;
fn clear_handler(&self);
fn clone_endpoint(&self) -> DynEndpoint;
pub(crate) struct EndpointArc<M, H>(pub(crate) Arc<Endpoint<M, H>>)
M: Message,
H: EndpointHandler<M>;
impl<M, H> GenericEndpoint for EndpointArc<M, H>
M: Message + 'static,
H: EndpointHandler<M> + 'static,
async fn handle(&self, buf: &[u8], from: NodeID) -> Result<Vec<u8>, Error> {
match self.0.handler.load_full() {
None => Err(Error::NoHandler),
Some(h) => {
let req = rmp_serde::decode::from_read_ref::<_, M>(buf)?;
let res = h.handle(&req, from).await;
let res_bytes = rmp_to_vec_all_named(&res)?;
fn clear_handler(&self) {
fn clone_endpoint(&self) -> DynEndpoint {