path: root/man
diff options
authorQuentin <quentin@deuxfleurs.fr>2020-09-12 10:03:48 +0200
committerQuentin <quentin@deuxfleurs.fr>2020-09-12 10:03:48 +0200
commitc4a6cf1534b864d3941c839d4a4dca7e505bd828 (patch)
tree3e866768cf39ae947def5b205f74fddfb435725d /man
parent0550647b9348d1e36431400e0832b4340564c658 (diff)
Rebase first step
Diffstat (limited to 'man')
3 files changed, 0 insertions, 133 deletions
diff --git a/man/create_database/README.md b/man/create_database/README.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 7084a10..0000000
--- a/man/create_database/README.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-ssh root@<one node of the cluster>
-docker run -t -i superboum/amd64_postgres:v1
-psql -h psql-proxy.service.2.cluster.deuxfleurs.fr -p 25432 -U postgres -W postgres
-CREATE USER seafile;
-CREATE DATABASE seafile ENCODING 'UTF8' LC_COLLATE='C' LC_CTYPE='C' template=template0 OWNER seafile;
-consul kv import @ldapkv_seafile.json
diff --git a/man/init_stolon/README.md b/man/init_stolon/README.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 618530a..0000000
--- a/man/init_stolon/README.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-Spawn container:
-docker run -t -i superboum/arm32v7_postgres:v6
-# OR
-docker run -t -i superboum/amd64_postgres:v1
-Init with:
-stolonctl \
- --cluster-name pissenlit \
- --store-backend=consul \
- --store-endpoints http://consul.service.2.cluster.deuxfleurs.fr:8500 \
- init \
- '{ "initMode": "new", "pgHBA": [ "host all postgres all md5", "host replication replicator all md5", "host all all all ldap ldapserver=bottin.service.2.cluster.deuxfleurs.fr ldapbasedn=\"ou=users,dc=deuxfleurs, dc=fr\" ldapbinddn=\"<bind_dn>\" ldapbindpasswd=\"<bind_pwd>\" ldapsearchattribute=\"cn\"" ] }'
-Then set appropriate permission on host:
-chown -R 102:102 /mnt/storage/postgres/
-(102 is the id of the postgres user used in Docker)
-It might be improved by staying with root, then chmoding in an entrypoint and finally switching to user 102 before executing user's command.
-Moreover it would enable the usage of the user namespace that shift the UIDs.
-## Upgrading the cluster
-To retreive the current stolon config:
-stolonctl spec --cluster-name pissenlit --store-backend consul --store-endpoints http://consul.service.2.cluster.deuxfleurs.fr:8500
-The important part for the LDAP:
- "pgHBA": [
- "host all postgres all md5",
- "host replication replicator all md5",
- "host all all all ldap ldapserver=bottin.service.2.cluster.deuxfleurs.fr ldapbasedn=\"ou=users,dc=deuxfleurs,dc=fr\" ldapbinddn=\"cn=admin,dc=deuxfleurs,dc=fr\" ldapbindpasswd=\"<REDACTED>\" ldapsearchattribute=\"cn\""
- ]
-Once a patch is writen:
-stolonctl --cluster-name pissenlit --store-backend consul --store-endpoints http://consul.service.2.cluster.deuxfleurs.fr:8500 update --patch -f /tmp/patch.json
diff --git a/man/nextcloud/README.md b/man/nextcloud/README.md
deleted file mode 100644
index f68520b..0000000
--- a/man/nextcloud/README.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-# How to setup NextCloud
-## First setup
-It's complicated.
-First, create a service user `nextcloud` and a database `nextcloud` it owns. Also create a Garage access key and bucket `nextcloud` it is allowed to use.
-Fill in the following Consul keys with actual values:
-Create the following Consul keys with empty values:
-Start the nextcloud.hcl nomad service. Enter the container and call `occ maintenance:install` with the correct database parameters as user `www-data`.
-A possibility: call the admin user `nextcloud` and give it the same password as the `nextcloud` service user.
-Cat the newly generated `config.php` file and copy the instance id, password salt, and secret from there to Consul
-(they were generated by the install script and we want to keep them).
-Restart the Nextcloud Nomad server.
-You should now be able to log in to Nextcloud using the admin user (`nextcloud` if you called it that).
-Go to the apps settings and enable desired apps.
-## Configure LDAP login
-LDAP login has to be configured from the admin interface. First, enable the LDAP authentification application.
-Go to settings > LDAP/AD integration. Enter the following parameters:
-- ldap server: `bottin2.service.2.cluster.deuxfleurs.fr`
-- bind user: `cn=nextcloud,ou=services,ou=users,dc=deuxfleurs,dc=fr`
-- bind password: password of the nextcloud service user
-- base DN for users: `ou=users,dc=deuxfleurs,dc=fr`
-- check "manually enter LDAP filters"
-- in the users tab, edit LDAP query and set it to `(&(|(objectclass=inetOrgPerson))(|(memberof=cn=nextcloud,ou=groups,dc=deuxfleurs,dc=fr)))`
-- in the login attributes tab, edit LDAP query and set it to `(&(&(|(objectclass=inetOrgPerson))(|(memberof=cn=nextcloud,ou=groups,dc=deuxfleurs,dc=fr)))(|(|(mailPrimaryAddress=%uid)(mail=%uid))(|(cn=%uid))))`
-- in the groups tab, edit the LDAP query and set it to `(|(objectclass=groupOfNames))`
-- in the advanced tab, enter the "directory setting" section and check/modify the following:
- - user display name field: `displayname`
- - base user tree: `ou=users,dc=deuxfleurs,dc=fr`
- - user search attribute: `cn`
- - groupe display name field: `displayname`
- - **base group tree**: `ou=groups,dc=deuxfleurs,dc=fr`
- - group search attribute: `cn`
-That should be it. Go to the login attributes tab and enter a username (which should have been added to the nextcloud group) to check that nextcloud is able to find it and allows it for login.