path: root/directory.go
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Add Description and visibility attributesMrArmonius2021-08-161-4/+6
| | | | | | | | | | | | Modify in profil's page your description and your choice about show you on the directory. The default visibility's choice is false. Tthe description is empty by default. In the directory, a new row exist to show the description. Adapt view in column Description I use the style `word-break: break-all;` on the `<td>`
* Add MessageID for asynchronous requestMrArmonius2021-08-161-7/+31
| | | | | | | | | | ID is stored in the session with the type `uint32` Correction javascript For the `for loop`, we need don't forget than know we have in format `JSON` the response: `search:{..}, id:0` For the id, don't forget to change the global value of `JS`.
* Add Route + file Directory.goMrArmonius2021-08-161-0/+77