{% extends "base.html" %} {% block title %} Garage - An open-source distributed object storage service {% endblock title %} {% block content %}



{{ config.extra.organization.description }}

{% include "partials/shared/community_survey.html" %}

Made for redundancy

Each chunk of data is replicated in 3 zones

Zone (multiple servers)
Chunks of data

Our Goals

We made it lightweight and kept the efficiency in mind:

  • Self-contained

    We ship a single dependency-free binary that runs on all Linux distributions

  • Fast to deploy, safe to operate

    We are sysadmins, we know the value of operator-friendly software

  • Deploy everywhere on every machine

    We do not have a dedicated backbone, and neither do you,
    so we made software that run over the Internet across multiple datacenters

  • Highly resilient
    to network failures, network latency, disk failures, sysadmin failures

Keeping requirements low

We worked hard to keep requirements as low as possible:

  • CPU
    Any x86_64 CPU from the last 10 years, ARMv7 or ARMv8
  • RAM
    1 GB
  • Disk space
    At least 16 GB
  • Network
    200 ms or less, 50 Mbps or more
  • Heterogeneous hardware
    Build a cluster with whatever second-hand machines are available

Data resiliency for everyone

We built Garage to suit your existing infrastructure:

Garage implements the Amazon S3 API
and thus is already compatible with many applications.

Standing on the shoulders of giants

Garage leverages insights from recent research in distributed systems:

Sponsors and funding

Garage has received funding from NGI POINTER (3 full-time employees for one year, in 2021-2022), and from NLnet / NGI0 Entrust (1 full-time employee for one year, in 2023-2024).

If you want to participate in funding Garage development, either through donation or support contract, please get in touch with us.

NGI Pointers

NLnet logo NGI0 Entrust logo

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2021 research and innovation programme within the framework of the NGI-POINTER Project funded under grant agreement N° 871528.

This project has received funding from the NGI0 Entrust Fund, a fund established by NLnet with financial support from the European Commission's Next Generation Internet programme, under the aegis of DG Communications Networks, Content and Technology under grant agreement No 101069594.

{% endblock %}