path: root/content/documentation/development/release_process.md
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-title = "Release process"
-weight = 15
-Before releasing a new version of Garage, our code pass through a succession of checks and transformations.
-We define them as our release process.
-## Trigger and classify a release
-While we run some tests on every commits, we do not make a release for all of them.
-A release can be triggered manually by "promoting" a successful build.
-Otherwise, every weeks, a release build is triggered on the `main` branch.
-If the build is from a tag following the regex: `v[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+`, it will be listed as stable.
-If it is a tag but with a different format, it will be listed as Extra.
-Otherwise, if it is a commit, it will be listed as development.
-This logic is defined in `nix/build_index.nix`.
-## Testing
-For each commit, we first pass the code to a formatter (rustfmt) and a linter (clippy).
-Then we try to build it in debug mode and run both unit tests and our integration tests.
-Additionnaly, when releasing, our integration tests are run on the release build for amd64 and i686.
-## Generated Artifacts
-We generate the following binary artifacts for now:
- - **architecture**: amd64, i686, aarch64, armv6
- - **os**: linux
- - **format**: static binary, docker container
-Additionnaly we also build two web pages:
- - the documentation (this website)
- - [the release page](https://garagehq.deuxfleurs.fr/releases.html)
-We publish the static binaries on our own garage cluster (you can access them through the releases page)
-and the docker containers on Docker Hub.
-## Automation
-We automated our release process with Nix and Drone to make it more reliable.
-Here we describe how we have done in case you want to debug or improve it.
-### Caching build steps
-To speed up the CI, we use the caching feature provided by Nix.
-You can benefit from it by using our provided `nix.conf` as recommended or by simply adding the following lines to your file:
-substituters = https://cache.nixos.org https://nix.web.deuxfleurs.fr
-trusted-public-keys = cache.nixos.org-1:6NCHdD59X431o0gWypbMrAURkbJ16ZPMQFGspcDShjY= nix.web.deuxfleurs.fr:eTGL6kvaQn6cDR/F9lDYUIP9nCVR/kkshYfLDJf1yKs=
-Sending to the cache is done through `nix copy`, for example:
-nix copy --to 's3://nix?endpoint=garage.deuxfleurs.fr&region=garage&secret-key=/etc/nix/signing-key.sec' result
-*Note that you need the signing key. In our case, it is stored as a secret in Drone.*
-The previous command will only send the built packet and not its dependencies.
-To send its dependency, a tool named `nix-copy-closure` has been created but it is not compatible with the S3 protocol.
-Instead, you can use the following commands to list all the runtime dependencies:
-nix copy \
- --to 's3://nix?endpoint=garage.deuxfleurs.fr&region=garage&secret-key=/etc/nix/signing-key.sec' \
- $(nix-store -qR result/)
-*We could also write this expression with xargs but this tool is not available in our container.*
-But in certain cases, we want to cache compile time dependencies also.
-For example, the Nix project does not provide binaries for cross compiling to i686 and thus we need to compile gcc on our own.
-We do not want to compile gcc each time, so even if it is a compile time dependency, we want to cache it.
-This time, the command is a bit more involved:
-nix copy --to \
- 's3://nix?endpoint=garage.deuxfleurs.fr&region=garage&secret-key=/etc/nix/signing-key.sec' \
- $(nix-store -qR --include-outputs \
- $(nix-instantiate))
-This is the command we use in our CI as we expect the final binary to change, so we mainly focus on
-caching our development dependencies.
-*Currently there is no automatic garbage collection of the cache: we should monitor its growth.
-Hopefully, we can erase it totally without breaking any build, the next build will only be slower.*
-In practise, we concluded that we do not want to cache all the compilation dependencies.
-Instead, we want to cache the toolchain we use to build Garage each time we change it.
-So we removed from Drone any automatic update of the cache and instead handle them manually with:
-source ~/.awsrc
-nix-shell --run 'refresh_toolchain'
-Internally, it will run `nix-build` on `nix/toolchain.nix` and send the output plus its depedencies to the cache.
-To erase the cache:
-mc rm --recursive --force 'garage/nix/'
-### Publishing Garage
-We defined our publishing logic in Nix, mostly as shell hooks.
-You can inspect them in `shell.nix` to see exactly how.
-Here, we will give a quick explanation on how to use them to manually publish a release.
-Supposing you just have built garage as follow:
-nix-build --arg release true
-To publish a static binary in `result/bin` on garagehq, run:
-export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=xxx
-export DRONE_TAG=handcrafted-1.0.0 # or DRONE_COMMIT
-export TARGET=x86_64-unknown-linux-musl
-nix-shell --run to_s3
-To create and publish a docker container, run:
-export DOCKER_AUTH='{ "auths": { "https://index.docker.io/v1/": { "auth": "xxxx" }}}'
-export DOCKER_PLATFORM='linux/amd64' # check GOARCH and GOOS from golang.org
-export CONTAINER_NAME='me/amd64_garage'
-export CONTAINER_TAG='handcrafted-1.0.0'
-nix-shell --run to_docker
-To rebuild the release page, run:
-export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=xxx
-nix-shell --run refresh_index
-If you want to compile for different architectures, you will need to repeat all these commands for each architecture.
-**In practise, and except for debugging, you will never directly run these commands. Release is handled by drone**
-### Drone
-Our instance is available at [https://drone.deuxfleurs.fr](https://drone.deuxfleurs.fr).
-You need an account on [https://git.deuxfleurs.fr](https://git.deuxfleurs.fr) to use it.
-**Drone CLI** - Drone has a CLI tool to interact with.
-It can be downloaded from its Github [release page](https://github.com/drone/drone-cli/releases).
-To communicate with our instance, you must setup some environment variables.
-You can get them from your [Account Settings](https://drone.deuxfleurs.fr/account).
-To make drone easier to use, you could create a `~/.dronerc` that you could source each time you want to use it.
-export DRONE_SERVER=https://drone.deuxfleurs.fr
-export DRONE_TOKEN=xxx
-drone info
-The CLI tool is very self-discoverable, just append `--help` to each subcommands.
-Start with:
-drone --help
-**.drone.yml** - The builds steps are defined in `.drone.yml`.
-You can not edit this file without resigning it.
-To sign it, you must be a maintainer and then run:
-drone sign --save Deuxfleurs/garage
-Looking at the file, you will see that most of the commands are `nix-shell` and `nix-build` commands with various parameters.