path: root/content/documentation/connect/cli.md
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-title = "CLI tools"
-weight = 20
-CLI tools allow you to query the S3 API without too many abstractions.
-These tools are particularly suitable for debug, backups, website deployments or any scripted task that need to handle data.
-## Minio client (recommended)
-Use the following command to set an "alias", i.e. define a new S3 server to be
-used by the Minio client:
-mc alias set \
- garage \
- <endpoint> \
- <access key> \
- <secret key> \
- --api S3v4
-Remember that `mc` is sometimes called `mcli` (such as on Arch Linux), to avoid conflicts
-with Midnight Commander.
-Some commands:
-# list buckets
-mc ls garage/
-# list objets in a bucket
-mc ls garage/my_files
-# copy from your filesystem to garage
-mc cp /proc/cpuinfo garage/my_files/cpuinfo.txt
-# copy from garage to your filesystem
-mc cp garage/my_files/cpuinfo.txt /tmp/cpuinfo.txt
-# mirror a folder from your filesystem to garage
-mc mirror --overwrite ./book garage/garagehq.deuxfleurs.fr
-Create a file named `~/.aws/credentials` and put:
-Then a file named `~/.aws/config` and put:
-Now, supposing Garage is listening on ``, you can list your buckets with:
-aws --endpoint-url s3 ls
-Passing the `--endpoint-url` parameter to each command is annoying but AWS developers do not provide a corresponding configuration entry.
-As a workaround, you can redefine the aws command by editing the file `~/.bashrc`:
-function aws { command aws --endpoint-url $@ ; }
-*Do not forget to run `source ~/.bashrc` or to start a new terminal before running the next commands.*
-Now you can simply run:
-# list buckets
-aws s3 ls
-# list objects of a bucket
-aws s3 ls s3://my_files
-# copy from your filesystem to garage
-aws s3 cp /proc/cpuinfo s3://my_files/cpuinfo.txt
-# copy from garage to your filesystem
-aws s3 cp s3/my_files/cpuinfo.txt /tmp/cpuinfo.txt
-## `rclone`
-`rclone` can be configured using the interactive assistant invoked using `rclone config`.
-You can also configure `rclone` by writing directly its configuration file.
-Here is a template `rclone.ini` configuration file (mine is located at `~/.config/rclone/rclone.conf`):
-type = s3
-provider = Other
-env_auth = false
-access_key_id = <access key>
-secret_access_key = <secret key>
-region = <region>
-endpoint = <endpoint>
-force_path_style = true
-acl = private
-bucket_acl = private
-Now you can run:
-# list buckets
-rclone lsd garage:
-# list objects of a bucket aggregated in directories
-rclone lsd garage:my-bucket
-# copy from your filesystem to garage
-echo hello world > /tmp/hello.txt
-rclone copy /tmp/hello.txt garage:my-bucket/
-# copy from garage to your filesystem
-rclone copy garage:quentin.divers/hello.txt .
-# see all available subcommands
-rclone help
-## `s3cmd`
-Here is a template for the `s3cmd.cfg` file to talk with Garage:
-access_key = <access key>
-secret_key = <secret key>
-host_base = <endpoint without http(s)://>
-host_bucket = <same as host_base>
-use_https = <False or True>
-And use it as follow:
-# List buckets
-s3cmd ls
-# s3cmd objects inside a bucket
-s3cmd ls s3://my-bucket
-# copy from your filesystem to garage
-echo hello world > /tmp/hello.txt
-s3cmd put /tmp/hello.txt s3://my-bucket/
-# copy from garage to your filesystem
-s3cmd get s3://my-bucket/hello.txt hello.txt
-## Cyberduck & duck