path: root/content/documentation/reference-manual
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authorsptaule <lecas83@gmail.com>2022-01-25 15:27:39 +0100
committersptaule <lecas83@gmail.com>2022-01-25 15:27:39 +0100
commitee4d6a01e16ac53fa3e48340a47455281d5f6bc0 (patch)
tree98d21309e281ea02ed5fe2b12187b211f761f385 /content/documentation/reference-manual
parentada5e9ac0e6e1e226534a463238b06930ba58b64 (diff)
Organized doc md with metadata & draft for doc template
Diffstat (limited to 'content/documentation/reference-manual')
5 files changed, 401 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/content/documentation/reference-manual/_index.md b/content/documentation/reference-manual/_index.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee79581
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+++ b/content/documentation/reference-manual/_index.md
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+title = "Reference Manual"
+weight = 4
+sort_by = "weight"
+redirect_to = "documentation/reference-manual/configuration/"
++++ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/content/documentation/reference-manual/cli.md b/content/documentation/reference-manual/cli.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f0525f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/documentation/reference-manual/cli.md
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+title = "Garage CLI"
+weight = 15
+# Garage CLI
+The Garage CLI is mostly self-documented. Make use of the `help` subcommand
+and the `--help` flag to discover all available options.
diff --git a/content/documentation/reference-manual/configuration.md b/content/documentation/reference-manual/configuration.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9ebee2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/documentation/reference-manual/configuration.md
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+title = "Garage configuration file"
+weight = 5
+# Garage configuration file format reference
+Here is an example `garage.toml` configuration file that illustrates all of the possible options:
+metadata_dir = "/var/lib/garage/meta"
+data_dir = "/var/lib/garage/data"
+block_size = 1048576
+replication_mode = "3"
+compression_level = 1
+rpc_secret = "4425f5c26c5e11581d3223904324dcb5b5d5dfb14e5e7f35e38c595424f5f1e6"
+rpc_bind_addr = "[::]:3901"
+rpc_public_addr = "[fc00:1::1]:3901"
+bootstrap_peers = [
+ "563e1ac825ee3323aa441e72c26d1030d6d4414aeb3dd25287c531e7fc2bc95d@[fc00:1::1]:3901",
+ "86f0f26ae4afbd59aaf9cfb059eefac844951efd5b8caeec0d53f4ed6c85f332[fc00:1::2]:3901",
+ "681456ab91350f92242e80a531a3ec9392cb7c974f72640112f90a600d7921a4@[fc00:B::1]:3901",
+ "212fd62eeaca72c122b45a7f4fa0f55e012aa5e24ac384a72a3016413fa724ff@[fc00:F::1]:3901",
+consul_host = "consul.service"
+consul_service_name = "garage-daemon"
+sled_cache_capacity = 134217728
+sled_flush_every_ms = 2000
+api_bind_addr = "[::]:3900"
+s3_region = "garage"
+root_domain = ".s3.garage"
+bind_addr = "[::]:3902"
+root_domain = ".web.garage"
+index = "index.html"
+The following gives details about each available configuration option.
+## Available configuration options
+#### `metadata_dir`
+The directory in which Garage will store its metadata. This contains the node identifier,
+the network configuration and the peer list, the list of buckets and keys as well
+as the index of all objects, object version and object blocks.
+Store this folder on a fast SSD drive if possible to maximize Garage's performance.
+#### `data_dir`
+The directory in which Garage will store the data blocks of objects.
+This folder can be placed on an HDD. The space available for `data_dir`
+should be counted to determine a node's capacity
+when [configuring it](../getting_started/05_cluster.md).
+#### `block_size`
+Garage splits stored objects in consecutive chunks of size `block_size`
+(except the last one which might be smaller). The default size is 1MB and
+should work in most cases. If you are interested in tuning this, feel free
+to do so (and remember to report your findings to us!). If this value is
+changed for a running Garage installation, only files newly uploaded will be
+affected. Previously uploaded files will remain available. This however
+means that chunks from existing files will not be deduplicated with chunks
+from newly uploaded files, meaning you might use more storage space that is
+optimally possible.
+#### `replication_mode`
+Garage supports the following replication modes:
+- `none` or `1`: data stored on Garage is stored on a single node. There is no redundancy,
+ and data will be unavailable as soon as one node fails or its network is disconnected.
+ Do not use this for anything else than test deployments.
+- `2`: data stored on Garage will be stored on two different nodes, if possible in different
+ zones. Garage tolerates one node failure before losing data. Data should be available
+ read-only when one node is down, but write operations will fail.
+ Use this only if you really have to.
+- `3`: data stored on Garage will be stored on three different nodes, if possible each in
+ a different zones.
+ Garage tolerates two node failure before losing data. Data should be available
+ read-only when two nodes are down, and writes should be possible if only a single node
+ is down.
+Note that in modes `2` and `3`,
+if at least the same number of zones are available, an arbitrary number of failures in
+any given zone is tolerated as copies of data will be spread over several zones.
+**Make sure `replication_mode` is the same in the configuration files of all nodes.
+Never run a Garage cluster where that is not the case.**
+Changing the `replication_mode` of a cluster might work (make sure to shut down all nodes
+and changing it everywhere at the time), but is not officially supported.
+### `compression_level`
+Zstd compression level to use for storing blocks.
+Values between `1` (faster compression) and `19` (smaller file) are standard compression
+levels for zstd. From `20` to `22`, compression levels are referred as "ultra" and must be
+used with extra care as it will use lot of memory. A value of `0` will let zstd choose a
+default value (currently `3`). Finally, zstd has also compression designed to be faster
+than default compression levels, they range from `-1` (smaller file) to `-99` (faster
+If you do not specify a `compression_level` entry, garage will set it to `1` for you. With
+this parameters, zstd consumes low amount of cpu and should work faster than line speed in
+most situations, while saving some space and intra-cluster
+If you want to totally deactivate zstd in garage, you can pass the special value `'none'`. No
+zstd related code will be called, your chunks will be stored on disk without any processing.
+Compression is done synchronously, setting a value too high will add latency to write queries.
+This value can be different between nodes, compression is done by the node which receive the
+API call.
+#### `rpc_secret`
+Garage uses a secret key that is shared between all nodes of the cluster
+in order to identify these nodes and allow them to communicate together.
+This key should be specified here in the form of a 32-byte hex-encoded
+random string. Such a string can be generated with a command
+such as `openssl rand -hex 32`.
+#### `rpc_bind_addr`
+The address and port on which to bind for inter-cluster communcations
+(reffered to as RPC for remote procedure calls).
+The port specified here should be the same one that other nodes will used to contact
+the node, even in the case of a NAT: the NAT should be configured to forward the external
+port number to the same internal port nubmer. This means that if you have several nodes running
+behind a NAT, they should each use a different RPC port number.
+#### `rpc_public_addr`
+The address and port that other nodes need to use to contact this node for
+RPC calls. **This parameter is optional but recommended.** In case you have
+a NAT that binds the RPC port to a port that is different on your public IP,
+this field might help making it work.
+#### `bootstrap_peers`
+A list of peer identifiers on which to contact other Garage peers of this cluster.
+These peer identifiers have the following syntax:
+<node public key>@<node public IP or hostname>:<port>
+In the case where `rpc_public_addr` is correctly specified in the
+configuration file, the full identifier of a node including IP and port can
+be obtained by running `garage node id` and then included directly in the
+`bootstrap_peers` list of other nodes. Otherwise, only the node's public
+key will be returned by `garage node id` and you will have to add the IP
+#### `consul_host` and `consul_service_name`
+Garage supports discovering other nodes of the cluster using Consul.
+This works only when nodes are announced in Consul by an orchestrator such as Nomad,
+as Garage is not able to announce itself.
+The `consul_host` parameter should be set to the hostname of the Consul server,
+and `consul_service_name` should be set to the service name under which Garage's
+RPC ports are announced.
+#### `sled_cache_capacity`
+This parameter can be used to tune the capacity of the cache used by
+[sled](https://sled.rs), the database Garage uses internally to store metadata.
+Tune this to fit the RAM you wish to make available to your Garage instance.
+More cache means faster Garage, but the default value (128MB) should be plenty
+for most use cases.
+#### `sled_flush_every_ms`
+This parameters can be used to tune the flushing interval of sled.
+Increase this if sled is thrashing your SSD, at the risk of losing more data in case
+of a power outage (though this should not matter much as data is replicated on other
+nodes). The default value, 2000ms, should be appropriate for most use cases.
+## The `[s3_api]` section
+#### `api_bind_addr`
+The IP and port on which to bind for accepting S3 API calls.
+This endpoint does not suport TLS: a reverse proxy should be used to provide it.
+#### `s3_region`
+Garage will accept S3 API calls that are targetted to the S3 region defined here.
+API calls targetted to other regions will fail with a AuthorizationHeaderMalformed error
+message that redirects the client to the correct region.
+#### `root_domain`
+The optionnal suffix to access bucket using vhost-style in addition to path-style request.
+Note path-style requests are always enabled, whether or not vhost-style is configured.
+Configuring vhost-style S3 required a wildcard DNS entry, and possibly a wildcard TLS certificate,
+but might be required by softwares not supporting path-style requests.
+If `root_domain` is `s3.garage.eu`, a bucket called `my-bucket` can be interacted with
+using the hostname `my-bucket.s3.garage.eu`.
+## The `[s3_web]` section
+Garage allows to publish content of buckets as websites. This section configures the
+behaviour of this module.
+#### `bind_addr`
+The IP and port on which to bind for accepting HTTP requests to buckets configured
+for website access.
+This endpoint does not suport TLS: a reverse proxy should be used to provide it.
+#### `root_domain`
+The optionnal suffix appended to bucket names for the corresponding HTTP Host.
+For instance, if `root_domain` is `web.garage.eu`, a bucket called `deuxfleurs.fr`
+will be accessible either with hostname `deuxfleurs.fr.web.garage.eu`
+or with hostname `deuxfleurs.fr`.
+#### `index`
+The name of the index file to return for requests ending with `/` (usually `index.html`).
diff --git a/content/documentation/reference-manual/layout.md b/content/documentation/reference-manual/layout.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..32706d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/documentation/reference-manual/layout.md
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+title = "Cluster layout management"
+weight = 10
+# Creating and updating a cluster layout
+The cluster layout in Garage is a table that assigns to each node a role in
+the cluster. The role of a node in Garage can either be a storage node with
+a certain capacity, or a gateway node that does not store data and is only
+used as an API entry point for faster cluster access.
+An introduction to building cluster layouts can be found in the [production deployment](/cookbook/real_world.md) page.
+## How cluster layouts work in Garage
+In Garage, a cluster layout is composed of the following components:
+- a table of roles assigned to nodes
+- a version number
+Garage nodes will always use the cluster layout with the highest version number.
+Garage nodes also maintain and synchronize between them a set of proposed role
+changes that haven't yet been applied. These changes will be applied (or
+canceled) in the next version of the layout
+The following commands insert modifications to the set of proposed role changes
+for the next layout version (but they do not create the new layout immediately):
+garage layout assign [...]
+garage layout remove [...]
+The following command can be used to inspect the layout that is currently set in the cluster
+and the changes proposed for the next layout version, if any:
+garage layout show
+The following commands create a new layout with the specified version number,
+that either takes into account the proposed changes or cancels them:
+garage layout apply --version <new_version_number>
+garage layout revert --version <new_version_number>
+The version number of the new layout to create must be 1 + the version number
+of the previous layout that existed in the cluster. The `apply` and `revert`
+commands will fail otherwise.
+## Warnings about Garage cluster layout management
+**Warning: never make several calls to `garage layout apply` or `garage layout
+revert` with the same value of the `--version` flag. Doing so can lead to the
+creation of several different layouts with the same version number, in which
+case your Garage cluster will become inconsistent until fixed.** If a call to
+`garage layout apply` or `garage layout revert` has failed and `garage layout
+show` indicates that a new layout with the given version number has not been
+set in the cluster, then it is fine to call the command again with the same
+version number.
+If you are using the `garage` CLI by typing individual commands in your
+shell, you shouldn't have much issues as long as you run commands one after
+the other and take care of checking the output of `garage layout show`
+before applying any changes.
+If you are using the `garage` CLI to script layout changes, follow the following recommendations:
+- Make all of your `garage` CLI calls to the same RPC host. Do not use the
+ `garage` CLI to connect to individual nodes to send them each a piece of the
+ layout changes you are making, as the changes propagate asynchronously
+ between nodes and might not all be taken into account at the time when the
+ new layout is applied.
+- **Only call `garage layout apply` once**, and call it **strictly after** all
+ of the `layout assign` and `layout remove` commands have returned.
diff --git a/content/documentation/reference-manual/s3_compatibility.md b/content/documentation/reference-manual/s3_compatibility.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7160da9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/documentation/reference-manual/s3_compatibility.md
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+title = "S3 Compatibility status"
+weight = 20
+# S3 Compatibility status
+## Global S3 features
+- path-style URLs (`garage.tld/bucket/key`)
+- vhost-style URLs (`bucket.garage.tld/key`)
+- putting and getting objects in buckets
+- multipart uploads
+- listing objects
+- access control on a per-key-per-bucket basis
+Not implemented:
+- object-level ACL
+- [object versioning](https://git.deuxfleurs.fr/Deuxfleurs/garage/issues/166)
+- encryption
+- most `x-amz-` headers
+## Endpoint implementation
+All APIs that are not mentionned are not implemented and will return a 501 Not Implemented.
+| Endpoint | Status |
+| AbortMultipartUpload | Implemented |
+| CompleteMultipartUpload | Implemented |
+| CopyObject | Implemented |
+| CreateBucket | Implemented |
+| CreateMultipartUpload | Implemented |
+| DeleteBucket | Implemented |
+| DeleteBucketWebsite | Implemented |
+| DeleteObject | Implemented |
+| DeleteObjects | Implemented |
+| GetBucketLocation | Implemented |
+| GetBucketVersioning | Stub (see below) |
+| GetBucketWebsite | Implemented |
+| GetObject | Implemented |
+| HeadBucket | Implemented |
+| HeadObject | Implemented |
+| ListBuckets | Implemented |
+| ListObjects | Implemented, bugs? (see below) |
+| ListObjectsV2 | Implemented |
+| ListMultipartUpload | Implemented |
+| ListParts | Implemented |
+| PutObject | Implemented |
+| PutBucketWebsite | Partially implemented (see below)|
+| UploadPart | Implemented |
+| UploadPartCopy | Implemented |
+- **GetBucketVersioning:** Stub implementation (Garage does not yet support versionning so this always returns
+"versionning not enabled").
+- **ListObjects:** Implemented, but there isn't a very good specification of what `encoding-type=url` covers so there might be some encoding bugs. In our implementation the url-encoded fields are in the same in ListObjects as they are in ListObjectsV2.
+- **PutBucketWebsite:** Implemented, but only stores the index document suffix and the error document path. Redirects are not supported.