use arc_swap::ArcSwapOption; use std::sync::Arc; use garage_rpc::membership::{Ring, System}; use garage_util::data::*; use crate::*; #[derive(Clone)] pub struct TableFullReplication { pub write_factor: usize, pub write_quorum: usize, neighbors: ArcSwapOption<Neighbors>, } #[derive(Clone)] struct Neighbors { ring: Arc<Ring>, neighbors: Vec<UUID>, } impl TableFullReplication { pub fn new(write_factor: usize, write_quorum: usize) -> Self { TableFullReplication { write_factor, write_quorum, neighbors: ArcSwapOption::from(None), } } fn get_neighbors(&self, system: &System) -> Vec<UUID> { let neighbors = self.neighbors.load_full(); if let Some(n) = neighbors { if Arc::ptr_eq(&n.ring, &system.ring.borrow()) { return n.neighbors.clone(); } } // Recalculate neighbors let ring = system.ring.borrow().clone(); let my_id =; let mut nodes = vec![]; for (node, _) in ring.config.members.iter() { let node_ranking = hash(&[node.as_slice(), my_id.as_slice()].concat()); nodes.push((*node, node_ranking)); } nodes.sort_by(|(_, rank1), (_, rank2)| rank1.cmp(rank2)); let mut neighbors = nodes .drain(..) .map(|(node, _)| node) .filter(|node| *node != my_id) .take(self.write_factor) .collect::<Vec<_>>(); neighbors.push(my_id); self.neighbors.swap(Some(Arc::new(Neighbors { ring, neighbors: neighbors.clone(), }))); neighbors } } impl TableReplication for TableFullReplication { // Full replication schema: all nodes store everything // Writes are disseminated in an epidemic manner in the network // Advantage: do all reads locally, extremely fast // Inconvenient: only suitable to reasonably small tables fn read_nodes(&self, _hash: &Hash, system: &System) -> Vec<UUID> { vec![] } fn read_quorum(&self) -> usize { 1 } fn write_nodes(&self, _hash: &Hash, system: &System) -> Vec<UUID> { self.get_neighbors(system) } fn write_quorum(&self) -> usize { self.write_quorum } fn max_write_errors(&self) -> usize { self.write_factor - self.write_quorum } fn epidemic_writes(&self) -> bool { true } fn replication_nodes(&self, _hash: &Hash, ring: &Ring) -> Vec<UUID> { ring.config.members.keys().cloned().collect::<Vec<_>>() } fn split_points(&self, _ring: &Ring) -> Vec<Hash> { let mut ret = vec![]; ret.push([0u8; 32].into()); ret.push([0xFFu8; 32].into()); ret } }