pub use futures_util::future::FutureExt; use serde::Deserialize; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::io::{Read, Write}; use std::net::SocketAddr; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::sync::Arc; use tokio::sync::watch; use crate::api_server; use crate::background::*; use crate::block::*; use crate::data::*; use crate::error::Error; use crate::membership::System; use crate::proto::*; use crate::rpc_server; use crate::table::*; #[derive(Deserialize, Debug)] pub struct Config { pub metadata_dir: PathBuf, pub data_dir: PathBuf, pub api_port: u16, pub rpc_port: u16, pub bootstrap_peers: Vec<SocketAddr>, #[serde(default = "default_block_size")] pub block_size: usize, #[serde(default = "default_replication_factor")] pub meta_replication_factor: usize, #[serde(default = "default_replication_factor")] pub data_replication_factor: usize, pub rpc_tls: Option<TlsConfig>, } #[derive(Deserialize, Debug)] pub struct TlsConfig { pub ca_cert: String, pub node_cert: String, pub node_key: String, } pub struct Garage { pub db: sled::Db, pub system: Arc<System>, pub block_manager: Arc<BlockManager>, pub background: Arc<BackgroundRunner>, pub table_rpc_handlers: HashMap<String, Box<dyn TableRpcHandler + Sync + Send>>, pub object_table: Arc<Table<ObjectTable>>, pub version_table: Arc<Table<VersionTable>>, pub block_ref_table: Arc<Table<BlockRefTable>>, } impl Garage { pub async fn new( config: Config, id: UUID, db: sled::Db, background: Arc<BackgroundRunner>, ) -> Arc<Self> { let block_manager = Arc::new(BlockManager::new(&db, config.data_dir.clone())); let system = Arc::new(System::new(config, id, background.clone())); let data_rep_param = TableReplicationParams { replication_factor: system.config.data_replication_factor, write_quorum: (system.config.data_replication_factor + 1) / 2, read_quorum: 1, timeout: DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, }; let meta_rep_param = TableReplicationParams { replication_factor: system.config.meta_replication_factor, write_quorum: (system.config.meta_replication_factor + 1) / 2, read_quorum: (system.config.meta_replication_factor + 1) / 2, timeout: DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, }; let block_ref_table = Arc::new(Table::new( BlockRefTable { background: background.clone(), block_manager: block_manager.clone(), }, system.clone(), &db, "block_ref".to_string(), data_rep_param.clone(), )); let version_table = Arc::new(Table::new( VersionTable { background: background.clone(), block_ref_table: block_ref_table.clone(), }, system.clone(), &db, "version".to_string(), meta_rep_param.clone(), )); let object_table = Arc::new(Table::new( ObjectTable { background: background.clone(), version_table: version_table.clone(), }, system.clone(), &db, "object".to_string(), meta_rep_param.clone(), )); let mut garage = Self { db, system: system.clone(), block_manager, background, table_rpc_handlers: HashMap::new(), object_table, version_table, block_ref_table, }; garage.table_rpc_handlers.insert(, garage.object_table.clone().rpc_handler(), ); garage.table_rpc_handlers.insert(, garage.version_table.clone().rpc_handler(), ); garage.table_rpc_handlers.insert(, garage.block_ref_table.clone().rpc_handler(), ); Arc::new(garage) } } fn default_block_size() -> usize { 1048576 } fn default_replication_factor() -> usize { 3 } fn read_config(config_file: PathBuf) -> Result<Config, Error> { let mut file = std::fs::OpenOptions::new() .read(true) .open(config_file.as_path())?; let mut config = String::new(); file.read_to_string(&mut config)?; Ok(toml::from_str(&config)?) } fn gen_node_id(metadata_dir: &PathBuf) -> Result<UUID, Error> { let mut id_file = metadata_dir.clone(); id_file.push("node_id"); if id_file.as_path().exists() { let mut f = std::fs::File::open(id_file.as_path())?; let mut d = vec![]; f.read_to_end(&mut d)?; if d.len() != 32 { return Err(Error::Message(format!("Corrupt node_id file"))); } let mut id = [0u8; 32]; id.copy_from_slice(&d[..]); Ok(id.into()) } else { let id = gen_uuid(); let mut f = std::fs::File::create(id_file.as_path())?; f.write_all(id.as_slice())?; Ok(id) } } async fn shutdown_signal(send_cancel: watch::Sender<bool>) -> Result<(), Error> { // Wait for the CTRL+C signal tokio::signal::ctrl_c() .await .expect("failed to install CTRL+C signal handler"); println!("Received CTRL+C, shutting down."); send_cancel.broadcast(true)?; Ok(()) } async fn wait_from(mut chan: watch::Receiver<bool>) -> () { while let Some(exit_now) = chan.recv().await { if exit_now { return; } } } pub async fn run_server(config_file: PathBuf) -> Result<(), Error> { let config = read_config(config_file).expect("Unable to read config file"); let mut db_path = config.metadata_dir.clone(); db_path.push("db"); let db = sled::open(db_path).expect("Unable to open DB"); let id = gen_node_id(&config.metadata_dir).expect("Unable to read or generate node ID"); println!("Node ID: {}", hex::encode(&id)); let (send_cancel, watch_cancel) = watch::channel(false); let background = BackgroundRunner::new(8, watch_cancel.clone()); let garage = Garage::new(config, id, db, background.clone()).await; let rpc_server = rpc_server::run_rpc_server(garage.clone(), wait_from(watch_cancel.clone())); let api_server = api_server::run_api_server(garage.clone(), wait_from(watch_cancel.clone())); futures::try_join!( garage.system.clone().bootstrap().map(Ok), rpc_server, api_server,, shutdown_signal(send_cancel), )?; Ok(()) }