use std::borrow::Borrow; use std::marker::PhantomData; use std::net::SocketAddr; use std::pin::Pin; use std::sync::atomic::Ordering; use std::sync::Arc; use std::time::Duration; use arc_swap::ArcSwapOption; use bytes::IntoBuf; use futures::future::Future; use futures::stream::futures_unordered::FuturesUnordered; use futures::stream::StreamExt; use futures_util::future::FutureExt; use hyper::client::{Client, HttpConnector}; use hyper::{Body, Method, Request}; use tokio::sync::{watch, Semaphore}; use garage_util::background::BackgroundRunner; use garage_util::config::TlsConfig; use garage_util::data::*; use garage_util::error::{Error, RPCError}; use crate::membership::Status; use crate::rpc_server::RpcMessage; use crate::tls_util; const DEFAULT_TIMEOUT: Duration = Duration::from_secs(10); #[derive(Copy, Clone)] pub struct RequestStrategy { pub rs_timeout: Duration, pub rs_quorum: usize, pub rs_interrupt_after_quorum: bool, } impl RequestStrategy { pub fn with_quorum(quorum: usize) -> Self { RequestStrategy { rs_timeout: DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, rs_quorum: quorum, rs_interrupt_after_quorum: false, } } pub fn with_timeout(mut self, timeout: Duration) -> Self { self.rs_timeout = timeout; self } pub fn interrupt_after_quorum(mut self, interrupt: bool) -> Self { self.rs_interrupt_after_quorum = interrupt; self } } pub type LocalHandlerFn<M> = Box<dyn Fn(Arc<M>) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<M, Error>> + Send>> + Send + Sync>; pub struct RpcClient<M: RpcMessage> { status: watch::Receiver<Arc<Status>>, background: Arc<BackgroundRunner>, local_handler: ArcSwapOption<(UUID, LocalHandlerFn<M>)>, pub rpc_addr_client: RpcAddrClient<M>, } impl<M: RpcMessage + 'static> RpcClient<M> { pub fn new( rac: RpcAddrClient<M>, background: Arc<BackgroundRunner>, status: watch::Receiver<Arc<Status>>, ) -> Arc<Self> { Arc::new(Self { rpc_addr_client: rac, background, status, local_handler: ArcSwapOption::new(None), }) } pub fn set_local_handler<F, Fut>(&self, my_id: UUID, handler: F) where F: Fn(Arc<M>) -> Fut + Send + Sync + 'static, Fut: Future<Output = Result<M, Error>> + Send + 'static, { let handler_arc = Arc::new(handler); let handler: LocalHandlerFn<M> = Box::new(move |msg| { let handler_arc2 = handler_arc.clone(); Box::pin(async move { handler_arc2(msg).await }) }); self.local_handler.swap(Some(Arc::new((my_id, handler)))); } pub fn by_addr(&self) -> &RpcAddrClient<M> { &self.rpc_addr_client } pub async fn call(&self, to: UUID, msg: M, timeout: Duration) -> Result<M, Error> { self.call_arc(to, Arc::new(msg), timeout).await } pub async fn call_arc(&self, to: UUID, msg: Arc<M>, timeout: Duration) -> Result<M, Error> { if let Some(lh) = self.local_handler.load_full() { let (my_id, local_handler) = lh.as_ref(); if to.borrow() == my_id { return local_handler(msg).await; } } let status = self.status.borrow().clone(); let node_status = match status.nodes.get(&to) { Some(node_status) => { if node_status.is_up() { node_status } else { return Err(Error::from(RPCError::NodeDown(to))); } } None => { return Err(Error::Message(format!( "Peer ID not found: {:?}", to.borrow() ))) } }; match self .rpc_addr_client .call(&node_status.addr, msg, timeout) .await { Err(rpc_error) => { node_status.num_failures.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst); // TODO: Save failure info somewhere Err(Error::from(rpc_error)) } Ok(x) => x, } } pub async fn call_many(&self, to: &[UUID], msg: M, timeout: Duration) -> Vec<Result<M, Error>> { let msg = Arc::new(msg); let mut resp_stream = to .iter() .map(|to| self.call_arc(*to, msg.clone(), timeout)) .collect::<FuturesUnordered<_>>(); let mut results = vec![]; while let Some(resp) = { results.push(resp); } results } pub async fn try_call_many( self: &Arc<Self>, to: &[UUID], msg: M, strategy: RequestStrategy, ) -> Result<Vec<M>, Error> { let timeout = strategy.rs_timeout; let msg = Arc::new(msg); let mut resp_stream = to .to_vec() .into_iter() .map(|to| { let self2 = self.clone(); let msg = msg.clone(); async move { self2.call_arc(to, msg, timeout).await } }) .collect::<FuturesUnordered<_>>(); let mut results = vec![]; let mut errors = vec![]; while let Some(resp) = { match resp { Ok(msg) => { results.push(msg); if results.len() >= strategy.rs_quorum { break; } } Err(e) => { errors.push(e); } } } if results.len() >= strategy.rs_quorum { // Continue requests in background. // Continue the remaining requests immediately using tokio::spawn // but enqueue a task in the background runner // to ensure that the process won't exit until the requests are done // (if we had just enqueued the resp_stream.collect directly in the background runner, // the requests might have been put on hold in the background runner's queue, // in which case they might timeout or otherwise fail) if !strategy.rs_interrupt_after_quorum { let wait_finished_fut = tokio::spawn(async move { resp_stream.collect::<Vec<_>>().await; Ok(()) }); self.background.spawn(|x| { x.unwrap_or_else(|e| Err(Error::Message(format!("Await failed: {}", e)))) })); } Ok(results) } else { let errors = errors.iter().map(|e| format!("{}", e)).collect::<Vec<_>>(); Err(Error::from(RPCError::TooManyErrors(errors))) } } } pub struct RpcAddrClient<M: RpcMessage> { phantom: PhantomData<M>, pub http_client: Arc<RpcHttpClient>, pub path: String, } impl<M: RpcMessage> RpcAddrClient<M> { pub fn new(http_client: Arc<RpcHttpClient>, path: String) -> Self { Self { phantom: PhantomData::default(), http_client: http_client, path, } } pub async fn call<MB>( &self, to_addr: &SocketAddr, msg: MB, timeout: Duration, ) -> Result<Result<M, Error>, RPCError> where MB: Borrow<M>, { self.http_client .call(&self.path, to_addr, msg, timeout) .await } } pub struct RpcHttpClient { request_limiter: Semaphore, method: ClientMethod, } enum ClientMethod { HTTP(Client<HttpConnector, hyper::Body>), HTTPS(Client<tls_util::HttpsConnectorFixedDnsname<HttpConnector>, hyper::Body>), } impl RpcHttpClient { pub fn new( max_concurrent_requests: usize, tls_config: &Option<TlsConfig>, ) -> Result<Self, Error> { let method = if let Some(cf) = tls_config { let ca_certs = tls_util::load_certs(&cf.ca_cert)?; let node_certs = tls_util::load_certs(&cf.node_cert)?; let node_key = tls_util::load_private_key(&cf.node_key)?; let mut config = rustls::ClientConfig::new(); for crt in ca_certs.iter() { config.root_store.add(crt)?; } config.set_single_client_cert([&node_certs[..], &ca_certs[..]].concat(), node_key)?; let connector = tls_util::HttpsConnectorFixedDnsname::<HttpConnector>::new(config, "garage"); ClientMethod::HTTPS(Client::builder().build(connector)) } else { ClientMethod::HTTP(Client::new()) }; Ok(RpcHttpClient { method, request_limiter: Semaphore::new(max_concurrent_requests), }) } async fn call<M, MB>( &self, path: &str, to_addr: &SocketAddr, msg: MB, timeout: Duration, ) -> Result<Result<M, Error>, RPCError> where MB: Borrow<M>, M: RpcMessage, { let uri = match self.method { ClientMethod::HTTP(_) => format!("http://{}/{}", to_addr, path), ClientMethod::HTTPS(_) => format!("https://{}/{}", to_addr, path), }; let req = Request::builder() .method(Method::POST) .uri(uri) .body(Body::from(rmp_to_vec_all_named(msg.borrow())?))?; let resp_fut = match &self.method { ClientMethod::HTTP(client) => client.request(req).fuse(), ClientMethod::HTTPS(client) => client.request(req).fuse(), }; let slot = self.request_limiter.acquire().await; let resp = tokio::time::timeout(timeout, resp_fut) .await .map_err(|e| { debug!( "RPC timeout to {}: {}", to_addr, debug_serialize(msg.borrow()) ); e })? .map_err(|e| { warn!( "RPC HTTP client error when connecting to {}: {}", to_addr, e ); e })?; drop(slot); let status = resp.status(); let body = hyper::body::to_bytes(resp.into_body()).await?; match rmp_serde::decode::from_read::<_, Result<M, String>>(body.into_buf())? { Err(e) => Ok(Err(Error::RemoteError(e, status))), Ok(x) => Ok(Ok(x)), } } }