use std::collections::HashMap; use std::io::{Read, Write}; use std::fmt::Write as FmtWrite; use std::net::{IpAddr, SocketAddr}; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering}; use std::sync::Arc; use std::time::Duration; use futures::future::join_all; use futures::select; use futures_util::future::*; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use tokio::prelude::*; use tokio::sync::watch; use tokio::sync::Mutex; use garage_util::background::BackgroundRunner; use garage_util::data::*; use garage_util::error::Error; use crate::consul::get_consul_nodes; use crate::rpc_client::*; use crate::rpc_server::*; use crate::ring::*; const PING_INTERVAL: Duration = Duration::from_secs(10); const CONSUL_INTERVAL: Duration = Duration::from_secs(60); const PING_TIMEOUT: Duration = Duration::from_secs(2); const MAX_FAILURES_BEFORE_CONSIDERED_DOWN: usize = 5; pub const MEMBERSHIP_RPC_PATH: &str = "_membership"; #[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub enum Message { Ok, Ping(PingMessage), PullStatus, PullConfig, AdvertiseNodesUp(Vec<AdvertisedNode>), AdvertiseConfig(NetworkConfig), } impl RpcMessage for Message {} #[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct PingMessage { id: UUID, rpc_port: u16, status_hash: Hash, config_version: u64, state_info: StateInfo, } #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct AdvertisedNode { pub id: UUID, pub addr: SocketAddr, pub is_up: bool, pub last_seen: u64, pub state_info: StateInfo, } pub struct System { pub id: UUID, metadata_dir: PathBuf, rpc_local_port: u16, state_info: StateInfo, rpc_http_client: Arc<RpcHttpClient>, rpc_client: Arc<RpcClient<Message>>, pub(crate) status: watch::Receiver<Arc<Status>>, pub ring: watch::Receiver<Arc<Ring>>, update_lock: Mutex<(watch::Sender<Arc<Status>>, watch::Sender<Arc<Ring>>)>, pub background: Arc<BackgroundRunner>, } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct Status { pub nodes: HashMap<UUID, Arc<StatusEntry>>, pub hash: Hash, } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct StatusEntry { pub addr: SocketAddr, pub last_seen: u64, pub num_failures: AtomicUsize, pub state_info: StateInfo, } impl StatusEntry { pub fn is_up(&self) -> bool { self.num_failures.load(Ordering::SeqCst) < MAX_FAILURES_BEFORE_CONSIDERED_DOWN } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct StateInfo { pub hostname: String, } impl Status { fn handle_ping(&mut self, ip: IpAddr, info: &PingMessage) -> bool { let addr = SocketAddr::new(ip, info.rpc_port); let old_status = self.nodes.insert(, Arc::new(StatusEntry { addr, last_seen: now_msec(), num_failures: AtomicUsize::from(0), state_info: info.state_info.clone(), }), ); match old_status { None => { info!("Newly pingable node: {}", hex::encode(&; true } Some(x) => x.addr != addr, } } fn recalculate_hash(&mut self) { let mut nodes = self.nodes.iter().collect::<Vec<_>>(); nodes.sort_unstable_by_key(|(id, _status)| *id); let mut nodes_txt = String::new(); debug!("Current set of pingable nodes: --"); for (id, status) in nodes { debug!("{} {}", hex::encode(&id), status.addr); writeln!(&mut nodes_txt, "{} {}", hex::encode(&id), status.addr).unwrap(); } debug!("END --"); self.hash = sha256sum(nodes_txt.as_bytes()); } } fn gen_node_id(metadata_dir: &PathBuf) -> Result<UUID, Error> { let mut id_file = metadata_dir.clone(); id_file.push("node_id"); if id_file.as_path().exists() { let mut f = std::fs::File::open(id_file.as_path())?; let mut d = vec![]; f.read_to_end(&mut d)?; if d.len() != 32 { return Err(Error::Message(format!("Corrupt node_id file"))); } let mut id = [0u8; 32]; id.copy_from_slice(&d[..]); Ok(id.into()) } else { let id = gen_uuid(); let mut f = std::fs::File::create(id_file.as_path())?; f.write_all(id.as_slice())?; Ok(id) } } fn read_network_config(metadata_dir: &PathBuf) -> Result<NetworkConfig, Error> { let mut path = metadata_dir.clone(); path.push("network_config"); let mut file = std::fs::OpenOptions::new() .read(true) .open(path.as_path())?; let mut net_config_bytes = vec![]; file.read_to_end(&mut net_config_bytes)?; let net_config = rmp_serde::decode::from_read_ref(&net_config_bytes[..]) .expect("Unable to parse network configuration file (has version format changed?)."); Ok(net_config) } impl System { pub fn new( metadata_dir: PathBuf, rpc_http_client: Arc<RpcHttpClient>, background: Arc<BackgroundRunner>, rpc_server: &mut RpcServer, ) -> Arc<Self> { let id = gen_node_id(&metadata_dir).expect("Unable to read or generate node ID"); info!("Node ID: {}", hex::encode(&id)); let net_config = match read_network_config(&metadata_dir) { Ok(x) => x, Err(e) => { info!( "No valid previous network configuration stored ({}), starting fresh.", e ); NetworkConfig::new() } }; let mut status = Status { nodes: HashMap::new(), hash: Hash::default(), }; status.recalculate_hash(); let (update_status, status) = watch::channel(Arc::new(status)); let state_info = StateInfo { hostname: gethostname::gethostname() .into_string() .unwrap_or("<invalid utf-8>".to_string()), }; let mut ring = Ring { config: net_config, ring: Vec::new(), n_datacenters: 0, }; ring.rebuild_ring(); let (update_ring, ring) = watch::channel(Arc::new(ring)); let rpc_path = MEMBERSHIP_RPC_PATH.to_string(); let rpc_client = RpcClient::new( RpcAddrClient::<Message>::new(rpc_http_client.clone(), rpc_path.clone()), background.clone(), status.clone(), ); let sys = Arc::new(System { id, metadata_dir, rpc_local_port: rpc_server.bind_addr.port(), state_info, rpc_http_client, rpc_client, status, ring, update_lock: Mutex::new((update_status, update_ring)), background, }); sys.clone().register_handler(rpc_server, rpc_path); sys } fn register_handler(self: Arc<Self>, rpc_server: &mut RpcServer, path: String) { rpc_server.add_handler::<Message, _, _>(path, move |msg, addr| { let self2 = self.clone(); async move { match msg { Message::Ping(ping) => self2.handle_ping(&addr, &ping).await, Message::PullStatus => self2.handle_pull_status(), Message::PullConfig => self2.handle_pull_config(), Message::AdvertiseNodesUp(adv) => self2.handle_advertise_nodes_up(&adv).await, Message::AdvertiseConfig(adv) => self2.handle_advertise_config(&adv).await, _ => Err(Error::BadRPC(format!("Unexpected RPC message"))), } } }); } pub fn rpc_client<M: RpcMessage + 'static>(self: &Arc<Self>, path: &str) -> Arc<RpcClient<M>> { RpcClient::new( RpcAddrClient::new(self.rpc_http_client.clone(), path.to_string()), self.background.clone(), self.status.clone(), ) } async fn save_network_config(self: Arc<Self>) -> Result<(), Error> { let mut path = self.metadata_dir.clone(); path.push("network_config"); let ring = self.ring.borrow().clone(); let data = rmp_to_vec_all_named(&ring.config)?; let mut f = tokio::fs::File::create(path.as_path()).await?; f.write_all(&data[..]).await?; Ok(()) } fn make_ping(&self) -> Message { let status = self.status.borrow().clone(); let ring = self.ring.borrow().clone(); Message::Ping(PingMessage { id:, rpc_port: self.rpc_local_port, status_hash: status.hash, config_version: ring.config.version, state_info: self.state_info.clone(), }) } async fn broadcast(self: Arc<Self>, msg: Message, timeout: Duration) { let status = self.status.borrow().clone(); let to = status .nodes .keys() .filter(|x| **x != .cloned() .collect::<Vec<_>>(); self.rpc_client.call_many(&to[..], msg, timeout).await; } pub async fn bootstrap( self: Arc<Self>, peers: &[SocketAddr], consul_host: Option<String>, consul_service_name: Option<String>, ) { let bootstrap_peers = peers.iter().map(|ip| (*ip, None)).collect::<Vec<_>>(); self.clone().ping_nodes(bootstrap_peers).await; let self2 = self.clone(); self.clone() .background .spawn_worker(format!("ping loop"), |stop_signal| { self2.ping_loop(stop_signal).map(Ok) }) .await; if let (Some(consul_host), Some(consul_service_name)) = (consul_host, consul_service_name) { let self2 = self.clone(); self.clone() .background .spawn_worker(format!("Consul loop"), |stop_signal| { self2 .consul_loop(stop_signal, consul_host, consul_service_name) .map(Ok) }) .await; } } async fn ping_nodes(self: Arc<Self>, peers: Vec<(SocketAddr, Option<UUID>)>) { let ping_msg = self.make_ping(); let ping_resps = join_all(peers.iter().map(|(addr, id_option)| { let sys = self.clone(); let ping_msg_ref = &ping_msg; async move { ( id_option, addr, sys.rpc_client .by_addr() .call(&addr, ping_msg_ref, PING_TIMEOUT) .await, ) } })) .await; let update_locked = self.update_lock.lock().await; let mut status: Status = self.status.borrow().as_ref().clone(); let ring = self.ring.borrow().clone(); let mut has_changes = false; let mut to_advertise = vec![]; for (id_option, addr, ping_resp) in ping_resps { if let Ok(Ok(Message::Ping(info))) = ping_resp { let is_new = status.handle_ping(addr.ip(), &info); if is_new { has_changes = true; to_advertise.push(AdvertisedNode { id:, addr: *addr, is_up: true, last_seen: now_msec(), state_info: info.state_info.clone(), }); } if is_new || status.hash != info.status_hash { self.background .spawn_cancellable(self.clone().pull_status(; } if is_new || ring.config.version < info.config_version { self.background .spawn_cancellable(self.clone().pull_config(; } } else if let Some(id) = id_option { if let Some(st) = status.nodes.get_mut(id) { st.num_failures.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst); if !st.is_up() { warn!("Node {:?} seems to be down.", id); if !ring.config.members.contains_key(id) { info!("Removing node {:?} from status (not in config and not responding to pings anymore)", id); drop(st); status.nodes.remove(&id); has_changes = true; } } } } } if has_changes { status.recalculate_hash(); } if let Err(e) = update_locked.0.broadcast(Arc::new(status)) { error!("In ping_nodes: could not save status update ({})", e); } drop(update_locked); if to_advertise.len() > 0 { self.broadcast(Message::AdvertiseNodesUp(to_advertise), PING_TIMEOUT) .await; } } async fn handle_ping( self: Arc<Self>, from: &SocketAddr, ping: &PingMessage, ) -> Result<Message, Error> { let update_locked = self.update_lock.lock().await; let mut status: Status = self.status.borrow().as_ref().clone(); let is_new = status.handle_ping(from.ip(), ping); if is_new { status.recalculate_hash(); } let status_hash = status.hash; let config_version = self.ring.borrow().config.version; update_locked.0.broadcast(Arc::new(status))?; drop(update_locked); if is_new || status_hash != ping.status_hash { self.background .spawn_cancellable(self.clone().pull_status(; } if is_new || config_version < ping.config_version { self.background .spawn_cancellable(self.clone().pull_config(; } Ok(self.make_ping()) } fn handle_pull_status(&self) -> Result<Message, Error> { let status = self.status.borrow().clone(); let mut mem = vec![]; for (node, status) in status.nodes.iter() { let state_info = if *node == { self.state_info.clone() } else { status.state_info.clone() }; mem.push(AdvertisedNode { id: *node, addr: status.addr, is_up: status.is_up(), last_seen: status.last_seen, state_info, }); } Ok(Message::AdvertiseNodesUp(mem)) } fn handle_pull_config(&self) -> Result<Message, Error> { let ring = self.ring.borrow().clone(); Ok(Message::AdvertiseConfig(ring.config.clone())) } async fn handle_advertise_nodes_up( self: Arc<Self>, adv: &[AdvertisedNode], ) -> Result<Message, Error> { let mut to_ping = vec![]; let update_lock = self.update_lock.lock().await; let mut status: Status = self.status.borrow().as_ref().clone(); let mut has_changed = false; for node in adv.iter() { if == { // learn our own ip address let self_addr = SocketAddr::new(node.addr.ip(), self.rpc_local_port); let old_self = status.nodes.insert(, Arc::new(StatusEntry { addr: self_addr, last_seen: now_msec(), num_failures: AtomicUsize::from(0), state_info: self.state_info.clone(), }), ); has_changed = match old_self { None => true, Some(x) => x.addr != self_addr, }; } else { let ping_them = match status.nodes.get(& { // Case 1: new node None => true, // Case 2: the node might have changed address Some(our_node) => node.is_up && !our_node.is_up() && our_node.addr != node.addr, }; if ping_them { to_ping.push((node.addr, Some(; } } } if has_changed { status.recalculate_hash(); } update_lock.0.broadcast(Arc::new(status))?; drop(update_lock); if to_ping.len() > 0 { self.background .spawn_cancellable(self.clone().ping_nodes(to_ping).map(Ok)); } Ok(Message::Ok) } async fn handle_advertise_config( self: Arc<Self>, adv: &NetworkConfig, ) -> Result<Message, Error> { let update_lock = self.update_lock.lock().await; let ring: Arc<Ring> = self.ring.borrow().clone(); if adv.version > ring.config.version { let mut ring = ring.as_ref().clone(); ring.config = adv.clone(); ring.rebuild_ring(); update_lock.1.broadcast(Arc::new(ring))?; drop(update_lock); self.background.spawn_cancellable( self.clone() .broadcast(Message::AdvertiseConfig(adv.clone()), PING_TIMEOUT) .map(Ok), ); self.background.spawn(self.clone().save_network_config()); } Ok(Message::Ok) } async fn ping_loop(self: Arc<Self>, mut stop_signal: watch::Receiver<bool>) { loop { let restart_at = tokio::time::delay_for(PING_INTERVAL); let status = self.status.borrow().clone(); let ping_addrs = status .nodes .iter() .filter(|(id, _)| **id != .map(|(id, status)| (status.addr, Some(*id))) .collect::<Vec<_>>(); self.clone().ping_nodes(ping_addrs).await; select! { _ = restart_at.fuse() => (), must_exit = stop_signal.recv().fuse() => { match must_exit { None | Some(true) => return, _ => (), } } } } } async fn consul_loop( self: Arc<Self>, mut stop_signal: watch::Receiver<bool>, consul_host: String, consul_service_name: String, ) { loop { let restart_at = tokio::time::delay_for(CONSUL_INTERVAL); match get_consul_nodes(&consul_host, &consul_service_name).await { Ok(mut node_list) => { let ping_addrs = node_list.drain(..).map(|a| (a, None)).collect::<Vec<_>>(); self.clone().ping_nodes(ping_addrs).await; } Err(e) => { warn!("Could not retrieve node list from Consul: {}", e); } } select! { _ = restart_at.fuse() => (), must_exit = stop_signal.recv().fuse() => { match must_exit { None | Some(true) => return, _ => (), } } } } } fn pull_status( self: Arc<Self>, peer: UUID, ) -> impl futures::future::Future<Output = ()> + Send + 'static { async move { let resp = self .rpc_client .call(peer, Message::PullStatus, PING_TIMEOUT) .await; if let Ok(Message::AdvertiseNodesUp(nodes)) = resp { let _: Result<_, _> = self.handle_advertise_nodes_up(&nodes).await; } } } async fn pull_config(self: Arc<Self>, peer: UUID) { let resp = self .rpc_client .call(peer, Message::PullConfig, PING_TIMEOUT) .await; if let Ok(Message::AdvertiseConfig(config)) = resp { let _: Result<_, _> = self.handle_advertise_config(&config).await; } } }