use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use std::sync::Arc; use garage_util::background::BackgroundRunner; use garage_util::data::*; use garage_table::crdt::*; use garage_table::replication::TableShardedReplication; use garage_table::*; use crate::block_ref_table::*; /// A version of an object #[derive(PartialEq, Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct Version { /// UUID of the version pub uuid: UUID, // Actual data: the blocks for this version // In the case of a multipart upload, also store the etags // of individual parts and check them when doing CompleteMultipartUpload /// Is this version deleted pub deleted: crdt::Bool, /// list of blocks of data composing the version pub blocks: crdt::Map<VersionBlockKey, VersionBlock>, /// Etag of each part in case of a multipart upload, empty otherwise pub parts_etags: crdt::Map<u64, String>, // Back link to bucket+key so that we can figure if // this was deleted later on /// Bucket in which the related object is stored pub bucket: String, /// Key in which the related object is stored pub key: String, } impl Version { pub fn new(uuid: UUID, bucket: String, key: String, deleted: bool) -> Self { Self { uuid, deleted: deleted.into(), blocks: crdt::Map::new(), parts_etags: crdt::Map::new(), bucket, key, } } } #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct VersionBlockKey { /// Number of the part, starting at 1 pub part_number: u64, /// offset of the block in the file, starting at 0 pub offset: u64, } impl Ord for VersionBlockKey { fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> std::cmp::Ordering { self.part_number .cmp(&other.part_number) .then(self.offset.cmp(&other.offset)) } } impl PartialOrd for VersionBlockKey { fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<std::cmp::Ordering> { Some(self.cmp(other)) } } /// Informations about a single block #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Ord, PartialOrd, Clone, Copy, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct VersionBlock { /// Hash of the block pub hash: Hash, /// Size of the block pub size: u64, } impl AutoCRDT for VersionBlock { const WARN_IF_DIFFERENT: bool = true; } impl Entry<Hash, EmptyKey> for Version { fn partition_key(&self) -> &Hash { &self.uuid } fn sort_key(&self) -> &EmptyKey { &EmptyKey } fn is_tombstone(&self) -> bool { self.deleted.get() } } impl CRDT for Version { fn merge(&mut self, other: &Self) { self.deleted.merge(&other.deleted); if self.deleted.get() { self.blocks.clear(); self.parts_etags.clear(); } else { self.blocks.merge(&other.blocks); self.parts_etags.merge(&other.parts_etags); } } } pub struct VersionTable { pub background: Arc<BackgroundRunner>, pub block_ref_table: Arc<Table<BlockRefTable, TableShardedReplication>>, } impl TableSchema for VersionTable { type P = Hash; type S = EmptyKey; type E = Version; type Filter = DeletedFilter; fn updated(&self, old: Option<Self::E>, new: Option<Self::E>) { let block_ref_table = self.block_ref_table.clone(); self.background.spawn(async move { if let (Some(old_v), Some(new_v)) = (old, new) { // Propagate deletion of version blocks if new_v.deleted.get() && !old_v.deleted.get() { let deleted_block_refs = old_v .blocks .items() .iter() .map(|(_k, vb)| BlockRef { block: vb.hash, version: old_v.uuid, deleted: true.into(), }) .collect::<Vec<_>>(); block_ref_table.insert_many(&deleted_block_refs[..]).await?; } } Ok(()) }) } fn matches_filter(entry: &Self::E, filter: &Self::Filter) -> bool { filter.apply(entry.deleted.get()) } }