use std::collections::BTreeMap; use std::process::exit; use std::time::Duration; use base64::prelude::*; use k2v_client::*; use format_table::format_table; use clap::{Parser, Subcommand}; /// K2V command line interface #[derive(Parser, Debug)] #[clap(author, version, about, long_about = None)] struct Args { /// Name of the region to use #[clap(short, long, env = "AWS_REGION", default_value = "garage")] region: String, /// Url of the endpoint to connect to #[clap(short, long, env = "K2V_ENDPOINT")] endpoint: String, /// Access key ID #[clap(short, long, env = "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID")] key_id: String, /// Access key ID #[clap(short, long, env = "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY")] secret: String, /// Bucket name #[clap(short, long, env = "K2V_BUCKET")] bucket: String, #[clap(subcommand)] command: Command, } #[derive(Subcommand, Debug)] enum Command { /// Insert a single value Insert { /// Partition key to insert to partition_key: String, /// Sort key to insert to sort_key: String, /// Causality of the insertion #[clap(short, long)] causality: Option<String>, /// Value to insert #[clap(flatten)] value: Value, }, /// Read a single value Read { /// Partition key to read from partition_key: String, /// Sort key to read from sort_key: String, /// Output formating #[clap(flatten)] output_kind: ReadOutputKind, }, /// Watch changes on a single value PollItem { /// Partition key of item to watch partition_key: String, /// Sort key of item to watch sort_key: String, /// Causality information #[clap(short, long)] causality: String, /// Timeout, in seconds #[clap(short = 'T', long)] timeout: Option<u64>, /// Output formating #[clap(flatten)] output_kind: ReadOutputKind, }, /// Watch changes on a range of values PollRange { /// Partition key to poll from partition_key: String, /// Output only sort keys matching this filter #[clap(flatten)] filter: Filter, /// Marker of data that had previously been seen by a PollRange #[clap(short = 'S', long)] seen_marker: Option<String>, /// Timeout, in seconds #[clap(short = 'T', long)] timeout: Option<u64>, /// Output formating #[clap(flatten)] output_kind: BatchOutputKind, }, /// Delete a single value Delete { /// Partition key to delete from partition_key: String, /// Sort key to delete from sort_key: String, /// Causality information #[clap(short, long)] causality: String, }, /// List partition keys ReadIndex { /// Output formating #[clap(flatten)] output_kind: BatchOutputKind, /// Output only partition keys matching this filter #[clap(flatten)] filter: Filter, }, /// Read a range of sort keys ReadRange { /// Partition key to read from partition_key: String, /// Output formating #[clap(flatten)] output_kind: BatchOutputKind, /// Output only sort keys matching this filter #[clap(flatten)] filter: Filter, }, /// Delete a range of sort keys DeleteRange { /// Partition key to delete from partition_key: String, /// Output formating #[clap(flatten)] output_kind: BatchOutputKind, /// Delete only sort keys matching this filter #[clap(flatten)] filter: Filter, }, } /// Where to read a value from #[derive(Parser, Debug)] #[clap(group = clap::ArgGroup::new("value").multiple(false).required(true))] struct Value { /// Read value from a file. use - to read from stdin #[clap(short, long, group = "value")] file: Option<String>, /// Read a base64 value from commandline #[clap(short, long, group = "value")] b64: Option<String>, /// Read a raw (UTF-8) value from the commandline #[clap(short, long, group = "value")] text: Option<String>, } impl Value { async fn to_data(&self) -> Result<Vec<u8>, Error> { if let Some(ref text) = self.text { Ok(text.as_bytes().to_vec()) } else if let Some(ref b64) = self.b64 { BASE64_STANDARD .decode(b64) .map_err(|_| Error::Message("invalid base64 input".into())) } else if let Some(ref path) = self.file { use tokio::io::AsyncReadExt; if path == "-" { let mut file = tokio::io::stdin(); let mut vec = Vec::new(); file.read_to_end(&mut vec).await?; Ok(vec) } else { let mut file = tokio::fs::File::open(path).await?; let mut vec = Vec::new(); file.read_to_end(&mut vec).await?; Ok(vec) } } else { unreachable!("Value must have one option set") } } } #[derive(Parser, Debug)] #[clap(group = clap::ArgGroup::new("output-kind").multiple(false).required(false))] struct ReadOutputKind { /// Base64 output. Conflicts are line separated, first line is causality token #[clap(short, long, group = "output-kind")] b64: bool, /// Raw output. Conflicts generate error, causality token is not returned #[clap(short, long, group = "output-kind")] raw: bool, /// Human formated output #[clap(short = 'H', long, group = "output-kind")] human: bool, /// JSON formated output #[clap(short, long, group = "output-kind")] json: bool, } impl ReadOutputKind { fn display_output(&self, val: CausalValue) -> ! { use std::io::Write; if self.json { let stdout = std::io::stdout(); serde_json::to_writer_pretty(stdout, &val).unwrap(); exit(0); } if self.raw { let mut val = val.value; if val.len() != 1 { eprintln!( "Raw mode can only read non-concurent values, found {} values, expected 1", val.len() ); exit(1); } let val = val.pop().unwrap(); match val { K2vValue::Value(v) => { std::io::stdout().write_all(&v).unwrap(); exit(0); } K2vValue::Tombstone => { eprintln!("Expected value, found tombstone"); exit(2); } } } let causality: String = val.causality.into(); if self.b64 { println!("{}", causality); for val in val.value { match val { K2vValue::Value(v) => { println!("{}", BASE64_STANDARD.encode(&v)) } K2vValue::Tombstone => { println!(); } } } exit(0); } // human println!("causality: {}", causality); println!("values:"); for val in val.value { match val { K2vValue::Value(v) => { if let Ok(string) = std::str::from_utf8(&v) { println!(" utf-8: {}", string); } else { println!(" base64: {}", BASE64_STANDARD.encode(&v)); } } K2vValue::Tombstone => { println!(" tombstone"); } } } exit(0); } } #[derive(Parser, Debug)] #[clap(group = clap::ArgGroup::new("output-kind").multiple(false).required(false))] struct BatchOutputKind { /// Human formated output #[clap(short = 'H', long, group = "output-kind")] human: bool, /// JSON formated output #[clap(short, long, group = "output-kind")] json: bool, } impl BatchOutputKind { fn display_human_output(&self, values: BTreeMap<String, CausalValue>) -> ! { for (key, values) in values { println!("sort_key: {}", key); let causality: String = values.causality.into(); println!("causality: {}", causality); for value in values.value { match value { K2vValue::Value(v) => { if let Ok(string) = std::str::from_utf8(&v) { println!(" value(utf-8): {}", string); } else { println!(" value(base64): {}", BASE64_STANDARD.encode(&v)); } } K2vValue::Tombstone => { println!(" tombstone"); } } } } exit(0); } fn values_json(&self, values: BTreeMap<String, CausalValue>) -> Vec<serde_json::Value> { values .into_iter() .map(|(k, v)| { let mut value = serde_json::to_value(v).unwrap(); value .as_object_mut() .unwrap() .insert("sort_key".to_owned(), k.into()); value }) .collect::<Vec<_>>() } fn display_poll_range_output( &self, seen_marker: String, values: BTreeMap<String, CausalValue>, ) -> ! { if self.json { let json = serde_json::json!({ "values": self.values_json(values), "seen_marker": seen_marker, }); let stdout = std::io::stdout(); serde_json::to_writer_pretty(stdout, &json).unwrap(); exit(0) } else { println!("seen marker: {}", seen_marker); self.display_human_output(values) } } fn display_read_range_output(&self, res: PaginatedRange<CausalValue>) -> ! { if self.json { let json = serde_json::json!({ "next_key": res.next_start, "values": self.values_json(res.items), }); let stdout = std::io::stdout(); serde_json::to_writer_pretty(stdout, &json).unwrap(); exit(0) } else { if let Some(next) = res.next_start { println!("next key: {}", next); } self.display_human_output(res.items) } } } /// Filter for batch operations #[derive(Parser, Debug)] #[clap(group = clap::ArgGroup::new("filter").multiple(true).required(true))] struct Filter { /// Match only keys starting with this prefix #[clap(short, long, group = "filter")] prefix: Option<String>, /// Match only keys lexicographically after this key (including this key itself) #[clap(short, long, group = "filter")] start: Option<String>, /// Match only keys lexicographically before this key (excluding this key) #[clap(short, long, group = "filter")] end: Option<String>, /// Only match the first X keys #[clap(short, long)] limit: Option<u64>, /// Return keys in reverse order #[clap(short, long)] reverse: bool, /// Return only keys where conflict happened #[clap(short, long)] conflicts_only: bool, /// Also include keys storing only tombstones #[clap(short, long)] tombstones: bool, /// Return any key #[clap(short, long, group = "filter")] all: bool, } impl Filter { fn k2v_filter(&self) -> k2v_client::Filter<'_> { k2v_client::Filter { start: self.start.as_deref(), end: self.end.as_deref(), prefix: self.prefix.as_deref(), limit: self.limit, reverse: self.reverse, } } } #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> Result<(), Error> { if std::env::var("RUST_LOG").is_err() { std::env::set_var("RUST_LOG", "warn") } tracing_subscriber::fmt() .with_writer(std::io::stderr) .with_env_filter(tracing_subscriber::filter::EnvFilter::from_default_env()) .init(); let args = Args::parse(); let config = K2vClientConfig { endpoint: args.endpoint, region: args.region, aws_access_key_id: args.key_id, aws_secret_access_key: args.secret, bucket: args.bucket, user_agent: None, }; let client = K2vClient::new(config)?; match args.command { Command::Insert { partition_key, sort_key, causality, value, } => { client .insert_item( &partition_key, &sort_key, value.to_data().await?,, ) .await?; } Command::Delete { partition_key, sort_key, causality, } => { client .delete_item(&partition_key, &sort_key, causality.into()) .await?; } Command::Read { partition_key, sort_key, output_kind, } => { let res = client.read_item(&partition_key, &sort_key).await?; output_kind.display_output(res); } Command::PollItem { partition_key, sort_key, causality, timeout, output_kind, } => { let timeout =; let res_opt = client .poll_item(&partition_key, &sort_key, causality.into(), timeout) .await?; if let Some(res) = res_opt { output_kind.display_output(res); } else { if output_kind.json { println!("null"); } else { println!("Delay expired and value didn't change."); } } } Command::PollRange { partition_key, filter, seen_marker, timeout, output_kind, } => { if filter.conflicts_only || filter.tombstones || filter.reverse || filter.limit.is_some() { return Err(Error::Message( "limit, reverse, conlicts-only, tombstones are invalid for poll-range".into(), )); } let timeout =; let res = client .poll_range( &partition_key, Some(PollRangeFilter { start: filter.start.as_deref(), end: filter.end.as_deref(), prefix: filter.prefix.as_deref(), }), seen_marker.as_deref(), timeout, ) .await?; match res { Some((items, seen_marker)) => { output_kind.display_poll_range_output(seen_marker, items); } None => { if output_kind.json { println!("null"); } else { println!("Delay expired and value didn't change."); } } } } Command::ReadIndex { output_kind, filter, } => { if filter.conflicts_only || filter.tombstones { return Err(Error::Message( "conlicts-only and tombstones are invalid for read-index".into(), )); } let res = client.read_index(filter.k2v_filter()).await?; if output_kind.json { let values = res .items .into_iter() .map(|(k, v)| { let mut value = serde_json::to_value(v).unwrap(); value .as_object_mut() .unwrap() .insert("partition_key".to_owned(), k.into()); value }) .collect::<Vec<_>>(); let json = serde_json::json!({ "next_key": res.next_start, "values": values, }); let stdout = std::io::stdout(); serde_json::to_writer_pretty(stdout, &json).unwrap(); } else { if let Some(next) = res.next_start { println!("next key: {}", next); } let mut to_print = Vec::new(); to_print.push(format!("partition_key\tentries\tconflicts\tvalues\tbytes")); for (k, v) in res.items { to_print.push(format!( "{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}", k, v.entries, v.conflicts, v.values, v.bytes )); } format_table(to_print); } } Command::ReadRange { partition_key, output_kind, filter, } => { let op = BatchReadOp { partition_key: &partition_key, filter: filter.k2v_filter(), conflicts_only: filter.conflicts_only, tombstones: filter.tombstones, single_item: false, }; let mut res = client.read_batch(&[op]).await?; let res = res.pop().unwrap(); output_kind.display_read_range_output(res); } Command::DeleteRange { partition_key, output_kind, filter, } => { let op = BatchDeleteOp { partition_key: &partition_key, prefix: filter.prefix.as_deref(), start: filter.start.as_deref(), end: filter.end.as_deref(), single_item: false, }; if filter.reverse || filter.conflicts_only || filter.tombstones || filter.limit.is_some() { return Err(Error::Message( "limit, conlicts-only, reverse and tombstones are invalid for delete-range" .into(), )); } let res = client.delete_batch(&[op]).await?; if output_kind.json { println!("{}", res[0]); } else { println!("deleted {} keys", res[0]); } } } Ok(()) }