use std::mem::MaybeUninit; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use std::process; use std::sync::Once; use super::ext::*; // pub const DEFAULT_PORT: u16 = 49995; static GARAGE_TEST_SECRET: &str = "c3ea8cb80333d04e208d136698b1a01ae370d463f0d435ab2177510b3478bf44"; #[derive(Debug, Default)] pub struct Key { pub name: String, pub id: String, pub secret: String, } pub struct Instance { process: process::Child, pub path: PathBuf, pub key: Key, pub api_port: u16, } impl Instance { fn new() -> Instance { use std::{env, fs}; let port = env::var("GARAGE_TEST_INTEGRATION_PORT") .map(|value| value.parse().expect("Invalid port provided")) .ok() .unwrap_or(DEFAULT_PORT); let path = env::var("GARAGE_TEST_INTEGRATION_PATH") .map(PathBuf::from) .ok() .unwrap_or_else(|| env::temp_dir().join(format!("garage-integ-test-{}", port))); // Clean test runtime directory if path.exists() { fs::remove_dir_all(&path).expect("Could not clean test runtime directory"); } fs::create_dir(&path).expect("Could not create test runtime directory"); let config = format!( r#" metadata_dir = "{path}/meta" data_dir = "{path}/data" replication_mode = "1" rpc_bind_addr = "{rpc_port}" rpc_public_addr = "{rpc_port}" rpc_secret = "{secret}" [s3_api] s3_region = "{region}" api_bind_addr = "{api_port}" root_domain = ".s3.garage" [s3_web] bind_addr = "{web_port}" root_domain = ".web.garage" index = "index.html" [admin] api_bind_addr = "{admin_port}" "#, path = path.display(), secret = GARAGE_TEST_SECRET, region = super::REGION, api_port = port, rpc_port = port + 1, web_port = port + 2, admin_port = port + 3, ); fs::write(path.join("config.toml"), config).expect("Could not write garage config file"); let stdout = fs::File::create(path.join("stdout.log")).expect("Could not create stdout logfile"); let stderr = fs::File::create(path.join("stderr.log")).expect("Could not create stderr logfile"); let child = command(&path.join("config.toml")) .arg("server") .stdout(stdout) .stderr(stderr) .env("RUST_LOG", "garage=info,garage_api=debug") .spawn() .expect("Could not start garage"); Instance { process: child, path, key: Key::default(), api_port: port, } } fn setup(&mut self) { use std::{thread, time::Duration}; // Wait for node to be ready thread::sleep(Duration::from_secs(2)); self.setup_layout(); self.key = self.new_key("garage_test"); } fn setup_layout(&self) { let node_id = self.node_id(); let node_short_id = &node_id[..64]; self.command() .args(["layout", "assign"]) .arg(node_short_id) .args(["-c", "1", "-z", "unzonned"]) .quiet() .expect_success_status("Could not assign garage node layout"); self.command() .args(["layout", "apply"]) .args(["--version", "1"]) .quiet() .expect_success_status("Could not apply garage node layout"); } fn terminate(&mut self) { // TODO: Terminate "gracefully" the process with SIGTERM instead of directly SIGKILL it. self.process .kill() .expect("Could not terminate garage process"); } pub fn command(&self) -> process::Command { command(&self.path.join("config.toml")) } pub fn node_id(&self) -> String { let output = self .command() .args(["node", "id"]) .expect_success_output("Could not get node ID"); String::from_utf8(output.stdout).unwrap() } pub fn uri(&self) -> http::Uri { format!("{api_port}", api_port = self.api_port) .parse() .expect("Could not build garage endpoint URI") } pub fn new_key(&self, name: &str) -> Key { let mut key = Key::default(); let output = self .command() .args(["key", "new"]) .args(["--name", name]) .expect_success_output("Could not create key"); let stdout = String::from_utf8(output.stdout).unwrap(); for line in stdout.lines() { if let Some(key_id) = line.strip_prefix("Key ID: ") { = key_id.to_owned(); continue; } if let Some(key_secret) = line.strip_prefix("Secret key: ") { key.secret = key_secret.to_owned(); continue; } } assert!(!, "Invalid key: Key ID is empty"); assert!(!key.secret.is_empty(), "Invalid key: Key secret is empty"); Key { name: name.to_owned(), ..key } } } static mut INSTANCE: MaybeUninit<Instance> = MaybeUninit::uninit(); static INSTANCE_INIT: Once = Once::new(); #[static_init::destructor] extern "C" fn terminate_instance() { if INSTANCE_INIT.is_completed() { // This block is sound as it depends on `INSTANCE_INIT` being completed, meaning `INSTANCE` // is actually initialized. unsafe { INSTANCE.assume_init_mut().terminate(); } } } pub fn instance() -> &'static Instance { INSTANCE_INIT.call_once(|| unsafe { let mut instance = Instance::new(); instance.setup(); INSTANCE.write(instance); }); // This block is sound as it depends on `INSTANCE_INIT` being completed by calling `call_once` (blocking), // meaning `INSTANCE` is actually initialized. unsafe { INSTANCE.assume_init_ref() } } pub fn command(config_path: &Path) -> process::Command { use std::env; let mut command = process::Command::new( env::var("GARAGE_TEST_INTEGRATION_EXE") .unwrap_or_else(|_| env!("CARGO_BIN_EXE_garage").to_owned()), ); command.arg("-c").arg(config_path); command }