use std::future::Future; use std::sync::Arc; use std::time::Duration; use async_trait::async_trait; use tokio::sync::watch; use garage_block::manager::BlockManager; use garage_block::repair::ScrubWorkerCommand; use garage_model::garage::Garage; use garage_model::s3::block_ref_table::*; use garage_model::s3::mpu_table::*; use garage_model::s3::object_table::*; use garage_model::s3::version_table::*; use garage_table::replication::*; use garage_table::*; use garage_util::background::*; use garage_util::data::*; use garage_util::error::Error; use garage_util::migrate::Migrate; use crate::*; const RC_REPAIR_ITER_COUNT: usize = 64; pub async fn launch_online_repair( garage: &Arc, bg: &BackgroundRunner, opt: RepairOpt, ) -> Result<(), Error> { match opt.what { RepairWhat::Tables => { info!("Launching a full sync of tables"); garage.bucket_table.syncer.add_full_sync()?; garage.object_table.syncer.add_full_sync()?; garage.version_table.syncer.add_full_sync()?; garage.block_ref_table.syncer.add_full_sync()?; garage.key_table.syncer.add_full_sync()?; } RepairWhat::Versions => { info!("Repairing the versions table"); bg.spawn_worker(TableRepairWorker::new(garage.clone(), RepairVersions)); } RepairWhat::MultipartUploads => { info!("Repairing the multipart uploads table"); bg.spawn_worker(TableRepairWorker::new(garage.clone(), RepairMpu)); } RepairWhat::BlockRefs => { info!("Repairing the block refs table"); bg.spawn_worker(TableRepairWorker::new(garage.clone(), RepairBlockRefs)); } RepairWhat::BlockRc => { info!("Repairing the block reference counters"); bg.spawn_worker(BlockRcRepair::new( garage.block_manager.clone(), garage.block_ref_table.clone(), )); } RepairWhat::Blocks => { info!("Repairing the stored blocks"); bg.spawn_worker(garage_block::repair::RepairWorker::new( garage.block_manager.clone(), )); } RepairWhat::Scrub { cmd } => { let cmd = match cmd { ScrubCmd::Start => ScrubWorkerCommand::Start, ScrubCmd::Pause => ScrubWorkerCommand::Pause(Duration::from_secs(3600 * 24)), ScrubCmd::Resume => ScrubWorkerCommand::Resume, ScrubCmd::Cancel => ScrubWorkerCommand::Cancel, ScrubCmd::SetTranquility { tranquility } => { garage .block_manager .scrub_persister .set_with(|x| x.tranquility = tranquility)?; return Ok(()); } }; info!("Sending command to scrub worker: {:?}", cmd); garage.block_manager.send_scrub_command(cmd).await?; } RepairWhat::Rebalance => { info!("Rebalancing the stored blocks among storage locations"); bg.spawn_worker(garage_block::repair::RebalanceWorker::new( garage.block_manager.clone(), )); } } Ok(()) } // ---- trait TableRepair: Send + Sync + 'static { type T: TableSchema; fn table(garage: &Garage) -> &Table; fn process( &mut self, garage: &Garage, entry: <::T as TableSchema>::E, ) -> impl Future> + Send; } struct TableRepairWorker { garage: Arc, pos: Vec, counter: usize, repairs: usize, inner: T, } impl TableRepairWorker { fn new(garage: Arc, inner: R) -> Self { Self { garage, inner, pos: vec![], counter: 0, repairs: 0, } } } #[async_trait] impl Worker for TableRepairWorker { fn name(&self) -> String { format!("{} repair worker", R::T::TABLE_NAME) } fn status(&self) -> WorkerStatus { WorkerStatus { progress: Some(format!("{} ({})", self.counter, self.repairs)), ..Default::default() } } async fn work(&mut self, _must_exit: &mut watch::Receiver) -> Result { let (item_bytes, next_pos) = match R::table(&self.garage) { Some((k, v)) => (v, k), None => { info!( "{}: finished, done {}, fixed {}",, self.counter, self.repairs ); return Ok(WorkerState::Done); } }; let entry = ::E::decode(&item_bytes) .ok_or_message("Cannot decode table entry")?; if self.inner.process(&self.garage, entry).await? { self.repairs += 1; } self.counter += 1; self.pos = next_pos; Ok(WorkerState::Busy) } async fn wait_for_work(&mut self) -> WorkerState { unreachable!() } } // ---- struct RepairVersions; impl TableRepair for RepairVersions { type T = VersionTable; fn table(garage: &Garage) -> &Table { &garage.version_table } async fn process(&mut self, garage: &Garage, version: Version) -> Result { if !version.deleted.get() { let ref_exists = match &version.backlink { VersionBacklink::Object { bucket_id, key } => garage .object_table .get(bucket_id, key) .await? .map(|o| { o.versions().iter().any(|x| { x.uuid == version.uuid && x.state != ObjectVersionState::Aborted }) }) .unwrap_or(false), VersionBacklink::MultipartUpload { upload_id } => garage .mpu_table .get(upload_id, &EmptyKey) .await? .map(|u| !u.deleted.get()) .unwrap_or(false), }; if !ref_exists { info!("Repair versions: marking version as deleted: {:?}", version); garage .version_table .insert(&Version::new(version.uuid, version.backlink, true)) .await?; return Ok(true); } } Ok(false) } } // ---- struct RepairBlockRefs; impl TableRepair for RepairBlockRefs { type T = BlockRefTable; fn table(garage: &Garage) -> &Table { &garage.block_ref_table } async fn process(&mut self, garage: &Garage, mut block_ref: BlockRef) -> Result { if !block_ref.deleted.get() { let ref_exists = garage .version_table .get(&block_ref.version, &EmptyKey) .await? .map(|v| !v.deleted.get()) .unwrap_or(false); if !ref_exists { info!( "Repair block ref: marking block_ref as deleted: {:?}", block_ref ); block_ref.deleted.set(); garage.block_ref_table.insert(&block_ref).await?; return Ok(true); } } Ok(false) } } // ---- struct RepairMpu; impl TableRepair for RepairMpu { type T = MultipartUploadTable; fn table(garage: &Garage) -> &Table { &garage.mpu_table } async fn process(&mut self, garage: &Garage, mut mpu: MultipartUpload) -> Result { if !mpu.deleted.get() { let ref_exists = garage .object_table .get(&mpu.bucket_id, &mpu.key) .await? .map(|o| { o.versions() .iter() .any(|x| x.uuid == mpu.upload_id && x.is_uploading(Some(true))) }) .unwrap_or(false); if !ref_exists { info!( "Repair multipart uploads: marking mpu as deleted: {:?}", mpu );; mpu.deleted.set(); garage.mpu_table.insert(&mpu).await?; return Ok(true); } } Ok(false) } } // ===== block reference counter repair ===== pub struct BlockRcRepair { block_manager: Arc, block_ref_table: Arc>, cursor: Hash, counter: u64, repairs: u64, } impl BlockRcRepair { fn new( block_manager: Arc, block_ref_table: Arc>, ) -> Self { Self { block_manager, block_ref_table, cursor: [0u8; 32].into(), counter: 0, repairs: 0, } } } #[async_trait] impl Worker for BlockRcRepair { fn name(&self) -> String { format!("Block refcount repair worker") } fn status(&self) -> WorkerStatus { WorkerStatus { progress: Some(format!("{} ({})", self.counter, self.repairs)), ..Default::default() } } async fn work(&mut self, _must_exit: &mut watch::Receiver) -> Result { for _i in 0..RC_REPAIR_ITER_COUNT { let next1 = self .block_manager .rc .rc_table .range(self.cursor.as_slice()..)? .next() .transpose()? .map(|(k, _)| Hash::try_from(k.as_slice()).unwrap()); let next2 = self .block_ref_table .data .store .range(self.cursor.as_slice()..)? .next() .transpose()? .map(|(k, _)| Hash::try_from(&k[..32]).unwrap()); let next = match (next1, next2) { (Some(k1), Some(k2)) => std::cmp::min(k1, k2), (Some(k), None) | (None, Some(k)) => k, (None, None) => { info!( "{}: finished, done {}, fixed {}",, self.counter, self.repairs ); return Ok(WorkerState::Done); } }; if self.block_manager.rc.recalculate_rc(&next)?.1 { self.repairs += 1; } self.counter += 1; if let Some(next_incr) = next.increment() { self.cursor = next_incr; } else { info!( "{}: finished, done {}, fixed {}",, self.counter, self.repairs ); return Ok(WorkerState::Done); } } Ok(WorkerState::Busy) } async fn wait_for_work(&mut self) -> WorkerState { unreachable!() } }