use std::collections::HashMap; use std::time::Duration; use format_table::format_table; use garage_util::background::*; use garage_util::crdt::*; use garage_util::data::*; use garage_util::error::*; use garage_util::time::*; use garage_block::manager::BlockResyncErrorInfo; use garage_model::bucket_table::*; use garage_model::key_table::*; use garage_model::s3::mpu_table::{self, MultipartUpload}; use garage_model::s3::object_table; use garage_model::s3::version_table::*; use crate::cli::structs::WorkerListOpt; pub fn print_bucket_list(bl: Vec<Bucket>) { println!("List of buckets:"); let mut table = vec![]; for bucket in bl { let aliases = bucket .aliases() .iter() .filter(|(_, _, active)| *active) .map(|(name, _, _)| name.to_string()) .collect::<Vec<_>>(); let local_aliases_n = match &bucket .local_aliases() .iter() .filter(|(_, _, active)| *active) .collect::<Vec<_>>()[..] { [] => "".into(), [((k, n), _, _)] => format!("{}:{}", k, n), s => format!("[{} local aliases]", s.len()), }; table.push(format!( "\t{}\t{}\t{}", aliases.join(","), local_aliases_n, hex::encode(, )); } format_table(table); } pub fn print_key_list(kl: Vec<(String, String)>) { println!("List of keys:"); let mut table = vec![]; for key in kl { table.push(format!("\t{}\t{}", key.0, key.1)); } format_table(table); } pub fn print_key_info(key: &Key, relevant_buckets: &HashMap<Uuid, Bucket>) { let bucket_global_aliases = |b: &Uuid| { if let Some(bucket) = relevant_buckets.get(b) { if let Some(p) = bucket.state.as_option() { return p .aliases .items() .iter() .filter(|(_, _, active)| *active) .map(|(a, _, _)| a.clone()) .collect::<Vec<_>>() .join(", "); } } "".to_string() }; match &key.state { Deletable::Present(p) => { println!("Key name: {}",; println!("Key ID: {}", key.key_id); println!("Secret key: {}", p.secret_key); println!("Can create buckets: {}", p.allow_create_bucket.get()); println!("\nKey-specific bucket aliases:"); let mut table = vec![]; for (alias_name, _, alias) in p.local_aliases.items().iter() { if let Some(bucket_id) = alias { table.push(format!( "\t{}\t{}\t{}", alias_name, bucket_global_aliases(bucket_id), hex::encode(bucket_id) )); } } format_table(table); println!("\nAuthorized buckets:"); let mut table = vec![]; for (bucket_id, perm) in p.authorized_buckets.items().iter() { if !perm.is_any() { continue; } let rflag = if perm.allow_read { "R" } else { " " }; let wflag = if perm.allow_write { "W" } else { " " }; let oflag = if perm.allow_owner { "O" } else { " " }; let local_aliases = p .local_aliases .items() .iter() .filter(|(_, _, a)| *a == Some(*bucket_id)) .map(|(a, _, _)| a.clone()) .collect::<Vec<_>>() .join(", "); table.push(format!( "\t{}{}{}\t{}\t{}\t{:?}", rflag, wflag, oflag, bucket_global_aliases(bucket_id), local_aliases, bucket_id )); } format_table(table); } Deletable::Deleted => { println!("Key {} is deleted.", key.key_id); } } } pub fn print_bucket_info( bucket: &Bucket, relevant_keys: &HashMap<String, Key>, counters: &HashMap<String, i64>, mpu_counters: &HashMap<String, i64>, ) { let key_name = |k| { relevant_keys .get(k) .map(|k| k.params().unwrap().name.get().as_str()) .unwrap_or("<deleted>") }; println!("Bucket: {}", hex::encode(; match &bucket.state { Deletable::Deleted => println!("Bucket is deleted."), Deletable::Present(p) => { let size = bytesize::ByteSize::b(*counters.get(object_table::BYTES).unwrap_or(&0) as u64); println!( "\nSize: {} ({})", size.to_string_as(true), size.to_string_as(false) ); println!( "Objects: {}", *counters.get(object_table::OBJECTS).unwrap_or(&0) ); println!( "Unfinished uploads (multipart and non-multipart): {}", *counters.get(object_table::UNFINISHED_UPLOADS).unwrap_or(&0) ); println!( "Unfinished multipart uploads: {}", *mpu_counters.get(mpu_table::UPLOADS).unwrap_or(&0) ); let mpu_size = bytesize::ByteSize::b(*mpu_counters.get(mpu_table::BYTES).unwrap_or(&0) as u64); println!( "Size of unfinished multipart uploads: {} ({})", mpu_size.to_string_as(true), mpu_size.to_string_as(false), ); println!("\nWebsite access: {}", p.website_config.get().is_some()); let quotas = p.quotas.get(); if quotas.max_size.is_some() || quotas.max_objects.is_some() { println!("\nQuotas:"); if let Some(ms) = quotas.max_size { let ms = bytesize::ByteSize::b(ms); println!( " maximum size: {} ({})", ms.to_string_as(true), ms.to_string_as(false) ); } if let Some(mo) = quotas.max_objects { println!(" maximum number of objects: {}", mo); } } println!("\nGlobal aliases:"); for (alias, _, active) in p.aliases.items().iter() { if *active { println!(" {}", alias); } } println!("\nKey-specific aliases:"); let mut table = vec![]; for ((key_id, alias), _, active) in p.local_aliases.items().iter() { if *active { table.push(format!("\t{} ({})\t{}", key_id, key_name(key_id), alias)); } } format_table(table); println!("\nAuthorized keys:"); let mut table = vec![]; for (k, perm) in p.authorized_keys.items().iter() { if !perm.is_any() { continue; } let rflag = if perm.allow_read { "R" } else { " " }; let wflag = if perm.allow_write { "W" } else { " " }; let oflag = if perm.allow_owner { "O" } else { " " }; table.push(format!( "\t{}{}{}\t{}\t{}", rflag, wflag, oflag, k, key_name(k) )); } format_table(table); } }; } pub fn find_matching_node( cand: impl std::iter::Iterator<Item = Uuid>, pattern: &str, ) -> Result<Uuid, Error> { let mut candidates = vec![]; for c in cand { if hex::encode(c).starts_with(pattern) && !candidates.contains(&c) { candidates.push(c); } } if candidates.len() != 1 { Err(Error::Message(format!( "{} nodes match '{}'", candidates.len(), pattern, ))) } else { Ok(candidates[0]) } } pub fn print_worker_list(wi: HashMap<usize, WorkerInfo>, wlo: WorkerListOpt) { let mut wi = wi.into_iter().collect::<Vec<_>>(); wi.sort_by_key(|(tid, info)| { ( match info.state { WorkerState::Busy | WorkerState::Throttled(_) => 0, WorkerState::Idle => 1, WorkerState::Done => 2, }, *tid, ) }); let mut table = vec!["TID\tState\tName\tTranq\tDone\tQueue\tErrors\tConsec\tLast".to_string()]; for (tid, info) in wi.iter() { if wlo.busy && !matches!(info.state, WorkerState::Busy | WorkerState::Throttled(_)) { continue; } if wlo.errors && info.errors == 0 { continue; } let tf = timeago::Formatter::new(); let err_ago = info .last_error .as_ref() .map(|(_, t)| tf.convert(Duration::from_millis(now_msec() - t))) .unwrap_or_default(); let (total_err, consec_err) = if info.errors > 0 { (info.errors.to_string(), info.consecutive_errors.to_string()) } else { ("-".into(), "-".into()) }; table.push(format!( "{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}", tid, info.state,, info.status .tranquility .as_ref() .map(ToString::to_string) .unwrap_or_else(|| "-".into()), info.status.progress.as_deref().unwrap_or("-"), info.status .queue_length .as_ref() .map(ToString::to_string) .unwrap_or_else(|| "-".into()), total_err, consec_err, err_ago, )); } format_table(table); } pub fn print_worker_info(tid: usize, info: WorkerInfo) { let mut table = vec![]; table.push(format!("Task id:\t{}", tid)); table.push(format!("Worker name:\t{}",; match info.state { WorkerState::Throttled(t) => { table.push(format!( "Worker state:\tBusy (throttled, paused for {:.3}s)", t )); } s => { table.push(format!("Worker state:\t{}", s)); } }; if let Some(tql) = info.status.tranquility { table.push(format!("Tranquility:\t{}", tql)); } table.push("".into()); table.push(format!("Total errors:\t{}", info.errors)); table.push(format!("Consecutive errs:\t{}", info.consecutive_errors)); if let Some((s, t)) = info.last_error { table.push(format!("Last error:\t{}", s)); let tf = timeago::Formatter::new(); table.push(format!( "Last error time:\t{}", tf.convert(Duration::from_millis(now_msec() - t)) )); } table.push("".into()); if let Some(p) = info.status.progress { table.push(format!("Progress:\t{}", p)); } if let Some(ql) = info.status.queue_length { table.push(format!("Queue length:\t{}", ql)); } if let Some(pe) = info.status.persistent_errors { table.push(format!("Persistent errors:\t{}", pe)); } for (i, s) in info.status.freeform.iter().enumerate() { if i == 0 { if table.last() != Some(&"".into()) { table.push("".into()); } table.push(format!("Message:\t{}", s)); } else { table.push(format!("\t{}", s)); } } format_table(table); } pub fn print_worker_vars(wv: Vec<(Uuid, String, String)>) { let table = wv .into_iter() .map(|(n, k, v)| format!("{:?}\t{}\t{}", n, k, v)) .collect::<Vec<_>>(); format_table(table); } pub fn print_block_error_list(el: Vec<BlockResyncErrorInfo>) { let now = now_msec(); let tf = timeago::Formatter::new(); let mut tf2 = timeago::Formatter::new(); tf2.ago(""); let mut table = vec!["Hash\tRC\tErrors\tLast error\tNext try".into()]; for e in el { let next_try = if e.next_try > now { tf2.convert(Duration::from_millis(e.next_try - now)) } else { "asap".to_string() }; table.push(format!( "{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\tin {}", hex::encode(e.hash.as_slice()), e.refcount, e.error_count, tf.convert(Duration::from_millis(now - e.last_try)), next_try )); } format_table(table); } pub fn print_block_info( hash: Hash, refcount: u64, versions: Vec<Result<Version, Uuid>>, uploads: Vec<MultipartUpload>, ) { println!("Block hash: {}", hex::encode(hash.as_slice())); println!("Refcount: {}", refcount); println!(); let mut table = vec!["Version\tBucket\tKey\tMPU\tDeleted".into()]; let mut nondeleted_count = 0; for v in versions.iter() { match v { Ok(ver) => { match &ver.backlink { VersionBacklink::Object { bucket_id, key } => { table.push(format!( "{:?}\t{:?}\t{}\t\t{:?}", ver.uuid, bucket_id, key, ver.deleted.get() )); } VersionBacklink::MultipartUpload { upload_id } => { let upload = uploads.iter().find(|x| x.upload_id == *upload_id); table.push(format!( "{:?}\t{:?}\t{}\t{:?}\t{:?}", ver.uuid,|u| u.bucket_id).unwrap_or_default(),|u| u.key.as_str()).unwrap_or_default(), upload_id, ver.deleted.get() )); } } if !ver.deleted.get() { nondeleted_count += 1; } } Err(vh) => { table.push(format!("{:?}\t\t\t\tyes", vh)); } } } format_table(table); if refcount != nondeleted_count { println!(); println!( "Warning: refcount does not match number of non-deleted versions (see issue #644)." ); } }