use bytesize::ByteSize; use format_table::format_table; use garage_util::crdt::Crdt; use garage_util::error::*; use garage_rpc::layout::*; use garage_rpc::system::*; use garage_rpc::*; use crate::cli::*; pub async fn cli_layout_command_dispatch( cmd: LayoutOperation, system_rpc_endpoint: &Endpoint<SystemRpc, ()>, rpc_host: NodeID, ) -> Result<(), Error> { match cmd { LayoutOperation::Assign(assign_opt) => { cmd_assign_role(system_rpc_endpoint, rpc_host, assign_opt).await } LayoutOperation::Remove(remove_opt) => { cmd_remove_role(system_rpc_endpoint, rpc_host, remove_opt).await } LayoutOperation::Show => cmd_show_layout(system_rpc_endpoint, rpc_host).await, LayoutOperation::Apply(apply_opt) => { cmd_apply_layout(system_rpc_endpoint, rpc_host, apply_opt).await } LayoutOperation::Revert(revert_opt) => { cmd_revert_layout(system_rpc_endpoint, rpc_host, revert_opt).await } LayoutOperation::Config(config_opt) => { cmd_config_layout(system_rpc_endpoint, rpc_host, config_opt).await } } } pub async fn cmd_assign_role( rpc_cli: &Endpoint<SystemRpc, ()>, rpc_host: NodeID, args: AssignRoleOpt, ) -> Result<(), Error> { let status = match rpc_cli .call(&rpc_host, SystemRpc::GetKnownNodes, PRIO_NORMAL) .await?? { SystemRpc::ReturnKnownNodes(nodes) => nodes, resp => return Err(Error::Message(format!("Invalid RPC response: {:?}", resp))), }; let mut layout = fetch_layout(rpc_cli, rpc_host).await?; let added_nodes = args .node_ids .iter() .map(|node_id| { find_matching_node( status .iter() .map(|adv| .chain(layout.current().node_ids().iter().cloned()), node_id, ) }) .collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()?; let mut roles = layout.current().roles.clone(); roles.merge(&layout.staging_roles); for replaced in args.replace.iter() { let replaced_node = find_matching_node(layout.current().node_ids().iter().cloned(), replaced)?; match roles.get(&replaced_node) { Some(NodeRoleV(Some(_))) => { layout .staging_roles .merge(&roles.update_mutator(replaced_node, NodeRoleV(None))); } _ => { return Err(Error::Message(format!( "Cannot replace node {:?} as it is not currently in planned layout", replaced_node ))); } } } if args.capacity.is_some() && args.gateway { return Err(Error::Message( "-c and -g are mutually exclusive, please configure node either with c>0 to act as a storage node or with -g to act as a gateway node".into())); } if args.capacity == Some(ByteSize::b(0)) { return Err(Error::Message("Invalid capacity value: 0".into())); } for added_node in added_nodes { let new_entry = match roles.get(&added_node) { Some(NodeRoleV(Some(old))) => { let capacity = match args.capacity { Some(c) => Some(c.as_u64()), None if args.gateway => None, None => old.capacity, }; let tags = if args.tags.is_empty() { old.tags.clone() } else { args.tags.clone() }; NodeRole { zone:||, capacity, tags, } } _ => { let capacity = match args.capacity { Some(c) => Some(c.as_u64()), None if args.gateway => None, None => return Err(Error::Message( "Please specify a capacity with the -c flag, or set node explicitly as gateway with -g".into())), }; NodeRole { zone: args .zone .clone() .ok_or("Please specifiy a zone with the -z flag")?, capacity, tags: args.tags.clone(), } } }; layout .staging_roles .merge(&roles.update_mutator(added_node, NodeRoleV(Some(new_entry)))); } send_layout(rpc_cli, rpc_host, layout).await?; println!("Role changes are staged but not yet commited."); println!("Use `garage layout show` to view staged role changes,"); println!("and `garage layout apply` to enact staged changes."); Ok(()) } pub async fn cmd_remove_role( rpc_cli: &Endpoint<SystemRpc, ()>, rpc_host: NodeID, args: RemoveRoleOpt, ) -> Result<(), Error> { let mut layout = fetch_layout(rpc_cli, rpc_host).await?; let mut roles = layout.current().roles.clone(); roles.merge(&layout.staging_roles); let deleted_node = find_matching_node(roles.items().iter().map(|(id, _, _)| *id), &args.node_id)?; layout .staging_roles .merge(&roles.update_mutator(deleted_node, NodeRoleV(None))); send_layout(rpc_cli, rpc_host, layout).await?; println!("Role removal is staged but not yet commited."); println!("Use `garage layout show` to view staged role changes,"); println!("and `garage layout apply` to enact staged changes."); Ok(()) } pub async fn cmd_show_layout( rpc_cli: &Endpoint<SystemRpc, ()>, rpc_host: NodeID, ) -> Result<(), Error> { let layout = fetch_layout(rpc_cli, rpc_host).await?; println!("==== CURRENT CLUSTER LAYOUT ===="); print_cluster_layout(layout.current(), "No nodes currently have a role in the cluster.\nSee `garage status` to view available nodes."); println!(); println!( "Current cluster layout version: {}", layout.current().version ); let has_role_changes = print_staging_role_changes(&layout); if has_role_changes { let v = layout.current().version; let res_apply = layout.apply_staged_changes(Some(v + 1)); // this will print the stats of what partitions // will move around when we apply match res_apply { Ok((layout, msg)) => { println!(); println!("==== NEW CLUSTER LAYOUT AFTER APPLYING CHANGES ===="); print_cluster_layout(layout.current(), "No nodes have a role in the new layout."); println!(); for line in msg.iter() { println!("{}", line); } println!("To enact the staged role changes, type:"); println!(); println!(" garage layout apply --version {}", v + 1); println!(); println!( "You can also revert all proposed changes with: garage layout revert --version {}", v + 1) } Err(e) => { println!("Error while trying to compute the assignment: {}", e); println!("This new layout cannot yet be applied."); println!( "You can also revert all proposed changes with: garage layout revert --version {}", v + 1) } } } Ok(()) } pub async fn cmd_apply_layout( rpc_cli: &Endpoint<SystemRpc, ()>, rpc_host: NodeID, apply_opt: ApplyLayoutOpt, ) -> Result<(), Error> { let layout = fetch_layout(rpc_cli, rpc_host).await?; let (layout, msg) = layout.apply_staged_changes(apply_opt.version)?; for line in msg.iter() { println!("{}", line); } send_layout(rpc_cli, rpc_host, layout).await?; println!("New cluster layout with updated role assignment has been applied in cluster."); println!("Data will now be moved around between nodes accordingly."); Ok(()) } pub async fn cmd_revert_layout( rpc_cli: &Endpoint<SystemRpc, ()>, rpc_host: NodeID, revert_opt: RevertLayoutOpt, ) -> Result<(), Error> { let layout = fetch_layout(rpc_cli, rpc_host).await?; let layout = layout.revert_staged_changes(revert_opt.version)?; send_layout(rpc_cli, rpc_host, layout).await?; println!("All proposed role changes in cluster layout have been canceled."); Ok(()) } pub async fn cmd_config_layout( rpc_cli: &Endpoint<SystemRpc, ()>, rpc_host: NodeID, config_opt: ConfigLayoutOpt, ) -> Result<(), Error> { let mut layout = fetch_layout(rpc_cli, rpc_host).await?; let mut did_something = false; match config_opt.redundancy { None => (), Some(r_str) => { let r = r_str .parse::<ZoneRedundancy>() .ok_or_message("invalid zone redundancy value")?; if let ZoneRedundancy::AtLeast(r_int) = r { if r_int > layout.current().replication_factor { return Err(Error::Message(format!( "The zone redundancy must be smaller or equal to the \ replication factor ({}).", layout.current().replication_factor ))); } else if r_int < 1 { return Err(Error::Message( "The zone redundancy must be at least 1.".into(), )); } } layout .staging_parameters .update(LayoutParameters { zone_redundancy: r }); println!("The zone redundancy parameter has been set to '{}'.", r); did_something = true; } } if !did_something { return Err(Error::Message( "Please specify an action for `garage layout config`".into(), )); } send_layout(rpc_cli, rpc_host, layout).await?; Ok(()) } // --- utility --- pub async fn fetch_layout( rpc_cli: &Endpoint<SystemRpc, ()>, rpc_host: NodeID, ) -> Result<LayoutHistory, Error> { match rpc_cli .call(&rpc_host, SystemRpc::PullClusterLayout, PRIO_NORMAL) .await?? { SystemRpc::AdvertiseClusterLayout(t) => Ok(t), resp => Err(Error::Message(format!("Invalid RPC response: {:?}", resp))), } } pub async fn send_layout( rpc_cli: &Endpoint<SystemRpc, ()>, rpc_host: NodeID, layout: LayoutHistory, ) -> Result<(), Error> { rpc_cli .call( &rpc_host, SystemRpc::AdvertiseClusterLayout(layout), PRIO_NORMAL, ) .await??; Ok(()) } pub fn print_cluster_layout(layout: &LayoutVersion, empty_msg: &str) { let mut table = vec!["ID\tTags\tZone\tCapacity\tUsable capacity".to_string()]; for (id, _, role) in layout.roles.items().iter() { let role = match &role.0 { Some(r) => r, _ => continue, }; let tags = role.tags.join(","); let usage = layout.get_node_usage(id).unwrap_or(0); let capacity = layout.get_node_capacity(id).unwrap_or(0); if capacity > 0 { table.push(format!( "{:?}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{} ({:.1}%)", id, tags,, role.capacity_string(), ByteSize::b(usage as u64 * layout.partition_size).to_string_as(false), (100.0 * usage as f32 * layout.partition_size as f32) / (capacity as f32) )); } else { table.push(format!( "{:?}\t{}\t{}\t{}", id, tags,, role.capacity_string() )); }; } if table.len() > 1 { format_table(table); println!(); println!("Zone redundancy: {}", layout.parameters.zone_redundancy); } else { println!("{}", empty_msg); } } pub fn print_staging_role_changes(layout: &LayoutHistory) -> bool { let has_role_changes = layout .staging_roles .items() .iter() .any(|(k, _, v)| layout.current().roles.get(k) != Some(v)); let has_layout_changes = *layout.staging_parameters.get() != layout.current().parameters; if has_role_changes || has_layout_changes { println!(); println!("==== STAGED ROLE CHANGES ===="); if has_role_changes { let mut table = vec!["ID\tTags\tZone\tCapacity".to_string()]; for (id, _, role) in layout.staging_roles.items().iter() { if layout.current().roles.get(id) == Some(role) { continue; } if let Some(role) = &role.0 { let tags = role.tags.join(","); table.push(format!( "{:?}\t{}\t{}\t{}", id, tags,, role.capacity_string() )); } else { table.push(format!("{:?}\tREMOVED", id)); } } format_table(table); println!(); } if has_layout_changes { println!( "Zone redundancy: {}", layout.staging_parameters.get().zone_redundancy ); } true } else { false } }