use std::sync::Arc; use async_trait::async_trait; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use garage_util::background::BackgroundRunner; use garage_util::error::Error as GarageError; use garage_rpc::*; use garage_model::garage::Garage; use garage_model::helper::error::Error; use crate::cli::*; use crate::repair::online::launch_online_repair; pub const ADMIN_RPC_PATH: &str = "garage/"; #[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] #[allow(clippy::large_enum_variant)] pub enum AdminRpc { LaunchRepair(RepairOpt), // Replies Ok(String), } impl Rpc for AdminRpc { type Response = Result; } pub struct AdminRpcHandler { garage: Arc, background: Arc, endpoint: Arc>, } impl AdminRpcHandler { pub fn new(garage: Arc, background: Arc) -> Arc { let endpoint = garage.system.netapp.endpoint(ADMIN_RPC_PATH.into()); let admin = Arc::new(Self { garage, background, endpoint, }); admin.endpoint.set_handler(admin.clone()); admin } // ================ REPAIR COMMANDS ==================== async fn handle_launch_repair(self: &Arc, opt: RepairOpt) -> Result { if !opt.yes { return Err(Error::BadRequest( "Please provide the --yes flag to initiate repair operations.".to_string(), )); } if opt.all_nodes { let mut opt_to_send = opt.clone(); opt_to_send.all_nodes = false; let mut failures = vec![]; let all_nodes = self.garage.system.cluster_layout().all_nodes().to_vec(); for node in all_nodes.iter() { let node = (*node).into(); let resp = self .endpoint .call( &node, AdminRpc::LaunchRepair(opt_to_send.clone()), PRIO_NORMAL, ) .await; if !matches!(resp, Ok(Ok(_))) { failures.push(node); } } if failures.is_empty() { Ok(AdminRpc::Ok("Repair launched on all nodes".to_string())) } else { Err(Error::BadRequest(format!( "Could not launch repair on nodes: {:?} (launched successfully on other nodes)", failures ))) } } else { launch_online_repair(&self.garage, &self.background, opt).await?; Ok(AdminRpc::Ok(format!( "Repair launched on {:?}", ))) } } } #[async_trait] impl EndpointHandler for AdminRpcHandler { async fn handle( self: &Arc, message: &AdminRpc, _from: NodeID, ) -> Result { match message { AdminRpc::LaunchRepair(opt) => self.handle_launch_repair(opt.clone()).await, m => Err(GarageError::unexpected_rpc_message(m).into()), } } }