use std::collections::HashMap; use std::fmt::Write; use garage_util::crdt::*; use garage_util::time::*; use garage_table::*; use garage_model::bucket_alias_table::*; use garage_model::bucket_table::*; use garage_model::helper::error::{Error, OkOrBadRequest}; use garage_model::permission::*; use crate::cli::*; use super::*; impl AdminRpcHandler { pub(super) async fn handle_bucket_cmd(&self, cmd: &BucketOperation) -> Result { match cmd { BucketOperation::List => self.handle_list_buckets().await, BucketOperation::Info(query) => self.handle_bucket_info(query).await, BucketOperation::Create(query) => self.handle_create_bucket(&, BucketOperation::Delete(query) => self.handle_delete_bucket(query).await, BucketOperation::Alias(query) => self.handle_alias_bucket(query).await, BucketOperation::Unalias(query) => self.handle_unalias_bucket(query).await, BucketOperation::Allow(query) => self.handle_bucket_allow(query).await, BucketOperation::Deny(query) => self.handle_bucket_deny(query).await, BucketOperation::Website(query) => self.handle_bucket_website(query).await, BucketOperation::SetQuotas(query) => self.handle_bucket_set_quotas(query).await, BucketOperation::CleanupIncompleteUploads(query) => { self.handle_bucket_cleanup_incomplete_uploads(query).await } } } async fn handle_list_buckets(&self) -> Result { let buckets = self .garage .bucket_table .get_range( &EmptyKey, None, Some(DeletedFilter::NotDeleted), 10000, EnumerationOrder::Forward, ) .await?; Ok(AdminRpc::BucketList(buckets)) } async fn handle_bucket_info(&self, query: &BucketOpt) -> Result { let bucket_id = self .garage .bucket_helper() .admin_get_existing_matching_bucket(& .await?; let bucket = self .garage .bucket_helper() .get_existing_bucket(bucket_id) .await?; let counters = self .garage .object_counter_table .table .get(&bucket_id, &EmptyKey) .await? .map(|x| x.filtered_values(&self.garage.system.cluster_layout())) .unwrap_or_default(); let mpu_counters = self .garage .mpu_counter_table .table .get(&bucket_id, &EmptyKey) .await? .map(|x| x.filtered_values(&self.garage.system.cluster_layout())) .unwrap_or_default(); let mut relevant_keys = HashMap::new(); for (k, _) in bucket .state .as_option() .unwrap() .authorized_keys .items() .iter() { if let Some(key) = self .garage .key_table .get(&EmptyKey, k) .await? .filter(|k| !k.is_deleted()) { relevant_keys.insert(k.clone(), key); } } for ((k, _), _, _) in bucket .state .as_option() .unwrap() .local_aliases .items() .iter() { if relevant_keys.contains_key(k) { continue; } if let Some(key) = self.garage.key_table.get(&EmptyKey, k).await? { relevant_keys.insert(k.clone(), key); } } Ok(AdminRpc::BucketInfo { bucket, relevant_keys, counters, mpu_counters, }) } #[allow(clippy::ptr_arg)] async fn handle_create_bucket(&self, name: &String) -> Result { if !is_valid_bucket_name(name) { return Err(Error::BadRequest(format!( "{}: {}", name, INVALID_BUCKET_NAME_MESSAGE ))); } let helper = self.garage.locked_helper().await; if let Some(alias) = self.garage.bucket_alias_table.get(&EmptyKey, name).await? { if alias.state.get().is_some() { return Err(Error::BadRequest(format!("Bucket {} already exists", name))); } } // ---- done checking, now commit ---- let bucket = Bucket::new(); self.garage.bucket_table.insert(&bucket).await?; helper.set_global_bucket_alias(, name).await?; Ok(AdminRpc::Ok(format!("Bucket {} was created.", name))) } async fn handle_delete_bucket(&self, query: &DeleteBucketOpt) -> Result { let helper = self.garage.locked_helper().await; let bucket_id = helper .bucket() .admin_get_existing_matching_bucket(& .await?; // Get the alias, but keep in minde here the bucket name // given in parameter can also be directly the bucket's ID. // In that case bucket_alias will be None, and // we can still delete the bucket if it has zero aliases // (a condition which we try to prevent but that could still happen somehow). // We just won't try to delete an alias entry because there isn't one. let bucket_alias = self .garage .bucket_alias_table .get(&EmptyKey, & .await?; // Check bucket doesn't have other aliases let mut bucket = helper.bucket().get_existing_bucket(bucket_id).await?; let bucket_state = bucket.state.as_option().unwrap(); if bucket_state .aliases .items() .iter() .filter(|(_, _, active)| *active) .any(|(name, _, _)| name != & { return Err(Error::BadRequest(format!("Bucket {} still has other global aliases. Use `bucket unalias` to delete them one by one.",; } if bucket_state .local_aliases .items() .iter() .any(|(_, _, active)| *active) { return Err(Error::BadRequest(format!("Bucket {} still has other local aliases. Use `bucket unalias` to delete them one by one.",; } // Check bucket is empty if !helper.bucket().is_bucket_empty(bucket_id).await? { return Err(Error::BadRequest(format!( "Bucket {} is not empty", ))); } if !query.yes { return Err(Error::BadRequest( "Add --yes flag to really perform this operation".to_string(), )); } // --- done checking, now commit --- // 1. delete authorization from keys that had access for (key_id, _) in bucket.authorized_keys() { helper .set_bucket_key_permissions(, key_id, BucketKeyPerm::NO_PERMISSIONS) .await?; } // 2. delete bucket alias if bucket_alias.is_some() { helper .purge_global_bucket_alias(bucket_id, & .await?; } // 3. delete bucket bucket.state = Deletable::delete(); self.garage.bucket_table.insert(&bucket).await?; Ok(AdminRpc::Ok(format!("Bucket {} was deleted.", } async fn handle_alias_bucket(&self, query: &AliasBucketOpt) -> Result { let helper = self.garage.locked_helper().await; let bucket_id = helper .bucket() .admin_get_existing_matching_bucket(&query.existing_bucket) .await?; if let Some(key_pattern) = &query.local { let key = helper.key().get_existing_matching_key(key_pattern).await?; helper .set_local_bucket_alias(bucket_id, &key.key_id, &query.new_name) .await?; Ok(AdminRpc::Ok(format!( "Alias {} now points to bucket {:?} in namespace of key {}", query.new_name, bucket_id, key.key_id ))) } else { helper .set_global_bucket_alias(bucket_id, &query.new_name) .await?; Ok(AdminRpc::Ok(format!( "Alias {} now points to bucket {:?}", query.new_name, bucket_id ))) } } async fn handle_unalias_bucket(&self, query: &UnaliasBucketOpt) -> Result { let helper = self.garage.locked_helper().await; if let Some(key_pattern) = &query.local { let key = helper.key().get_existing_matching_key(key_pattern).await?; let bucket_id = key .state .as_option() .unwrap() .local_aliases .get(& .cloned() .flatten() .ok_or_bad_request("Bucket not found")?; helper .unset_local_bucket_alias(bucket_id, &key.key_id, & .await?; Ok(AdminRpc::Ok(format!( "Alias {} no longer points to bucket {:?} in namespace of key {}", &, bucket_id, key.key_id ))) } else { let bucket_id = helper .bucket() .resolve_global_bucket_name(& .await? .ok_or_bad_request("Bucket not found")?; helper .unset_global_bucket_alias(bucket_id, & .await?; Ok(AdminRpc::Ok(format!( "Alias {} no longer points to bucket {:?}", &, bucket_id ))) } } async fn handle_bucket_allow(&self, query: &PermBucketOpt) -> Result { let helper = self.garage.locked_helper().await; let bucket_id = helper .bucket() .admin_get_existing_matching_bucket(&query.bucket) .await?; let key = helper .key() .get_existing_matching_key(&query.key_pattern) .await?; let allow_read = || key.allow_read(&bucket_id); let allow_write = query.write || key.allow_write(&bucket_id); let allow_owner = query.owner || key.allow_owner(&bucket_id); helper .set_bucket_key_permissions( bucket_id, &key.key_id, BucketKeyPerm { timestamp: now_msec(), allow_read, allow_write, allow_owner, }, ) .await?; Ok(AdminRpc::Ok(format!( "New permissions for {} on {}: read {}, write {}, owner {}.", &key.key_id, &query.bucket, allow_read, allow_write, allow_owner ))) } async fn handle_bucket_deny(&self, query: &PermBucketOpt) -> Result { let helper = self.garage.locked_helper().await; let bucket_id = helper .bucket() .admin_get_existing_matching_bucket(&query.bucket) .await?; let key = helper .key() .get_existing_matching_key(&query.key_pattern) .await?; let allow_read = ! && key.allow_read(&bucket_id); let allow_write = !query.write && key.allow_write(&bucket_id); let allow_owner = !query.owner && key.allow_owner(&bucket_id); helper .set_bucket_key_permissions( bucket_id, &key.key_id, BucketKeyPerm { timestamp: now_msec(), allow_read, allow_write, allow_owner, }, ) .await?; Ok(AdminRpc::Ok(format!( "New permissions for {} on {}: read {}, write {}, owner {}.", &key.key_id, &query.bucket, allow_read, allow_write, allow_owner ))) } async fn handle_bucket_website(&self, query: &WebsiteOpt) -> Result { let bucket_id = self .garage .bucket_helper() .admin_get_existing_matching_bucket(&query.bucket) .await?; let mut bucket = self .garage .bucket_helper() .get_existing_bucket(bucket_id) .await?; let bucket_state = bucket.state.as_option_mut().unwrap(); if !(query.allow ^ query.deny) { return Err(Error::BadRequest( "You must specify exactly one flag, either --allow or --deny".to_string(), )); } let website = if query.allow { Some(WebsiteConfig { index_document: query.index_document.clone(), error_document: query.error_document.clone(), redirect_all: None, routing_rules: Vec::new(), }) } else { None }; bucket_state.website_config.update(website); self.garage.bucket_table.insert(&bucket).await?; let msg = if query.allow { format!("Website access allowed for {}", &query.bucket) } else { format!("Website access denied for {}", &query.bucket) }; Ok(AdminRpc::Ok(msg)) } async fn handle_bucket_set_quotas(&self, query: &SetQuotasOpt) -> Result { let bucket_id = self .garage .bucket_helper() .admin_get_existing_matching_bucket(&query.bucket) .await?; let mut bucket = self .garage .bucket_helper() .get_existing_bucket(bucket_id) .await?; let bucket_state = bucket.state.as_option_mut().unwrap(); if query.max_size.is_none() && query.max_objects.is_none() { return Err(Error::BadRequest( "You must specify either --max-size or --max-objects (or both) for this command to do something.".to_string(), )); } let mut quotas = bucket_state.quotas.get().clone(); match query.max_size.as_ref().map(String::as_ref) { Some("none") => quotas.max_size = None, Some(v) => { let bs = v .parse::() .ok_or_bad_request(format!("Invalid size specified: {}", v))?; quotas.max_size = Some(bs.as_u64()); } _ => (), } match query.max_objects.as_ref().map(String::as_ref) { Some("none") => quotas.max_objects = None, Some(v) => { let mo = v .parse::() .ok_or_bad_request(format!("Invalid number specified: {}", v))?; quotas.max_objects = Some(mo); } _ => (), } bucket_state.quotas.update(quotas); self.garage.bucket_table.insert(&bucket).await?; Ok(AdminRpc::Ok(format!( "Quotas updated for {}", &query.bucket ))) } async fn handle_bucket_cleanup_incomplete_uploads( &self, query: &CleanupIncompleteUploadsOpt, ) -> Result { let mut bucket_ids = vec![]; for b in query.buckets.iter() { bucket_ids.push( self.garage .bucket_helper() .admin_get_existing_matching_bucket(b) .await?, ); } let duration = parse_duration::parse::parse(&query.older_than) .ok_or_bad_request("Invalid duration passed for --older-than parameter")?; let mut ret = String::new(); for bucket in bucket_ids { let count = self .garage .bucket_helper() .cleanup_incomplete_uploads(&bucket, duration) .await?; writeln!( &mut ret, "Bucket {:?}: {} incomplete uploads aborted", bucket, count ) .unwrap(); } Ok(AdminRpc::Ok(ret)) } }