use std::sync::Arc; use async_trait::async_trait; use hyper::header; use hyper::{body::Incoming as IncomingBody, Request, Response}; use tokio::sync::watch; use opentelemetry::{trace::SpanRef, KeyValue}; use garage_util::error::Error as GarageError; use garage_util::socket_address::UnixOrTCPSocketAddress; use garage_model::garage::Garage; use garage_model::key_table::Key; use crate::generic_server::*; use crate::s3::error::*; use crate::signature::payload::check_payload_signature; use crate::signature::streaming::*; use crate::helpers::*; use crate::s3::bucket::*; use crate::s3::copy::*; use crate::s3::cors::*; use crate::s3::delete::*; use crate::s3::get::*; use crate::s3::lifecycle::*; use crate::s3::list::*; use crate::s3::multipart::*; use crate::s3::post_object::handle_post_object; use crate::s3::put::*; use crate::s3::router::Endpoint; use crate::s3::website::*; pub use crate::signature::streaming::ReqBody; pub type ResBody = BoxBody<Error>; pub struct S3ApiServer { garage: Arc<Garage>, } pub(crate) struct S3ApiEndpoint { bucket_name: Option<String>, endpoint: Endpoint, } impl S3ApiServer { pub async fn run( garage: Arc<Garage>, addr: UnixOrTCPSocketAddress, s3_region: String, must_exit: watch::Receiver<bool>, ) -> Result<(), GarageError> { ApiServer::new(s3_region, S3ApiServer { garage }) .run_server(addr, None, must_exit) .await } async fn handle_request_without_bucket( &self, _req: Request<ReqBody>, api_key: Key, endpoint: Endpoint, ) -> Result<Response<ResBody>, Error> { match endpoint { Endpoint::ListBuckets => handle_list_buckets(&self.garage, &api_key).await, endpoint => Err(Error::NotImplemented(, } } } #[async_trait] impl ApiHandler for S3ApiServer { const API_NAME: &'static str = "s3"; const API_NAME_DISPLAY: &'static str = "S3"; type Endpoint = S3ApiEndpoint; type Error = Error; fn parse_endpoint(&self, req: &Request<IncomingBody>) -> Result<S3ApiEndpoint, Error> { let authority = req .headers() .get(header::HOST) .ok_or_bad_request("Host header required")? .to_str()?; let host = authority_to_host(authority)?; let bucket_name = self .garage .config .s3_api .root_domain .as_ref() .and_then(|root_domain| host_to_bucket(&host, root_domain)); let (endpoint, bucket_name) = Endpoint::from_request(req,; Ok(S3ApiEndpoint { bucket_name, endpoint, }) } async fn handle( &self, req: Request<IncomingBody>, endpoint: S3ApiEndpoint, ) -> Result<Response<ResBody>, Error> { let S3ApiEndpoint { bucket_name, endpoint, } = endpoint; let garage = self.garage.clone(); // Some endpoints are processed early, before we even check for an API key if let Endpoint::PostObject = endpoint { return handle_post_object(garage, req, bucket_name.unwrap()).await; } if let Endpoint::Options = endpoint { let options_res = handle_options_api(garage, &req, bucket_name).await?; return Ok(|_empty_body: EmptyBody| empty_body())); } let (api_key, mut content_sha256) = check_payload_signature(&garage, "s3", &req).await?; let api_key = api_key .ok_or_else(|| Error::forbidden("Garage does not support anonymous access yet"))?; let req = parse_streaming_body( &api_key, req, &mut content_sha256, &garage.config.s3_api.s3_region, "s3", )?; let bucket_name = match bucket_name { None => { return self .handle_request_without_bucket(req, api_key, endpoint) .await } Some(bucket) => bucket.to_string(), }; // Special code path for CreateBucket API endpoint if let Endpoint::CreateBucket {} = endpoint { return handle_create_bucket(&garage, req, content_sha256, api_key, bucket_name).await; } let bucket_id = garage .bucket_helper() .resolve_bucket(&bucket_name, &api_key) .await?; let bucket = garage .bucket_helper() .get_existing_bucket(bucket_id) .await?; let allowed = match endpoint.authorization_type() { Authorization::Read => api_key.allow_read(&bucket_id), Authorization::Write => api_key.allow_write(&bucket_id), Authorization::Owner => api_key.allow_owner(&bucket_id), _ => unreachable!(), }; if !allowed { return Err(Error::forbidden("Operation is not allowed for this key.")); } let matching_cors_rule = find_matching_cors_rule(&bucket, &req)?; let resp = match endpoint { Endpoint::HeadObject { key, part_number, .. } => handle_head(garage, &req, bucket_id, &key, part_number).await, Endpoint::GetObject { key, part_number, .. } => handle_get(garage, &req, bucket_id, &key, part_number).await, Endpoint::UploadPart { key, part_number, upload_id, } => { handle_put_part( garage, req, bucket_id, &key, part_number, &upload_id, content_sha256, ) .await } Endpoint::CopyObject { key } => { handle_copy(garage, &api_key, &req, bucket_id, &key).await } Endpoint::UploadPartCopy { key, part_number, upload_id, } => { handle_upload_part_copy( garage, &api_key, &req, bucket_id, &key, part_number, &upload_id, ) .await } Endpoint::PutObject { key } => { handle_put(garage, req, &bucket, &key, content_sha256).await } Endpoint::AbortMultipartUpload { key, upload_id } => { handle_abort_multipart_upload(garage, bucket_id, &key, &upload_id).await } Endpoint::DeleteObject { key, .. } => handle_delete(garage, bucket_id, &key).await, Endpoint::CreateMultipartUpload { key } => { handle_create_multipart_upload(garage, &req, &bucket_name, bucket_id, &key).await } Endpoint::CompleteMultipartUpload { key, upload_id } => { handle_complete_multipart_upload( garage, req, &bucket_name, &bucket, &key, &upload_id, content_sha256, ) .await } Endpoint::CreateBucket {} => unreachable!(), Endpoint::HeadBucket {} => { let response = Response::builder().body(empty_body()).unwrap(); Ok(response) } Endpoint::DeleteBucket {} => { handle_delete_bucket(&garage, bucket_id, bucket_name, api_key).await } Endpoint::GetBucketLocation {} => handle_get_bucket_location(garage), Endpoint::GetBucketVersioning {} => handle_get_bucket_versioning(), Endpoint::ListObjects { delimiter, encoding_type, marker, max_keys, prefix, } => { handle_list( garage, &ListObjectsQuery { common: ListQueryCommon { bucket_name, bucket_id, delimiter:|d| d.to_string()), page_size: max_keys.unwrap_or(1000).clamp(1, 1000), prefix: prefix.unwrap_or_default(), urlencode_resp:|e| e == "url").unwrap_or(false), }, is_v2: false, marker, continuation_token: None, start_after: None, }, ) .await } Endpoint::ListObjectsV2 { delimiter, encoding_type, max_keys, prefix, continuation_token, start_after, list_type, .. } => { if list_type == "2" { handle_list( garage, &ListObjectsQuery { common: ListQueryCommon { bucket_name, bucket_id, delimiter:|d| d.to_string()), page_size: max_keys.unwrap_or(1000).clamp(1, 1000), urlencode_resp:|e| e == "url").unwrap_or(false), prefix: prefix.unwrap_or_default(), }, is_v2: true, marker: None, continuation_token, start_after, }, ) .await } else { Err(Error::bad_request(format!( "Invalid endpoint: list-type={}", list_type ))) } } Endpoint::ListMultipartUploads { delimiter, encoding_type, key_marker, max_uploads, prefix, upload_id_marker, } => { handle_list_multipart_upload( garage, &ListMultipartUploadsQuery { common: ListQueryCommon { bucket_name, bucket_id, delimiter:|d| d.to_string()), page_size: max_uploads.unwrap_or(1000).clamp(1, 1000), prefix: prefix.unwrap_or_default(), urlencode_resp:|e| e == "url").unwrap_or(false), }, key_marker, upload_id_marker, }, ) .await } Endpoint::ListParts { key, max_parts, part_number_marker, upload_id, } => { handle_list_parts( garage, &ListPartsQuery { bucket_name, bucket_id, key, upload_id, part_number_marker:|p| p.min(10000)), max_parts: max_parts.unwrap_or(1000).clamp(1, 1000), }, ) .await } Endpoint::DeleteObjects {} => { handle_delete_objects(garage, bucket_id, req, content_sha256).await } Endpoint::GetBucketWebsite {} => handle_get_website(&bucket).await, Endpoint::PutBucketWebsite {} => { handle_put_website(garage, bucket.clone(), req, content_sha256).await } Endpoint::DeleteBucketWebsite {} => handle_delete_website(garage, bucket.clone()).await, Endpoint::GetBucketCors {} => handle_get_cors(&bucket).await, Endpoint::PutBucketCors {} => { handle_put_cors(garage, bucket.clone(), req, content_sha256).await } Endpoint::DeleteBucketCors {} => handle_delete_cors(garage, bucket.clone()).await, Endpoint::GetBucketLifecycleConfiguration {} => handle_get_lifecycle(&bucket).await, Endpoint::PutBucketLifecycleConfiguration {} => { handle_put_lifecycle(garage, bucket.clone(), req, content_sha256).await } Endpoint::DeleteBucketLifecycle {} => { handle_delete_lifecycle(garage, bucket.clone()).await } endpoint => Err(Error::NotImplemented(, }; // If request was a success and we have a CORS rule that applies to it, // add the corresponding CORS headers to the response let mut resp_ok = resp?; if let Some(rule) = matching_cors_rule { add_cors_headers(&mut resp_ok, rule) .ok_or_internal_error("Invalid bucket CORS configuration")?; } Ok(resp_ok) } } impl ApiEndpoint for S3ApiEndpoint { fn name(&self) -> &'static str { } fn add_span_attributes(&self, span: SpanRef<'_>) { span.set_attribute(KeyValue::new( "bucket", self.bucket_name.clone().unwrap_or_default(), )); } }