use std::convert::TryInto; use err_derive::Error; use hyper::header::HeaderValue; use hyper::{HeaderMap, StatusCode}; use garage_model::helper::error::Error as HelperError; use garage_util::error::Error as GarageError; use crate::s3_xml; /// Errors of this crate #[derive(Debug, Error)] pub enum Error { // Category: internal error /// Error related to deeper parts of Garage #[error(display = "Internal error: {}", _0)] InternalError(#[error(source)] GarageError), /// Error related to Hyper #[error(display = "Internal error (Hyper error): {}", _0)] Hyper(#[error(source)] hyper::Error), /// Error related to HTTP #[error(display = "Internal error (HTTP error): {}", _0)] Http(#[error(source)] http::Error), // Category: cannot process /// No proper api key was used, or the signature was invalid #[error(display = "Forbidden: {}", _0)] Forbidden(String), /// Authorization Header Malformed #[error(display = "Authorization header malformed, expected scope: {}", _0)] AuthorizationHeaderMalformed(String), /// The object requested don't exists #[error(display = "Key not found")] NoSuchKey, /// The bucket requested don't exists #[error(display = "Bucket not found")] NoSuchBucket, /// The multipart upload requested don't exists #[error(display = "Upload not found")] NoSuchUpload, /// Tried to create a bucket that already exist #[error(display = "Bucket already exists")] BucketAlreadyExists, /// Tried to delete a non-empty bucket #[error(display = "Tried to delete a non-empty bucket")] BucketNotEmpty, /// Precondition failed (e.g. x-amz-copy-source-if-match) #[error(display = "At least one of the preconditions you specified did not hold")] PreconditionFailed, /// Parts specified in CMU request do not match parts actually uploaded #[error(display = "Parts given to CompleteMultipartUpload do not match uploaded parts")] InvalidPart, /// Parts given to CompleteMultipartUpload were not in ascending order #[error(display = "Parts given to CompleteMultipartUpload were not in ascending order")] InvalidPartOrder, /// In CompleteMultipartUpload: not enough data /// (here we are more lenient than AWS S3) #[error(display = "Proposed upload is smaller than the minimum allowed object size")] EntityTooSmall, // Category: bad request /// The request contained an invalid UTF-8 sequence in its path or in other parameters #[error(display = "Invalid UTF-8: {}", _0)] InvalidUtf8Str(#[error(source)] std::str::Utf8Error), /// The request used an invalid path #[error(display = "Invalid UTF-8: {}", _0)] InvalidUtf8String(#[error(source)] std::string::FromUtf8Error), /// Some base64 encoded data was badly encoded #[error(display = "Invalid base64: {}", _0)] InvalidBase64(#[error(source)] base64::DecodeError), /// The client sent invalid XML data #[error(display = "Invalid XML: {}", _0)] InvalidXml(String), /// The client sent a header with invalid value #[error(display = "Invalid header value: {}", _0)] InvalidHeader(#[error(source)] hyper::header::ToStrError), /// The client sent a range header with invalid value #[error(display = "Invalid HTTP range: {:?}", _0)] InvalidRange(#[error(from)] (http_range::HttpRangeParseError, u64)), /// The client sent an invalid request #[error(display = "Bad request: {}", _0)] BadRequest(String), /// The client sent a request for an action not supported by garage #[error(display = "Unimplemented action: {}", _0)] NotImplemented(String), } impl From<roxmltree::Error> for Error { fn from(err: roxmltree::Error) -> Self { Self::InvalidXml(format!("{}", err)) } } impl From<quick_xml::de::DeError> for Error { fn from(err: quick_xml::de::DeError) -> Self { Self::InvalidXml(format!("{}", err)) } } impl From<HelperError> for Error { fn from(err: HelperError) -> Self { match err { HelperError::Internal(i) => Self::InternalError(i), HelperError::BadRequest(b) => Self::BadRequest(b), } } } impl Error { /// Get the HTTP status code that best represents the meaning of the error for the client pub fn http_status_code(&self) -> StatusCode { match self { Error::NoSuchKey | Error::NoSuchBucket | Error::NoSuchUpload => StatusCode::NOT_FOUND, Error::BucketNotEmpty | Error::BucketAlreadyExists => StatusCode::CONFLICT, Error::PreconditionFailed => StatusCode::PRECONDITION_FAILED, Error::Forbidden(_) => StatusCode::FORBIDDEN, Error::InternalError( GarageError::Timeout | GarageError::RemoteError(_) | GarageError::Quorum(_, _, _, _), ) => StatusCode::SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, Error::InternalError(_) | Error::Hyper(_) | Error::Http(_) => { StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR } Error::InvalidRange(_) => StatusCode::RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE, Error::NotImplemented(_) => StatusCode::NOT_IMPLEMENTED, _ => StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST, } } pub fn aws_code(&self) -> &'static str { match self { Error::NoSuchKey => "NoSuchKey", Error::NoSuchBucket => "NoSuchBucket", Error::NoSuchUpload => "NoSuchUpload", Error::BucketAlreadyExists => "BucketAlreadyExists", Error::BucketNotEmpty => "BucketNotEmpty", Error::PreconditionFailed => "PreconditionFailed", Error::InvalidPart => "InvalidPart", Error::InvalidPartOrder => "InvalidPartOrder", Error::EntityTooSmall => "EntityTooSmall", Error::Forbidden(_) => "AccessDenied", Error::AuthorizationHeaderMalformed(_) => "AuthorizationHeaderMalformed", Error::NotImplemented(_) => "NotImplemented", Error::InternalError( GarageError::Timeout | GarageError::RemoteError(_) | GarageError::Quorum(_, _, _, _), ) => "ServiceUnavailable", Error::InternalError(_) | Error::Hyper(_) | Error::Http(_) => "InternalError", _ => "InvalidRequest", } } pub fn aws_xml(&self, garage_region: &str, path: &str) -> String { let error = s3_xml::Error { code: s3_xml::Value(self.aws_code().to_string()), message: s3_xml::Value(format!("{}", self)), resource: Some(s3_xml::Value(path.to_string())), region: Some(s3_xml::Value(garage_region.to_string())), }; s3_xml::to_xml_with_header(&error).unwrap_or_else(|_| { r#" <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Error> <Code>InternalError</Code> <Message>XML encoding of error failed</Message> </Error> "# .into() }) } pub fn add_headers(&self, header_map: &mut HeaderMap<HeaderValue>) { use hyper::header; #[allow(clippy::single_match)] match self { Error::InvalidRange((_, len)) => { header_map.append( header::CONTENT_RANGE, format!("bytes */{}", len) .try_into() .expect("header value only contain ascii"), ); } _ => (), } } } /// Trait to map error to the Bad Request error code pub trait OkOrBadRequest { type S; fn ok_or_bad_request<M: AsRef<str>>(self, reason: M) -> Result<Self::S, Error>; } impl<T, E> OkOrBadRequest for Result<T, E> where E: std::fmt::Display, { type S = T; fn ok_or_bad_request<M: AsRef<str>>(self, reason: M) -> Result<T, Error> { match self { Ok(x) => Ok(x), Err(e) => Err(Error::BadRequest(format!("{}: {}", reason.as_ref(), e))), } } } impl<T> OkOrBadRequest for Option<T> { type S = T; fn ok_or_bad_request<M: AsRef<str>>(self, reason: M) -> Result<T, Error> { match self { Some(x) => Ok(x), None => Err(Error::BadRequest(reason.as_ref().to_string())), } } } /// Trait to map an error to an Internal Error code pub trait OkOrInternalError { type S; fn ok_or_internal_error<M: AsRef<str>>(self, reason: M) -> Result<Self::S, Error>; } impl<T, E> OkOrInternalError for Result<T, E> where E: std::fmt::Display, { type S = T; fn ok_or_internal_error<M: AsRef<str>>(self, reason: M) -> Result<T, Error> { match self { Ok(x) => Ok(x), Err(e) => Err(Error::InternalError(GarageError::Message(format!( "{}: {}", reason.as_ref(), e )))), } } } impl<T> OkOrInternalError for Option<T> { type S = T; fn ok_or_internal_error<M: AsRef<str>>(self, reason: M) -> Result<T, Error> { match self { Some(x) => Ok(x), None => Err(Error::InternalError(GarageError::Message( reason.as_ref().to_string(), ))), } } }