use std::net::SocketAddr; use std::sync::Arc; use futures::future::Future; use hyper::header; use hyper::server::conn::AddrStream; use hyper::service::{make_service_fn, service_fn}; use hyper::{Body, Request, Response, Server}; use garage_util::data::*; use garage_util::error::Error as GarageError; use garage_model::garage::Garage; use garage_model::key_table::Key; use crate::error::*; use crate::signature::check_signature; use crate::helpers::*; use crate::s3_bucket::*; use crate::s3_copy::*; use crate::s3_delete::*; use crate::s3_get::*; use crate::s3_list::*; use crate::s3_put::*; use crate::s3_router::{Authorization, Endpoint}; use crate::s3_website::*; /// Run the S3 API server pub async fn run_api_server( garage: Arc<Garage>, shutdown_signal: impl Future<Output = ()>, ) -> Result<(), GarageError> { let addr = &garage.config.s3_api.api_bind_addr; let service = make_service_fn(|conn: &AddrStream| { let garage = garage.clone(); let client_addr = conn.remote_addr(); async move { Ok::<_, GarageError>(service_fn(move |req: Request<Body>| { let garage = garage.clone(); handler(garage, req, client_addr) })) } }); let server = Server::bind(addr).serve(service); let graceful = server.with_graceful_shutdown(shutdown_signal); info!("API server listening on http://{}", addr); graceful.await?; Ok(()) } async fn handler( garage: Arc<Garage>, req: Request<Body>, addr: SocketAddr, ) -> Result<Response<Body>, GarageError> { let uri = req.uri().clone(); info!("{} {} {}", addr, req.method(), uri); debug!("{:?}", req); match handler_inner(garage.clone(), req).await { Ok(x) => { debug!("{} {:?}", x.status(), x.headers()); Ok(x) } Err(e) => { let body: Body = Body::from(e.aws_xml(&garage.config.s3_api.s3_region, uri.path())); let mut http_error_builder = Response::builder() .status(e.http_status_code()) .header("Content-Type", "application/xml"); if let Some(header_map) = http_error_builder.headers_mut() { e.add_headers(header_map) } let http_error = http_error_builder.body(body)?; if e.http_status_code().is_server_error() { warn!("Response: error {}, {}", e.http_status_code(), e); } else { info!("Response: error {}, {}", e.http_status_code(), e); } Ok(http_error) } } } async fn handler_inner(garage: Arc<Garage>, req: Request<Body>) -> Result<Response<Body>, Error> { let (api_key, content_sha256) = check_signature(&garage, &req).await?; let authority = req .headers() .get(header::HOST) .ok_or_else(|| Error::BadRequest("HOST header required".to_owned()))? .to_str()?; let host = authority_to_host(authority)?; let bucket = garage .config .s3_api .root_domain .as_ref() .and_then(|root_domain| host_to_bucket(&host, root_domain)); let endpoint = Endpoint::from_request(&req,; let bucket_name = match endpoint.get_bucket() { None => return handle_request_without_bucket(garage, req, api_key, endpoint).await, Some(bucket) => bucket.to_string(), }; let bucket_id = resolve_bucket(&garage, &bucket_name, &api_key).await?; let allowed = match endpoint.authorization_type() { Authorization::Read(_) => api_key.allow_read(&bucket_id), Authorization::Write(_) => api_key.allow_write(&bucket_id), _ => unreachable!(), }; if !allowed { return Err(Error::Forbidden( "Operation is not allowed for this key.".to_string(), )); } match endpoint { Endpoint::HeadObject { key, .. } => handle_head(garage, &req, bucket_id, &key).await, Endpoint::GetObject { key, .. } => handle_get(garage, &req, bucket_id, &key).await, Endpoint::UploadPart { key, part_number, upload_id, .. } => { handle_put_part( garage, req, bucket_id, &key, part_number, &upload_id, content_sha256, ) .await } Endpoint::CopyObject { key, .. } => { let copy_source = req.headers().get("x-amz-copy-source").unwrap().to_str()?; let copy_source = percent_encoding::percent_decode_str(copy_source).decode_utf8()?; let (source_bucket, source_key) = parse_bucket_key(©_source, None)?; let source_bucket_id = resolve_bucket(&garage, &source_bucket.to_string(), &api_key).await?; if !api_key.allow_read(&source_bucket_id) { return Err(Error::Forbidden(format!( "Reading from bucket {} not allowed for this key", source_bucket ))); } let source_key = source_key.ok_or_bad_request("No source key specified")?; handle_copy(garage, &req, bucket_id, &key, source_bucket_id, source_key).await } Endpoint::PutObject { key, .. } => { handle_put(garage, req, bucket_id, &key, content_sha256).await } Endpoint::AbortMultipartUpload { key, upload_id, .. } => { handle_abort_multipart_upload(garage, bucket_id, &key, &upload_id).await } Endpoint::DeleteObject { key, .. } => handle_delete(garage, bucket_id, &key).await, Endpoint::CreateMultipartUpload { bucket, key } => { handle_create_multipart_upload(garage, &req, &bucket, bucket_id, &key).await } Endpoint::CompleteMultipartUpload { bucket, key, upload_id, } => { handle_complete_multipart_upload( garage, req, &bucket, bucket_id, &key, &upload_id, content_sha256, ) .await } Endpoint::CreateBucket { bucket } => { debug!( "Body: {}", std::str::from_utf8(&hyper::body::to_bytes(req.into_body()).await?) .unwrap_or("<invalid utf8>") ); let empty_body: Body = Body::from(vec![]); let response = Response::builder() .header("Location", format!("/{}", bucket)) .body(empty_body) .unwrap(); Ok(response) } Endpoint::HeadBucket { .. } => { let empty_body: Body = Body::from(vec![]); let response = Response::builder().body(empty_body).unwrap(); Ok(response) } Endpoint::DeleteBucket { .. } => Err(Error::Forbidden( "Cannot delete buckets using S3 api, please talk to Garage directly".into(), )), Endpoint::GetBucketLocation { .. } => handle_get_bucket_location(garage), Endpoint::GetBucketVersioning { .. } => handle_get_bucket_versioning(), Endpoint::ListObjects { bucket, delimiter, encoding_type, marker, max_keys, prefix, } => { handle_list( garage, &ListObjectsQuery { is_v2: false, bucket_name: bucket, bucket_id, delimiter:|d| d.to_string()), max_keys: max_keys.unwrap_or(1000), prefix: prefix.unwrap_or_default(), marker, continuation_token: None, start_after: None, urlencode_resp:|e| e == "url").unwrap_or(false), }, ) .await } Endpoint::ListObjectsV2 { bucket, delimiter, encoding_type, max_keys, prefix, continuation_token, start_after, list_type, .. } => { if list_type == "2" { handle_list( garage, &ListObjectsQuery { is_v2: true, bucket_name: bucket, bucket_id, delimiter:|d| d.to_string()), max_keys: max_keys.unwrap_or(1000), prefix: prefix.unwrap_or_default(), marker: None, continuation_token, start_after, urlencode_resp:|e| e == "url").unwrap_or(false), }, ) .await } else { Err(Error::BadRequest(format!( "Invalid endpoint: list-type={}", list_type ))) } } Endpoint::DeleteObjects { .. } => { handle_delete_objects(garage, bucket_id, req, content_sha256).await } Endpoint::PutBucketWebsite { .. } => { handle_put_website(garage, bucket_id, req, content_sha256).await } Endpoint::DeleteBucketWebsite { .. } => handle_delete_website(garage, bucket_id).await, endpoint => Err(Error::NotImplemented(, } } async fn handle_request_without_bucket( garage: Arc<Garage>, _req: Request<Body>, api_key: Key, endpoint: Endpoint, ) -> Result<Response<Body>, Error> { match endpoint { Endpoint::ListBuckets => handle_list_buckets(&garage, &api_key).await, endpoint => Err(Error::NotImplemented(, } } #[allow(clippy::ptr_arg)] async fn resolve_bucket( garage: &Garage, bucket_name: &String, api_key: &Key, ) -> Result<Uuid, Error> { let api_key_params = api_key .state .as_option() .ok_or_else(|| Error::Forbidden("Operation is not allowed for this key.".to_string()))?; if let Some(Some(bucket_id)) = api_key_params.local_aliases.get(bucket_name) { Ok(*bucket_id) } else { Ok(garage .bucket_helper() .resolve_global_bucket_name(bucket_name) .await? .ok_or(Error::NotFound)?) } } /// Extract the bucket name and the key name from an HTTP path and possibly a bucket provided in /// the host header of the request /// /// S3 internally manages only buckets and keys. This function splits /// an HTTP path to get the corresponding bucket name and key. fn parse_bucket_key<'a>( path: &'a str, host_bucket: Option<&'a str>, ) -> Result<(&'a str, Option<&'a str>), Error> { let path = path.trim_start_matches('/'); if let Some(bucket) = host_bucket { if !path.is_empty() { return Ok((bucket, Some(path))); } else { return Ok((bucket, None)); } } let (bucket, key) = match path.find('/') { Some(i) => { let key = &path[i + 1..]; if !key.is_empty() { (&path[..i], Some(key)) } else { (&path[..i], None) } } None => (path, None), }; if bucket.is_empty() { return Err(Error::BadRequest("No bucket specified".to_string())); } Ok((bucket, key)) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; #[test] fn parse_bucket_containing_a_key() -> Result<(), Error> { let (bucket, key) = parse_bucket_key("/my_bucket/a/super/file.jpg", None)?; assert_eq!(bucket, "my_bucket"); assert_eq!(key.expect("key must be set"), "a/super/file.jpg"); Ok(()) } #[test] fn parse_bucket_containing_no_key() -> Result<(), Error> { let (bucket, key) = parse_bucket_key("/my_bucket/", None)?; assert_eq!(bucket, "my_bucket"); assert!(key.is_none()); let (bucket, key) = parse_bucket_key("/my_bucket", None)?; assert_eq!(bucket, "my_bucket"); assert!(key.is_none()); Ok(()) } #[test] fn parse_bucket_containing_no_bucket() { let parsed = parse_bucket_key("", None); assert!(parsed.is_err()); let parsed = parse_bucket_key("/", None); assert!(parsed.is_err()); let parsed = parse_bucket_key("////", None); assert!(parsed.is_err()); } #[test] fn parse_bucket_with_vhost_and_key() -> Result<(), Error> { let (bucket, key) = parse_bucket_key("/a/super/file.jpg", Some("my-bucket"))?; assert_eq!(bucket, "my-bucket"); assert_eq!(key.expect("key must be set"), "a/super/file.jpg"); Ok(()) } #[test] fn parse_bucket_with_vhost_no_key() -> Result<(), Error> { let (bucket, key) = parse_bucket_key("", Some("my-bucket"))?; assert_eq!(bucket, "my-bucket"); assert!(key.is_none()); let (bucket, key) = parse_bucket_key("/", Some("my-bucket"))?; assert_eq!(bucket, "my-bucket"); assert!(key.is_none()); Ok(()) } }