use std::collections::HashMap; use std::sync::Arc; use hyper::{body::Incoming as IncomingBody, Request, Response, StatusCode}; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use garage_util::crdt::*; use garage_util::data::*; use garage_util::time::*; use garage_table::*; use garage_model::bucket_alias_table::*; use garage_model::bucket_table::*; use garage_model::garage::Garage; use garage_model::permission::*; use garage_model::s3::mpu_table; use garage_model::s3::object_table::*; use crate::admin::api_server::ResBody; use crate::admin::error::*; use crate::admin::key::ApiBucketKeyPerm; use crate::common_error::CommonError; use crate::helpers::*; pub async fn handle_list_buckets(garage: &Arc) -> Result, Error> { let buckets = garage .bucket_table .get_range( &EmptyKey, None, Some(DeletedFilter::NotDeleted), 10000, EnumerationOrder::Forward, ) .await?; let res = buckets .into_iter() .map(|b| { let state = b.state.as_option().unwrap(); ListBucketResultItem { id: hex::encode(, global_aliases: state .aliases .items() .iter() .filter(|(_, _, a)| *a) .map(|(n, _, _)| n.to_string()) .collect::>(), local_aliases: state .local_aliases .items() .iter() .filter(|(_, _, a)| *a) .map(|((k, n), _, _)| BucketLocalAlias { access_key_id: k.to_string(), alias: n.to_string(), }) .collect::>(), } }) .collect::>(); Ok(json_ok_response(&res)?) } #[derive(Serialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] struct ListBucketResultItem { id: String, global_aliases: Vec, local_aliases: Vec, } #[derive(Serialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] struct BucketLocalAlias { access_key_id: String, alias: String, } #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] struct ApiBucketQuotas { max_size: Option, max_objects: Option, } pub async fn handle_get_bucket_info( garage: &Arc, id: Option, global_alias: Option, ) -> Result, Error> { let bucket_id = match (id, global_alias) { (Some(id), None) => parse_bucket_id(&id)?, (None, Some(ga)) => garage .bucket_helper() .resolve_global_bucket_name(&ga) .await? .ok_or_else(|| HelperError::NoSuchBucket(ga.to_string()))?, _ => { return Err(Error::bad_request( "Either id or globalAlias must be provided (but not both)", )); } }; bucket_info_results(garage, bucket_id).await } async fn bucket_info_results( garage: &Arc, bucket_id: Uuid, ) -> Result, Error> { let bucket = garage .bucket_helper() .get_existing_bucket(bucket_id) .await?; let counters = garage .object_counter_table .table .get(&bucket_id, &EmptyKey) .await? .map(|x| x.filtered_values(&garage.system.cluster_layout())) .unwrap_or_default(); let mpu_counters = garage .mpu_counter_table .table .get(&bucket_id, &EmptyKey) .await? .map(|x| x.filtered_values(&garage.system.cluster_layout())) .unwrap_or_default(); let mut relevant_keys = HashMap::new(); for (k, _) in bucket .state .as_option() .unwrap() .authorized_keys .items() .iter() { if let Some(key) = garage .key_table .get(&EmptyKey, k) .await? .filter(|k| !k.is_deleted()) { if !key.state.is_deleted() { relevant_keys.insert(k.clone(), key); } } } for ((k, _), _, _) in bucket .state .as_option() .unwrap() .local_aliases .items() .iter() { if relevant_keys.contains_key(k) { continue; } if let Some(key) = garage.key_table.get(&EmptyKey, k).await? { if !key.state.is_deleted() { relevant_keys.insert(k.clone(), key); } } } let state = bucket.state.as_option().unwrap(); let quotas = state.quotas.get(); let res = GetBucketInfoResult { id: hex::encode(, global_aliases: state .aliases .items() .iter() .filter(|(_, _, a)| *a) .map(|(n, _, _)| n.to_string()) .collect::>(), website_access: state.website_config.get().is_some(), website_config: state.website_config.get().clone().map(|wsc| { GetBucketInfoWebsiteResult { index_document: wsc.index_document, error_document: wsc.error_document, } }), keys: relevant_keys .into_values() .map(|key| { let p = key.state.as_option().unwrap(); GetBucketInfoKey { access_key_id: key.key_id, name:, permissions: p .authorized_buckets .get(& .map(|p| ApiBucketKeyPerm { read: p.allow_read, write: p.allow_write, owner: p.allow_owner, }) .unwrap_or_default(), bucket_local_aliases: p .local_aliases .items() .iter() .filter(|(_, _, b)| *b == Some( .map(|(n, _, _)| n.to_string()) .collect::>(), } }) .collect::>(), objects: *counters.get(OBJECTS).unwrap_or(&0), bytes: *counters.get(BYTES).unwrap_or(&0), unfinished_uploads: *counters.get(UNFINISHED_UPLOADS).unwrap_or(&0), unfinished_multipart_uploads: *mpu_counters.get(mpu_table::UPLOADS).unwrap_or(&0), unfinished_multipart_upload_parts: *mpu_counters.get(mpu_table::PARTS).unwrap_or(&0), unfinished_multipart_upload_bytes: *mpu_counters.get(mpu_table::BYTES).unwrap_or(&0), quotas: ApiBucketQuotas { max_size: quotas.max_size, max_objects: quotas.max_objects, }, }; Ok(json_ok_response(&res)?) } #[derive(Serialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] struct GetBucketInfoResult { id: String, global_aliases: Vec, website_access: bool, #[serde(default)] website_config: Option, keys: Vec, objects: i64, bytes: i64, unfinished_uploads: i64, unfinished_multipart_uploads: i64, unfinished_multipart_upload_parts: i64, unfinished_multipart_upload_bytes: i64, quotas: ApiBucketQuotas, } #[derive(Serialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] struct GetBucketInfoWebsiteResult { index_document: String, error_document: Option, } #[derive(Serialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] struct GetBucketInfoKey { access_key_id: String, name: String, permissions: ApiBucketKeyPerm, bucket_local_aliases: Vec, } pub async fn handle_create_bucket( garage: &Arc, req: Request, ) -> Result, Error> { let req = parse_json_body::(req).await?; if let Some(ga) = &req.global_alias { if !is_valid_bucket_name(ga) { return Err(Error::bad_request(format!( "{}: {}", ga, INVALID_BUCKET_NAME_MESSAGE ))); } if let Some(alias) = garage.bucket_alias_table.get(&EmptyKey, ga).await? { if alias.state.get().is_some() { return Err(CommonError::BucketAlreadyExists.into()); } } } if let Some(la) = &req.local_alias { if !is_valid_bucket_name(&la.alias) { return Err(Error::bad_request(format!( "{}: {}", la.alias, INVALID_BUCKET_NAME_MESSAGE ))); } let key = garage .key_helper() .get_existing_key(&la.access_key_id) .await?; let state = key.state.as_option().unwrap(); if matches!(state.local_aliases.get(&la.alias), Some(_)) { return Err(Error::bad_request("Local alias already exists")); } } let bucket = Bucket::new(); garage.bucket_table.insert(&bucket).await?; if let Some(ga) = &req.global_alias { garage .bucket_helper() .set_global_bucket_alias(, ga) .await?; } if let Some(la) = &req.local_alias { garage .bucket_helper() .set_local_bucket_alias(, &la.access_key_id, &la.alias) .await?; if || la.allow.write || la.allow.owner { garage .bucket_helper() .set_bucket_key_permissions(, &la.access_key_id, BucketKeyPerm { timestamp: now_msec(), allow_read:, allow_write: la.allow.write, allow_owner: la.allow.owner, }, ) .await?; } } bucket_info_results(garage, } #[derive(Deserialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] struct CreateBucketRequest { global_alias: Option, local_alias: Option, } #[derive(Deserialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] struct CreateBucketLocalAlias { access_key_id: String, alias: String, #[serde(default)] allow: ApiBucketKeyPerm, } pub async fn handle_delete_bucket( garage: &Arc, id: String, ) -> Result, Error> { let helper = garage.bucket_helper(); let bucket_id = parse_bucket_id(&id)?; let mut bucket = helper.get_existing_bucket(bucket_id).await?; let state = bucket.state.as_option().unwrap(); // Check bucket is empty if !helper.is_bucket_empty(bucket_id).await? { return Err(CommonError::BucketNotEmpty.into()); } // --- done checking, now commit --- // 1. delete authorization from keys that had access for (key_id, perm) in bucket.authorized_keys() { if perm.is_any() { helper .set_bucket_key_permissions(, key_id, BucketKeyPerm::NO_PERMISSIONS) .await?; } } // 2. delete all local aliases for ((key_id, alias), _, active) in state.local_aliases.items().iter() { if *active { helper .unset_local_bucket_alias(, key_id, alias) .await?; } } // 3. delete all global aliases for (alias, _, active) in state.aliases.items().iter() { if *active { helper.purge_global_bucket_alias(, alias).await?; } } // 4. delete bucket bucket.state = Deletable::delete(); garage.bucket_table.insert(&bucket).await?; Ok(Response::builder() .status(StatusCode::NO_CONTENT) .body(empty_body())?) } pub async fn handle_update_bucket( garage: &Arc, id: String, req: Request, ) -> Result, Error> { let req = parse_json_body::(req).await?; let bucket_id = parse_bucket_id(&id)?; let mut bucket = garage .bucket_helper() .get_existing_bucket(bucket_id) .await?; let state = bucket.state.as_option_mut().unwrap(); if let Some(wa) = req.website_access { if wa.enabled { state.website_config.update(Some(WebsiteConfig { index_document: wa.index_document.ok_or_bad_request( "Please specify indexDocument when enabling website access.", )?, error_document: wa.error_document, })); } else { if wa.index_document.is_some() || wa.error_document.is_some() { return Err(Error::bad_request( "Cannot specify indexDocument or errorDocument when disabling website access.", )); } state.website_config.update(None); } } if let Some(q) = req.quotas { state.quotas.update(BucketQuotas { max_size: q.max_size, max_objects: q.max_objects, }); } garage.bucket_table.insert(&bucket).await?; bucket_info_results(garage, bucket_id).await } #[derive(Deserialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] struct UpdateBucketRequest { website_access: Option, quotas: Option, } #[derive(Deserialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] struct UpdateBucketWebsiteAccess { enabled: bool, index_document: Option, error_document: Option, } // ---- BUCKET/KEY PERMISSIONS ---- pub async fn handle_bucket_change_key_perm( garage: &Arc, req: Request, new_perm_flag: bool, ) -> Result, Error> { let req = parse_json_body::(req).await?; let bucket_id = parse_bucket_id(&req.bucket_id)?; let bucket = garage .bucket_helper() .get_existing_bucket(bucket_id) .await?; let state = bucket.state.as_option().unwrap(); let key = garage .key_helper() .get_existing_key(&req.access_key_id) .await?; let mut perm = state .authorized_keys .get(&key.key_id) .cloned() .unwrap_or(BucketKeyPerm::NO_PERMISSIONS); if { perm.allow_read = new_perm_flag; } if req.permissions.write { perm.allow_write = new_perm_flag; } if req.permissions.owner { perm.allow_owner = new_perm_flag; } garage .bucket_helper() .set_bucket_key_permissions(, &key.key_id, perm) .await?; bucket_info_results(garage, } #[derive(Deserialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] struct BucketKeyPermChangeRequest { bucket_id: String, access_key_id: String, permissions: ApiBucketKeyPerm, } // ---- BUCKET ALIASES ---- pub async fn handle_global_alias_bucket( garage: &Arc, bucket_id: String, alias: String, ) -> Result, Error> { let bucket_id = parse_bucket_id(&bucket_id)?; garage .bucket_helper() .set_global_bucket_alias(bucket_id, &alias) .await?; bucket_info_results(garage, bucket_id).await } pub async fn handle_global_unalias_bucket( garage: &Arc, bucket_id: String, alias: String, ) -> Result, Error> { let bucket_id = parse_bucket_id(&bucket_id)?; garage .bucket_helper() .unset_global_bucket_alias(bucket_id, &alias) .await?; bucket_info_results(garage, bucket_id).await } pub async fn handle_local_alias_bucket( garage: &Arc, bucket_id: String, access_key_id: String, alias: String, ) -> Result, Error> { let bucket_id = parse_bucket_id(&bucket_id)?; garage .bucket_helper() .set_local_bucket_alias(bucket_id, &access_key_id, &alias) .await?; bucket_info_results(garage, bucket_id).await } pub async fn handle_local_unalias_bucket( garage: &Arc, bucket_id: String, access_key_id: String, alias: String, ) -> Result, Error> { let bucket_id = parse_bucket_id(&bucket_id)?; garage .bucket_helper() .unset_local_bucket_alias(bucket_id, &access_key_id, &alias) .await?; bucket_info_results(garage, bucket_id).await } // ---- HELPER ---- fn parse_bucket_id(id: &str) -> Result { let id_hex = hex::decode(id).ok_or_bad_request("Invalid bucket id")?; Ok(Uuid::try_from(&id_hex).ok_or_bad_request("Invalid bucket id")?) }