use std::collections::HashMap; use std::fmt::Write; use std::net::SocketAddr; use std::sync::Arc; use async_trait::async_trait; use futures::future::Future; use http::header::{ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_METHODS, ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_ORIGIN, ALLOW}; use hyper::{Body, Request, Response, StatusCode}; use opentelemetry::trace::SpanRef; #[cfg(feature = "metrics")] use opentelemetry_prometheus::PrometheusExporter; #[cfg(feature = "metrics")] use prometheus::{Encoder, TextEncoder}; use garage_model::garage::Garage; use garage_rpc::layout::NodeRoleV; use garage_util::data::Uuid; use garage_util::error::Error as GarageError; use crate::generic_server::*; use crate::admin::bucket::*; use crate::admin::cluster::*; use crate::admin::error::*; use crate::admin::key::*; use crate::admin::router::{Authorization, Endpoint}; pub struct AdminApiServer { garage: Arc, #[cfg(feature = "metrics")] exporter: PrometheusExporter, metrics_token: Option, admin_token: Option, } impl AdminApiServer { pub fn new( garage: Arc, #[cfg(feature = "metrics")] exporter: PrometheusExporter, ) -> Self { let cfg = &garage.config.admin; let metrics_token = cfg .metrics_token .as_ref() .map(|tok| format!("Bearer {}", tok)); let admin_token = cfg .admin_token .as_ref() .map(|tok| format!("Bearer {}", tok)); Self { garage, #[cfg(feature = "metrics")] exporter, metrics_token, admin_token, } } pub async fn run( self, bind_addr: SocketAddr, shutdown_signal: impl Future, ) -> Result<(), GarageError> { let region = self.garage.config.s3_api.s3_region.clone(); ApiServer::new(region, self) .run_server(bind_addr, shutdown_signal) .await } fn handle_options(&self, _req: &Request) -> Result, Error> { Ok(Response::builder() .status(StatusCode::NO_CONTENT) .header(ALLOW, "OPTIONS, GET, POST") .header(ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_METHODS, "OPTIONS, GET, POST") .header(ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_ORIGIN, "*") .body(Body::empty())?) } fn handle_health(&self) -> Result, Error> { let ring: Arc<_> = self.garage.system.ring.borrow().clone(); let quorum = self.garage.replication_mode.write_quorum(); let replication_factor = self.garage.replication_mode.replication_factor(); let nodes = self .garage .system .get_known_nodes() .into_iter() .map(|n| (, n)) .collect::>(); let n_nodes_connected = nodes.iter().filter(|(_, n)| n.is_up).count(); let storage_nodes = ring .layout .roles .items() .iter() .filter(|(_, _, v)| matches!(v, NodeRoleV(Some(r)) if r.capacity.is_some())) .collect::>(); let n_storage_nodes_ok = storage_nodes .iter() .filter(|(x, _, _)| nodes.get(x).map(|n| n.is_up).unwrap_or(false)) .count(); let partitions = ring.partitions(); let partitions_n_up = partitions .iter() .map(|(_, h)| { let pn = ring.get_nodes(h, ring.replication_factor); pn.iter() .filter(|x| nodes.get(x).map(|n| n.is_up).unwrap_or(false)) .count() }) .collect::>(); let n_partitions_full_ok = partitions_n_up .iter() .filter(|c| **c == replication_factor) .count(); let n_partitions_quorum = partitions_n_up.iter().filter(|c| **c >= quorum).count(); let (status, status_str) = if n_partitions_quorum == partitions.len() && n_storage_nodes_ok == storage_nodes.len() { (StatusCode::OK, "Garage is fully operational") } else if n_partitions_quorum == partitions.len() { ( StatusCode::OK, "Garage is operational but some storage nodes are unavailable", ) } else { ( StatusCode::SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, "Quorum is not available for some/all partitions, reads and writes will fail", ) }; let mut buf = status_str.to_string(); writeln!( &mut buf, "\nAll nodes: {} connected, {} known", n_nodes_connected, nodes.len() ) .unwrap(); writeln!( &mut buf, "Storage nodes: {} connected, {} in layout", n_storage_nodes_ok, storage_nodes.len() ) .unwrap(); writeln!(&mut buf, "Number of partitions: {}", partitions.len()).unwrap(); writeln!(&mut buf, "Partitions with quorum: {}", n_partitions_quorum).unwrap(); writeln!( &mut buf, "Partitions with all nodes available: {}", n_partitions_full_ok ) .unwrap(); Ok(Response::builder() .status(status) .header(http::header::CONTENT_TYPE, "text/plain") .body(Body::from(buf))?) } fn handle_metrics(&self) -> Result, Error> { #[cfg(feature = "metrics")] { use opentelemetry::trace::Tracer; let mut buffer = vec![]; let encoder = TextEncoder::new(); let tracer = opentelemetry::global::tracer("garage"); let metric_families = tracer.in_span("admin/gather_metrics", |_| { self.exporter.registry().gather() }); encoder .encode(&metric_families, &mut buffer) .ok_or_internal_error("Could not serialize metrics")?; Ok(Response::builder() .status(StatusCode::OK) .header(http::header::CONTENT_TYPE, encoder.format_type()) .body(Body::from(buffer))?) } #[cfg(not(feature = "metrics"))] Err(Error::bad_request( "Garage was built without the metrics feature".to_string(), )) } } #[async_trait] impl ApiHandler for AdminApiServer { const API_NAME: &'static str = "admin"; const API_NAME_DISPLAY: &'static str = "Admin"; type Endpoint = Endpoint; type Error = Error; fn parse_endpoint(&self, req: &Request) -> Result { Endpoint::from_request(req) } async fn handle( &self, req: Request, endpoint: Endpoint, ) -> Result, Error> { let expected_auth_header = match endpoint.authorization_type() { Authorization::None => None, Authorization::MetricsToken => self.metrics_token.as_ref(), Authorization::AdminToken => match &self.admin_token { None => return Err(Error::forbidden( "Admin token isn't configured, admin API access is disabled for security.", )), Some(t) => Some(t), }, }; if let Some(h) = expected_auth_header { match req.headers().get("Authorization") { None => return Err(Error::forbidden("Authorization token must be provided")), Some(v) => { let authorized = v.to_str().map(|hv| hv.trim() == h).unwrap_or(false); if !authorized { return Err(Error::forbidden("Invalid authorization token provided")); } } } } match endpoint { Endpoint::Options => self.handle_options(&req), Endpoint::Health => self.handle_health(), Endpoint::Metrics => self.handle_metrics(), Endpoint::GetClusterStatus => handle_get_cluster_status(&self.garage).await, Endpoint::ConnectClusterNodes => handle_connect_cluster_nodes(&self.garage, req).await, // Layout Endpoint::GetClusterLayout => handle_get_cluster_layout(&self.garage).await, Endpoint::UpdateClusterLayout => handle_update_cluster_layout(&self.garage, req).await, Endpoint::ApplyClusterLayout => handle_apply_cluster_layout(&self.garage, req).await, Endpoint::RevertClusterLayout => handle_revert_cluster_layout(&self.garage, req).await, // Keys Endpoint::ListKeys => handle_list_keys(&self.garage).await, Endpoint::GetKeyInfo { id, search } => { handle_get_key_info(&self.garage, id, search).await } Endpoint::CreateKey => handle_create_key(&self.garage, req).await, Endpoint::ImportKey => handle_import_key(&self.garage, req).await, Endpoint::UpdateKey { id } => handle_update_key(&self.garage, id, req).await, Endpoint::DeleteKey { id } => handle_delete_key(&self.garage, id).await, // Buckets Endpoint::ListBuckets => handle_list_buckets(&self.garage).await, Endpoint::GetBucketInfo { id, global_alias } => { handle_get_bucket_info(&self.garage, id, global_alias).await } Endpoint::CreateBucket => handle_create_bucket(&self.garage, req).await, Endpoint::DeleteBucket { id } => handle_delete_bucket(&self.garage, id).await, Endpoint::UpdateBucket { id } => handle_update_bucket(&self.garage, id, req).await, // Bucket-key permissions Endpoint::BucketAllowKey => { handle_bucket_change_key_perm(&self.garage, req, true).await } Endpoint::BucketDenyKey => { handle_bucket_change_key_perm(&self.garage, req, false).await } // Bucket aliasing Endpoint::GlobalAliasBucket { id, alias } => { handle_global_alias_bucket(&self.garage, id, alias).await } Endpoint::GlobalUnaliasBucket { id, alias } => { handle_global_unalias_bucket(&self.garage, id, alias).await } Endpoint::LocalAliasBucket { id, access_key_id, alias, } => handle_local_alias_bucket(&self.garage, id, access_key_id, alias).await, Endpoint::LocalUnaliasBucket { id, access_key_id, alias, } => handle_local_unalias_bucket(&self.garage, id, access_key_id, alias).await, } } } impl ApiEndpoint for Endpoint { fn name(&self) -> &'static str { Endpoint::name(self) } fn add_span_attributes(&self, _span: SpanRef<'_>) {} }