path: root/src/garage/cli_v2
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/garage/cli_v2')
4 files changed, 486 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/src/garage/cli_v2/cluster.rs b/src/garage/cli_v2/cluster.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0b5b9559
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/garage/cli_v2/cluster.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+use format_table::format_table;
+use garage_util::error::*;
+use garage_api::admin::api::*;
+use crate::cli::structs::*;
+use crate::cli_v2::util::*;
+use crate::cli_v2::*;
+impl Cli {
+ pub async fn cmd_status(&self) -> Result<(), Error> {
+ let status = self.api_request(GetClusterStatusRequest).await?;
+ let layout = self.api_request(GetClusterLayoutRequest).await?;
+ // TODO: layout history
+ println!("==== HEALTHY NODES ====");
+ let mut healthy_nodes =
+ vec!["ID\tHostname\tAddress\tTags\tZone\tCapacity\tDataAvail".to_string()];
+ for adv in status.nodes.iter().filter(|adv| adv.is_up) {
+ let host = adv.hostname.as_deref().unwrap_or("?");
+ let addr = match adv.addr {
+ Some(addr) => addr.to_string(),
+ None => "N/A".to_string(),
+ };
+ if let Some(cfg) = &adv.role {
+ let data_avail = match &adv.data_partition {
+ _ if cfg.capacity.is_none() => "N/A".into(),
+ Some(FreeSpaceResp { available, total }) => {
+ let pct = (*available as f64) / (*total as f64) * 100.;
+ let avail_str = bytesize::ByteSize::b(*available);
+ format!("{} ({:.1}%)", avail_str, pct)
+ }
+ None => "?".into(),
+ };
+ healthy_nodes.push(format!(
+ "{id:.16}\t{host}\t{addr}\t[{tags}]\t{zone}\t{capacity}\t{data_avail}",
+ id = adv.id,
+ host = host,
+ addr = addr,
+ tags = cfg.tags.join(","),
+ zone = cfg.zone,
+ capacity = capacity_string(cfg.capacity),
+ data_avail = data_avail,
+ ));
+ } else {
+ /*
+ let prev_role = layout
+ .versions
+ .iter()
+ .rev()
+ .find_map(|x| match x.roles.get(&adv.id) {
+ Some(NodeRoleV(Some(cfg))) => Some(cfg),
+ _ => None,
+ });
+ */
+ let prev_role = Option::<NodeRoleResp>::None; //TODO
+ if let Some(cfg) = prev_role {
+ healthy_nodes.push(format!(
+ "{id:.16}\t{host}\t{addr}\t[{tags}]\t{zone}\tdraining metadata...",
+ id = adv.id,
+ host = host,
+ addr = addr,
+ tags = cfg.tags.join(","),
+ zone = cfg.zone,
+ ));
+ } else {
+ let new_role = match layout.staged_role_changes.iter().find(|x| x.id == adv.id)
+ {
+ Some(_) => "pending...",
+ };
+ healthy_nodes.push(format!(
+ "{id:?}\t{h}\t{addr}\t\t\t{new_role}",
+ id = adv.id,
+ h = host,
+ addr = addr,
+ new_role = new_role,
+ ));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ format_table(healthy_nodes);
+ // Determine which nodes are unhealthy and print that to stdout
+ // TODO: do we need this, or can it be done in the GetClusterStatus handler?
+ let status_map = status
+ .nodes
+ .iter()
+ .map(|adv| (&adv.id, adv))
+ .collect::<HashMap<_, _>>();
+ let tf = timeago::Formatter::new();
+ let mut drain_msg = false;
+ let mut failed_nodes = vec!["ID\tHostname\tTags\tZone\tCapacity\tLast seen".to_string()];
+ let mut listed = HashSet::new();
+ //for ver in layout.versions.iter().rev() {
+ for ver in [&layout].iter() {
+ for cfg in ver.roles.iter() {
+ let node = &cfg.id;
+ if listed.contains(node.as_str()) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ listed.insert(node.as_str());
+ let adv = status_map.get(node);
+ if adv.map(|x| x.is_up).unwrap_or(false) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Node is in a layout version, is not a gateway node, and is not up:
+ // it is in a failed state, add proper line to the output
+ let (host, last_seen) = match adv {
+ Some(adv) => (
+ adv.hostname.as_deref().unwrap_or("?"),
+ adv.last_seen_secs_ago
+ .map(|s| tf.convert(Duration::from_secs(s)))
+ .unwrap_or_else(|| "never seen".into()),
+ ),
+ None => ("??", "never seen".into()),
+ };
+ /*
+ let capacity = if ver.version == layout.current().version {
+ cfg.capacity_string()
+ } else {
+ drain_msg = true;
+ "draining metadata...".to_string()
+ };
+ */
+ let capacity = capacity_string(cfg.capacity);
+ failed_nodes.push(format!(
+ "{id:?}\t{host}\t[{tags}]\t{zone}\t{capacity}\t{last_seen}",
+ id = node,
+ host = host,
+ tags = cfg.tags.join(","),
+ zone = cfg.zone,
+ capacity = capacity,
+ last_seen = last_seen,
+ ));
+ }
+ }
+ if failed_nodes.len() > 1 {
+ println!("\n==== FAILED NODES ====");
+ format_table(failed_nodes);
+ if drain_msg {
+ println!();
+ println!("Your cluster is expecting to drain data from nodes that are currently unavailable.");
+ println!(
+ "If these nodes are definitely dead, please review the layout history with"
+ );
+ println!(
+ "`garage layout history` and use `garage layout skip-dead-nodes` to force progress."
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ if print_staging_role_changes(&layout) {
+ println!();
+ println!(
+ "Please use `garage layout show` to check the proposed new layout and apply it."
+ );
+ println!();
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ pub async fn cmd_connect(&self, opt: ConnectNodeOpt) -> Result<(), Error> {
+ let res = self
+ .api_request(ConnectClusterNodesRequest(vec![opt.node]))
+ .await?;
+ if res.0.len() != 1 {
+ return Err(Error::Message(format!("unexpected response: {:?}", res)));
+ }
+ let res = res.0.into_iter().next().unwrap();
+ if res.success {
+ println!("Success.");
+ Ok(())
+ } else {
+ Err(Error::Message(format!(
+ "Failure: {}",
+ res.error.unwrap_or_default()
+ )))
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/garage/cli_v2/layout.rs b/src/garage/cli_v2/layout.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ccd1886f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/garage/cli_v2/layout.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+use bytesize::ByteSize;
+use format_table::format_table;
+use garage_util::error::*;
+use garage_api::admin::api::*;
+use crate::cli::layout as cli_v1;
+use crate::cli::structs::*;
+use crate::cli_v2::util::*;
+use crate::cli_v2::*;
+impl Cli {
+ pub async fn layout_command_dispatch(&self, cmd: LayoutOperation) -> Result<(), Error> {
+ match cmd {
+ LayoutOperation::Assign(assign_opt) => self.cmd_assign_role(assign_opt).await,
+ // TODO
+ LayoutOperation::Remove(remove_opt) => {
+ cli_v1::cmd_remove_role(&self.system_rpc_endpoint, self.rpc_host, remove_opt).await
+ }
+ LayoutOperation::Show => {
+ cli_v1::cmd_show_layout(&self.system_rpc_endpoint, self.rpc_host).await
+ }
+ LayoutOperation::Apply(apply_opt) => {
+ cli_v1::cmd_apply_layout(&self.system_rpc_endpoint, self.rpc_host, apply_opt).await
+ }
+ LayoutOperation::Revert(revert_opt) => {
+ cli_v1::cmd_revert_layout(&self.system_rpc_endpoint, self.rpc_host, revert_opt)
+ .await
+ }
+ LayoutOperation::Config(config_opt) => {
+ cli_v1::cmd_config_layout(&self.system_rpc_endpoint, self.rpc_host, config_opt)
+ .await
+ }
+ LayoutOperation::History => {
+ cli_v1::cmd_layout_history(&self.system_rpc_endpoint, self.rpc_host).await
+ }
+ LayoutOperation::SkipDeadNodes(assume_sync_opt) => {
+ cli_v1::cmd_layout_skip_dead_nodes(
+ &self.system_rpc_endpoint,
+ self.rpc_host,
+ assume_sync_opt,
+ )
+ .await
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ pub async fn cmd_assign_role(&self, opt: AssignRoleOpt) -> Result<(), Error> {
+ let status = self.api_request(GetClusterStatusRequest).await?;
+ let layout = self.api_request(GetClusterLayoutRequest).await?;
+ let all_node_ids_iter = status
+ .nodes
+ .iter()
+ .map(|x| x.id.as_str())
+ .chain(layout.roles.iter().map(|x| x.id.as_str()));
+ let mut actions = vec![];
+ for node in opt.replace.iter() {
+ let id = find_matching_node(all_node_ids_iter.clone(), &node)?;
+ actions.push(NodeRoleChange {
+ id,
+ action: NodeRoleChangeEnum::Remove { remove: true },
+ });
+ }
+ for node in opt.node_ids.iter() {
+ let id = find_matching_node(all_node_ids_iter.clone(), &node)?;
+ let current = get_staged_or_current_role(&id, &layout);
+ let zone = opt
+ .zone
+ .clone()
+ .or_else(|| current.as_ref().map(|c| c.zone.clone()))
+ .ok_or_message("Please specify a zone with the -z flag")?;
+ let capacity = if opt.gateway {
+ if opt.capacity.is_some() {
+ return Err(Error::Message("Please specify only -c or -g".into()));
+ }
+ None
+ } else if let Some(cap) = opt.capacity {
+ Some(cap.as_u64())
+ } else {
+ current.as_ref().ok_or_message("Please specify a capacity with the -c flag, or set node explicitly as gateway with -g")?.capacity
+ };
+ let tags = if !opt.tags.is_empty() {
+ opt.tags.clone()
+ } else if let Some(cur) = current.as_ref() {
+ cur.tags.clone()
+ } else {
+ vec![]
+ };
+ actions.push(NodeRoleChange {
+ id,
+ action: NodeRoleChangeEnum::Update {
+ zone,
+ capacity,
+ tags,
+ },
+ });
+ }
+ self.api_request(UpdateClusterLayoutRequest(actions))
+ .await?;
+ println!("Role changes are staged but not yet committed.");
+ println!("Use `garage layout show` to view staged role changes,");
+ println!("and `garage layout apply` to enact staged changes.");
+ Ok(())
+ }
diff --git a/src/garage/cli_v2/mod.rs b/src/garage/cli_v2/mod.rs
index 6cf068c6..2fe45e29 100644
--- a/src/garage/cli_v2/mod.rs
+++ b/src/garage/cli_v2/mod.rs
@@ -1,12 +1,15 @@
+pub mod util;
+pub mod cluster;
+pub mod layout;
use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
use std::convert::TryFrom;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::time::Duration;
-use format_table::format_table;
use garage_util::error::*;
-use garage_rpc::layout::*;
use garage_rpc::system::*;
use garage_rpc::*;
@@ -14,7 +17,9 @@ use garage_api::admin::api::*;
use garage_api::admin::EndpointHandler as AdminApiEndpoint;
use crate::admin::*;
-use crate::cli::*;
+use crate::cli as cli_v1;
+use crate::cli::structs::*;
+use crate::cli::Command;
pub struct Cli {
pub system_rpc_endpoint: Arc<Endpoint<SystemRpc, ()>>,
@@ -24,13 +29,64 @@ pub struct Cli {
impl Cli {
pub async fn handle(&self, cmd: Command) -> Result<(), Error> {
- println!("{:?}", self.api_request(GetClusterStatusRequest).await?);
- Ok(())
- /*
match cmd {
- _ => todo!(),
+ Command::Status => self.cmd_status().await,
+ Command::Node(NodeOperation::Connect(connect_opt)) => {
+ self.cmd_connect(connect_opt).await
+ }
+ Command::Layout(layout_opt) => self.layout_command_dispatch(layout_opt).await,
+ // TODO
+ Command::Bucket(bo) => cli_v1::cmd_admin(
+ &self.admin_rpc_endpoint,
+ self.rpc_host,
+ AdminRpc::BucketOperation(bo),
+ )
+ .await
+ .ok_or_message("xoxo"),
+ Command::Key(ko) => cli_v1::cmd_admin(
+ &self.admin_rpc_endpoint,
+ self.rpc_host,
+ AdminRpc::KeyOperation(ko),
+ )
+ .await
+ .ok_or_message("xoxo"),
+ Command::Repair(ro) => cli_v1::cmd_admin(
+ &self.admin_rpc_endpoint,
+ self.rpc_host,
+ AdminRpc::LaunchRepair(ro),
+ )
+ .await
+ .ok_or_message("xoxo"),
+ Command::Stats(so) => {
+ cli_v1::cmd_admin(&self.admin_rpc_endpoint, self.rpc_host, AdminRpc::Stats(so))
+ .await
+ .ok_or_message("xoxo")
+ }
+ Command::Worker(wo) => cli_v1::cmd_admin(
+ &self.admin_rpc_endpoint,
+ self.rpc_host,
+ AdminRpc::Worker(wo),
+ )
+ .await
+ .ok_or_message("xoxo"),
+ Command::Block(bo) => cli_v1::cmd_admin(
+ &self.admin_rpc_endpoint,
+ self.rpc_host,
+ AdminRpc::BlockOperation(bo),
+ )
+ .await
+ .ok_or_message("xoxo"),
+ Command::Meta(mo) => cli_v1::cmd_admin(
+ &self.admin_rpc_endpoint,
+ self.rpc_host,
+ AdminRpc::MetaOperation(mo),
+ )
+ .await
+ .ok_or_message("xoxo"),
+ _ => unreachable!(),
- */
pub async fn api_request<T>(&self, req: T) -> Result<<T as AdminApiEndpoint>::Response, Error>
diff --git a/src/garage/cli_v2/util.rs b/src/garage/cli_v2/util.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..78399b0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/garage/cli_v2/util.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+use bytesize::ByteSize;
+use format_table::format_table;
+use garage_util::error::Error;
+use garage_api::admin::api::*;
+pub fn capacity_string(v: Option<u64>) -> String {
+ match v {
+ Some(c) => ByteSize::b(c).to_string_as(false),
+ None => "gateway".to_string(),
+ }
+pub fn get_staged_or_current_role(
+ id: &str,
+ layout: &GetClusterLayoutResponse,
+) -> Option<NodeRoleResp> {
+ for node in layout.staged_role_changes.iter() {
+ if node.id == id {
+ return match &node.action {
+ NodeRoleChangeEnum::Remove { .. } => None,
+ NodeRoleChangeEnum::Update {
+ zone,
+ capacity,
+ tags,
+ } => Some(NodeRoleResp {
+ id: id.to_string(),
+ zone: zone.to_string(),
+ capacity: *capacity,
+ tags: tags.clone(),
+ }),
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ for node in layout.roles.iter() {
+ if node.id == id {
+ return Some(node.clone());
+ }
+ }
+ None
+pub fn find_matching_node<'a>(
+ cand: impl std::iter::Iterator<Item = &'a str>,
+ pattern: &'a str,
+) -> Result<String, Error> {
+ let mut candidates = vec![];
+ for c in cand {
+ if c.starts_with(pattern) && !candidates.contains(&c) {
+ candidates.push(c);
+ }
+ }
+ if candidates.len() != 1 {
+ Err(Error::Message(format!(
+ "{} nodes match '{}'",
+ candidates.len(),
+ pattern,
+ )))
+ } else {
+ Ok(candidates[0].to_string())
+ }
+pub fn print_staging_role_changes(layout: &GetClusterLayoutResponse) -> bool {
+ let has_role_changes = !layout.staged_role_changes.is_empty();
+ // TODO!! Layout parameters
+ let has_layout_changes = false;
+ if has_role_changes || has_layout_changes {
+ println!();
+ println!("==== STAGED ROLE CHANGES ====");
+ if has_role_changes {
+ let mut table = vec!["ID\tTags\tZone\tCapacity".to_string()];
+ for change in layout.staged_role_changes.iter() {
+ match &change.action {
+ NodeRoleChangeEnum::Update {
+ tags,
+ zone,
+ capacity,
+ } => {
+ let tags = tags.join(",");
+ table.push(format!(
+ "{:.16}\t{}\t{}\t{}",
+ change.id,
+ tags,
+ zone,
+ capacity_string(*capacity),
+ ));
+ }
+ NodeRoleChangeEnum::Remove { .. } => {
+ table.push(format!("{:.16}\tREMOVED", change.id));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ format_table(table);
+ println!();
+ }
+ //TODO
+ /*
+ if has_layout_changes {
+ println!(
+ "Zone redundancy: {}",
+ staging.parameters.get().zone_redundancy
+ );
+ }
+ */
+ true
+ } else {
+ false
+ }