path: root/src/api/signature/streaming.rs
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/api/signature/streaming.rs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 373 deletions
diff --git a/src/api/signature/streaming.rs b/src/api/signature/streaming.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index e223d1b1..00000000
--- a/src/api/signature/streaming.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,373 +0,0 @@
-use std::pin::Pin;
-use chrono::{DateTime, NaiveDateTime, TimeZone, Utc};
-use futures::prelude::*;
-use futures::task;
-use garage_model::key_table::Key;
-use hmac::Mac;
-use http_body_util::StreamBody;
-use hyper::body::{Bytes, Incoming as IncomingBody};
-use hyper::Request;
-use garage_util::data::Hash;
-use super::{compute_scope, sha256sum, HmacSha256, LONG_DATETIME};
-use crate::helpers::*;
-use crate::signature::error::*;
-use crate::signature::payload::{
-pub const AWS4_HMAC_SHA256_PAYLOAD: &str = "AWS4-HMAC-SHA256-PAYLOAD";
-pub type ReqBody = BoxBody<Error>;
-pub fn parse_streaming_body(
- api_key: &Key,
- req: Request<IncomingBody>,
- content_sha256: &mut Option<Hash>,
- region: &str,
- service: &str,
-) -> Result<Request<ReqBody>, Error> {
- match req.headers().get(X_AMZ_CONTENT_SH256) {
- Some(header) if header == STREAMING_AWS4_HMAC_SHA256_PAYLOAD => {
- let signature = content_sha256
- .take()
- .ok_or_bad_request("No signature provided")?;
- let secret_key = &api_key
- .state
- .as_option()
- .ok_or_internal_error("Deleted key state")?
- .secret_key;
- let date = req
- .headers()
- .get(X_AMZ_DATE)
- .ok_or_bad_request("Missing X-Amz-Date field")?
- .to_str()?;
- let date: NaiveDateTime = NaiveDateTime::parse_from_str(date, LONG_DATETIME)
- .ok_or_bad_request("Invalid date")?;
- let date: DateTime<Utc> = Utc.from_utc_datetime(&date);
- let scope = compute_scope(&date, region, service);
- let signing_hmac = crate::signature::signing_hmac(&date, secret_key, region, service)
- .ok_or_internal_error("Unable to build signing HMAC")?;
- Ok(req.map(move |body| {
- let stream = body_stream::<_, Error>(body);
- let signed_payload_stream =
- SignedPayloadStream::new(stream, signing_hmac, date, &scope, signature)
- .map(|x| x.map(hyper::body::Frame::data))
- .map_err(Error::from);
- ReqBody::new(StreamBody::new(signed_payload_stream))
- }))
- }
- _ => Ok(req.map(|body| ReqBody::new(http_body_util::BodyExt::map_err(body, Error::from)))),
- }
-/// Result of `sha256("")`
- "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855";
-fn compute_streaming_payload_signature(
- signing_hmac: &HmacSha256,
- date: DateTime<Utc>,
- scope: &str,
- previous_signature: Hash,
- content_sha256: Hash,
-) -> Result<Hash, Error> {
- let string_to_sign = [
- &date.format(LONG_DATETIME).to_string(),
- scope,
- &hex::encode(previous_signature),
- &hex::encode(content_sha256),
- ]
- .join("\n");
- let mut hmac = signing_hmac.clone();
- hmac.update(string_to_sign.as_bytes());
- Ok(Hash::try_from(&hmac.finalize().into_bytes()).ok_or_internal_error("Invalid signature")?)
-mod payload {
- use garage_util::data::Hash;
- pub enum Error<I> {
- Parser(nom::error::Error<I>),
- BadSignature,
- }
- impl<I> Error<I> {
- pub fn description(&self) -> &str {
- match *self {
- Error::Parser(ref e) => e.code.description(),
- Error::BadSignature => "Bad signature",
- }
- }
- }
- #[derive(Debug, Clone)]
- pub struct Header {
- pub size: usize,
- pub signature: Hash,
- }
- impl Header {
- pub fn parse(input: &[u8]) -> nom::IResult<&[u8], Self, Error<&[u8]>> {
- use nom::bytes::streaming::tag;
- use nom::character::streaming::hex_digit1;
- use nom::combinator::map_res;
- use nom::number::streaming::hex_u32;
- macro_rules! try_parse {
- ($expr:expr) => {
- $expr.map_err(|e| e.map(Error::Parser))?
- };
- }
- let (input, size) = try_parse!(hex_u32(input));
- let (input, _) = try_parse!(tag(";")(input));
- let (input, _) = try_parse!(tag("chunk-signature=")(input));
- let (input, data) = try_parse!(map_res(hex_digit1, hex::decode)(input));
- let signature = Hash::try_from(&data).ok_or(nom::Err::Failure(Error::BadSignature))?;
- let (input, _) = try_parse!(tag("\r\n")(input));
- let header = Header {
- size: size as usize,
- signature,
- };
- Ok((input, header))
- }
- }
-pub enum SignedPayloadStreamError {
- Stream(Error),
- InvalidSignature,
- Message(String),
-impl SignedPayloadStreamError {
- fn message(msg: &str) -> Self {
- SignedPayloadStreamError::Message(msg.into())
- }
-impl From<SignedPayloadStreamError> for Error {
- fn from(err: SignedPayloadStreamError) -> Self {
- match err {
- SignedPayloadStreamError::Stream(e) => e,
- SignedPayloadStreamError::InvalidSignature => {
- Error::bad_request("Invalid payload signature")
- }
- SignedPayloadStreamError::Message(e) => {
- Error::bad_request(format!("Chunk format error: {}", e))
- }
- }
- }
-impl<I> From<payload::Error<I>> for SignedPayloadStreamError {
- fn from(err: payload::Error<I>) -> Self {
- Self::message(err.description())
- }
-impl<I> From<nom::error::Error<I>> for SignedPayloadStreamError {
- fn from(err: nom::error::Error<I>) -> Self {
- Self::message(err.code.description())
- }
-struct SignedPayload {
- header: payload::Header,
- data: Bytes,
-pub struct SignedPayloadStream<S>
- S: Stream<Item = Result<Bytes, Error>>,
- #[pin]
- stream: S,
- buf: bytes::BytesMut,
- datetime: DateTime<Utc>,
- scope: String,
- signing_hmac: HmacSha256,
- previous_signature: Hash,
-impl<S> SignedPayloadStream<S>
- S: Stream<Item = Result<Bytes, Error>>,
- pub fn new(
- stream: S,
- signing_hmac: HmacSha256,
- datetime: DateTime<Utc>,
- scope: &str,
- seed_signature: Hash,
- ) -> Self {
- Self {
- stream,
- buf: bytes::BytesMut::new(),
- datetime,
- scope: scope.into(),
- signing_hmac,
- previous_signature: seed_signature,
- }
- }
- fn parse_next(input: &[u8]) -> nom::IResult<&[u8], SignedPayload, SignedPayloadStreamError> {
- use nom::bytes::streaming::{tag, take};
- macro_rules! try_parse {
- ($expr:expr) => {
- $expr.map_err(nom::Err::convert)?
- };
- }
- let (input, header) = try_parse!(payload::Header::parse(input));
- // 0-sized chunk is the last
- if header.size == 0 {
- return Ok((
- input,
- SignedPayload {
- header,
- data: Bytes::new(),
- },
- ));
- }
- let (input, data) = try_parse!(take::<_, _, nom::error::Error<_>>(header.size)(input));
- let (input, _) = try_parse!(tag::<_, _, nom::error::Error<_>>("\r\n")(input));
- let data = Bytes::from(data.to_vec());
- Ok((input, SignedPayload { header, data }))
- }
-impl<S> Stream for SignedPayloadStream<S>
- S: Stream<Item = Result<Bytes, Error>> + Unpin,
- type Item = Result<Bytes, SignedPayloadStreamError>;
- fn poll_next(
- self: Pin<&mut Self>,
- cx: &mut task::Context<'_>,
- ) -> task::Poll<Option<Self::Item>> {
- use std::task::Poll;
- let mut this = self.project();
- loop {
- let (input, payload) = match Self::parse_next(this.buf) {
- Ok(res) => res,
- Err(nom::Err::Incomplete(_)) => {
- match futures::ready!(this.stream.as_mut().poll_next(cx)) {
- Some(Ok(bytes)) => {
- this.buf.extend(bytes);
- continue;
- }
- Some(Err(e)) => {
- return Poll::Ready(Some(Err(SignedPayloadStreamError::Stream(e))))
- }
- None => {
- return Poll::Ready(Some(Err(SignedPayloadStreamError::message(
- "Unexpected EOF",
- ))));
- }
- }
- }
- Err(nom::Err::Error(e)) | Err(nom::Err::Failure(e)) => {
- return Poll::Ready(Some(Err(e)))
- }
- };
- // 0-sized chunk is the last
- if payload.data.is_empty() {
- return Poll::Ready(None);
- }
- let data_sha256sum = sha256sum(&payload.data);
- let expected_signature = compute_streaming_payload_signature(
- this.signing_hmac,
- *this.datetime,
- this.scope,
- *this.previous_signature,
- data_sha256sum,
- )
- .map_err(|e| {
- SignedPayloadStreamError::Message(format!("Could not build signature: {}", e))
- })?;
- if payload.header.signature != expected_signature {
- return Poll::Ready(Some(Err(SignedPayloadStreamError::InvalidSignature)));
- }
- *this.buf = input.into();
- *this.previous_signature = payload.header.signature;
- return Poll::Ready(Some(Ok(payload.data)));
- }
- }
- fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
- self.stream.size_hint()
- }
-mod tests {
- use futures::prelude::*;
- use super::{SignedPayloadStream, SignedPayloadStreamError};
- #[tokio::test]
- async fn test_interrupted_signed_payload_stream() {
- use chrono::{DateTime, Utc};
- use garage_util::data::Hash;
- let datetime = DateTime::parse_from_rfc3339("2021-12-13T13:12:42+01:00") // TODO UNIX 0
- .unwrap()
- .with_timezone(&Utc);
- let secret_key = "test";
- let region = "test";
- let scope = crate::signature::compute_scope(&datetime, region, "s3");
- let signing_hmac =
- crate::signature::signing_hmac(&datetime, secret_key, region, "s3").unwrap();
- let data: &[&[u8]] = &[b"1"];
- let body = futures::stream::iter(data.iter().map(|block| Ok(block.to_vec().into())));
- let seed_signature = Hash::default();
- let mut stream =
- SignedPayloadStream::new(body, signing_hmac, datetime, &scope, seed_signature);
- assert!(stream.try_next().await.is_err());
- match stream.try_next().await {
- Err(SignedPayloadStreamError::Message(msg)) if msg == "Unexpected EOF" => {}
- item => panic!(
- "Unexpected result, expected early EOF error, got {:?}",
- item
- ),
- }
- }