path: root/src/api/s3_router.rs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/api/s3_router.rs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1278 deletions
diff --git a/src/api/s3_router.rs b/src/api/s3_router.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 95a7eceb..00000000
--- a/src/api/s3_router.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1278 +0,0 @@
-use crate::error::{Error, OkOrBadRequest};
-use std::borrow::Cow;
-use hyper::header::HeaderValue;
-use hyper::{HeaderMap, Method, Request};
-/// This macro is used to generate very repetitive match {} blocks in this module
-/// It is _not_ made to be used anywhere else
-macro_rules! s3_match {
- (@match $enum:expr , [ $($endpoint:ident,)* ]) => {{
- // usage: s3_match {@match my_enum, [ VariantWithField1, VariantWithField2 ..] }
- // returns true if the variant was one of the listed variants, false otherwise.
- use Endpoint::*;
- match $enum {
- $(
- $endpoint { .. } => true,
- )*
- _ => false
- }
- }};
- (@extract $enum:expr , $param:ident, [ $($endpoint:ident,)* ]) => {{
- // usage: s3_match {@extract my_enum, field_name, [ VariantWithField1, VariantWithField2 ..] }
- // returns Some(field_value), or None if the variant was not one of the listed variants.
- use Endpoint::*;
- match $enum {
- $(
- $endpoint {$param, ..} => Some($param),
- )*
- _ => None
- }
- }};
- (@gen_parser ($keyword:expr, $key:expr, $query:expr, $header:expr),
- key: [$($kw_k:ident $(if $required_k:ident)? $(header $header_k:expr)? => $api_k:ident $(($($conv_k:ident :: $param_k:ident),*))?,)*],
- no_key: [$($kw_nk:ident $(if $required_nk:ident)? $(if_header $header_nk:expr)? => $api_nk:ident $(($($conv_nk:ident :: $param_nk:ident),*))?,)*]) => {{
- // usage: s3_match {@gen_parser (keyword, key, query, header),
- // key: [
- // SOME_KEYWORD => VariantWithKey,
- // ...
- // ],
- // no_key: [
- // SOME_KEYWORD => VariantWithoutKey,
- // ...
- // ]
- // }
- // See in from_{method} for more detailed usage.
- use Endpoint::*;
- use keywords::*;
- match ($keyword, !$key.is_empty()){
- $(
- ($kw_k, true) if true $(&& $query.$required_k.is_some())? $(&& $header.contains_key($header_k))? => Ok($api_k {
- key: $key,
- $($(
- $param_k: s3_match!(@@parse_param $query, $conv_k, $param_k),
- )*)?
- }),
- )*
- $(
- ($kw_nk, false) $(if $query.$required_nk.is_some())? $(if $header.contains($header_nk))? => Ok($api_nk {
- $($(
- $param_nk: s3_match!(@@parse_param $query, $conv_nk, $param_nk),
- )*)?
- }),
- )*
- (kw, _) => Err(Error::BadRequest(format!("Invalid endpoint: {}", kw)))
- }
- }};
- (@@parse_param $query:expr, query_opt, $param:ident) => {{
- // extract optional query parameter
- $query.$param.take().map(|param| param.into_owned())
- }};
- (@@parse_param $query:expr, query, $param:ident) => {{
- // extract mendatory query parameter
- $query.$param.take().ok_or_bad_request("Missing argument for endpoint")?.into_owned()
- }};
- (@@parse_param $query:expr, opt_parse, $param:ident) => {{
- // extract and parse optional query parameter
- // missing parameter is file, however parse error is reported as an error
- $query.$param
- .take()
- .map(|param| param.parse())
- .transpose()
- .map_err(|_| Error::BadRequest("Failed to parse query parameter".to_owned()))?
- }};
- (@@parse_param $query:expr, parse, $param:ident) => {{
- // extract and parse mandatory query parameter
- // both missing and un-parseable parameters are reported as errors
- $query.$param.take().ok_or_bad_request("Missing argument for endpoint")?
- .parse()
- .map_err(|_| Error::BadRequest("Failed to parse query parameter".to_owned()))?
- }};
- (@func
- $(#[$doc:meta])*
- pub enum Endpoint {
- $(
- $(#[$outer:meta])*
- $variant:ident $({
- $($name:ident: $ty:ty,)*
- })?,
- )*
- }) => {
- $(#[$doc])*
- pub enum Endpoint {
- $(
- $(#[$outer])*
- $variant $({
- $($name: $ty, )*
- })?,
- )*
- }
- impl Endpoint {
- pub fn name(&self) -> &'static str {
- match self {
- $(Endpoint::$variant $({ $($name: _,)* .. })? => stringify!($variant),)*
- }
- }
- }
- };
- (@if ($($cond:tt)+) then ($($then:tt)*) else ($($else:tt)*)) => {
- $($then)*
- };
- (@if () then ($($then:tt)*) else ($($else:tt)*)) => {
- $($else)*
- };
-s3_match! {@func
-/// List of all S3 API endpoints.
-/// For each endpoint, it contains the parameters this endpoint receive by url (bucket, key and
-/// query parameters). Parameters it may receive by header are left out, however headers are
-/// considered when required to determine between one endpoint or another (for CopyObject and
-/// UploadObject, for instance).
-#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
-pub enum Endpoint {
- AbortMultipartUpload {
- key: String,
- upload_id: String,
- },
- CompleteMultipartUpload {
- key: String,
- upload_id: String,
- },
- CopyObject {
- key: String,
- },
- CreateBucket {
- },
- CreateMultipartUpload {
- key: String,
- },
- DeleteBucket {
- },
- DeleteBucketAnalyticsConfiguration {
- id: String,
- },
- DeleteBucketCors {
- },
- DeleteBucketEncryption {
- },
- DeleteBucketIntelligentTieringConfiguration {
- id: String,
- },
- DeleteBucketInventoryConfiguration {
- id: String,
- },
- DeleteBucketLifecycle {
- },
- DeleteBucketMetricsConfiguration {
- id: String,
- },
- DeleteBucketOwnershipControls {
- },
- DeleteBucketPolicy {
- },
- DeleteBucketReplication {
- },
- DeleteBucketTagging {
- },
- DeleteBucketWebsite {
- },
- DeleteObject {
- key: String,
- version_id: Option<String>,
- },
- DeleteObjects {
- },
- DeleteObjectTagging {
- key: String,
- version_id: Option<String>,
- },
- DeletePublicAccessBlock {
- },
- GetBucketAccelerateConfiguration {
- },
- GetBucketAcl {
- },
- GetBucketAnalyticsConfiguration {
- id: String,
- },
- GetBucketCors {
- },
- GetBucketEncryption {
- },
- GetBucketIntelligentTieringConfiguration {
- id: String,
- },
- GetBucketInventoryConfiguration {
- id: String,
- },
- GetBucketLifecycleConfiguration {
- },
- GetBucketLocation {
- },
- GetBucketLogging {
- },
- GetBucketMetricsConfiguration {
- id: String,
- },
- GetBucketNotificationConfiguration {
- },
- GetBucketOwnershipControls {
- },
- GetBucketPolicy {
- },
- GetBucketPolicyStatus {
- },
- GetBucketReplication {
- },
- GetBucketRequestPayment {
- },
- GetBucketTagging {
- },
- GetBucketVersioning {
- },
- GetBucketWebsite {
- },
- /// There are actually many more query parameters, used to add headers to the answer. They were
- /// not added here as they are best handled in a dedicated route.
- GetObject {
- key: String,
- part_number: Option<u64>,
- version_id: Option<String>,
- },
- GetObjectAcl {
- key: String,
- version_id: Option<String>,
- },
- GetObjectLegalHold {
- key: String,
- version_id: Option<String>,
- },
- GetObjectLockConfiguration {
- },
- GetObjectRetention {
- key: String,
- version_id: Option<String>,
- },
- GetObjectTagging {
- key: String,
- version_id: Option<String>,
- },
- GetObjectTorrent {
- key: String,
- },
- GetPublicAccessBlock {
- },
- HeadBucket {
- },
- HeadObject {
- key: String,
- part_number: Option<u64>,
- version_id: Option<String>,
- },
- ListBucketAnalyticsConfigurations {
- continuation_token: Option<String>,
- },
- ListBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurations {
- continuation_token: Option<String>,
- },
- ListBucketInventoryConfigurations {
- continuation_token: Option<String>,
- },
- ListBucketMetricsConfigurations {
- continuation_token: Option<String>,
- },
- ListBuckets,
- ListMultipartUploads {
- delimiter: Option<char>,
- encoding_type: Option<String>,
- key_marker: Option<String>,
- max_uploads: Option<usize>,
- prefix: Option<String>,
- upload_id_marker: Option<String>,
- },
- ListObjects {
- delimiter: Option<char>,
- encoding_type: Option<String>,
- marker: Option<String>,
- max_keys: Option<usize>,
- prefix: Option<String>,
- },
- ListObjectsV2 {
- // This value should always be 2. It is not checked when constructing the struct
- list_type: String,
- continuation_token: Option<String>,
- delimiter: Option<char>,
- encoding_type: Option<String>,
- fetch_owner: Option<bool>,
- max_keys: Option<usize>,
- prefix: Option<String>,
- start_after: Option<String>,
- },
- ListObjectVersions {
- delimiter: Option<char>,
- encoding_type: Option<String>,
- key_marker: Option<String>,
- max_keys: Option<u64>,
- prefix: Option<String>,
- version_id_marker: Option<String>,
- },
- ListParts {
- key: String,
- max_parts: Option<u64>,
- part_number_marker: Option<u64>,
- upload_id: String,
- },
- Options,
- PutBucketAccelerateConfiguration {
- },
- PutBucketAcl {
- },
- PutBucketAnalyticsConfiguration {
- id: String,
- },
- PutBucketCors {
- },
- PutBucketEncryption {
- },
- PutBucketIntelligentTieringConfiguration {
- id: String,
- },
- PutBucketInventoryConfiguration {
- id: String,
- },
- PutBucketLifecycleConfiguration {
- },
- PutBucketLogging {
- },
- PutBucketMetricsConfiguration {
- id: String,
- },
- PutBucketNotificationConfiguration {
- },
- PutBucketOwnershipControls {
- },
- PutBucketPolicy {
- },
- PutBucketReplication {
- },
- PutBucketRequestPayment {
- },
- PutBucketTagging {
- },
- PutBucketVersioning {
- },
- PutBucketWebsite {
- },
- PutObject {
- key: String,
- },
- PutObjectAcl {
- key: String,
- version_id: Option<String>,
- },
- PutObjectLegalHold {
- key: String,
- version_id: Option<String>,
- },
- PutObjectLockConfiguration {
- },
- PutObjectRetention {
- key: String,
- version_id: Option<String>,
- },
- PutObjectTagging {
- key: String,
- version_id: Option<String>,
- },
- PutPublicAccessBlock {
- },
- RestoreObject {
- key: String,
- version_id: Option<String>,
- },
- SelectObjectContent {
- key: String,
- // This value should always be 2. It is not checked when constructing the struct
- select_type: String,
- },
- UploadPart {
- key: String,
- part_number: u64,
- upload_id: String,
- },
- UploadPartCopy {
- key: String,
- part_number: u64,
- upload_id: String,
- },
- // This endpoint is not documented with others because it has special use case :
- // It's intended to be used with HTML forms, using a multipart/form-data body.
- // It works a lot like presigned requests, but everything is in the form instead
- // of being query parameters of the URL, so authenticating it is a bit different.
- PostObject,
-impl Endpoint {
- /// Determine which S3 endpoint a request is for using the request, and a bucket which was
- /// possibly extracted from the Host header.
- /// Returns Self plus bucket name, if endpoint is not Endpoint::ListBuckets
- pub fn from_request<T>(
- req: &Request<T>,
- bucket: Option<String>,
- ) -> Result<(Self, Option<String>), Error> {
- let uri = req.uri();
- let path = uri.path().trim_start_matches('/');
- let query = uri.query();
- if bucket.is_none() && path.is_empty() {
- if *req.method() == Method::OPTIONS {
- return Ok((Self::Options, None));
- } else {
- return Ok((Self::ListBuckets, None));
- }
- }
- let (bucket, key) = if let Some(bucket) = bucket {
- (bucket, path)
- } else {
- path.split_once('/')
- .map(|(b, p)| (b.to_owned(), p.trim_start_matches('/')))
- .unwrap_or((path.to_owned(), ""))
- };
- if *req.method() == Method::OPTIONS {
- return Ok((Self::Options, Some(bucket)));
- }
- let key = percent_encoding::percent_decode_str(key)
- .decode_utf8()?
- .into_owned();
- let mut query = QueryParameters::from_query(query.unwrap_or_default())?;
- let res = match *req.method() {
- Method::GET => Self::from_get(key, &mut query)?,
- Method::HEAD => Self::from_head(key, &mut query)?,
- Method::POST => Self::from_post(key, &mut query)?,
- Method::PUT => Self::from_put(key, &mut query, req.headers())?,
- Method::DELETE => Self::from_delete(key, &mut query)?,
- _ => return Err(Error::BadRequest("Unknown method".to_owned())),
- };
- if let Some(message) = query.nonempty_message() {
- debug!("Unused query parameter: {}", message)
- }
- Ok((res, Some(bucket)))
- }
- /// Determine which endpoint a request is for, knowing it is a GET.
- fn from_get(key: String, query: &mut QueryParameters<'_>) -> Result<Self, Error> {
- s3_match! {
- @gen_parser
- (query.keyword.take().unwrap_or_default().as_ref(), key, query, None),
- key: [
- EMPTY if upload_id => ListParts (query::upload_id, opt_parse::max_parts, opt_parse::part_number_marker),
- EMPTY => GetObject (query_opt::version_id, opt_parse::part_number),
- ACL => GetObjectAcl (query_opt::version_id),
- LEGAL_HOLD => GetObjectLegalHold (query_opt::version_id),
- RETENTION => GetObjectRetention (query_opt::version_id),
- TAGGING => GetObjectTagging (query_opt::version_id),
- TORRENT => GetObjectTorrent,
- ],
- no_key: [
- EMPTY if list_type => ListObjectsV2 (query::list_type, query_opt::continuation_token,
- opt_parse::delimiter, query_opt::encoding_type,
- opt_parse::fetch_owner, opt_parse::max_keys,
- query_opt::prefix, query_opt::start_after),
- EMPTY => ListObjects (opt_parse::delimiter, query_opt::encoding_type, query_opt::marker,
- opt_parse::max_keys, opt_parse::prefix),
- ACCELERATE => GetBucketAccelerateConfiguration,
- ACL => GetBucketAcl,
- ANALYTICS if id => GetBucketAnalyticsConfiguration (query::id),
- ANALYTICS => ListBucketAnalyticsConfigurations (query_opt::continuation_token),
- CORS => GetBucketCors,
- ENCRYPTION => GetBucketEncryption,
- INTELLIGENT_TIERING if id => GetBucketIntelligentTieringConfiguration (query::id),
- INTELLIGENT_TIERING => ListBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurations (query_opt::continuation_token),
- INVENTORY if id => GetBucketInventoryConfiguration (query::id),
- INVENTORY => ListBucketInventoryConfigurations (query_opt::continuation_token),
- LIFECYCLE => GetBucketLifecycleConfiguration,
- LOCATION => GetBucketLocation,
- LOGGING => GetBucketLogging,
- METRICS if id => GetBucketMetricsConfiguration (query::id),
- METRICS => ListBucketMetricsConfigurations (query_opt::continuation_token),
- NOTIFICATION => GetBucketNotificationConfiguration,
- OBJECT_LOCK => GetObjectLockConfiguration,
- OWNERSHIP_CONTROLS => GetBucketOwnershipControls,
- POLICY => GetBucketPolicy,
- POLICY_STATUS => GetBucketPolicyStatus,
- PUBLIC_ACCESS_BLOCK => GetPublicAccessBlock,
- REPLICATION => GetBucketReplication,
- REQUEST_PAYMENT => GetBucketRequestPayment,
- TAGGING => GetBucketTagging,
- UPLOADS => ListMultipartUploads (opt_parse::delimiter, query_opt::encoding_type,
- query_opt::key_marker, opt_parse::max_uploads,
- query_opt::prefix, query_opt::upload_id_marker),
- VERSIONING => GetBucketVersioning,
- VERSIONS => ListObjectVersions (opt_parse::delimiter, query_opt::encoding_type,
- query_opt::key_marker, opt_parse::max_keys,
- query_opt::prefix, query_opt::version_id_marker),
- WEBSITE => GetBucketWebsite,
- ]
- }
- }
- /// Determine which endpoint a request is for, knowing it is a HEAD.
- fn from_head(key: String, query: &mut QueryParameters<'_>) -> Result<Self, Error> {
- s3_match! {
- @gen_parser
- (query.keyword.take().unwrap_or_default().as_ref(), key, query, None),
- key: [
- EMPTY => HeadObject(opt_parse::part_number, query_opt::version_id),
- ],
- no_key: [
- EMPTY => HeadBucket,
- ]
- }
- }
- /// Determine which endpoint a request is for, knowing it is a POST.
- fn from_post(key: String, query: &mut QueryParameters<'_>) -> Result<Self, Error> {
- s3_match! {
- @gen_parser
- (query.keyword.take().unwrap_or_default().as_ref(), key, query, None),
- key: [
- EMPTY if upload_id => CompleteMultipartUpload (query::upload_id),
- RESTORE => RestoreObject (query_opt::version_id),
- SELECT => SelectObjectContent (query::select_type),
- UPLOADS => CreateMultipartUpload,
- ],
- no_key: [
- EMPTY => PostObject,
- DELETE => DeleteObjects,
- ]
- }
- }
- /// Determine which endpoint a request is for, knowing it is a PUT.
- fn from_put(
- key: String,
- query: &mut QueryParameters<'_>,
- headers: &HeaderMap<HeaderValue>,
- ) -> Result<Self, Error> {
- s3_match! {
- @gen_parser
- (query.keyword.take().unwrap_or_default().as_ref(), key, query, headers),
- key: [
- EMPTY if part_number header "x-amz-copy-source" => UploadPartCopy (parse::part_number, query::upload_id),
- EMPTY header "x-amz-copy-source" => CopyObject,
- EMPTY if part_number => UploadPart (parse::part_number, query::upload_id),
- EMPTY => PutObject,
- ACL => PutObjectAcl (query_opt::version_id),
- LEGAL_HOLD => PutObjectLegalHold (query_opt::version_id),
- RETENTION => PutObjectRetention (query_opt::version_id),
- TAGGING => PutObjectTagging (query_opt::version_id),
- ],
- no_key: [
- EMPTY => CreateBucket,
- ACCELERATE => PutBucketAccelerateConfiguration,
- ACL => PutBucketAcl,
- ANALYTICS => PutBucketAnalyticsConfiguration (query::id),
- CORS => PutBucketCors,
- ENCRYPTION => PutBucketEncryption,
- INTELLIGENT_TIERING => PutBucketIntelligentTieringConfiguration(query::id),
- INVENTORY => PutBucketInventoryConfiguration(query::id),
- LIFECYCLE => PutBucketLifecycleConfiguration,
- LOGGING => PutBucketLogging,
- METRICS => PutBucketMetricsConfiguration(query::id),
- NOTIFICATION => PutBucketNotificationConfiguration,
- OBJECT_LOCK => PutObjectLockConfiguration,
- OWNERSHIP_CONTROLS => PutBucketOwnershipControls,
- POLICY => PutBucketPolicy,
- PUBLIC_ACCESS_BLOCK => PutPublicAccessBlock,
- REPLICATION => PutBucketReplication,
- REQUEST_PAYMENT => PutBucketRequestPayment,
- TAGGING => PutBucketTagging,
- VERSIONING => PutBucketVersioning,
- WEBSITE => PutBucketWebsite,
- ]
- }
- }
- /// Determine which endpoint a request is for, knowing it is a DELETE.
- fn from_delete(key: String, query: &mut QueryParameters<'_>) -> Result<Self, Error> {
- s3_match! {
- @gen_parser
- (query.keyword.take().unwrap_or_default().as_ref(), key, query, None),
- key: [
- EMPTY if upload_id => AbortMultipartUpload (query::upload_id),
- EMPTY => DeleteObject (query_opt::version_id),
- TAGGING => DeleteObjectTagging (query_opt::version_id),
- ],
- no_key: [
- EMPTY => DeleteBucket,
- ANALYTICS => DeleteBucketAnalyticsConfiguration (query::id),
- CORS => DeleteBucketCors,
- ENCRYPTION => DeleteBucketEncryption,
- INTELLIGENT_TIERING => DeleteBucketIntelligentTieringConfiguration (query::id),
- INVENTORY => DeleteBucketInventoryConfiguration (query::id),
- LIFECYCLE => DeleteBucketLifecycle,
- METRICS => DeleteBucketMetricsConfiguration (query::id),
- OWNERSHIP_CONTROLS => DeleteBucketOwnershipControls,
- POLICY => DeleteBucketPolicy,
- PUBLIC_ACCESS_BLOCK => DeletePublicAccessBlock,
- REPLICATION => DeleteBucketReplication,
- TAGGING => DeleteBucketTagging,
- WEBSITE => DeleteBucketWebsite,
- ]
- }
- }
- /// Get the key the request target. Returns None for requests which don't use a key.
- #[allow(dead_code)]
- pub fn get_key(&self) -> Option<&str> {
- s3_match! {
- @extract
- self,
- key,
- [
- AbortMultipartUpload,
- CompleteMultipartUpload,
- CopyObject,
- CreateMultipartUpload,
- DeleteObject,
- DeleteObjectTagging,
- GetObject,
- GetObjectAcl,
- GetObjectLegalHold,
- GetObjectRetention,
- GetObjectTagging,
- GetObjectTorrent,
- HeadObject,
- ListParts,
- PutObject,
- PutObjectAcl,
- PutObjectLegalHold,
- PutObjectRetention,
- PutObjectTagging,
- RestoreObject,
- SelectObjectContent,
- UploadPart,
- UploadPartCopy,
- ]
- }
- }
- /// Get the kind of authorization which is required to perform the operation.
- pub fn authorization_type(&self) -> Authorization {
- if let Endpoint::ListBuckets = self {
- return Authorization::None;
- };
- let readonly = s3_match! {
- @match
- self,
- [
- GetBucketAccelerateConfiguration,
- GetBucketAcl,
- GetBucketAnalyticsConfiguration,
- GetBucketEncryption,
- GetBucketIntelligentTieringConfiguration,
- GetBucketInventoryConfiguration,
- GetBucketLifecycleConfiguration,
- GetBucketLocation,
- GetBucketLogging,
- GetBucketMetricsConfiguration,
- GetBucketNotificationConfiguration,
- GetBucketOwnershipControls,
- GetBucketPolicy,
- GetBucketPolicyStatus,
- GetBucketReplication,
- GetBucketRequestPayment,
- GetBucketTagging,
- GetBucketVersioning,
- GetObject,
- GetObjectAcl,
- GetObjectLegalHold,
- GetObjectLockConfiguration,
- GetObjectRetention,
- GetObjectTagging,
- GetObjectTorrent,
- GetPublicAccessBlock,
- HeadBucket,
- HeadObject,
- ListBucketAnalyticsConfigurations,
- ListBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurations,
- ListBucketInventoryConfigurations,
- ListBucketMetricsConfigurations,
- ListMultipartUploads,
- ListObjects,
- ListObjectsV2,
- ListObjectVersions,
- ListParts,
- SelectObjectContent,
- ]
- };
- let owner = s3_match! {
- @match
- self,
- [
- DeleteBucket,
- GetBucketWebsite,
- PutBucketWebsite,
- DeleteBucketWebsite,
- GetBucketCors,
- PutBucketCors,
- DeleteBucketCors,
- ]
- };
- if readonly {
- Authorization::Read
- } else if owner {
- Authorization::Owner
- } else {
- Authorization::Write
- }
- }
-/// What kind of authorization is required to perform a given action
-#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
-pub enum Authorization {
- /// No authorization is required
- None,
- /// Having Read permission on bucket
- Read,
- /// Having Write permission on bucket
- Write,
- /// Having Owner permission on bucket
- Owner,
-/// This macro is used to generate part of the code in this module. It must be called only one, and
-/// is useless outside of this module.
-macro_rules! generateQueryParameters {
- ( $($rest:expr => $name:ident),* ) => {
- /// Struct containing all query parameters used in endpoints. Think of it as an HashMap,
- /// but with keys statically known.
- #[derive(Debug, Default)]
- struct QueryParameters<'a> {
- keyword: Option<Cow<'a, str>>,
- $(
- $name: Option<Cow<'a, str>>,
- )*
- }
- impl<'a> QueryParameters<'a> {
- /// Build this struct from the query part of an URI.
- fn from_query(query: &'a str) -> Result<Self, Error> {
- let mut res: Self = Default::default();
- for (k, v) in url::form_urlencoded::parse(query.as_bytes()) {
- let repeated = match k.as_ref() {
- $(
- $rest => if !v.is_empty() {
- res.$name.replace(v).is_some()
- } else {
- false
- },
- )*
- _ => {
- if k.starts_with("response-") || k.starts_with("X-Amz-") {
- false
- } else if v.as_ref().is_empty() {
- if res.keyword.replace(k).is_some() {
- return Err(Error::BadRequest("Multiple keywords".to_owned()));
- }
- continue;
- } else {
- debug!("Received an unknown query parameter: '{}'", k);
- false
- }
- }
- };
- if repeated {
- return Err(Error::BadRequest(format!(
- "Query parameter repeated: '{}'",
- k
- )));
- }
- }
- Ok(res)
- }
- /// Get an error message in case not all parameters where used when extracting them to
- /// build an Enpoint variant
- fn nonempty_message(&self) -> Option<&str> {
- if self.keyword.is_some() {
- Some("Keyword not used")
- } $(
- else if self.$name.is_some() {
- Some(concat!("'", $rest, "'"))
- }
- )* else {
- None
- }
- }
- }
- }
-// parameter name => struct field
-generateQueryParameters! {
- "continuation-token" => continuation_token,
- "delimiter" => delimiter,
- "encoding-type" => encoding_type,
- "fetch-owner" => fetch_owner,
- "id" => id,
- "key-marker" => key_marker,
- "list-type" => list_type,
- "marker" => marker,
- "max-keys" => max_keys,
- "max-parts" => max_parts,
- "max-uploads" => max_uploads,
- "partNumber" => part_number,
- "part-number-marker" => part_number_marker,
- "prefix" => prefix,
- "select-type" => select_type,
- "start-after" => start_after,
- "uploadId" => upload_id,
- "upload-id-marker" => upload_id_marker,
- "versionId" => version_id,
- "version-id-marker" => version_id_marker
-mod keywords {
- //! This module contain all query parameters with no associated value S3 uses to differentiate
- //! endpoints.
- pub const EMPTY: &str = "";
- pub const ACCELERATE: &str = "accelerate";
- pub const ACL: &str = "acl";
- pub const ANALYTICS: &str = "analytics";
- pub const CORS: &str = "cors";
- pub const DELETE: &str = "delete";
- pub const ENCRYPTION: &str = "encryption";
- pub const INTELLIGENT_TIERING: &str = "intelligent-tiering";
- pub const INVENTORY: &str = "inventory";
- pub const LEGAL_HOLD: &str = "legal-hold";
- pub const LIFECYCLE: &str = "lifecycle";
- pub const LOCATION: &str = "location";
- pub const LOGGING: &str = "logging";
- pub const METRICS: &str = "metrics";
- pub const NOTIFICATION: &str = "notification";
- pub const OBJECT_LOCK: &str = "object-lock";
- pub const OWNERSHIP_CONTROLS: &str = "ownershipControls";
- pub const POLICY: &str = "policy";
- pub const POLICY_STATUS: &str = "policyStatus";
- pub const PUBLIC_ACCESS_BLOCK: &str = "publicAccessBlock";
- pub const REPLICATION: &str = "replication";
- pub const REQUEST_PAYMENT: &str = "requestPayment";
- pub const RESTORE: &str = "restore";
- pub const RETENTION: &str = "retention";
- pub const SELECT: &str = "select";
- pub const TAGGING: &str = "tagging";
- pub const TORRENT: &str = "torrent";
- pub const UPLOADS: &str = "uploads";
- pub const VERSIONING: &str = "versioning";
- pub const VERSIONS: &str = "versions";
- pub const WEBSITE: &str = "website";
-mod tests {
- use super::*;
- fn parse(
- method: &str,
- uri: &str,
- bucket: Option<String>,
- header: Option<(&str, &str)>,
- ) -> (Endpoint, Option<String>) {
- let mut req = Request::builder().method(method).uri(uri);
- if let Some((k, v)) = header {
- req = req.header(k, v)
- }
- let req = req.body(()).unwrap();
- Endpoint::from_request(&req, bucket).unwrap()
- }
- macro_rules! test_cases {
- ($($method:ident $uri:expr => $variant:ident )*) => {{
- $(
- assert!(
- matches!(
- parse(test_cases!{@actual_method $method}, $uri, Some("my_bucket".to_owned()), None).0,
- Endpoint::$variant { .. }
- )
- );
- assert!(
- matches!(
- parse(test_cases!{@actual_method $method}, concat!("/my_bucket", $uri), None, None).0,
- Endpoint::$variant { .. }
- )
- );
- test_cases!{@auth $method $uri}
- )*
- }};
- (@actual_method HEAD) => {{ "HEAD" }};
- (@actual_method GET) => {{ "GET" }};
- (@actual_method OWNER_GET) => {{ "GET" }};
- (@actual_method PUT) => {{ "PUT" }};
- (@actual_method OWNER_PUT) => {{ "PUT" }};
- (@actual_method POST) => {{ "POST" }};
- (@actual_method DELETE) => {{ "DELETE" }};
- (@actual_method OWNER_DELETE) => {{ "DELETE" }};
- (@auth HEAD $uri:expr) => {{
- assert_eq!(parse("HEAD", concat!("/my_bucket", $uri), None, None).0.authorization_type(),
- Authorization::Read)
- }};
- (@auth GET $uri:expr) => {{
- assert_eq!(parse("GET", concat!("/my_bucket", $uri), None, None).0.authorization_type(),
- Authorization::Read)
- }};
- (@auth OWNER_GET $uri:expr) => {{
- assert_eq!(parse("GET", concat!("/my_bucket", $uri), None, None).0.authorization_type(),
- Authorization::Owner)
- }};
- (@auth PUT $uri:expr) => {{
- assert_eq!(parse("PUT", concat!("/my_bucket", $uri), None, None).0.authorization_type(),
- Authorization::Write)
- }};
- (@auth OWNER_PUT $uri:expr) => {{
- assert_eq!(parse("PUT", concat!("/my_bucket", $uri), None, None).0.authorization_type(),
- Authorization::Owner)
- }};
- (@auth POST $uri:expr) => {{
- assert_eq!(parse("POST", concat!("/my_bucket", $uri), None, None).0.authorization_type(),
- Authorization::Write)
- }};
- (@auth DELETE $uri:expr) => {{
- assert_eq!(parse("DELETE", concat!("/my_bucket", $uri), None, None).0.authorization_type(),
- Authorization::Write)
- }};
- (@auth OWNER_DELETE $uri:expr) => {{
- assert_eq!(parse("DELETE", concat!("/my_bucket", $uri), None, None).0.authorization_type(),
- Authorization::Owner)
- }};
- }
- #[test]
- fn test_bucket_extraction() {
- assert_eq!(
- parse("GET", "/my/key", Some("my_bucket".to_owned()), None).1,
- parse("GET", "/my_bucket/my/key", None, None).1
- );
- assert_eq!(
- parse("GET", "/my_bucket/my/key", None, None).1.unwrap(),
- "my_bucket"
- );
- assert!(parse("GET", "/", None, None).1.is_none());
- }
- #[test]
- fn test_key() {
- assert_eq!(
- parse("GET", "/my/key", Some("my_bucket".to_owned()), None)
- .0
- .get_key(),
- parse("GET", "/my_bucket/my/key", None, None).0.get_key()
- );
- assert_eq!(
- parse("GET", "/my_bucket/my/key", None, None)
- .0
- .get_key()
- .unwrap(),
- "my/key"
- );
- assert_eq!(
- parse("GET", "/my_bucket/my/key?acl", None, None)
- .0
- .get_key()
- .unwrap(),
- "my/key"
- );
- assert!(parse("GET", "/my_bucket/?list-type=2", None, None)
- .0
- .get_key()
- .is_none());
- assert_eq!(
- parse("GET", "/my_bucket/%26%2B%3F%25%C3%A9/something", None, None)
- .0
- .get_key()
- .unwrap(),
- "&+?%é/something"
- );
- /*
- * this case is failing. We should verify how clients encode space in url
- assert_eq!(
- parse("GET", "/my_bucket/+", None, None).get_key().unwrap(),
- " ");
- */
- }
- #[test]
- fn invalid_endpoint() {
- let req = Request::builder()
- .method("GET")
- .uri("/bucket/key?website")
- .body(())
- .unwrap();
- assert!(Endpoint::from_request(&req, None).is_err())
- }
- #[test]
- fn test_aws_doc_examples() {
- test_cases!(
- DELETE "/example-object?uploadId=VXBsb2FkIElEIGZvciBlbHZpbmcncyBteS1tb3ZpZS5tMnRzIHVwbG9hZ" => AbortMultipartUpload
- DELETE "/Key+?uploadId=UploadId" => AbortMultipartUpload
- POST "/example-object?uploadId=AAAsb2FkIElEIGZvciBlbHZpbmcncyWeeS1tb3ZpZS5tMnRzIRRwbG9hZA" => CompleteMultipartUpload
- POST "/Key+?uploadId=UploadId" => CompleteMultipartUpload
- PUT "/" => CreateBucket
- POST "/example-object?uploads" => CreateMultipartUpload
- POST "/{Key+}?uploads" => CreateMultipartUpload
- OWNER_DELETE "/" => DeleteBucket
- DELETE "/?analytics&id=list1" => DeleteBucketAnalyticsConfiguration
- DELETE "/?analytics&id=Id" => DeleteBucketAnalyticsConfiguration
- OWNER_DELETE "/?cors" => DeleteBucketCors
- DELETE "/?encryption" => DeleteBucketEncryption
- DELETE "/?intelligent-tiering&id=Id" => DeleteBucketIntelligentTieringConfiguration
- DELETE "/?inventory&id=list1" => DeleteBucketInventoryConfiguration
- DELETE "/?inventory&id=Id" => DeleteBucketInventoryConfiguration
- DELETE "/?lifecycle" => DeleteBucketLifecycle
- DELETE "/?metrics&id=ExampleMetrics" => DeleteBucketMetricsConfiguration
- DELETE "/?metrics&id=Id" => DeleteBucketMetricsConfiguration
- DELETE "/?ownershipControls" => DeleteBucketOwnershipControls
- DELETE "/?policy" => DeleteBucketPolicy
- DELETE "/?replication" => DeleteBucketReplication
- DELETE "/?tagging" => DeleteBucketTagging
- OWNER_DELETE "/?website" => DeleteBucketWebsite
- DELETE "/my-second-image.jpg" => DeleteObject
- DELETE "/my-third-image.jpg?versionId=UIORUnfndfiufdisojhr398493jfdkjFJjkndnqUifhnw89493jJFJ" => DeleteObject
- DELETE "/Key+?versionId=VersionId" => DeleteObject
- POST "/?delete" => DeleteObjects
- DELETE "/exampleobject?tagging" => DeleteObjectTagging
- DELETE "/{Key+}?tagging&versionId=VersionId" => DeleteObjectTagging
- DELETE "/?publicAccessBlock" => DeletePublicAccessBlock
- GET "/?accelerate" => GetBucketAccelerateConfiguration
- GET "/?acl" => GetBucketAcl
- GET "/?analytics&id=Id" => GetBucketAnalyticsConfiguration
- OWNER_GET "/?cors" => GetBucketCors
- GET "/?encryption" => GetBucketEncryption
- GET "/?intelligent-tiering&id=Id" => GetBucketIntelligentTieringConfiguration
- GET "/?inventory&id=list1" => GetBucketInventoryConfiguration
- GET "/?inventory&id=Id" => GetBucketInventoryConfiguration
- GET "/?lifecycle" => GetBucketLifecycleConfiguration
- GET "/?location" => GetBucketLocation
- GET "/?logging" => GetBucketLogging
- GET "/?metrics&id=Documents" => GetBucketMetricsConfiguration
- GET "/?metrics&id=Id" => GetBucketMetricsConfiguration
- GET "/?notification" => GetBucketNotificationConfiguration
- GET "/?ownershipControls" => GetBucketOwnershipControls
- GET "/?policy" => GetBucketPolicy
- GET "/?policyStatus" => GetBucketPolicyStatus
- GET "/?replication" => GetBucketReplication
- GET "/?requestPayment" => GetBucketRequestPayment
- GET "/?tagging" => GetBucketTagging
- GET "/?versioning" => GetBucketVersioning
- OWNER_GET "/?website" => GetBucketWebsite
- GET "/my-image.jpg" => GetObject
- GET "/myObject?versionId=3/L4kqtJlcpXroDTDmpUMLUo" => GetObject
- GET "/Junk3.txt?response-cache-control=No-cache&response-content-disposition=attachment%3B%20filename%3Dtesting.txt&response-content-encoding=x-gzip&response-content-language=mi%2C%20en&response-expires=Thu%2C%2001%20Dec%201994%2016:00:00%20GMT" => GetObject
- GET "/Key+?partNumber=1&response-cache-control=ResponseCacheControl&response-content-disposition=ResponseContentDisposition&response-content-encoding=ResponseContentEncoding&response-content-language=ResponseContentLanguage&response-content-type=ResponseContentType&response-expires=ResponseExpires&versionId=VersionId" => GetObject
- GET "/my-image.jpg?acl" => GetObjectAcl
- GET "/my-image.jpg?versionId=3/L4kqtJlcpXroDVBH40Nr8X8gdRQBpUMLUo&acl" => GetObjectAcl
- GET "/{Key+}?acl&versionId=VersionId" => GetObjectAcl
- GET "/{Key+}?legal-hold&versionId=VersionId" => GetObjectLegalHold
- GET "/?object-lock" => GetObjectLockConfiguration
- GET "/{Key+}?retention&versionId=VersionId" => GetObjectRetention
- GET "/example-object?tagging" => GetObjectTagging
- GET "/{Key+}?tagging&versionId=VersionId" => GetObjectTagging
- GET "/quotes/Nelson?torrent" => GetObjectTorrent
- GET "/{Key+}?torrent" => GetObjectTorrent
- GET "/?publicAccessBlock" => GetPublicAccessBlock
- HEAD "/" => HeadBucket
- HEAD "/my-image.jpg" => HeadObject
- HEAD "/my-image.jpg?versionId=3HL4kqCxf3vjVBH40Nrjfkd" => HeadObject
- HEAD "/Key+?partNumber=3&versionId=VersionId" => HeadObject
- GET "/?analytics" => ListBucketAnalyticsConfigurations
- GET "/?analytics&continuation-token=ContinuationToken" => ListBucketAnalyticsConfigurations
- GET "/?intelligent-tiering" => ListBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurations
- GET "/?intelligent-tiering&continuation-token=ContinuationToken" => ListBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurations
- GET "/?inventory" => ListBucketInventoryConfigurations
- GET "/?inventory&continuation-token=ContinuationToken" => ListBucketInventoryConfigurations
- GET "/?metrics" => ListBucketMetricsConfigurations
- GET "/?metrics&continuation-token=ContinuationToken" => ListBucketMetricsConfigurations
- GET "/?uploads&max-uploads=3" => ListMultipartUploads
- GET "/?uploads&delimiter=/" => ListMultipartUploads
- GET "/?uploads&delimiter=/&prefix=photos/2006/" => ListMultipartUploads
- GET "/?uploads&delimiter=D&encoding-type=EncodingType&key-marker=KeyMarker&max-uploads=1&prefix=Prefix&upload-id-marker=UploadIdMarker" => ListMultipartUploads
- GET "/" => ListObjects
- GET "/?prefix=N&marker=Ned&max-keys=40" => ListObjects
- GET "/?delimiter=/" => ListObjects
- GET "/?prefix=photos/2006/&delimiter=/" => ListObjects
- GET "/?delimiter=D&encoding-type=EncodingType&marker=Marker&max-keys=1&prefix=Prefix" => ListObjects
- GET "/?list-type=2" => ListObjectsV2
- GET "/?list-type=2&max-keys=3&prefix=E&start-after=ExampleGuide.pdf" => ListObjectsV2
- GET "/?list-type=2&delimiter=/" => ListObjectsV2
- GET "/?list-type=2&prefix=photos/2006/&delimiter=/" => ListObjectsV2
- GET "/?list-type=2" => ListObjectsV2
- GET "/?list-type=2&continuation-token=1ueGcxLPRx1Tr/XYExHnhbYLgveDs2J/wm36Hy4vbOwM=" => ListObjectsV2
- GET "/?list-type=2&continuation-token=ContinuationToken&delimiter=D&encoding-type=EncodingType&fetch-owner=true&max-keys=1&prefix=Prefix&start-after=StartAfter" => ListObjectsV2
- GET "/?versions" => ListObjectVersions
- GET "/?versions&key-marker=key2" => ListObjectVersions
- GET "/?versions&key-marker=key3&version-id-marker=t46ZenlYTZBnj" => ListObjectVersions
- GET "/?versions&key-marker=key3&version-id-marker=t46Z0menlYTZBnj&max-keys=3" => ListObjectVersions
- GET "/?versions&delimiter=/" => ListObjectVersions
- GET "/?versions&prefix=photos/2006/&delimiter=/" => ListObjectVersions
- GET "/?versions&delimiter=D&encoding-type=EncodingType&key-marker=KeyMarker&max-keys=2&prefix=Prefix&version-id-marker=VersionIdMarker" => ListObjectVersions
- GET "/example-object?uploadId=XXBsb2FkIElEIGZvciBlbHZpbmcncyVcdS1tb3ZpZS5tMnRzEEEwbG9hZA&max-parts=2&part-number-marker=1" => ListParts
- GET "/Key+?max-parts=2&part-number-marker=2&uploadId=UploadId" => ListParts
- PUT "/?accelerate" => PutBucketAccelerateConfiguration
- PUT "/?acl" => PutBucketAcl
- PUT "/?analytics&id=report1" => PutBucketAnalyticsConfiguration
- PUT "/?analytics&id=Id" => PutBucketAnalyticsConfiguration
- OWNER_PUT "/?cors" => PutBucketCors
- PUT "/?encryption" => PutBucketEncryption
- PUT "/?intelligent-tiering&id=Id" => PutBucketIntelligentTieringConfiguration
- PUT "/?inventory&id=report1" => PutBucketInventoryConfiguration
- PUT "/?inventory&id=Id" => PutBucketInventoryConfiguration
- PUT "/?lifecycle" => PutBucketLifecycleConfiguration
- PUT "/?logging" => PutBucketLogging
- PUT "/?metrics&id=EntireBucket" => PutBucketMetricsConfiguration
- PUT "/?metrics&id=Id" => PutBucketMetricsConfiguration
- PUT "/?notification" => PutBucketNotificationConfiguration
- PUT "/?ownershipControls" => PutBucketOwnershipControls
- PUT "/?policy" => PutBucketPolicy
- PUT "/?replication" => PutBucketReplication
- PUT "/?requestPayment" => PutBucketRequestPayment
- PUT "/?tagging" => PutBucketTagging
- PUT "/?versioning" => PutBucketVersioning
- OWNER_PUT "/?website" => PutBucketWebsite
- PUT "/my-image.jpg" => PutObject
- PUT "/Key+" => PutObject
- PUT "/my-image.jpg?acl" => PutObjectAcl
- PUT "/my-image.jpg?acl&versionId=3HL4kqtJlcpXroDTDmJ+rmSpXd3dIbrHY+MTRCxf3vjVBH40Nrjfkd" => PutObjectAcl
- PUT "/{Key+}?acl&versionId=VersionId" => PutObjectAcl
- PUT "/{Key+}?legal-hold&versionId=VersionId" => PutObjectLegalHold
- PUT "/?object-lock" => PutObjectLockConfiguration
- PUT "/{Key+}?retention&versionId=VersionId" => PutObjectRetention
- PUT "/object-key?tagging" => PutObjectTagging
- PUT "/{Key+}?tagging&versionId=VersionId" => PutObjectTagging
- PUT "/?publicAccessBlock" => PutPublicAccessBlock
- POST "/object-one.csv?restore" => RestoreObject
- POST "/{Key+}?restore&versionId=VersionId" => RestoreObject
- PUT "/my-movie.m2ts?partNumber=1&uploadId=VCVsb2FkIElEIGZvciBlbZZpbmcncyBteS1tb3ZpZS5tMnRzIHVwbG9hZR" => UploadPart
- PUT "/Key+?partNumber=2&uploadId=UploadId" => UploadPart
- POST "/" => PostObject
- );
- // no bucket, won't work with the rest of the test suite
- assert!(matches!(
- parse("GET", "/", None, None).0,
- Endpoint::ListBuckets { .. }
- ));
- assert!(matches!(
- parse("GET", "/", None, None).0.authorization_type(),
- Authorization::None
- ));
- // require a header
- assert!(matches!(
- parse(
- "PUT",
- "/Key+",
- Some("my_bucket".to_owned()),
- Some(("x-amz-copy-source", "some/key"))
- )
- .0,
- Endpoint::CopyObject { .. }
- ));
- assert!(matches!(
- parse(
- "PUT",
- "/my_bucket/Key+",
- None,
- Some(("x-amz-copy-source", "some/key"))
- )
- .0,
- Endpoint::CopyObject { .. }
- ));
- assert!(matches!(
- parse(
- "PUT",
- "/my_bucket/Key+",
- None,
- Some(("x-amz-copy-source", "some/key"))
- )
- .0
- .authorization_type(),
- Authorization::Write
- ));
- // require a header
- assert!(matches!(
- parse(
- "PUT",
- "/Key+?partNumber=2&uploadId=UploadId",
- Some("my_bucket".to_owned()),
- Some(("x-amz-copy-source", "some/key"))
- )
- .0,
- Endpoint::UploadPartCopy { .. }
- ));
- assert!(matches!(
- parse(
- "PUT",
- "/my_bucket/Key+?partNumber=2&uploadId=UploadId",
- None,
- Some(("x-amz-copy-source", "some/key"))
- )
- .0,
- Endpoint::UploadPartCopy { .. }
- ));
- assert!(matches!(
- parse(
- "PUT",
- "/my_bucket/Key+?partNumber=2&uploadId=UploadId",
- None,
- Some(("x-amz-copy-source", "some/key"))
- )
- .0
- .authorization_type(),
- Authorization::Write
- ));
- // POST request, but with GET semantic for permissions purpose
- assert!(matches!(
- parse(
- "POST",
- "/{Key+}?select&select-type=2",
- Some("my_bucket".to_owned()),
- None
- )
- .0,
- Endpoint::SelectObjectContent { .. }
- ));
- assert!(matches!(
- parse("POST", "/my_bucket/{Key+}?select&select-type=2", None, None).0,
- Endpoint::SelectObjectContent { .. }
- ));
- assert!(matches!(
- parse("POST", "/my_bucket/{Key+}?select&select-type=2", None, None)
- .0
- .authorization_type(),
- Authorization::Read
- ));
- }