path: root/src/api/s3_post_object.rs
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/api/s3_post_object.rs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 499 deletions
diff --git a/src/api/s3_post_object.rs b/src/api/s3_post_object.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 585e0304..00000000
--- a/src/api/s3_post_object.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,499 +0,0 @@
-use std::collections::HashMap;
-use std::convert::TryInto;
-use std::ops::RangeInclusive;
-use std::sync::Arc;
-use std::task::{Context, Poll};
-use bytes::Bytes;
-use chrono::{DateTime, Duration, Utc};
-use futures::{Stream, StreamExt};
-use hyper::header::{self, HeaderMap, HeaderName, HeaderValue};
-use hyper::{Body, Request, Response, StatusCode};
-use multer::{Constraints, Multipart, SizeLimit};
-use serde::Deserialize;
-use garage_model::garage::Garage;
-use crate::api_server::resolve_bucket;
-use crate::error::*;
-use crate::s3_put::{get_headers, save_stream};
-use crate::s3_xml;
-use crate::signature::payload::{parse_date, verify_v4};
-pub async fn handle_post_object(
- garage: Arc<Garage>,
- req: Request<Body>,
- bucket: String,
-) -> Result<Response<Body>, Error> {
- let boundary = req
- .headers()
- .get(header::CONTENT_TYPE)
- .and_then(|ct| ct.to_str().ok())
- .and_then(|ct| multer::parse_boundary(ct).ok())
- .ok_or_bad_request("Counld not get multipart boundary")?;
- // 16k seems plenty for a header. 5G is the max size of a single part, so it seems reasonable
- // for a PostObject
- let constraints = Constraints::new().size_limit(
- SizeLimit::new()
- .per_field(16 * 1024)
- .for_field("file", 5 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024),
- );
- let (head, body) = req.into_parts();
- let mut multipart = Multipart::with_constraints(body, boundary, constraints);
- let mut params = HeaderMap::new();
- let field = loop {
- let field = if let Some(field) = multipart.next_field().await? {
- field
- } else {
- return Err(Error::BadRequest(
- "Request did not contain a file".to_owned(),
- ));
- };
- let name: HeaderName = if let Some(Ok(name)) = field.name().map(TryInto::try_into) {
- name
- } else {
- continue;
- };
- if name == "file" {
- break field;
- }
- if let Ok(content) = HeaderValue::from_str(&field.text().await?) {
- match name.as_str() {
- "tag" => (/* tag need to be reencoded, but we don't support them yet anyway */),
- "acl" => {
- if params.insert("x-amz-acl", content).is_some() {
- return Err(Error::BadRequest(
- "Field 'acl' provided more than one time".to_string(),
- ));
- }
- }
- _ => {
- if params.insert(&name, content).is_some() {
- return Err(Error::BadRequest(format!(
- "Field '{}' provided more than one time",
- name
- )));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- };
- // Current part is file. Do some checks before handling to PutObject code
- let key = params
- .get("key")
- .ok_or_bad_request("No key was provided")?
- .to_str()?;
- let credential = params
- .get("x-amz-credential")
- .ok_or_else(|| {
- Error::Forbidden("Garage does not support anonymous access yet".to_string())
- })?
- .to_str()?;
- let policy = params
- .get("policy")
- .ok_or_bad_request("No policy was provided")?
- .to_str()?;
- let signature = params
- .get("x-amz-signature")
- .ok_or_bad_request("No signature was provided")?
- .to_str()?;
- let date = params
- .get("x-amz-date")
- .ok_or_bad_request("No date was provided")?
- .to_str()?;
- let key = if key.contains("${filename}") {
- // if no filename is provided, don't replace. This matches the behavior of AWS.
- if let Some(filename) = field.file_name() {
- key.replace("${filename}", filename)
- } else {
- key.to_owned()
- }
- } else {
- key.to_owned()
- };
- let date = parse_date(date)?;
- let api_key = verify_v4(&garage, credential, &date, signature, policy.as_bytes()).await?;
- let bucket_id = resolve_bucket(&garage, &bucket, &api_key).await?;
- if !api_key.allow_write(&bucket_id) {
- return Err(Error::Forbidden(
- "Operation is not allowed for this key.".to_string(),
- ));
- }
- let decoded_policy = base64::decode(&policy)?;
- let decoded_policy: Policy =
- serde_json::from_slice(&decoded_policy).ok_or_bad_request("Invalid policy")?;
- let expiration: DateTime<Utc> = DateTime::parse_from_rfc3339(&decoded_policy.expiration)
- .ok_or_bad_request("Invalid expiration date")?
- .into();
- if Utc::now() - expiration > Duration::zero() {
- return Err(Error::BadRequest(
- "Expiration date is in the paste".to_string(),
- ));
- }
- let mut conditions = decoded_policy.into_conditions()?;
- for (param_key, value) in params.iter() {
- let mut param_key = param_key.to_string();
- param_key.make_ascii_lowercase();
- match param_key.as_str() {
- "policy" | "x-amz-signature" => (), // this is always accepted, as it's required to validate other fields
- "content-type" => {
- let conds = conditions.params.remove("content-type").ok_or_else(|| {
- Error::BadRequest(format!("Key '{}' is not allowed in policy", param_key))
- })?;
- for cond in conds {
- let ok = match cond {
- Operation::Equal(s) => s.as_str() == value,
- Operation::StartsWith(s) => {
- value.to_str()?.split(',').all(|v| v.starts_with(&s))
- }
- };
- if !ok {
- return Err(Error::BadRequest(format!(
- "Key '{}' has value not allowed in policy",
- param_key
- )));
- }
- }
- }
- "key" => {
- let conds = conditions.params.remove("key").ok_or_else(|| {
- Error::BadRequest(format!("Key '{}' is not allowed in policy", param_key))
- })?;
- for cond in conds {
- let ok = match cond {
- Operation::Equal(s) => s == key,
- Operation::StartsWith(s) => key.starts_with(&s),
- };
- if !ok {
- return Err(Error::BadRequest(format!(
- "Key '{}' has value not allowed in policy",
- param_key
- )));
- }
- }
- }
- _ => {
- if param_key.starts_with("x-ignore-") {
- // if a x-ignore is provided in policy, it's not removed here, so it will be
- // rejected as provided in policy but not in the request. As odd as it is, it's
- // how aws seems to behave.
- continue;
- }
- let conds = conditions.params.remove(&param_key).ok_or_else(|| {
- Error::BadRequest(format!("Key '{}' is not allowed in policy", param_key))
- })?;
- for cond in conds {
- let ok = match cond {
- Operation::Equal(s) => s.as_str() == value,
- Operation::StartsWith(s) => value.to_str()?.starts_with(s.as_str()),
- };
- if !ok {
- return Err(Error::BadRequest(format!(
- "Key '{}' has value not allowed in policy",
- param_key
- )));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if let Some((param_key, _)) = conditions.params.iter().next() {
- return Err(Error::BadRequest(format!(
- "Key '{}' is required in policy, but no value was provided",
- param_key
- )));
- }
- let headers = get_headers(&params)?;
- let stream = field.map(|r| r.map_err(Into::into));
- let (_, md5) = save_stream(
- garage,
- headers,
- StreamLimiter::new(stream, conditions.content_length),
- bucket_id,
- &key,
- None,
- None,
- )
- .await?;
- let etag = format!("\"{}\"", md5);
- let resp = if let Some(mut target) = params
- .get("success_action_redirect")
- .and_then(|h| h.to_str().ok())
- .and_then(|u| url::Url::parse(u).ok())
- .filter(|u| u.scheme() == "https" || u.scheme() == "http")
- {
- target
- .query_pairs_mut()
- .append_pair("bucket", &bucket)
- .append_pair("key", &key)
- .append_pair("etag", &etag);
- let target = target.to_string();
- Response::builder()
- .status(StatusCode::SEE_OTHER)
- .header(header::LOCATION, target.clone())
- .header(header::ETAG, etag)
- .body(target.into())?
- } else {
- let path = head
- .uri
- .into_parts()
- .path_and_query
- .map(|paq| paq.path().to_string())
- .unwrap_or_else(|| "/".to_string());
- let authority = head
- .headers
- .get(header::HOST)
- .and_then(|h| h.to_str().ok())
- .unwrap_or_default();
- let proto = if !authority.is_empty() {
- "https://"
- } else {
- ""
- };
- let url_key: String = form_urlencoded::byte_serialize(key.as_bytes())
- .flat_map(str::chars)
- .collect();
- let location = format!("{}{}{}{}", proto, authority, path, url_key);
- let action = params
- .get("success_action_status")
- .and_then(|h| h.to_str().ok())
- .unwrap_or("204");
- let builder = Response::builder()
- .header(header::LOCATION, location.clone())
- .header(header::ETAG, etag.clone());
- match action {
- "200" => builder.status(StatusCode::OK).body(Body::empty())?,
- "201" => {
- let xml = s3_xml::PostObject {
- xmlns: (),
- location: s3_xml::Value(location),
- bucket: s3_xml::Value(bucket),
- key: s3_xml::Value(key),
- etag: s3_xml::Value(etag),
- };
- let body = s3_xml::to_xml_with_header(&xml)?;
- builder
- .status(StatusCode::CREATED)
- .body(Body::from(body.into_bytes()))?
- }
- _ => builder.status(StatusCode::NO_CONTENT).body(Body::empty())?,
- }
- };
- Ok(resp)
-struct Policy {
- expiration: String,
- conditions: Vec<PolicyCondition>,
-impl Policy {
- fn into_conditions(self) -> Result<Conditions, Error> {
- let mut params = HashMap::<_, Vec<_>>::new();
- let mut length = (0, u64::MAX);
- for condition in self.conditions {
- match condition {
- PolicyCondition::Equal(map) => {
- if map.len() != 1 {
- return Err(Error::BadRequest("Invalid policy item".to_owned()));
- }
- let (mut k, v) = map.into_iter().next().expect("size was verified");
- k.make_ascii_lowercase();
- params.entry(k).or_default().push(Operation::Equal(v));
- }
- PolicyCondition::OtherOp([cond, mut key, value]) => {
- if key.remove(0) != '$' {
- return Err(Error::BadRequest("Invalid policy item".to_owned()));
- }
- key.make_ascii_lowercase();
- match cond.as_str() {
- "eq" => {
- params.entry(key).or_default().push(Operation::Equal(value));
- }
- "starts-with" => {
- params
- .entry(key)
- .or_default()
- .push(Operation::StartsWith(value));
- }
- _ => return Err(Error::BadRequest("Invalid policy item".to_owned())),
- }
- }
- PolicyCondition::SizeRange(key, min, max) => {
- if key == "content-length-range" {
- length.0 = length.0.max(min);
- length.1 = length.1.min(max);
- } else {
- return Err(Error::BadRequest("Invalid policy item".to_owned()));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- Ok(Conditions {
- params,
- content_length: RangeInclusive::new(length.0, length.1),
- })
- }
-/// A single condition from a policy
-#[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]
-enum PolicyCondition {
- // will contain a single key-value pair
- Equal(HashMap<String, String>),
- OtherOp([String; 3]),
- SizeRange(String, u64, u64),
-struct Conditions {
- params: HashMap<String, Vec<Operation>>,
- content_length: RangeInclusive<u64>,
-#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
-enum Operation {
- Equal(String),
- StartsWith(String),
-struct StreamLimiter<T> {
- inner: T,
- length: RangeInclusive<u64>,
- read: u64,
-impl<T> StreamLimiter<T> {
- fn new(stream: T, length: RangeInclusive<u64>) -> Self {
- StreamLimiter {
- inner: stream,
- length,
- read: 0,
- }
- }
-impl<T> Stream for StreamLimiter<T>
- T: Stream<Item = Result<Bytes, Error>> + Unpin,
- type Item = Result<Bytes, Error>;
- fn poll_next(
- mut self: std::pin::Pin<&mut Self>,
- ctx: &mut Context<'_>,
- ) -> Poll<Option<Self::Item>> {
- let res = std::pin::Pin::new(&mut self.inner).poll_next(ctx);
- match &res {
- Poll::Ready(Some(Ok(bytes))) => {
- self.read += bytes.len() as u64;
- // optimization to fail early when we know before the end it's too long
- if self.length.end() < &self.read {
- return Poll::Ready(Some(Err(Error::BadRequest(
- "File size does not match policy".to_owned(),
- ))));
- }
- }
- Poll::Ready(None) => {
- if !self.length.contains(&self.read) {
- return Poll::Ready(Some(Err(Error::BadRequest(
- "File size does not match policy".to_owned(),
- ))));
- }
- }
- _ => {}
- }
- res
- }
-mod tests {
- use super::*;
- #[test]
- fn test_policy_1() {
- let policy_json = br#"
-{ "expiration": "2007-12-01T12:00:00.000Z",
- "conditions": [
- {"acl": "public-read" },
- {"bucket": "johnsmith" },
- ["starts-with", "$key", "user/eric/"]
- ]
- "#;
- let policy_2: Policy = serde_json::from_slice(&policy_json[..]).unwrap();
- let mut conditions = policy_2.into_conditions().unwrap();
- assert_eq!(
- conditions.params.remove(&"acl".to_string()),
- Some(vec![Operation::Equal("public-read".into())])
- );
- assert_eq!(
- conditions.params.remove(&"bucket".to_string()),
- Some(vec![Operation::Equal("johnsmith".into())])
- );
- assert_eq!(
- conditions.params.remove(&"key".to_string()),
- Some(vec![Operation::StartsWith("user/eric/".into())])
- );
- assert!(conditions.params.is_empty());
- assert_eq!(conditions.content_length, 0..=u64::MAX);
- }
- #[test]
- fn test_policy_2() {
- let policy_json = br#"
-{ "expiration": "2007-12-01T12:00:00.000Z",
- "conditions": [
- [ "eq", "$acl", "public-read" ],
- ["starts-with", "$Content-Type", "image/"],
- ["starts-with", "$success_action_redirect", ""],
- ["content-length-range", 1048576, 10485760]
- ]
- "#;
- let policy_2: Policy = serde_json::from_slice(&policy_json[..]).unwrap();
- let mut conditions = policy_2.into_conditions().unwrap();
- assert_eq!(
- conditions.params.remove(&"acl".to_string()),
- Some(vec![Operation::Equal("public-read".into())])
- );
- assert_eq!(
- conditions.params.remove("content-type").unwrap(),
- vec![Operation::StartsWith("image/".into())]
- );
- assert_eq!(
- conditions
- .params
- .remove(&"success_action_redirect".to_string()),
- Some(vec![Operation::StartsWith("".into())])
- );
- assert!(conditions.params.is_empty());
- assert_eq!(conditions.content_length, 1048576..=10485760);
- }