path: root/script/jepsen.garage/src/jepsen/garage/nemesis.clj
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'script/jepsen.garage/src/jepsen/garage/nemesis.clj')
1 files changed, 142 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/script/jepsen.garage/src/jepsen/garage/nemesis.clj b/script/jepsen.garage/src/jepsen/garage/nemesis.clj
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dfce0255
--- /dev/null
+++ b/script/jepsen.garage/src/jepsen/garage/nemesis.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+(ns jepsen.garage.nemesis
+ (:require [clojure.tools.logging :refer :all]
+ [jepsen [control :as c]
+ [core :as jepsen]
+ [generator :as gen]
+ [nemesis :as nemesis]]
+ [jepsen.nemesis.combined :as combined]
+ [jepsen.garage.daemon :as grg]
+ [jepsen.control.util :as cu]))
+; ---- reconfiguration nemesis ----
+(defn configure-present!
+ "Configure node to be active in new cluster layout"
+ [test nodes]
+ (info "configure-present!" nodes)
+ (let [node-ids (c/on-many nodes (c/exec grg/binary :node :id :-q))
+ node-id-strs (map (fn [[_ v]] (subs v 0 16)) node-ids)]
+ (c/on
+ (jepsen/primary test)
+ (apply c/exec (concat [grg/binary :layout :assign :-c :1G] node-id-strs)))))
+(defn configure-absent!
+ "Configure nodes to be active in new cluster layout"
+ [test nodes]
+ (info "configure-absent!" nodes)
+ (let [node-ids (c/on-many nodes (c/exec grg/binary :node :id :-q))
+ node-id-strs (map (fn [[_ v]] (subs v 0 16)) node-ids)]
+ (c/on
+ (jepsen/primary test)
+ (apply c/exec (concat [grg/binary :layout :assign :-g] node-id-strs)))))
+(defn finalize-config!
+ "Apply the proposed cluster layout"
+ [test]
+ (let [layout-show (c/on (jepsen/primary test) (c/exec grg/binary :layout :show))
+ [_ layout-next-version] (re-find #"apply --version (\d+)\n" layout-show)]
+ (if layout-next-version
+ (do
+ (info "layout show: " layout-show "; next-version: " layout-next-version)
+ (c/on (jepsen/primary test)
+ (c/exec grg/binary :layout :apply :--version layout-next-version)))
+ (info "no layout changes to apply"))))
+(defn reconfigure-subset
+ "Reconfigure cluster with only a subset of nodes"
+ [cnt]
+ (reify nemesis/Nemesis
+ (setup! [this test] this)
+ (invoke! [this test op] op
+ (case (:f op)
+ :start
+ (let [[keep-nodes remove-nodes]
+ (->> (:nodes test)
+ shuffle
+ (split-at cnt))]
+ (info "layout split: keep " keep-nodes ", remove " remove-nodes)
+ (configure-present! test keep-nodes)
+ (configure-absent! test remove-nodes)
+ (finalize-config! test)
+ (assoc op :value keep-nodes))
+ :stop
+ (do
+ (info "layout un-split: all nodes=" (:nodes test))
+ (configure-present! test (:nodes test))
+ (finalize-config! test)
+ (assoc op :value (:nodes test)))))
+ (teardown! [this test] this)))
+; ---- nemesis scenari ----
+(defn nemesis-op
+ "A generator for a single nemesis operation"
+ [op]
+ (fn [_ _] {:type :info, :f op}))
+(defn reconfiguration-package
+ "Cluster reconfiguration nemesis package"
+ [opts]
+ {:generator (->>
+ (gen/mix [(nemesis-op :reconfigure-start)
+ (nemesis-op :reconfigure-stop)])
+ (gen/stagger (:interval opts 5)))
+ :final-generator {:type :info, :f :reconfigure-stop}
+ :nemesis (nemesis/compose
+ {{:reconfigure-start :start
+ :reconfigure-stop :stop} (reconfigure-subset 3)})
+ :perf #{{:name "reconfigure"
+ :start #{:reconfigure-start}
+ :stop #{:reconfigur-stop}
+ :color "#A197E9"}}})
+(defn scenario-c
+ "Clock modifying scenario"
+ [opts]
+ (combined/clock-package {:db (:db opts), :interval 1, :faults #{:clock}}))
+(defn scenario-cp
+ "Clock modifying + partition scenario"
+ [opts]
+ (combined/compose-packages
+ [(combined/clock-package {:db (:db opts), :interval 1, :faults #{:clock}})
+ (combined/partition-package {:db (:db opts), :interval 1, :faults #{:partition}})]))
+(defn scenario-r
+ "Cluster reconfiguration scenario"
+ [opts]
+ (reconfiguration-package {:interval 1}))
+(defn scenario-pr
+ "Partition + cluster reconfiguration scenario"
+ [opts]
+ (combined/compose-packages
+ [(combined/partition-package {:db (:db opts), :interval 1, :faults #{:partition}})
+ (reconfiguration-package {:interval 1})]))
+(defn scenario-cpr
+ "Clock scramble + partition + cluster reconfiguration scenario"
+ [opts]
+ (combined/compose-packages
+ [(combined/clock-package {:db (:db opts), :interval 1, :faults #{:clock}})
+ (combined/partition-package {:db (:db opts), :interval 1, :faults #{:partition}})
+ (reconfiguration-package {:interval 1})]))
+(defn scenario-cdp
+ "Clock modifying + db + partition scenario"
+ [opts]
+ (combined/compose-packages
+ [(combined/clock-package {:db (:db opts), :interval 1, :faults #{:clock}})
+ (combined/db-package {:db (:db opts), :interval 1, :faults #{:db :pause :kill}})
+ (combined/partition-package {:db (:db opts), :interval 1, :faults #{:partition}})]))
+(defn scenario-dpr
+ "Db + partition + cluster reconfiguration scenario"
+ [opts]
+ (combined/compose-packages
+ [(combined/db-package {:db (:db opts), :interval 1, :faults #{:db :pause :kill}})
+ (combined/partition-package {:db (:db opts), :interval 1, :faults #{:partition}})
+ (reconfiguration-package {:interval 1})]))