path: root/doc/book/src/design/internals.md
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-# Internals
-## Overview
-TODO: write this section
-- The Dynamo ring (see [this paper](https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/1323293.1294281) and [that paper](https://www.usenix.org/conference/nsdi16/technical-sessions/presentation/eisenbud))
-- CRDTs (see [this paper](https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-642-24550-3_29))
-- Consistency model of Garage tables
-In the meantime, you can find some information at the following links:
-- [this presentation (in French)](https://git.deuxfleurs.fr/Deuxfleurs/garage/src/branch/main/doc/talks/2020-12-02_wide-team/talk.pdf)
-- [an old design draft](/working_documents/design_draft.md)
-## Garbage collection
-A faulty garbage collection procedure has been the cause of
-[critical bug #39](https://git.deuxfleurs.fr/Deuxfleurs/garage/issues/39).
-This precise bug was fixed in the code, however there are potentially more
-general issues with the garbage collector being too eager and deleting things
-too early. This has been the subject of
-[PR #135](https://git.deuxfleurs.fr/Deuxfleurs/garage/pulls/135).
-This section summarizes the discussions on this topic.
-Rationale: we want to ensure Garage's safety by making sure things don't get
-deleted from disk if they are still needed. Two aspects are involved in this.
-### 1. Garbage collection of table entries (in `meta/` directory)
-The `Entry` trait used for table entries (defined in `tables/schema.rs`)
-defines a function `is_tombstone()` that returns `true` if that entry
-represents an entry that is deleted in the table. CRDT semantics by default
-keep all tombstones, because they are necessary for reconciliation: if node A
-has a tombstone that supersedes a value `x`, and node B has value `x`, A has to
-keep the tombstone in memory so that the value `x` can be properly deleted at
-node `B`. Otherwise, due to the CRDT reconciliation rule, the value `x` from B
-would flow back to A and a deleted item would reappear in the system.
-Here, we have some control on the nodes involved in storing Garage data.
-Therefore we have a garbage collector that is able to delete tombstones UNDER
-CERTAIN CONDITIONS. This garbage collector is implemented in `table/gc.rs`. To
-delete a tombstone, the following condition has to be met:
-- All nodes responsible for storing this entry are aware of the existence of
- the tombstone, i.e. they cannot hold another version of the entry that is
- superseeded by the tombstone. This ensures that deleting the tombstone is
- safe and that no deleted value will come back in the system.
-Garage makes use of Sled's atomic operations (such as compare-and-swap and
-transactions) to ensure that only tombstones that have been correctly
-propagated to other nodes are ever deleted from the local entry tree.
-This GC is safe in the following sense: no non-tombstone data is ever deleted
-from Garage tables.
-**However**, there is an issue with the way this interacts with data
-rebalancing in the case when a partition is moving between nodes. If a node has
-some data of a partition for which it is not responsible, it has to offload it.
-However that offload process takes some time. In that interval, the GC does not
-check with that node if it has the tombstone before deleting the tombstone, so
-perhaps it doesn't have it and when the offload finally happens, old data comes
-back in the system.
-**PR 135 mostly fixes this** by implementing a 24-hour delay before anything is
-garbage collected in a table. This works under the assumption that rebalances
-that follow data shuffling terminate in less than 24 hours.
-**However**, in distributed systems, it is generally considered a bad practice
-to make assumptions that information propagates in a certain time interval:
-this consists in making a synchrony assumption, meaning that we are basically
-assuming a computing model that has much stronger properties than otherwise. To
-maximize the applicability of Garage, we would like to remove this assumption,
-and implement a system where time does not play a role. To do this, we would
-need to find a way to safely disable the GC when data is being shuffled around,
-and safely detect that the shuffling has terminated and thus the GC can be
-resumed. This introduces some complexity to the protocol and hasn't been
-tackled yet.
-### 2. Garbage collection of data blocks (in `data/` directory)
-Blocks in the data directory are reference-counted. In Garage versions before
-PR #135, blocks could get deleted from local disk as soon as their reference
-counter reached zero. We had a mechanism to not trigger this immediately at the
-rc-reaches-zero event, but the cleanup could be triggered by other means (for
-example by a block repair operation...). PR #135 added a safety measure so that
-blocks never get deleted in a 10 minute interval following the time when the RC
-reaches zero. This is a measure to make impossible race conditions such as #39.
-We would have liked to use a larger delay (e.g. 24 hours), but in the case of a
-rebalance of data, this would have led to the disk utilization to explode
-during the rebalancing, only to shrink again after 24 hours. The 10-minute
-delay is a compromise that gives good security while not having this problem of
-disk space explosion on rebalance.