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index 6f462493..5a291bbf 100644
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@@ -18,119 +18,4 @@ Non-goals include:
Our main use case is to provide a distributed storage layer for small-scale self hosted services such as [Deuxfleurs](https://deuxfleurs.fr).
-Check our [compatibility page](doc/Compatibility.md) to view details of the S3 API compatibility.
-## Development
-We propose the following quickstart to setup a full dev. environment as quickly as possible:
- 1. Setup a rust/cargo environment. eg. `dnf install rust cargo`
- 2. Install awscli v2 by following the guide [here](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/install-cliv2.html).
- 3. Run `cargo build` to build the project
- 4. Run `./script/dev-cluster.sh` to launch a test cluster (feel free to read the script)
- 5. Run `./script/dev-configure.sh` to configure your test cluster with default values (same datacenter, 100 tokens)
- 6. Run `./script/dev-bucket.sh` to create a bucket named `eprouvette` and an API key that will be stored in `/tmp/garage.s3`
- 7. Run `source ./script/dev-env-aws.sh` to configure your CLI environment
- 8. You can use `garage` to manage the cluster. Try `garage --help`.
- 9. You can use the `awsgrg` alias to add, remove, and delete files. Try `awsgrg help`, `awsgrg cp /proc/cpuinfo s3://eprouvette/cpuinfo.txt`, or `awsgrg ls s3://eprouvette`. `awsgrg` is a wrapper on the `aws s3` command pre-configured with the previously generated API key (the one in `/tmp/garage.s3`) and localhost as the endpoint.
-Now you should be ready to start hacking on garage!
-## S3 compatibility
-Only a subset of S3 is supported: adding, listing, getting and deleting files in a bucket.
-Bucket management, ACL and other advanced features are not (yet?) handled through the S3 API but through the `garage` CLI.
-We primarily test `garage` against the `awscli` tool and `nextcloud`.
-## Setting up Garage
-Use the `genkeys.sh` script to generate TLS keys for encrypting communications between Garage nodes.
-The script takes no arguments and will generate keys in `pki/`.
-This script creates a certificate authority `garage-ca` which signs certificates for individual Garage nodes.
-Garage nodes from a same cluster authenticate themselves by verifying that they have certificates signed by the same certificate authority.
-Garage requires two locations to store its data: a metadata directory, and a data directory.
-The metadata directory is used to store metadata such as object lists, and should ideally be located on an SSD drive.
-The data directory is used to store the chunks of data of the objects stored in Garage.
-In a typical deployment the data directory is stored on a standard HDD.
-Garage does not handle TLS for its S3 API endpoint. This should be handled by adding a reverse proxy.
-Create a configuration file with the following structure:
-block_size = 1048576 # objects are split in blocks of maximum this number of bytes
-metadata_dir = "/path/to/ssd/metadata/directory"
-data_dir = "/path/to/hdd/data/directory"
-rpc_bind_addr = "[::]:3901" # the port other Garage nodes will use to talk to this node
-bootstrap_peers = [
- # Ideally this list should contain the IP addresses of all other Garage nodes of the cluster.
- # Use Ansible or any kind of configuration templating to generate this automatically.
- "",
- "",
- "",
-# optionnal: garage can find cluster nodes automatically using a Consul server
-# garage only does lookup but does not register itself, registration should be handled externally by e.g. Nomad
-consul_host = "localhost:8500" # optionnal: host name of a Consul server for automatic peer discovery
-consul_service_name = "garage" # optionnal: service name to look up on Consul
-max_concurrent_rpc_requests = 12
-data_replication_factor = 3
-meta_replication_factor = 3
-meta_epidemic_fanout = 3
-# NOT RECOMMENDED: you can skip this section if you don't want to encrypt intra-cluster traffic
-# Thanks to genkeys.sh, generating the keys and certificates is easy, so there is NO REASON NOT TO DO IT.
-ca_cert = "/path/to/garage/pki/garage-ca.crt"
-node_cert = "/path/to/garage/pki/garage.crt"
-node_key = "/path/to/garage/pki/garage.key"
-api_bind_addr = "[::1]:3900" # the S3 API port, HTTP without TLS. Add a reverse proxy for the TLS part.
-s3_region = "garage" # set this to anything. S3 API calls will fail if they are not made against the region set here.
-bind_addr = "[::1]:3902"
-root_domain = ".garage.tld"
-index = "index.html"
-Build Garage using `cargo build --release`.
-Then, run it using either `./target/release/garage server -c path/to/config_file.toml` or `cargo run --release -- server -c path/to/config_file.toml`.
-Set the `RUST_LOG` environment to `garage=debug` to dump some debug information.
-Set it to `garage=trace` to dump even more debug information.
-Set it to `garage=warn` to show nothing except warnings and errors.
-## Setting up cluster nodes
-Once all your `garage` nodes are running, you will need to:
-1. check that they are correctly talking to one another;
-2. configure them with their physical location (in the case of a multi-dc deployment) and a number of "ring tokens" proportionnal to the storage space available on each node;
-3. create some S3 API keys and buckets;
-4. ???;
-5. profit!
-To run these administrative tasks, you will need to use the `garage` command line tool and it to connect to any of the cluster's nodes on the RPC port.
-The `garage` CLI also needs TLS keys and certificates of its own to authenticate and be authenticated in the cluster.
-A typicall invocation will be as follows:
-./target/release/garage --ca-cert=pki/garage-ca.crt --client-cert=pki/garage-client.crt --client-key=pki/garage-client.key <...>
-## Notes to self
-### What to repair
-- `tables`: to do a full sync of metadata, should not be necessary because it is done every hour by the system
-- `versions` and `block_refs`: very time consuming, usefull if deletions have not been propagated, improves garbage collection
-- `blocks`: very usefull to resync/rebalance blocks betweeen nodes
+**[Go to the documentation](https://garagehq.deuxfleurs.fr)**
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-# Quickstart on an existing deployment
-First, chances are that your garage deployment is secured by TLS.
-All your commands must be prefixed with their certificates.
-I will define an alias once and for all to ease future commands.
-Please adapt the path of the binary and certificates to your installation!
-alias grg="/garage/garage --ca-cert /secrets/garage-ca.crt --client-cert /secrets/garage.crt --client-key /secrets/garage.key"
-Now we can check that everything is going well by checking our cluster status:
-grg status
-Don't forget that `help` command and `--help` subcommands can help you anywhere, the CLI tool is self-documented! Two examples:
-grg help
-grg bucket allow --help
-Fine, now let's create a bucket (we imagine that you want to deploy nextcloud):
-grg bucket create nextcloud-bucket
-Check that everything went well:
-grg bucket list
-grg bucket info nextcloud-bucket
-Now we will generate an API key to access this bucket.
-Note that API keys are independent of buckets: one key can access multiple buckets, multiple keys can access one bucket.
-Now, let's start by creating a key only for our PHP application:
-grg key new --name nextcloud-app-key
-You will have the following output (this one is fake, `key_id` and `secret_key` were generated with the openssl CLI tool):
-Key { key_id: "GK3515373e4c851ebaad366558", secret_key: "7d37d093435a41f2aab8f13c19ba067d9776c90215f56614adad6ece597dbb34", name: "nextcloud-app-key", name_timestamp: 1603280506694, deleted: false, authorized_buckets: [] }
-Check that everything works as intended (be careful, info works only with your key identifier and not with its friendly name!):
-grg key list
-grg key info GK3515373e4c851ebaad366558
-Now that we have a bucket and a key, we need to give permissions to the key on the bucket!
-grg bucket allow --read --write nextcloud-bucket --key GK3515373e4c851ebaad366558
-You can check at any times allowed keys on your bucket with:
-grg bucket info nextcloud-bucket
-Now, let's move to the S3 API!
-We will use the `s3cmd` CLI tool.
-You can install it via your favorite package manager.
-Otherwise, check [their website](https://s3tools.org/s3cmd)
-We will configure `s3cmd` with its interactive configuration tool, be careful not all endpoints are implemented!
-Especially, the test run at the end does not work (yet).
-$ s3cmd --configure
-Enter new values or accept defaults in brackets with Enter.
-Refer to user manual for detailed description of all options.
-Access key and Secret key are your identifiers for Amazon S3. Leave them empty for using the env variables.
-Access Key: GK3515373e4c851ebaad366558
-Secret Key: 7d37d093435a41f2aab8f13c19ba067d9776c90215f56614adad6ece597dbb34
-Default Region [US]: garage
-Use "s3.amazonaws.com" for S3 Endpoint and not modify it to the target Amazon S3.
-S3 Endpoint [s3.amazonaws.com]: garage.deuxfleurs.fr
-Use "%(bucket)s.s3.amazonaws.com" to the target Amazon S3. "%(bucket)s" and "%(location)s" vars can be used
-if the target S3 system supports dns based buckets.
-DNS-style bucket+hostname:port template for accessing a bucket [%(bucket)s.s3.amazonaws.com]: garage.deuxfleurs.fr
-Encryption password is used to protect your files from reading
-by unauthorized persons while in transfer to S3
-Encryption password:
-Path to GPG program [/usr/bin/gpg]:
-When using secure HTTPS protocol all communication with Amazon S3
-servers is protected from 3rd party eavesdropping. This method is
-slower than plain HTTP, and can only be proxied with Python 2.7 or newer
-Use HTTPS protocol [Yes]:
-On some networks all internet access must go through a HTTP proxy.
-Try setting it here if you can't connect to S3 directly
-HTTP Proxy server name:
-New settings:
- Access Key: GK3515373e4c851ebaad366558
- Secret Key: 7d37d093435a41f2aab8f13c19ba067d9776c90215f56614adad6ece597dbb34
- Default Region: garage
- S3 Endpoint: garage.deuxfleurs.fr
- DNS-style bucket+hostname:port template for accessing a bucket: garage.deuxfleurs.fr
- Encryption password:
- Path to GPG program: /usr/bin/gpg
- Use HTTPS protocol: True
- HTTP Proxy server name:
- HTTP Proxy server port: 0
-Test access with supplied credentials? [Y/n] n
-Save settings? [y/N] y
-Configuration saved to '/home/quentin/.s3cfg'
-Now, if everything works, the following commands should work:
-echo hello world > hello.txt
-s3cmd put hello.txt s3://nextcloud-bucket
-s3cmd ls s3://nextcloud-bucket
-s3cmd rm s3://nextcloud-bucket/hello.txt
-That's all for now!
diff --git a/doc/book/src/SUMMARY.md b/doc/book/src/SUMMARY.md
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- [Getting Started](./getting_started/index.md)
- [Get a binary](./getting_started/binary.md)
- [Configure the daemon](./getting_started/daemon.md)
+ - [Control the daemon](./getting_started/control.md)
- [Configure a cluster](./getting_started/cluster.md)
- [Create buckets and keys](./getting_started/bucket.md)
- [Handle files](./getting_started/files.md)
diff --git a/doc/book/src/getting_started/cluster.md b/doc/book/src/getting_started/cluster.md
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+++ b/doc/book/src/getting_started/cluster.md
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# Configure a cluster
+## Test cluster
+## Real-world cluster
+For our example, we will suppose we have the following infrastructure:
+| Location | Name | IP Address | Disk Space |
+| Paris | Mercury | fc00:1::1 | 1 To |
+| Paris | Venus | fc00:1::2 | 2 To |
+| London | Earth | fc00:1::2 | 2 To |
+| Brussels | Mars | fc00:B::1 | 1.5 To |