path: root/src/k2v-client/bin
diff options
authorMendes <mendes.oulamara@pm.me>2022-10-04 18:14:49 +0200
committerMendes <mendes.oulamara@pm.me>2022-10-04 18:14:49 +0200
commit829f815a897b04986559910bbcbf53625adcdf20 (patch)
tree6db3c27cff2aded754a641d1f2b05c83be701267 /src/k2v-client/bin
parent99f96b9564c9c841dc6c56f1255a6e70ff884d46 (diff)
parenta096ced35562bd0a8877a1ee2f755be1edafe343 (diff)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' into optimal-layout
Diffstat (limited to 'src/k2v-client/bin')
1 files changed, 501 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/k2v-client/bin/k2v-cli.rs b/src/k2v-client/bin/k2v-cli.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..925ebeb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/k2v-client/bin/k2v-cli.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,501 @@
+use std::time::Duration;
+use k2v_client::*;
+use garage_util::formater::format_table;
+use rusoto_core::credential::AwsCredentials;
+use rusoto_core::Region;
+use clap::{Parser, Subcommand};
+/// K2V command line interface
+#[derive(Parser, Debug)]
+#[clap(author, version, about, long_about = None)]
+struct Args {
+ /// Name of the region to use
+ #[clap(short, long, env = "AWS_REGION", default_value = "garage")]
+ region: String,
+ /// Url of the endpoint to connect to
+ #[clap(short, long, env = "K2V_ENDPOINT")]
+ endpoint: String,
+ /// Access key ID
+ #[clap(short, long, env = "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID")]
+ key_id: String,
+ /// Access key ID
+ #[clap(short, long, env = "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY")]
+ secret: String,
+ /// Bucket name
+ #[clap(short, long, env = "K2V_BUCKET")]
+ bucket: String,
+ #[clap(subcommand)]
+ command: Command,
+#[derive(Subcommand, Debug)]
+enum Command {
+ /// Insert a single value
+ Insert {
+ /// Partition key to insert to
+ partition_key: String,
+ /// Sort key to insert to
+ sort_key: String,
+ /// Causality of the insertion
+ #[clap(short, long)]
+ causality: Option<String>,
+ /// Value to insert
+ #[clap(flatten)]
+ value: Value,
+ },
+ /// Read a single value
+ Read {
+ /// Partition key to read from
+ partition_key: String,
+ /// Sort key to read from
+ sort_key: String,
+ /// Output formating
+ #[clap(flatten)]
+ output_kind: ReadOutputKind,
+ },
+ /// Watch changes on a single value
+ Poll {
+ /// Partition key to delete from
+ partition_key: String,
+ /// Sort key to delete from
+ sort_key: String,
+ /// Causality information
+ #[clap(short, long)]
+ causality: String,
+ /// Timeout, in seconds
+ #[clap(short, long)]
+ timeout: Option<u64>,
+ /// Output formating
+ #[clap(flatten)]
+ output_kind: ReadOutputKind,
+ },
+ /// Delete a single value
+ Delete {
+ /// Partition key to delete from
+ partition_key: String,
+ /// Sort key to delete from
+ sort_key: String,
+ /// Causality information
+ #[clap(short, long)]
+ causality: String,
+ },
+ /// List partition keys
+ ReadIndex {
+ /// Output formating
+ #[clap(flatten)]
+ output_kind: BatchOutputKind,
+ /// Output only partition keys matching this filter
+ #[clap(flatten)]
+ filter: Filter,
+ },
+ /// Read a range of sort keys
+ ReadRange {
+ /// Partition key to read from
+ partition_key: String,
+ /// Output formating
+ #[clap(flatten)]
+ output_kind: BatchOutputKind,
+ /// Output only sort keys matching this filter
+ #[clap(flatten)]
+ filter: Filter,
+ },
+ /// Delete a range of sort keys
+ DeleteRange {
+ /// Partition key to delete from
+ partition_key: String,
+ /// Output formating
+ #[clap(flatten)]
+ output_kind: BatchOutputKind,
+ /// Delete only sort keys matching this filter
+ #[clap(flatten)]
+ filter: Filter,
+ },
+/// Where to read a value from
+#[derive(Parser, Debug)]
+#[clap(group = clap::ArgGroup::new("value").multiple(false).required(true))]
+struct Value {
+ /// Read value from a file. use - to read from stdin
+ #[clap(short, long, group = "value")]
+ file: Option<String>,
+ /// Read a base64 value from commandline
+ #[clap(short, long, group = "value")]
+ b64: Option<String>,
+ /// Read a raw (UTF-8) value from the commandline
+ #[clap(short, long, group = "value")]
+ text: Option<String>,
+impl Value {
+ async fn to_data(&self) -> Result<Vec<u8>, Error> {
+ if let Some(ref text) = self.text {
+ Ok(text.as_bytes().to_vec())
+ } else if let Some(ref b64) = self.b64 {
+ base64::decode(b64).map_err(|_| Error::Message("invalid base64 input".into()))
+ } else if let Some(ref path) = self.file {
+ use tokio::io::AsyncReadExt;
+ if path == "-" {
+ let mut file = tokio::io::stdin();
+ let mut vec = Vec::new();
+ file.read_to_end(&mut vec).await?;
+ Ok(vec)
+ } else {
+ let mut file = tokio::fs::File::open(path).await?;
+ let mut vec = Vec::new();
+ file.read_to_end(&mut vec).await?;
+ Ok(vec)
+ }
+ } else {
+ unreachable!("Value must have one option set")
+ }
+ }
+#[derive(Parser, Debug)]
+#[clap(group = clap::ArgGroup::new("output-kind").multiple(false).required(false))]
+struct ReadOutputKind {
+ /// Base64 output. Conflicts are line separated, first line is causality token
+ #[clap(short, long, group = "output-kind")]
+ b64: bool,
+ /// Raw output. Conflicts generate error, causality token is not returned
+ #[clap(short, long, group = "output-kind")]
+ raw: bool,
+ /// Human formated output
+ #[clap(short = 'H', long, group = "output-kind")]
+ human: bool,
+ /// JSON formated output
+ #[clap(short, long, group = "output-kind")]
+ json: bool,
+impl ReadOutputKind {
+ fn display_output(&self, val: CausalValue) -> ! {
+ use std::io::Write;
+ use std::process::exit;
+ if self.json {
+ let stdout = std::io::stdout();
+ serde_json::to_writer_pretty(stdout, &val).unwrap();
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ if self.raw {
+ let mut val = val.value;
+ if val.len() != 1 {
+ eprintln!(
+ "Raw mode can only read non-concurent values, found {} values, expected 1",
+ val.len()
+ );
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ let val = val.pop().unwrap();
+ match val {
+ K2vValue::Value(v) => {
+ std::io::stdout().write_all(&v).unwrap();
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ K2vValue::Tombstone => {
+ eprintln!("Expected value, found tombstone");
+ exit(2);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ let causality: String = val.causality.into();
+ if self.b64 {
+ println!("{}", causality);
+ for val in val.value {
+ match val {
+ K2vValue::Value(v) => {
+ println!("{}", base64::encode(&v))
+ }
+ K2vValue::Tombstone => {
+ println!();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ // human
+ println!("causality: {}", causality);
+ println!("values:");
+ for val in val.value {
+ match val {
+ K2vValue::Value(v) => {
+ if let Ok(string) = std::str::from_utf8(&v) {
+ println!(" utf-8: {}", string);
+ } else {
+ println!(" base64: {}", base64::encode(&v));
+ }
+ }
+ K2vValue::Tombstone => {
+ println!(" tombstone");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ exit(0);
+ }
+#[derive(Parser, Debug)]
+#[clap(group = clap::ArgGroup::new("output-kind").multiple(false).required(false))]
+struct BatchOutputKind {
+ /// Human formated output
+ #[clap(short = 'H', long, group = "output-kind")]
+ human: bool,
+ /// JSON formated output
+ #[clap(short, long, group = "output-kind")]
+ json: bool,
+/// Filter for batch operations
+#[derive(Parser, Debug)]
+#[clap(group = clap::ArgGroup::new("filter").multiple(true).required(true))]
+struct Filter {
+ /// Match only keys starting with this prefix
+ #[clap(short, long, group = "filter")]
+ prefix: Option<String>,
+ /// Match only keys lexicographically after this key (including this key itself)
+ #[clap(short, long, group = "filter")]
+ start: Option<String>,
+ /// Match only keys lexicographically before this key (excluding this key)
+ #[clap(short, long, group = "filter")]
+ end: Option<String>,
+ /// Only match the first X keys
+ #[clap(short, long)]
+ limit: Option<u64>,
+ /// Return keys in reverse order
+ #[clap(short, long)]
+ reverse: bool,
+ /// Return only keys where conflict happened
+ #[clap(short, long)]
+ conflicts_only: bool,
+ /// Also include keys storing only tombstones
+ #[clap(short, long)]
+ tombstones: bool,
+ /// Return any key
+ #[clap(short, long, group = "filter")]
+ all: bool,
+impl Filter {
+ fn k2v_filter(&self) -> k2v_client::Filter<'_> {
+ k2v_client::Filter {
+ start: self.start.as_deref(),
+ end: self.end.as_deref(),
+ prefix: self.prefix.as_deref(),
+ limit: self.limit,
+ reverse: self.reverse,
+ }
+ }
+async fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
+ let args = Args::parse();
+ let region = Region::Custom {
+ name: args.region,
+ endpoint: args.endpoint,
+ };
+ let creds = AwsCredentials::new(args.key_id, args.secret, None, None);
+ let client = K2vClient::new(region, args.bucket, creds, None)?;
+ match args.command {
+ Command::Insert {
+ partition_key,
+ sort_key,
+ causality,
+ value,
+ } => {
+ client
+ .insert_item(
+ &partition_key,
+ &sort_key,
+ value.to_data().await?,
+ causality.map(Into::into),
+ )
+ .await?;
+ }
+ Command::Delete {
+ partition_key,
+ sort_key,
+ causality,
+ } => {
+ client
+ .delete_item(&partition_key, &sort_key, causality.into())
+ .await?;
+ }
+ Command::Read {
+ partition_key,
+ sort_key,
+ output_kind,
+ } => {
+ let res = client.read_item(&partition_key, &sort_key).await?;
+ output_kind.display_output(res);
+ }
+ Command::Poll {
+ partition_key,
+ sort_key,
+ causality,
+ timeout,
+ output_kind,
+ } => {
+ let timeout = timeout.map(Duration::from_secs);
+ let res_opt = client
+ .poll_item(&partition_key, &sort_key, causality.into(), timeout)
+ .await?;
+ if let Some(res) = res_opt {
+ output_kind.display_output(res);
+ } else {
+ println!("Delay expired and value didn't change.");
+ }
+ }
+ Command::ReadIndex {
+ output_kind,
+ filter,
+ } => {
+ if filter.conflicts_only || filter.tombstones {
+ return Err(Error::Message(
+ "conlicts-only and tombstones are invalid for read-index".into(),
+ ));
+ }
+ let res = client.read_index(filter.k2v_filter()).await?;
+ if output_kind.json {
+ let values = res
+ .items
+ .into_iter()
+ .map(|(k, v)| {
+ let mut value = serde_json::to_value(v).unwrap();
+ value
+ .as_object_mut()
+ .unwrap()
+ .insert("sort_key".to_owned(), k.into());
+ value
+ })
+ .collect::<Vec<_>>();
+ let json = serde_json::json!({
+ "next_key": res.next_start,
+ "values": values,
+ });
+ let stdout = std::io::stdout();
+ serde_json::to_writer_pretty(stdout, &json).unwrap();
+ } else {
+ if let Some(next) = res.next_start {
+ println!("next key: {}", next);
+ }
+ let mut to_print = Vec::new();
+ to_print.push(format!("key:\tentries\tconflicts\tvalues\tbytes"));
+ for (k, v) in res.items {
+ to_print.push(format!(
+ "{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}",
+ k, v.entries, v.conflicts, v.values, v.bytes
+ ));
+ }
+ format_table(to_print);
+ }
+ }
+ Command::ReadRange {
+ partition_key,
+ output_kind,
+ filter,
+ } => {
+ let op = BatchReadOp {
+ partition_key: &partition_key,
+ filter: filter.k2v_filter(),
+ conflicts_only: filter.conflicts_only,
+ tombstones: filter.tombstones,
+ single_item: false,
+ };
+ let mut res = client.read_batch(&[op]).await?;
+ let res = res.pop().unwrap();
+ if output_kind.json {
+ let values = res
+ .items
+ .into_iter()
+ .map(|(k, v)| {
+ let mut value = serde_json::to_value(v).unwrap();
+ value
+ .as_object_mut()
+ .unwrap()
+ .insert("sort_key".to_owned(), k.into());
+ value
+ })
+ .collect::<Vec<_>>();
+ let json = serde_json::json!({
+ "next_key": res.next_start,
+ "values": values,
+ });
+ let stdout = std::io::stdout();
+ serde_json::to_writer_pretty(stdout, &json).unwrap();
+ } else {
+ if let Some(next) = res.next_start {
+ println!("next key: {}", next);
+ }
+ for (key, values) in res.items {
+ println!("key: {}", key);
+ let causality: String = values.causality.into();
+ println!("causality: {}", causality);
+ for value in values.value {
+ match value {
+ K2vValue::Value(v) => {
+ if let Ok(string) = std::str::from_utf8(&v) {
+ println!(" value(utf-8): {}", string);
+ } else {
+ println!(" value(base64): {}", base64::encode(&v));
+ }
+ }
+ K2vValue::Tombstone => {
+ println!(" tombstone");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Command::DeleteRange {
+ partition_key,
+ output_kind,
+ filter,
+ } => {
+ let op = BatchDeleteOp {
+ partition_key: &partition_key,
+ prefix: filter.prefix.as_deref(),
+ start: filter.start.as_deref(),
+ end: filter.end.as_deref(),
+ single_item: false,
+ };
+ if filter.reverse
+ || filter.conflicts_only
+ || filter.tombstones
+ || filter.limit.is_some()
+ {
+ return Err(Error::Message(
+ "limit, conlicts-only, reverse and tombstones are invalid for delete-range"
+ .into(),
+ ));
+ }
+ let res = client.delete_batch(&[op]).await?;
+ if output_kind.json {
+ println!("{}", res[0]);
+ } else {
+ println!("deleted {} keys", res[0]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Ok(())