path: root/src/garage/tests/s3/streaming_signature.rs
blob: 224b9ed523a3a08a6582003ed3d87c08d5a1e90a (plain) (tree)












use std::collections::HashMap;

use crate::common;
use crate::common::ext::CommandExt;
use common::custom_requester::BodySignature;
use hyper::Method;

const STD_KEY: &str = "hello-world";
//const CTRL_KEY: &str = "\x00\x01\x02\x00";
const BODY: &[u8; 62] = b"0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";

async fn test_putobject_streaming() {
	let ctx = common::context();
	let bucket = ctx.create_bucket("putobject-streaming");

		// Send an empty object (can serve as a directory marker)
		// with a content type
		let etag = "\"d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e\"";
		let content_type = "text/csv";
		let mut headers = HashMap::new();
		headers.insert("content-type".to_owned(), content_type.to_owned());
		let _ = ctx

		// assert_eq!(r.e_tag.unwrap().as_str(), etag);
		// We return a version ID here
		// We should check if Amazon is returning one when versioning is not enabled
		// assert!(r.version_id.is_some());

		//let _version = r.version_id.unwrap();

		let o = ctx

		assert_bytes_eq!(o.body, b"");
		assert_eq!(o.e_tag.unwrap(), etag);
		// We do not return version ID
		// We should check if Amazon is returning one when versioning is not enabled
		// assert_eq!(o.version_id.unwrap(), _version);
		assert_eq!(o.content_type.unwrap(), content_type);
		assert_eq!(o.content_length.unwrap(), 0);
		assert_eq!(o.parts_count, None);
		assert_eq!(o.tag_count, None);

		let etag = "\"46cf18a9b447991b450cad3facf5937e\"";

		let _ = ctx
			//.path(CTRL_KEY.to_owned()) at the moment custom_request does not encode url so this

		// assert_eq!(r.e_tag.unwrap().as_str(), etag);
		// assert!(r.version_id.is_some());

		let o = ctx

		assert_bytes_eq!(o.body, BODY);
		assert_eq!(o.e_tag.unwrap(), etag);
		assert_eq!(o.content_length.unwrap(), 62);
		assert_eq!(o.parts_count, None);
		assert_eq!(o.tag_count, None);

async fn test_create_bucket_streaming() {
	let ctx = common::context();
	let bucket = "createbucket-streaming";

		.args(["key", "allow"])
		.args(["--create-bucket", &ctx.key.id])
		.expect_success_output("Could not allow key to create buckets");

		// create bucket
		let _ = ctx

		// test if the bucket exists and works properly
		let etag = "\"d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e\"";
		let content_type = "text/csv";
		let _ = ctx

		let o = ctx

		assert_eq!(o.e_tag.unwrap(), etag);

async fn test_put_website_streaming() {
	let ctx = common::context();
	let bucket = ctx.create_bucket("putwebsite-streaming");

		let website_config = r#"<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<WebsiteConfiguration xmlns="http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/">

		let mut query = HashMap::new();
		query.insert("website".to_owned(), None);
		let _ = ctx

		let o = ctx

		assert_eq!(o.index_document.unwrap().suffix, "home.html");
		assert_eq!(o.error_document.unwrap().key, "err/error.html");