path: root/src/garage/tests/k2v/errorcodes.rs
blob: 2fcc45bc1372099f6f568fc2d4ec7861643b8adf (plain) (tree)

use crate::common;

use hyper::Method;

async fn test_error_codes() {
	let ctx = common::context();
	let bucket = ctx.create_bucket("test-k2v-error-codes");

	// Regular insert should work (code 200)
	let res = ctx
		.query_param("sort_key", Some("test1"))
		.body(b"Hello, world!".to_vec())
	assert_eq!(res.status(), 200);

	// Insert with trash causality token: invalid request
	let res = ctx
		.query_param("sort_key", Some("test1"))
		.signed_header("x-garage-causality-token", "tra$sh")
		.body(b"Hello, world!".to_vec())
	assert_eq!(res.status(), 400);

	// Search without partition key: invalid request
	let res = ctx
		.query_param("search", Option::<&str>::None)
	assert_eq!(res.status(), 400);

	// Search with start that is not in prefix: invalid request
	let res = ctx
		.query_param("search", Option::<&str>::None)
	{"partition_key": "root", "prefix": "a", "start": "bx"},
	assert_eq!(res.status(), 400);

	// Search with invalid json: 400
	let res = ctx
		.query_param("search", Option::<&str>::None)
	{"partition_key": "root"
	assert_eq!(res.status(), 400);

	// Batch insert with invalid causality token: 400
	let res = ctx
	{"pk": "root", "sk": "a", "ct": "tra$h", "v": "aGVsbG8sIHdvcmxkCg=="}
	assert_eq!(res.status(), 400);

	// Batch insert with invalid data: 400
	let res = ctx
	{"pk": "root", "sk": "a", "ct": null, "v": "aGVsbG8sIHdvcmx$Cg=="}
	assert_eq!(res.status(), 400);

	// Poll with invalid causality token: 400
	let res = ctx
		.query_param("sort_key", Some("test1"))
		.query_param("causality_token", Some("tra$h"))
		.query_param("timeout", Some("10"))
		.signed_header("accept", "application/octet-stream")
	assert_eq!(res.status(), 400);