#![recursion_limit = "1024"]
//! Garage CLI, used to interact with a running Garage instance, and to launch a Garage instance
extern crate tracing;
mod admin;
mod cli;
mod repair;
mod secrets;
mod server;
#[cfg(feature = "telemetry-otlp")]
mod tracing_setup;
#[cfg(not(any(feature = "bundled-libs", feature = "system-libs")))]
compile_error!("Either bundled-libs or system-libs Cargo feature must be enabled");
#[cfg(all(feature = "bundled-libs", feature = "system-libs"))]
compile_error!("Only one of bundled-libs and system-libs Cargo features must be enabled");
use std::net::SocketAddr;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use structopt::StructOpt;
use netapp::util::parse_and_resolve_peer_addr;
use netapp::NetworkKey;
use garage_util::error::*;
use garage_rpc::system::*;
use garage_rpc::*;
use garage_model::helper::error::Error as HelperError;
use admin::*;
use cli::*;
use secrets::Secrets;
#[derive(StructOpt, Debug)]
name = "garage",
about = "S3-compatible object store for self-hosted geo-distributed deployments"
struct Opt {
/// Host to connect to for admin operations, in the format:
/// <public-key>@<ip>:<port>
#[structopt(short = "h", long = "rpc-host", env = "GARAGE_RPC_HOST")]
pub rpc_host: Option<String>,
pub secrets: Secrets,
/// Path to configuration file
short = "c",
long = "config",
default_value = "/etc/garage.toml"
pub config_file: PathBuf,
cmd: Command,
async fn main() {
// Initialize version and features info
let features = &[
#[cfg(feature = "k2v")]
#[cfg(feature = "sled")]
#[cfg(feature = "lmdb")]
#[cfg(feature = "sqlite")]
#[cfg(feature = "consul-discovery")]
#[cfg(feature = "kubernetes-discovery")]
#[cfg(feature = "metrics")]
#[cfg(feature = "telemetry-otlp")]
#[cfg(feature = "bundled-libs")]
#[cfg(feature = "system-libs")]
if let Some(git_version) = option_env!("GIT_VERSION") {
} else {
prefix = "git:",
cargo_prefix = "cargo:",
fallback = "unknown"
let version = format!(
"{} [features: {}]",
features.join(", ")
// Initialize panic handler that aborts on panic and shows a nice message.
// By default, Tokio continues runing normally when a task panics. We want
// to avoid this behavior in Garage as this would risk putting the process in an
// unknown/uncontrollable state. We prefer to exit the process and restart it
// from scratch, so that it boots back into a fresh, known state.
let panic_version_info = version.clone();
std::panic::set_hook(Box::new(move |panic_info| {
eprintln!("======== PANIC (internal Garage error) ========");
eprintln!("{}", panic_info);
eprintln!("Panics are internal errors that Garage is unable to handle on its own.");
eprintln!("They can be caused by bugs in Garage's code, or by corrupted data in");
eprintln!("the node's storage. If you feel that this error is likely to be a bug");
eprintln!("in Garage, please report it on our issue tracker a the following address:");
eprintln!(" https://git.deuxfleurs.fr/Deuxfleurs/garage/issues");
eprintln!("Please include the last log messages and the the full backtrace below in");
eprintln!("your bug report, as well as any relevant information on the context in");
eprintln!("which Garage was running when this error occurred.");
eprintln!("GARAGE VERSION: {}", panic_version_info);
eprintln!("{:?}", backtrace::Backtrace::new());
// Parse arguments and dispatch command line
let opt = Opt::from_clap(&Opt::clap().version(version.as_str()).get_matches());
// Initialize logging as well as other libraries used in Garage
if std::env::var("RUST_LOG").is_err() {
let default_log = match &opt.cmd {
Command::Server => "netapp=info,garage=info",
_ => "netapp=warn,garage=warn",
std::env::set_var("RUST_LOG", default_log)
sodiumoxide::init().expect("Unable to init sodiumoxide");
let res = match opt.cmd {
Command::Server => server::run_server(opt.config_file, opt.secrets).await,
Command::OfflineRepair(repair_opt) => {
repair::offline::offline_repair(opt.config_file, opt.secrets, repair_opt).await
Command::ConvertDb(conv_opt) => {
Command::Node(NodeOperation::NodeId(node_id_opt)) => {
node_id_command(opt.config_file, node_id_opt.quiet)
_ => cli_command(opt).await,
if let Err(e) = res {
eprintln!("Error: {}", e);
async fn cli_command(opt: Opt) -> Result<(), Error> {
let config = if opt.secrets.rpc_secret.is_none() || opt.rpc_host.is_none() {
.err_context(format!("Unable to read configuration file {}. Configuration file is needed because -h or -s is not provided on the command line.", opt.config_file.to_string_lossy()))?)
} else {
// Find and parse network RPC secret
let net_key_hex_str = opt
.or_else(|| config.as_ref().and_then(|c| c.rpc_secret.as_ref()))
.ok_or("No RPC secret provided")?;
let network_key = NetworkKey::from_slice(
&hex::decode(net_key_hex_str).err_context("Invalid RPC secret key (bad hex)")?[..],
.ok_or("Invalid RPC secret provided (wrong length)")?;
// Generate a temporary keypair for our RPC client
let (_pk, sk) = sodiumoxide::crypto::sign::ed25519::gen_keypair();
let netapp = NetApp::new(GARAGE_VERSION_TAG, network_key, sk);
// Find and parse the address of the target host
let (id, addr, is_default_addr) = if let Some(h) = opt.rpc_host {
let (id, addrs) = parse_and_resolve_peer_addr(&h).ok_or_else(|| format!("Invalid RPC remote node identifier: {}. Expected format is <pubkey>@<IP or hostname>:<port>.", h))?;
(id, addrs[0], false)
} else {
let node_id = garage_rpc::system::read_node_id(&config.as_ref().unwrap().metadata_dir)
if let Some(a) = config.as_ref().and_then(|c| c.rpc_public_addr.as_ref()) {
use std::net::ToSocketAddrs;
let a = a
.ok_or_message("unable to resolve rpc_public_addr specified in config file")?
.ok_or_message("unable to resolve rpc_public_addr specified in config file")?;
(node_id, a, false)
} else {
let default_addr = SocketAddr::new(
(node_id, default_addr, true)
// Connect to target host
if let Err(e) = netapp.clone().try_connect(addr, id).await {
if is_default_addr {
"Tried to contact Garage node at default address {}, which didn't work. If that address is wrong, consider setting rpc_public_addr in your config file.",
Err(e).err_context("Unable to connect to destination RPC host. Check that you are using the same value of rpc_secret as them, and that you have their correct public key.")?;
let system_rpc_endpoint = netapp.endpoint::<SystemRpc, ()>(SYSTEM_RPC_PATH.into());
let admin_rpc_endpoint = netapp.endpoint::<AdminRpc, ()>(ADMIN_RPC_PATH.into());
match cli_command_dispatch(opt.cmd, &system_rpc_endpoint, &admin_rpc_endpoint, id).await {
Err(HelperError::Internal(i)) => Err(Error::Message(format!("Internal error: {}", i))),
Err(HelperError::BadRequest(b)) => Err(Error::Message(b)),
Err(e) => Err(Error::Message(format!("{}", e))),
Ok(x) => Ok(x),