path: root/TODO
blob: f850d5e9d13e91499f1081003d75621e3cd2fcde (plain) (tree)

Object table

Rename version table to object table
In value handle the different versions

So that the table becomes (bucket, key) -> CRDT(list of versions)

CRDT merge rule:
- keep one complete version (the one with the highest timestamp)
- keep all incomplete versions with timestamps higher than the complete version

Cleanup rule: remove incomplete versions after a given delay (say 24h)

Block table

Table is version_UUID -> BTreeMap<(offset, block hash)> OR Deleted (= CRDT top)

Block reference table

Table is block_Hash + Sort key: version_UUID -> boolean (true when deleted)

Since the hash key is the same as for the blocks themselves,
we can simply consider the updates to this table as events that increase/decrease a reference counter.