use std::env; use tokio::sync::broadcast; use anyhow::{Result, Context, anyhow}; use log::*; use crate::diplonat::*; use crate::node_state::*; use std::cell::Cell; const epi: &'static str = "DIPLONAT_PRIVATE_IP"; const ert: &'static str = "DIPLONAT_REFRESH_TIME"; const eet: &'static str = "DIPLONAT_EXPIRATION_TIME"; const ecnd: &'static str = "DIPLONAT_CONSUL_NODE_NAME"; const ecu: &'static str = "DIPLONAT_CONSUL_URL"; pub struct EnvironmentAdapter {} impl EnvironmentAdapter { pub async fn new(ns: &Cell, _: &broadcast::Sender<()>) -> Result { ns.consul_node_name = Some(match env::var(ecu) { Ok(e) => e, Err(_) => "".to_string() }); ns.private_ip = Some(env::var(epi) .with_context(|| format!("{} env var must be defined, eg:", epi))?); ns.refresh_time = Some(env::var(ert) .with_context(|| format!("{} env var must be defined, eg: 60", ert))? .parse() .with_context(|| format!("{} env var must be an integer, eg: 60", ert))?); ns.expiration_time = Some(env::var(eet) .with_context(|| format!("{} env var must be defined, eg: 300", eet))? .parse() .with_context(|| format!("{} env var must be an integer, eg: 300", eet))?); ns.consul_node_name = Some(env::var(ecnd) .with_context(|| format!("{} env var must be defined", ecnd))?); match (ns.refresh_time, ns.expiration_time) { (Some(rt), Some(et)) if rt * 2 <= et => debug!("Checked refresh time is lower than expiration time"), (Some(rt), Some(et)) => return Err(anyhow!("Expiration time (currently: {}s) must be twice bigger than refresh time (currently: {}s)", rt, et)), _ => return Err(anyhow!("Please define refresh time and expiration time")) } return Ok(Self{}); } }