use super::encoder::{QuickWritable, Context}; use super::caltypes::*; use super::types::Extension; use quick_xml::Error as QError; use quick_xml::events::{Event, BytesEnd, BytesStart, BytesText}; use quick_xml::writer::{ElementWriter, Writer}; use quick_xml::name::PrefixDeclaration; use tokio::io::AsyncWrite; const ICAL_DATETIME_FMT: &str = "%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ"; // =============== Calendar Trait =========================== pub trait CalContext: Context { fn create_cal_element(&self, name: &str) -> BytesStart; } // =============== CalDAV Extension Setup =================== impl Context for CalExtension { fn child(&self) -> Self { Self { root: false } } fn create_dav_element(&self, name: &str) -> BytesStart { self.create_ns_element("D", name) } async fn hook_error(&self, err: &Violation, xml: &mut Writer) -> Result<(), QError> { err.write(xml, self.child()).await } async fn hook_property(&self, prop: &Self::Property, xml: &mut Writer) -> Result<(), QError> { prop.write(xml, self.child()).await } async fn hook_resourcetype(&self, restype: &Self::ResourceType, xml: &mut Writer) -> Result<(), QError> { restype.write(xml, self.child()).await } async fn hook_propertyrequest(&self, propreq: &Self::PropertyRequest, xml: &mut Writer) -> Result<(), QError> { propreq.write(xml, self.child()).await } } impl CalContext for CalExtension { fn create_cal_element(&self, name: &str) -> BytesStart { self.create_ns_element("C", name) } } impl CalExtension { fn create_ns_element(&self, ns: &str, name: &str) -> BytesStart { let mut start = BytesStart::new(format!("{}:{}", ns, name)); if self.root { start.push_attribute(("xmlns:D", "DAV:")); start.push_attribute(("xmlns:C", "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav")); } start } } // ==================== Calendar Types Serialization ========================= // -------------------- MKCALENDAR METHOD ------------------------------------ impl QuickWritable for MkCalendar { async fn write(&self, xml: &mut Writer, ctx: C) -> Result<(), QError> { let start = ctx.create_cal_element("mkcalendar"); let end = start.to_end(); xml.write_event_async(Event::Start(start.clone())).await?; self.0.write(xml, ctx.child()).await?; xml.write_event_async(Event::End(end)).await } } impl QuickWritable for MkCalendarResponse { async fn write(&self, xml: &mut Writer, ctx: C) -> Result<(), QError> { let start = ctx.create_cal_element("mkcalendar-response"); let end = start.to_end(); xml.write_event_async(Event::Start(start.clone())).await?; for propstat in self.0.iter() { propstat.write(xml, ctx.child()).await?; } xml.write_event_async(Event::End(end)).await } } // ----------------------- REPORT METHOD ------------------------------------- impl QuickWritable for CalendarQuery { async fn write(&self, xml: &mut Writer, ctx: C) -> Result<(), QError> { let start = ctx.create_cal_element("calendar-query"); let end = start.to_end(); xml.write_event_async(Event::Start(start.clone())).await?; if let Some(selector) = &self.selector { selector.write(xml, ctx.child()).await?; } self.filter.write(xml, ctx.child()).await?; if let Some(tz) = &self.timezone { tz.write(xml, ctx.child()).await?; } xml.write_event_async(Event::End(end)).await } } impl QuickWritable for CalendarMultiget { async fn write(&self, xml: &mut Writer, ctx: C) -> Result<(), QError> { let start = ctx.create_cal_element("calendar-multiget"); let end = start.to_end(); xml.write_event_async(Event::Start(start.clone())).await?; if let Some(selector) = &self.selector { selector.write(xml, ctx.child()).await?; } for href in self.href.iter() { href.write(xml, ctx.child()).await?; } xml.write_event_async(Event::End(end)).await } } impl QuickWritable for FreeBusyQuery { async fn write(&self, xml: &mut Writer, ctx: C) -> Result<(), QError> { let start = ctx.create_cal_element("free-busy-query"); let end = start.to_end(); xml.write_event_async(Event::Start(start.clone())).await?; self.0.write(xml, ctx.child()).await?; xml.write_event_async(Event::End(end)).await } } // -------------------------- DAV::prop -------------------------------------- impl QuickWritable for PropertyRequest { async fn write(&self, xml: &mut Writer, ctx: C) -> Result<(), QError> { let mut atom = async |c| xml.write_event_async(Event::Empty(ctx.create_cal_element(c))).await; match self { Self::CalendarDescription => atom("calendar-description").await, Self::CalendarTimezone => atom("calendar-timezone").await, Self::SupportedCalendarComponentSet => atom("supported-calendar-component-set").await, Self::SupportedCalendarData => atom("supported-calendar-data").await, Self::MaxResourceSize => atom("max-resource-size").await, Self::MinDateTime => atom("min-date-time").await, Self::MaxDateTime => atom("max-date-time").await, Self::MaxInstances => atom("max-instances").await, Self::MaxAttendeesPerInstance => atom("max-attendees-per-instance").await, Self::SupportedCollationSet => atom("supported-collation-set").await, Self::CalendarData(req) => req.write(xml, ctx).await, } } } impl QuickWritable for Property { async fn write(&self, xml: &mut Writer, ctx: C) -> Result<(), QError> { match self { Self::CalendarDescription { lang, text } => { let mut start = ctx.create_cal_element("calendar-description"); if let Some(the_lang) = lang { start.push_attribute(("xml:lang", the_lang.as_str())); } let end = start.to_end(); xml.write_event_async(Event::Start(start.clone())).await?; xml.write_event_async(Event::Text(BytesText::new(text))).await?; xml.write_event_async(Event::End(end)).await }, Self::CalendarTimezone(payload) => { let start = ctx.create_cal_element("calendar-timezone"); let end = start.to_end(); xml.write_event_async(Event::Start(start.clone())).await?; xml.write_event_async(Event::Text(BytesText::new(payload))).await?; xml.write_event_async(Event::End(end)).await }, Self::SupportedCalendarComponentSet(many_comp) => { let start = ctx.create_cal_element("supported-calendar-component-set"); let end = start.to_end(); xml.write_event_async(Event::Start(start.clone())).await?; for comp in many_comp.iter() { comp.write(xml, ctx.child()).await?; } xml.write_event_async(Event::End(end)).await }, Self::SupportedCalendarData(many_mime) => { let start = ctx.create_cal_element("supported-calendar-data"); let end = start.to_end(); xml.write_event_async(Event::Start(start.clone())).await?; for mime in many_mime.iter() { mime.write(xml, ctx.child()).await?; } xml.write_event_async(Event::End(end)).await }, Self::MaxResourceSize(bytes) => { let start = ctx.create_cal_element("max-resource-size"); let end = start.to_end(); xml.write_event_async(Event::Start(start.clone())).await?; xml.write_event_async(Event::Text(BytesText::new(bytes.to_string().as_str()))).await?; xml.write_event_async(Event::End(end)).await }, Self::MinDateTime(dt) => { let start = ctx.create_cal_element("min-date-time"); let end = start.to_end(); let dtstr = format!("{}", dt.format(ICAL_DATETIME_FMT)); xml.write_event_async(Event::Start(start.clone())).await?; xml.write_event_async(Event::Text(BytesText::new(dtstr.as_str()))).await?; xml.write_event_async(Event::End(end)).await }, Self::MaxDateTime(dt) => { let start = ctx.create_cal_element("max-date-time"); let end = start.to_end(); let dtstr = format!("{}", dt.format(ICAL_DATETIME_FMT)); xml.write_event_async(Event::Start(start.clone())).await?; xml.write_event_async(Event::Text(BytesText::new(dtstr.as_str()))).await?; xml.write_event_async(Event::End(end)).await }, Self::MaxInstances(count) => { let start = ctx.create_cal_element("max-instances"); let end = start.to_end(); xml.write_event_async(Event::Start(start.clone())).await?; xml.write_event_async(Event::Text(BytesText::new(count.to_string().as_str()))).await?; xml.write_event_async(Event::End(end)).await }, Self::MaxAttendeesPerInstance(count) => { let start = ctx.create_cal_element("max-attendees-per-instance"); let end = start.to_end(); xml.write_event_async(Event::Start(start.clone())).await?; xml.write_event_async(Event::Text(BytesText::new(count.to_string().as_str()))).await?; xml.write_event_async(Event::End(end)).await }, Self::SupportedCollationSet(many_collations) => { let start = ctx.create_cal_element("supported-collation-set"); let end = start.to_end(); xml.write_event_async(Event::Start(start.clone())).await?; for collation in many_collations.iter() { collation.write(xml, ctx.child()).await?; } xml.write_event_async(Event::End(end)).await }, Self::CalendarData(inner) => inner.write(xml, ctx).await, } } } // ---------------------- DAV::resourcetype ---------------------------------- impl QuickWritable for ResourceType { async fn write(&self, xml: &mut Writer, ctx: C) -> Result<(), QError> { match self { Self::Calendar => xml.write_event_async(Event::Empty(ctx.create_dav_element("calendar"))).await, } } } // --------------------------- DAV::error ------------------------------------ impl QuickWritable for Violation { async fn write(&self, xml: &mut Writer, ctx: C) -> Result<(), QError> { let mut atom = async |c| xml.write_event_async(Event::Empty(ctx.create_cal_element(c))).await; match self { //@FIXME // DAV elements, should not be here but in RFC3744 on ACLs // (we do not use atom as this error is in the DAV namespace, not the caldav one) Self::NeedPrivileges => xml.write_event_async(Event::Empty(ctx.create_dav_element("need-privileges"))).await, // Regular CalDAV errors Self::ResourceMustBeNull => atom("resource-must-be-null").await, Self::CalendarCollectionLocationOk => atom("calendar-collection-location-ok").await, Self::ValidCalendarData => atom("valid-calendar-data").await, Self::InitializeCalendarCollection => atom("initialize-calendar-collection").await, Self::SupportedCalendarData => atom("supported-calendar-data").await, Self::ValidCalendarObjectResource => atom("valid-calendar-object-resource").await, Self::SupportedCalendarComponent => atom("supported-calendar-component").await, Self::NoUidConflict(href) => { let start = ctx.create_cal_element("no-uid-conflict"); let end = start.to_end(); xml.write_event_async(Event::Start(start.clone())).await?; href.write(xml, ctx.child()).await?; xml.write_event_async(Event::End(end)).await }, Self::MaxResourceSize => atom("max-resource-size").await, Self::MinDateTime => atom("min-date-time").await, Self::MaxDateTime => atom("max-date-time").await, Self::MaxInstances => atom("max-instances").await, Self::MaxAttendeesPerInstance => atom("max-attendees-per-instance").await, Self::ValidFilter => atom("valid-filter").await, Self::SupportedFilter { comp, prop, param } => { let start = ctx.create_cal_element("supported-filter"); let end = start.to_end(); xml.write_event_async(Event::Start(start.clone())).await?; for comp_item in comp.iter() { comp_item.write(xml, ctx.child()).await?; } for prop_item in prop.iter() { prop_item.write(xml, ctx.child()).await?; } for param_item in param.iter() { param_item.write(xml, ctx.child()).await?; } xml.write_event_async(Event::End(end)).await }, Self::NumberOfMatchesWithinLimits => atom("number-of-matches-within-limits").await, } } } // ---------------------------- Inner XML ------------------------------------ impl QuickWritable for SupportedCollation { async fn write(&self, xml: &mut Writer, ctx: C) -> Result<(), QError> { let start = ctx.create_cal_element("supported-collation"); let end = start.to_end(); xml.write_event_async(Event::Start(start.clone())).await?; self.0.write(xml, ctx.child()).await?; xml.write_event_async(Event::End(end)).await } } impl QuickWritable for Collation { async fn write(&self, xml: &mut Writer, ctx: C) -> Result<(), QError> { let col = match self { Self::AsciiCaseMap => "i;ascii-casemap", Self::Octet => "i;octet", Self::Unknown(v) => v.as_str(), }; xml.write_event_async(Event::Text(BytesText::new(col))).await } } impl QuickWritable for CalendarDataPayload { async fn write(&self, xml: &mut Writer, ctx: C) -> Result<(), QError> { let mut start = ctx.create_cal_element("calendar-data"); if let Some(mime) = &self.mime { start.push_attribute(("content-type", mime.content_type.as_str())); start.push_attribute(("version", mime.version.as_str())); } let end = start.to_end(); xml.write_event_async(Event::Start(start.clone())).await?; xml.write_event_async(Event::Text(BytesText::new(self.payload.as_str()))).await?; xml.write_event_async(Event::End(end)).await } } impl QuickWritable for CalendarDataRequest { async fn write(&self, xml: &mut Writer, ctx: C) -> Result<(), QError> { let mut start = ctx.create_cal_element("calendar-data"); if let Some(mime) = &self.mime { start.push_attribute(("content-type", mime.content_type.as_str())); start.push_attribute(("version", mime.version.as_str())); } let end = start.to_end(); xml.write_event_async(Event::Start(start.clone())).await?; if let Some(comp) = &self.comp { comp.write(xml, ctx.child()).await?; } if let Some(recurrence) = &self.recurrence { recurrence.write(xml, ctx.child()).await?; } if let Some(freebusy) = &self.limit_freebusy_set { freebusy.write(xml, ctx.child()).await?; } xml.write_event_async(Event::End(end)).await } } impl QuickWritable for CalendarDataEmpty { async fn write(&self, xml: &mut Writer, ctx: C) -> Result<(), QError> { let mut empty = ctx.create_cal_element("calendar-data"); if let Some(mime) = &self.0 { empty.push_attribute(("content-type", mime.content_type.as_str())); empty.push_attribute(("version", mime.version.as_str())); } xml.write_event_async(Event::Empty(empty)).await } } impl QuickWritable for Comp { async fn write(&self, xml: &mut Writer, ctx: C) -> Result<(), QError> { let mut start = ctx.create_cal_element("calendar-data"); start.push_attribute(("name",; let end = start.to_end(); xml.write_event_async(Event::Start(start.clone())).await?; self.prop_kind.write(xml, ctx.child()).await?; self.comp_kind.write(xml, ctx.child()).await?; xml.write_event_async(Event::End(end)).await } } impl QuickWritable for CompSupport { async fn write(&self, xml: &mut Writer, ctx: C) -> Result<(), QError> { let mut empty = ctx.create_cal_element("comp"); empty.push_attribute(("name", self.0.as_str())); xml.write_event_async(Event::Empty(empty)).await } } impl QuickWritable for CompKind { async fn write(&self, xml: &mut Writer, ctx: C) -> Result<(), QError> { match self { Self::AllComp => xml.write_event_async(Event::Empty(ctx.create_cal_element("allcomp"))).await, Self::Comp(many_comp) => { for comp in many_comp.iter() { // Required: recursion in an async fn requires boxing // rustc --explain E0733 Box::pin(comp.write(xml, ctx.child())).await?; } Ok(()) } } } } impl QuickWritable for PropKind { async fn write(&self, xml: &mut Writer, ctx: C) -> Result<(), QError> { match self { Self::AllProp => xml.write_event_async(Event::Empty(ctx.create_cal_element("allprop"))).await, Self::Prop(many_prop) => { for prop in many_prop.iter() { prop.write(xml, ctx.child()).await?; } Ok(()) } } } } impl QuickWritable for CalProp { async fn write(&self, xml: &mut Writer, ctx: C) -> Result<(), QError> { let mut empty = ctx.create_cal_element("prop"); empty.push_attribute(("name",; match self.novalue { None => (), Some(true) => empty.push_attribute(("novalue", "yes")), Some(false) => empty.push_attribute(("novalue", "no")), } xml.write_event_async(Event::Empty(empty)).await } } impl QuickWritable for RecurrenceModifier { async fn write(&self, xml: &mut Writer, ctx: C) -> Result<(), QError> { match self { Self::Expand(exp) => exp.write(xml, ctx).await, Self::LimitRecurrenceSet(lrs) => lrs.write(xml, ctx).await, } } } impl QuickWritable for Expand { async fn write(&self, xml: &mut Writer, ctx: C) -> Result<(), QError> { let mut empty = ctx.create_cal_element("expand"); empty.push_attribute(("start", format!("{}", self.0.format(ICAL_DATETIME_FMT)).as_str())); empty.push_attribute(("end", format!("{}", self.1.format(ICAL_DATETIME_FMT)).as_str())); xml.write_event_async(Event::Empty(empty)).await } } impl QuickWritable for LimitRecurrenceSet { async fn write(&self, xml: &mut Writer, ctx: C) -> Result<(), QError> { let mut empty = ctx.create_cal_element("limit-recurrence-set"); empty.push_attribute(("start", format!("{}", self.0.format(ICAL_DATETIME_FMT)).as_str())); empty.push_attribute(("end", format!("{}", self.1.format(ICAL_DATETIME_FMT)).as_str())); xml.write_event_async(Event::Empty(empty)).await } } impl QuickWritable for LimitFreebusySet { async fn write(&self, xml: &mut Writer, ctx: C) -> Result<(), QError> { let mut empty = ctx.create_cal_element("limit-freebusy-set"); empty.push_attribute(("start", format!("{}", self.0.format(ICAL_DATETIME_FMT)).as_str())); empty.push_attribute(("end", format!("{}", self.1.format(ICAL_DATETIME_FMT)).as_str())); xml.write_event_async(Event::Empty(empty)).await } } impl QuickWritable for CalendarSelector { async fn write(&self, xml: &mut Writer, ctx: C) -> Result<(), QError> { match self { Self::AllProp => xml.write_event_async(Event::Empty(ctx.create_dav_element("allprop"))).await, Self::PropName => xml.write_event_async(Event::Empty(ctx.create_dav_element("propname"))).await, Self::Prop(prop) => prop.write(xml, ctx).await, } } } impl QuickWritable for CompFilter { async fn write(&self, xml: &mut Writer, ctx: C) -> Result<(), QError> { let mut start = ctx.create_cal_element("comp-filter"); start.push_attribute(("name",; match &self.additional_rules { None => xml.write_event_async(Event::Empty(start)).await, Some(rules) => { let end = start.to_end(); xml.write_event_async(Event::Start(start.clone())).await?; rules.write(xml, ctx.child()).await?; xml.write_event_async(Event::End(end)).await } } } } impl QuickWritable for CompFilterRules { async fn write(&self, xml: &mut Writer, ctx: C) -> Result<(), QError> { match self { Self::IsNotDefined => xml.write_event_async(Event::Empty(ctx.create_dav_element("is-not-defined"))).await, Self::Matches(cfm) => cfm.write(xml, ctx).await, } } } impl QuickWritable for CompFilterMatch { async fn write(&self, xml: &mut Writer, ctx: C) -> Result<(), QError> { if let Some(time_range) = &self.time_range { time_range.write(xml, ctx.child()).await?; } for prop_item in self.prop_filter.iter() { prop_item.write(xml, ctx.child()).await?; } for comp_item in self.comp_filter.iter() { // Required: recursion in an async fn requires boxing // rustc --explain E0733 Box::pin(comp_item.write(xml, ctx.child())).await?; } Ok(()) } } impl QuickWritable for PropFilter { async fn write(&self, xml: &mut Writer, ctx: C) -> Result<(), QError> { let mut start = ctx.create_cal_element("prop-filter"); start.push_attribute(("name",; match &self.additional_rules { None => xml.write_event_async(Event::Empty(start)).await, Some(rules) => { let end = start.to_end(); xml.write_event_async(Event::Start(start.clone())).await?; rules.write(xml, ctx.child()).await?; xml.write_event_async(Event::End(end)).await } } } } impl QuickWritable for PropFilterRules { async fn write(&self, xml: &mut Writer, ctx: C) -> Result<(), QError> { match self { Self::IsNotDefined => xml.write_event_async(Event::Empty(ctx.create_dav_element("is-not-defined"))).await, Self::Match(prop_match) => prop_match.write(xml, ctx).await, } } } impl QuickWritable for PropFilterMatch { async fn write(&self, xml: &mut Writer, ctx: C) -> Result<(), QError> { if let Some(time_range) = &self.time_range { time_range.write(xml, ctx.child()).await?; } if let Some(time_or_text) = &self.time_or_text { time_or_text.write(xml, ctx.child()).await?; } for param_item in self.param_filter.iter() { param_item.write(xml, ctx.child()).await?; } Ok(()) } } impl QuickWritable for TimeOrText { async fn write(&self, xml: &mut Writer, ctx: C) -> Result<(), QError> { match self { Self::Time(time) => time.write(xml, ctx).await, Self::Text(txt) => txt.write(xml, ctx).await, } } } impl QuickWritable for TextMatch { async fn write(&self, xml: &mut Writer, ctx: C) -> Result<(), QError> { let mut start = ctx.create_cal_element("text-match"); if let Some(collation) = &self.collation { start.push_attribute(("collation", collation.as_str())); } match self.negate_condition { None => (), Some(true) => start.push_attribute(("negate-condition", "yes")), Some(false) => start.push_attribute(("negate-condition", "no")), } let end = start.to_end(); xml.write_event_async(Event::Start(start.clone())).await?; xml.write_event_async(Event::Text(BytesText::new(self.text.as_str()))).await?; xml.write_event_async(Event::End(end)).await } } impl QuickWritable for ParamFilter { async fn write(&self, xml: &mut Writer, ctx: C) -> Result<(), QError> { let mut start = ctx.create_cal_element("param-filter"); start.push_attribute(("name",; match &self.additional_rules { None => xml.write_event_async(Event::Empty(start)).await, Some(rules) => { let end = start.to_end(); xml.write_event_async(Event::Start(start.clone())).await?; rules.write(xml, ctx.child()).await?; xml.write_event_async(Event::End(end)).await } } } } impl QuickWritable for ParamFilterMatch { async fn write(&self, xml: &mut Writer, ctx: C) -> Result<(), QError> { match self { Self::IsNotDefined => xml.write_event_async(Event::Empty(ctx.create_dav_element("is-not-defined"))).await, Self::Match(tm) => tm.write(xml, ctx).await, } } } impl QuickWritable for TimeZone { async fn write(&self, xml: &mut Writer, ctx: C) -> Result<(), QError> { unimplemented!(); } } impl QuickWritable for Filter { async fn write(&self, xml: &mut Writer, ctx: C) -> Result<(), QError> { unimplemented!(); } } impl QuickWritable for Component { async fn write(&self, xml: &mut Writer, ctx: C) -> Result<(), QError> { unimplemented!(); } } impl QuickWritable for ComponentProperty { async fn write(&self, xml: &mut Writer, ctx: C) -> Result<(), QError> { unimplemented!(); } } impl QuickWritable for PropertyParameter { async fn write(&self, xml: &mut Writer, ctx: C) -> Result<(), QError> { unimplemented!(); } } impl QuickWritable for TimeRange { async fn write(&self, xml: &mut Writer, ctx: C) -> Result<(), QError> { unimplemented!(); } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use crate::dav::types::{Error, Violation as DavViolation}; use tokio::io::AsyncWriteExt; #[tokio::test] async fn test_violation() { let mut buffer = Vec::new(); let mut tokio_buffer = tokio::io::BufWriter::new(&mut buffer); let mut writer = Writer::new_with_indent(&mut tokio_buffer, b' ', 4); let res = Error(vec![ DavViolation::Extension(Violation::ResourceMustBeNull), ]); res.write(&mut writer, CalExtension { root: true }).await.expect("xml serialization"); tokio_buffer.flush().await.expect("tokio buffer flush"); let expected = r#" "#; let got = std::str::from_utf8(buffer.as_slice()).unwrap(); assert_eq!(got, expected); } }