use async_trait::async_trait; use ldap3::{LdapConnAsync, Scope, SearchEntry}; use log::debug; use crate::config::*; use crate::storage; use super::*; pub struct LdapLoginProvider { ldap_server: String, pre_bind_on_login: bool, bind_dn_and_pw: Option<(String, String)>, search_base: String, attrs_to_retrieve: Vec, username_attr: String, mail_attr: String, crypto_root_attr: String, storage_specific: StorageSpecific, in_memory_store: storage::in_memory::MemDb, garage_store: storage::garage::GarageRoot, } enum BucketSource { Constant(String), Attr(String), } enum StorageSpecific { InMemory, Garage { from_config: LdapGarageConfig, bucket_source: BucketSource, }, } impl LdapLoginProvider { pub fn new(config: LoginLdapConfig) -> Result { let bind_dn_and_pw = match (config.bind_dn, config.bind_password) { (Some(dn), Some(pw)) => Some((dn, pw)), (None, None) => None, _ => bail!( "If either of `bind_dn` or `bind_password` is set, the other must be set as well." ), }; if config.pre_bind_on_login && bind_dn_and_pw.is_none() { bail!("Cannot use `pre_bind_on_login` without setting `bind_dn` and `bind_password`"); } let mut attrs_to_retrieve = vec![ config.username_attr.clone(), config.mail_attr.clone(), config.crypto_root_attr.clone(), ]; // storage specific let specific = match { LdapStorage::InMemory => StorageSpecific::InMemory, LdapStorage::Garage(grgconf) => { attrs_to_retrieve.push(grgconf.aws_access_key_id_attr.clone()); attrs_to_retrieve.push(grgconf.aws_secret_access_key_attr.clone()); let bucket_source = match (grgconf.default_bucket.clone(), grgconf.bucket_attr.clone()) { (Some(b), None) => BucketSource::Constant(b), (None, Some(a)) => BucketSource::Attr(a), _ => bail!("Must set `bucket` or `bucket_attr`, but not both"), }; if let BucketSource::Attr(a) = &bucket_source { attrs_to_retrieve.push(a.clone()); } StorageSpecific::Garage { from_config: grgconf, bucket_source, } } }; Ok(Self { ldap_server: config.ldap_server, pre_bind_on_login: config.pre_bind_on_login, bind_dn_and_pw, search_base: config.search_base, attrs_to_retrieve, username_attr: config.username_attr, mail_attr: config.mail_attr, crypto_root_attr: config.crypto_root_attr, storage_specific: specific, //@FIXME should be created outside of the login provider //Login provider should return only a cryptoroot + a storage URI //storage URI that should be resolved outside... in_memory_store: storage::in_memory::MemDb::new(), garage_store: storage::garage::GarageRoot::new()?, }) } async fn storage_creds_from_ldap_user(&self, user: &SearchEntry) -> Result { let storage: Builder = match &self.storage_specific { StorageSpecific::InMemory => { self.in_memory_store .builder(&get_attr(user, &self.username_attr)?) .await } StorageSpecific::Garage { from_config, bucket_source, } => { let aws_access_key_id = get_attr(user, &from_config.aws_access_key_id_attr)?; let aws_secret_access_key = get_attr(user, &from_config.aws_secret_access_key_attr)?; let bucket = match bucket_source { BucketSource::Constant(b) => b.clone(), BucketSource::Attr(a) => get_attr(user, &a)?, }; self.garage_store.user(storage::garage::GarageConf { region: from_config.aws_region.clone(), s3_endpoint: from_config.s3_endpoint.clone(), k2v_endpoint: from_config.k2v_endpoint.clone(), aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key, bucket, })? } }; Ok(storage) } } #[async_trait] impl LoginProvider for LdapLoginProvider { async fn login(&self, username: &str, password: &str) -> Result { check_identifier(username)?; let (conn, mut ldap) = LdapConnAsync::new(&self.ldap_server).await?; ldap3::drive!(conn); if self.pre_bind_on_login { let (dn, pw) = self.bind_dn_and_pw.as_ref().unwrap(); ldap.simple_bind(dn, pw).await?.success()?; } let (matches, _res) = ldap .search( &self.search_base, Scope::Subtree, &format!( "(&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)({}={}))", self.username_attr, username ), &self.attrs_to_retrieve, ) .await? .success()?; if matches.is_empty() { bail!("Invalid username"); } if matches.len() > 1 { bail!("Invalid username (multiple matching accounts)"); } let user = SearchEntry::construct(matches.into_iter().next().unwrap()); debug!( "Found matching LDAP user for username {}: {}", username, user.dn ); // Try to login against LDAP server with provided password // to check user's password ldap.simple_bind(&user.dn, password) .await? .success() .context("Invalid password")?; debug!("Ldap login with user name {} successfull", username); // cryptography let crstr = get_attr(&user, &self.crypto_root_attr)?; let cr = CryptoRoot(crstr); let keys = cr.crypto_keys(password)?; // storage let storage = self.storage_creds_from_ldap_user(&user).await?; drop(ldap); Ok(Credentials { storage, keys }) } async fn public_login(&self, email: &str) -> Result { check_identifier(email)?; let (dn, pw) = match self.bind_dn_and_pw.as_ref() { Some(x) => x, None => bail!("Missing bind_dn and bind_password in LDAP login provider config"), }; let (conn, mut ldap) = LdapConnAsync::new(&self.ldap_server).await?; ldap3::drive!(conn); ldap.simple_bind(dn, pw).await?.success()?; let (matches, _res) = ldap .search( &self.search_base, Scope::Subtree, &format!( "(&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)({}={}))", self.mail_attr, email ), &self.attrs_to_retrieve, ) .await? .success()?; if matches.is_empty() { bail!("No such user account"); } if matches.len() > 1 { bail!("Multiple matching user accounts"); } let user = SearchEntry::construct(matches.into_iter().next().unwrap()); debug!("Found matching LDAP user for email {}: {}", email, user.dn); // cryptography let crstr = get_attr(&user, &self.crypto_root_attr)?; let cr = CryptoRoot(crstr); let public_key = cr.public_key()?; // storage let storage = self.storage_creds_from_ldap_user(&user).await?; drop(ldap); Ok(PublicCredentials { storage, public_key, }) } } fn get_attr(user: &SearchEntry, attr: &str) -> Result { Ok(user .attrs .get(attr) .ok_or(anyhow!("Missing attr: {}", attr))? .iter() .next() .ok_or(anyhow!("No value for attr: {}", attr))? .clone()) } fn check_identifier(id: &str) -> Result<()> { let is_ok = id .chars() .all(|c| c.is_alphanumeric() || "-+_.@".contains(c)); if !is_ok { bail!("Invalid username/email address, must contain only a-z A-Z 0-9 - + _ . @"); } Ok(()) }