pub mod namespace; use anyhow::Result; use tokio::sync::RwLock; use aero_bayou::Bayou; use aero_user::login::Credentials; use aero_user::cryptoblob::{self, gen_key, open_deserialize, seal_serialize, Key}; use aero_user::storage::{self, BlobRef, BlobVal, RowRef, RowVal, Selector, Store}; use crate::unique_ident::*; use crate::davdag::{DavDag, IndexEntry, Token, BlobId, SyncChange}; pub struct Calendar { pub(super) id: UniqueIdent, internal: RwLock, } impl Calendar { pub(crate) async fn open( creds: &Credentials, id: UniqueIdent, ) -> Result { let bayou_path = format!("calendar/dag/{}", id); let cal_path = format!("calendar/events/{}", id); let mut davdag = Bayou::::new(creds, bayou_path).await?; davdag.sync().await?; let internal = RwLock::new(CalendarInternal { id, encryption_key: creds.keys.master.clone(), storage:, davdag, cal_path, }); Ok(Self { id, internal }) } /// Sync data with backing store pub async fn force_sync(&self) -> Result<()> { self.internal.write().await.force_sync().await } /// Sync data with backing store only if changes are detected /// or last sync is too old pub async fn opportunistic_sync(&self) -> Result<()> { self.internal.write().await.opportunistic_sync().await } pub async fn get(&self, blob_id: UniqueIdent, message_key: &Key) -> Result> {, message_key).await } pub async fn diff(&self, sync_token: Token) -> Result<(Token, Vec)> { } pub async fn put<'a>(&self, entry: IndexEntry, evt: &'a [u8]) -> Result { self.internal.write().await.put(entry, evt).await } pub async fn delete(&self, blob_id: UniqueIdent) -> Result { self.internal.write().await.delete(blob_id).await } } struct CalendarInternal { id: UniqueIdent, cal_path: String, encryption_key: Key, storage: Store, davdag: Bayou, } impl CalendarInternal { async fn force_sync(&mut self) -> Result<()> { self.davdag.sync().await?; Ok(()) } async fn opportunistic_sync(&mut self) -> Result<()> { self.davdag.opportunistic_sync().await?; Ok(()) } async fn get(&self, blob_id: BlobId, message_key: &Key) -> Result> { todo!() } async fn put<'a>(&mut self, entry: IndexEntry, evt: &'a [u8]) -> Result { //@TODO write event to S3 //@TODO add entry into Bayou todo!(); } async fn delete(&mut self, blob_id: BlobId) -> Result { todo!(); } async fn diff(&self, sync_token: Token) -> Result<(Token, Vec)> { todo!(); } }