path: root/src
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Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 174 deletions
diff --git a/src/future_rest_admin_api.txt b/src/future_rest_admin_api.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 19ece27..0000000
--- a/src/future_rest_admin_api.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
- Command::FirstLogin {
- creds,
- user_secrets,
- } => {
- let creds = make_storage_creds(creds);
- let user_secrets = make_user_secrets(user_secrets);
- println!("Please enter your password for key decryption.");
- println!("If you are using LDAP login, this must be your LDAP password.");
- println!("If you are using the static login provider, enter any password, and this will also become your password for local IMAP access.");
- let password = rpassword::prompt_password("Enter password: ")?;
- let password_confirm = rpassword::prompt_password("Confirm password: ")?;
- if password != password_confirm {
- bail!("Passwords don't match.");
- }
- CryptoKeys::init(&creds, &user_secrets, &password).await?;
- println!("");
- println!("Cryptographic key setup is complete.");
- println!("");
- println!("If you are using the static login provider, add the following section to your .toml configuration file:");
- println!("");
- dump_config(&password, &creds);
- }
- Command::InitializeLocalKeys { creds } => {
- let creds = make_storage_creds(creds);
- println!("Please enter a password for local IMAP access.");
- println!("This password is not used for key decryption, your keys will be printed below (do not lose them!)");
- println!(
- "If you plan on using LDAP login, stop right here and use `first-login` instead"
- );
- let password = rpassword::prompt_password("Enter password: ")?;
- let password_confirm = rpassword::prompt_password("Confirm password: ")?;
- if password != password_confirm {
- bail!("Passwords don't match.");
- }
- let master = gen_key();
- let (_, secret) = gen_keypair();
- let keys = CryptoKeys::init_without_password(&creds, &master, &secret).await?;
- println!("");
- println!("Cryptographic key setup is complete.");
- println!("");
- println!("Add the following section to your .toml configuration file:");
- println!("");
- dump_config(&password, &creds);
- dump_keys(&keys);
- }
- Command::AddPassword {
- creds,
- user_secrets,
- gen,
- } => {
- let creds = make_storage_creds(creds);
- let user_secrets = make_user_secrets(user_secrets);
- let existing_password =
- rpassword::prompt_password("Enter existing password to decrypt keys: ")?;
- let new_password = if gen {
- let password = base64::encode_config(
- &u128::to_be_bytes(thread_rng().gen())[..10],
- base64::URL_SAFE_NO_PAD,
- );
- println!("Your new password: {}", password);
- println!("Keep it safe!");
- password
- } else {
- let password = rpassword::prompt_password("Enter new password: ")?;
- let password_confirm = rpassword::prompt_password("Confirm new password: ")?;
- if password != password_confirm {
- bail!("Passwords don't match.");
- }
- password
- };
- let keys = CryptoKeys::open(&creds, &user_secrets, &existing_password).await?;
- keys.add_password(&creds, &user_secrets, &new_password)
- .await?;
- println!("");
- println!("New password added successfully.");
- }
- Command::DeletePassword {
- creds,
- user_secrets,
- allow_delete_all,
- } => {
- let creds = make_storage_creds(creds);
- let user_secrets = make_user_secrets(user_secrets);
- let existing_password = rpassword::prompt_password("Enter password to delete: ")?;
- let keys = match allow_delete_all {
- true => Some(CryptoKeys::open(&creds, &user_secrets, &existing_password).await?),
- false => None,
- };
- CryptoKeys::delete_password(&creds, &existing_password, allow_delete_all).await?;
- println!("");
- println!("Password was deleted successfully.");
- if let Some(keys) = keys {
- println!("As a reminder, here are your cryptographic keys:");
- dump_keys(&keys);
- }
- }
- Command::ShowKeys {
- creds,
- user_secrets,
- } => {
- let creds = make_storage_creds(creds);
- let user_secrets = make_user_secrets(user_secrets);
- let existing_password = rpassword::prompt_password("Enter key decryption password: ")?;
- let keys = CryptoKeys::open(&creds, &user_secrets, &existing_password).await?;
- dump_keys(&keys);
- }
- }
- Ok(())
-fn make_storage_creds(c: StorageCredsArgs) -> StorageCredentials {
- let s3_region = Region {
- name: c.region.clone(),
- endpoint: c.s3_endpoint,
- };
- let k2v_region = Region {
- name: c.region,
- endpoint: c.k2v_endpoint,
- };
- StorageCredentials {
- k2v_region,
- s3_region,
- aws_access_key_id: c.aws_access_key_id,
- aws_secret_access_key: c.aws_secret_access_key,
- bucket: c.bucket,
- }
-fn make_user_secrets(c: UserSecretsArgs) -> UserSecrets {
- UserSecrets {
- user_secret: c.user_secret,
- alternate_user_secrets: c
- .alternate_user_secrets
- .split(',')
- .map(|x| x.trim())
- .filter(|x| !x.is_empty())
- .map(|x| x.to_string())
- .collect(),
- }
-fn dump_config(password: &str, creds: &StorageCredentials) {
- println!("[login_static.users.<username>]");
- println!(
- "password = \"{}\"",
- hash_password(password).expect("unable to hash password")
- );
- println!("aws_access_key_id = \"{}\"", creds.aws_access_key_id);
- println!(
- "aws_secret_access_key = \"{}\"",
- creds.aws_secret_access_key
- );
-fn dump_keys(keys: &CryptoKeys) {
- println!("master_key = \"{}\"", base64::encode(&keys.master));
- println!("secret_key = \"{}\"", base64::encode(&keys.secret));