path: root/aero-proto/src/dav/mod.rs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'aero-proto/src/dav/mod.rs')
1 files changed, 8 insertions, 647 deletions
diff --git a/aero-proto/src/dav/mod.rs b/aero-proto/src/dav/mod.rs
index 379e210..de2e690 100644
--- a/aero-proto/src/dav/mod.rs
+++ b/aero-proto/src/dav/mod.rs
@@ -1,35 +1,31 @@
mod middleware;
+mod controller;
mod codec;
+mod node;
+mod resource;
use std::net::SocketAddr;
use std::sync::Arc;
-use anyhow::{anyhow, bail, Result};
+use anyhow::Result;
use hyper::service::service_fn;
-use hyper::{Request, Response, body::Bytes};
+use hyper::{Request, Response};
use hyper::server::conn::http1 as http;
use hyper::rt::{Read, Write};
-use hyper::body::Incoming;
use hyper_util::rt::TokioIo;
use futures::stream::{FuturesUnordered, StreamExt};
use tokio::net::TcpListener;
use tokio::sync::watch;
use tokio_rustls::TlsAcceptor;
use tokio::net::TcpStream;
+use futures::future::FutureExt;
use tokio::io::{AsyncRead, AsyncWrite};
use rustls_pemfile::{certs, private_key};
use aero_user::config::{DavConfig, DavUnsecureConfig};
use aero_user::login::ArcLoginProvider;
-use aero_collections::{user::User, calendar::Calendar, davdag::BlobId};
-use aero_dav::types as dav;
-use aero_dav::caltypes as cal;
-use aero_dav::acltypes as acl;
-use aero_dav::realization::{All, self as all};
-use crate::dav::codec::{serialize, deserialize, depth, text_body};
-type ArcUser = std::sync::Arc<User>;
+use crate::dav::controller::Controller;
pub struct Server {
bind_addr: SocketAddr,
@@ -108,7 +104,7 @@ impl Server {
let login = login.clone();
tracing::info!("{:?} {:?}", req.method(), req.uri());
async {
- match middleware::auth(login, req, |user, request| async { router(user, request).await }.boxed()).await {
+ match middleware::auth(login, req, |user, request| async { Controller::route(user, request).await }.boxed()).await {
Ok(v) => Ok(v),
Err(e) => {
tracing::error!(err=?e, "internal error");
@@ -144,641 +140,6 @@ impl Server {
-use http_body_util::BodyExt;
-//@FIXME We should not support only BasicAuth
-/// Path is a voluntarily feature limited
-/// compared to the expressiveness of a UNIX path
-/// For example getting parent with ../ is not supported, scheme is not supported, etc.
-/// More complex support could be added later if needed by clients
-enum Path<'a> {
- Abs(Vec<&'a str>),
- Rel(Vec<&'a str>),
-impl<'a> Path<'a> {
- fn new(path: &'a str) -> Result<Self> {
- // This check is naive, it does not aim at detecting all fully qualified
- // URL or protect from any attack, its only goal is to help debugging.
- if path.starts_with("http://") || path.starts_with("https://") {
- anyhow::bail!("Full URL are not supported")
- }
- let path_segments: Vec<_> = path.split("/").filter(|s| *s != "" && *s != ".").collect();
- if path.starts_with("/") {
- return Ok(Path::Abs(path_segments))
- }
- Ok(Path::Rel(path_segments))
- }
-async fn router(user: std::sync::Arc<User>, req: Request<Incoming>) -> Result<Response<BoxBody<Bytes, std::io::Error>>> {
- let path = req.uri().path().to_string();
- let path_segments: Vec<_> = path.split("/").filter(|s| *s != "").collect();
- let method = req.method().as_str().to_uppercase();
- let node = match (RootNode {}).fetch(&user, &path_segments).await {
- Ok(v) => v,
- Err(e) => {
- tracing::warn!(err=?e, "dav node fetch failed");
- return Ok(Response::builder()
- .status(404)
- .body(codec::text_body("Resource not found"))?)
- }
- };
- let response = DavResponse { node, user, req };
- match method.as_str() {
- "OPTIONS" => return Ok(Response::builder()
- .status(200)
- .header("DAV", "1")
- .body(codec::text_body(""))?),
- "HEAD" | "GET" => {
- tracing::warn!("HEAD+GET not correctly implemented");
- return Ok(Response::builder()
- .status(404)
- .body(codec::text_body(""))?)
- },
- "PUT" => {
- todo!();
- },
- "DELETE" => {
- todo!();
- },
- "PROPFIND" => response.propfind().await,
- "REPORT" => response.report().await,
- _ => return Ok(Response::builder()
- .status(501)
- .body(codec::text_body("HTTP Method not implemented"))?),
- }
-const ALLPROP: [dav::PropertyRequest<All>; 10] = [
- dav::PropertyRequest::CreationDate,
- dav::PropertyRequest::DisplayName,
- dav::PropertyRequest::GetContentLanguage,
- dav::PropertyRequest::GetContentLength,
- dav::PropertyRequest::GetContentType,
- dav::PropertyRequest::GetEtag,
- dav::PropertyRequest::GetLastModified,
- dav::PropertyRequest::LockDiscovery,
- dav::PropertyRequest::ResourceType,
- dav::PropertyRequest::SupportedLock,
-// ---------- Building objects
-// ---- HTTP DAV Binding
-use futures::stream::TryStreamExt;
-use http_body_util::BodyStream;
-use http_body_util::StreamBody;
-use http_body_util::combinators::BoxBody;
-use hyper::body::Frame;
-use tokio_util::sync::PollSender;
-use std::io::{Error, ErrorKind};
-use futures::sink::SinkExt;
-use tokio_util::io::{SinkWriter, CopyToBytes};
-use futures::{future, future::BoxFuture, future::FutureExt};
-/// A DAV node should implement the following methods
-/// @FIXME not satisfied by BoxFutures but I have no better idea currently
-trait DavNode: Send {
- // recurence, filesystem hierarchy
- /// This node direct children
- fn children<'a>(&self, user: &'a ArcUser) -> BoxFuture<'a, Vec<Box<dyn DavNode>>>;
- /// Recursively fetch a child (progress inside the filesystem hierarchy)
- fn fetch<'a>(&self, user: &'a ArcUser, path: &'a [&str]) -> BoxFuture<'a, Result<Box<dyn DavNode>>>;
- // node properties
- /// Get the path
- fn path(&self, user: &ArcUser) -> String;
- /// Get the supported WebDAV properties
- fn supported_properties(&self, user: &ArcUser) -> dav::PropName<All>;
- /// Get the values for the given properties
- fn properties(&self, user: &ArcUser, prop: dav::PropName<All>) -> Vec<dav::AnyProperty<All>>;
- //@FIXME maybe add etag, maybe add a way to set content
- /// Utility function to get a propname response from a node
- fn response_propname(&self, user: &ArcUser) -> dav::Response<All> {
- dav::Response {
- status_or_propstat: dav::StatusOrPropstat::PropStat(
- dav::Href(self.path(user)),
- vec![
- dav::PropStat {
- status: dav::Status(hyper::StatusCode::OK),
- prop: dav::AnyProp(self.supported_properties(user).0.into_iter().map(dav::AnyProperty::Request).collect()),
- error: None,
- responsedescription: None,
- }
- ],
- ),
- error: None,
- location: None,
- responsedescription: None
- }
- }
- /// Utility function to get a prop response from a node & a list of propname
- fn response_props(&self, user: &ArcUser, props: dav::PropName<All>) -> dav::Response<All> {
- let mut prop_desc = vec![];
- let (found, not_found): (Vec<_>, Vec<_>) = self.properties(user, props).into_iter().partition(|v| matches!(v, dav::AnyProperty::Value(_)));
- // If at least one property has been found on this object, adding a HTTP 200 propstat to
- // the response
- if !found.is_empty() {
- prop_desc.push(dav::PropStat {
- status: dav::Status(hyper::StatusCode::OK),
- prop: dav::AnyProp(found),
- error: None,
- responsedescription: None,
- });
- }
- // If at least one property can't be found on this object, adding a HTTP 404 propstat to
- // the response
- if !not_found.is_empty() {
- prop_desc.push(dav::PropStat {
- status: dav::Status(hyper::StatusCode::NOT_FOUND),
- prop: dav::AnyProp(not_found),
- error: None,
- responsedescription: None,
- })
- }
- // Build the finale response
- dav::Response {
- status_or_propstat: dav::StatusOrPropstat::PropStat(dav::Href(self.path(user)), prop_desc),
- error: None,
- location: None,
- responsedescription: None
- }
- }
-struct DavResponse {
- node: Box<dyn DavNode>,
- user: std::sync::Arc<User>,
- req: Request<Incoming>,
-impl DavResponse {
- // --- Public API ---
- /// REPORT has been first described in the "Versioning Extension" of WebDAV
- /// It allows more complex queries compared to PROPFIND
- ///
- /// Note: current implementation is not generic at all, it is heavily tied to CalDAV.
- /// A rewrite would be required to make it more generic (with the extension system that has
- /// been introduced in aero-dav)
- async fn report(self) -> Result<Response<BoxBody<Bytes, std::io::Error>>> {
- let status = hyper::StatusCode::from_u16(207)?;
- let report = match deserialize::<cal::Report<All>>(self.req).await {
- Ok(v) => v,
- Err(e) => {
- tracing::error!(err=?e, "unable to decode REPORT body");
- return Ok(Response::builder()
- .status(400)
- .body(text_body("Bad request"))?)
- }
- };
- // Multiget is really like a propfind where Depth: 0|1|Infinity is replaced by an arbitrary
- // list of URLs
- let multiget = match report {
- cal::Report::Multiget(m) => m,
- _ => return Ok(Response::builder()
- .status(501)
- .body(text_body("Not implemented"))?),
- };
- // Getting the list of nodes
- let (mut ok_node, mut not_found) = (Vec::new(), Vec::new());
- for h in multiget.href.into_iter() {
- let maybe_collected_node = match Path::new(h.0.as_str()) {
- Ok(Path::Abs(p)) => RootNode{}.fetch(&self.user, p.as_slice()).await.or(Err(h)),
- Ok(Path::Rel(p)) => self.node.fetch(&self.user, p.as_slice()).await.or(Err(h)),
- Err(_) => Err(h),
- };
- match maybe_collected_node {
- Ok(v) => ok_node.push(v),
- Err(h) => not_found.push(h),
- };
- }
- // Getting props
- let props = match multiget.selector {
- None | Some(cal::CalendarSelector::AllProp) => Some(dav::PropName(ALLPROP.to_vec())),
- Some(cal::CalendarSelector::PropName) => None,
- Some(cal::CalendarSelector::Prop(inner)) => Some(inner),
- };
- serialize(status, Self::multistatus(&self.user, ok_node, not_found, props))
- }
- /// PROPFIND is the standard way to fetch WebDAV properties
- async fn propfind(self) -> Result<Response<BoxBody<Bytes, std::io::Error>>> {
- let depth = depth(&self.req);
- if matches!(depth, dav::Depth::Infinity) {
- return Ok(Response::builder()
- .status(501)
- .body(text_body("Depth: Infinity not implemented"))?)
- }
- let status = hyper::StatusCode::from_u16(207)?;
- // A client may choose not to submit a request body. An empty PROPFIND
- // request body MUST be treated as if it were an 'allprop' request.
- // @FIXME here we handle any invalid data as an allprop, an empty request is thus correctly
- // handled, but corrupted requests are also silently handled as allprop.
- let propfind = deserialize::<dav::PropFind<All>>(self.req).await.unwrap_or_else(|_| dav::PropFind::<All>::AllProp(None));
- tracing::debug!(recv=?propfind, "inferred propfind request");
- // Collect nodes as PROPFIND is not limited to the targeted node
- let mut nodes = vec![];
- if matches!(depth, dav::Depth::One | dav::Depth::Infinity) {
- nodes.extend(self.node.children(&self.user).await);
- }
- nodes.push(self.node);
- // Expand properties request
- let propname = match propfind {
- dav::PropFind::PropName => None,
- dav::PropFind::AllProp(None) => Some(dav::PropName(ALLPROP.to_vec())),
- dav::PropFind::AllProp(Some(dav::Include(mut include))) => {
- include.extend_from_slice(&ALLPROP);
- Some(dav::PropName(include))
- },
- dav::PropFind::Prop(inner) => Some(inner),
- };
- // Not Found is currently impossible considering the way we designed this function
- let not_found = vec![];
- serialize(status, Self::multistatus(&self.user, nodes, not_found, propname))
- }
- // --- Internal functions ---
- /// Utility function to build a multistatus response from
- /// a list of DavNodes
- fn multistatus(user: &ArcUser, nodes: Vec<Box<dyn DavNode>>, not_found: Vec<dav::Href>, props: Option<dav::PropName<All>>) -> dav::Multistatus<All> {
- // Collect properties on existing objects
- let mut responses: Vec<dav::Response<All>> = match props {
- Some(props) => nodes.into_iter().map(|n| n.response_props(user, props.clone())).collect(),
- None => nodes.into_iter().map(|n| n.response_propname(user)).collect(),
- };
- // Register not found objects only if relevant
- if !not_found.is_empty() {
- responses.push(dav::Response {
- status_or_propstat: dav::StatusOrPropstat::Status(not_found, dav::Status(hyper::StatusCode::NOT_FOUND)),
- error: None,
- location: None,
- responsedescription: None,
- });
- }
- // Build response
- dav::Multistatus::<All> {
- responses,
- responsedescription: None,
- }
- }
-struct RootNode {}
-impl DavNode for RootNode {
- fn fetch<'a>(&self, user: &'a ArcUser, path: &'a [&str]) -> BoxFuture<'a, Result<Box<dyn DavNode>>> {
- if path.len() == 0 {
- let this = self.clone();
- return async { Ok(Box::new(this) as Box<dyn DavNode>) }.boxed();
- }
- if path[0] == user.username {
- let child = Box::new(HomeNode {});
- return child.fetch(user, &path[1..]);
- }
- async { Err(anyhow!("Not found")) }.boxed()
- }
- fn children<'a>(&self, user: &'a ArcUser) -> BoxFuture<'a, Vec<Box<dyn DavNode>>> {
- async { vec![Box::new(HomeNode { }) as Box<dyn DavNode>] }.boxed()
- }
- fn path(&self, user: &ArcUser) -> String {
- "/".into()
- }
- fn supported_properties(&self, user: &ArcUser) -> dav::PropName<All> {
- dav::PropName(vec![
- dav::PropertyRequest::DisplayName,
- dav::PropertyRequest::ResourceType,
- dav::PropertyRequest::GetContentType,
- dav::PropertyRequest::Extension(all::PropertyRequest::Acl(acl::PropertyRequest::CurrentUserPrincipal)),
- ])
- }
- fn properties(&self, user: &ArcUser, prop: dav::PropName<All>) -> Vec<dav::AnyProperty<All>> {
- prop.0.into_iter().map(|n| match n {
- dav::PropertyRequest::DisplayName => dav::AnyProperty::Value(dav::Property::DisplayName("DAV Root".to_string())),
- dav::PropertyRequest::ResourceType => dav::AnyProperty::Value(dav::Property::ResourceType(vec![
- dav::ResourceType::Collection,
- ])),
- dav::PropertyRequest::GetContentType => dav::AnyProperty::Value(dav::Property::GetContentType("httpd/unix-directory".into())),
- dav::PropertyRequest::Extension(all::PropertyRequest::Acl(acl::PropertyRequest::CurrentUserPrincipal)) =>
- dav::AnyProperty::Value(dav::Property::Extension(all::Property::Acl(acl::Property::CurrentUserPrincipal(acl::User::Authenticated(dav::Href(HomeNode{}.path(user))))))),
- v => dav::AnyProperty::Request(v),
- }).collect()
- }
-struct HomeNode {}
-impl DavNode for HomeNode {
- fn fetch<'a>(&self, user: &'a ArcUser, path: &'a [&str]) -> BoxFuture<'a, Result<Box<dyn DavNode>>> {
- if path.len() == 0 {
- let node = Box::new(self.clone()) as Box<dyn DavNode>;
- return async { Ok(node) }.boxed()
- }
- if path[0] == "calendar" {
- return async {
- let child = Box::new(CalendarListNode::new(user).await?);
- child.fetch(user, &path[1..]).await
- }.boxed();
- }
- async { Err(anyhow!("Not found")) }.boxed()
- }
- fn children<'a>(&self, user: &'a ArcUser) -> BoxFuture<'a, Vec<Box<dyn DavNode>>> {
- async {
- CalendarListNode::new(user).await
- .map(|c| vec![Box::new(c) as Box<dyn DavNode>])
- .unwrap_or(vec![])
- }.boxed()
- }
- fn path(&self, user: &ArcUser) -> String {
- format!("/{}/", user.username)
- }
- fn supported_properties(&self, user: &ArcUser) -> dav::PropName<All> {
- dav::PropName(vec![
- dav::PropertyRequest::DisplayName,
- dav::PropertyRequest::ResourceType,
- dav::PropertyRequest::GetContentType,
- dav::PropertyRequest::Extension(all::PropertyRequest::Cal(cal::PropertyRequest::CalendarHomeSet)),
- ])
- }
- fn properties(&self, user: &ArcUser, prop: dav::PropName<All>) -> Vec<dav::AnyProperty<All>> {
- prop.0.into_iter().map(|n| match n {
- dav::PropertyRequest::DisplayName => dav::AnyProperty::Value(dav::Property::DisplayName(format!("{} home", user.username))),
- dav::PropertyRequest::ResourceType => dav::AnyProperty::Value(dav::Property::ResourceType(vec![
- dav::ResourceType::Collection,
- dav::ResourceType::Extension(all::ResourceType::Acl(acl::ResourceType::Principal)),
- ])),
- dav::PropertyRequest::GetContentType => dav::AnyProperty::Value(dav::Property::GetContentType("httpd/unix-directory".into())),
- dav::PropertyRequest::Extension(all::PropertyRequest::Cal(cal::PropertyRequest::CalendarHomeSet)) =>
- dav::AnyProperty::Value(dav::Property::Extension(all::Property::Cal(cal::Property::CalendarHomeSet(dav::Href(/*CalendarListNode{}.path(user)*/ todo!()))))),
- v => dav::AnyProperty::Request(v),
- }).collect()
- }
-struct CalendarListNode {
- list: Vec<String>,
-impl CalendarListNode {
- async fn new(user: &ArcUser) -> Result<Self> {
- let list = user.calendars.list(user).await?;
- Ok(Self { list })
- }
-impl DavNode for CalendarListNode {
- fn fetch<'a>(&self, user: &'a ArcUser, path: &'a [&str]) -> BoxFuture<'a, Result<Box<dyn DavNode>>> {
- if path.len() == 0 {
- let node = Box::new(self.clone()) as Box<dyn DavNode>;
- return async { Ok(node) }.boxed();
- }
- async {
- let cal = user.calendars.open(user, path[0]).await?.ok_or(anyhow!("Not found"))?;
- let child = Box::new(CalendarNode {
- col: cal,
- calname: path[0].to_string()
- });
- child.fetch(user, &path[1..]).await
- }.boxed()
- }
- fn children<'a>(&self, user: &'a ArcUser) -> BoxFuture<'a, Vec<Box<dyn DavNode>>> {
- let list = self.list.clone();
- async move {
- //@FIXME maybe we want to be lazy here?!
- futures::stream::iter(list.iter())
- .filter_map(|name| async move {
- user.calendars.open(user, name).await
- .ok()
- .flatten()
- .map(|v| (name, v))
- })
- .map(|(name, cal)| Box::new(CalendarNode {
- col: cal,
- calname: name.to_string(),
- }) as Box<dyn DavNode>)
- .collect::<Vec<Box<dyn DavNode>>>()
- .await
- }.boxed()
- }
- fn path(&self, user: &ArcUser) -> String {
- format!("/{}/calendar/", user.username)
- }
- fn supported_properties(&self, user: &ArcUser) -> dav::PropName<All> {
- dav::PropName(vec![
- dav::PropertyRequest::DisplayName,
- dav::PropertyRequest::ResourceType,
- dav::PropertyRequest::GetContentType,
- ])
- }
- fn properties(&self, user: &ArcUser, prop: dav::PropName<All>) -> Vec<dav::AnyProperty<All>> {
- prop.0.into_iter().map(|n| match n {
- dav::PropertyRequest::DisplayName => dav::AnyProperty::Value(dav::Property::DisplayName(format!("{} calendars", user.username))),
- dav::PropertyRequest::ResourceType => dav::AnyProperty::Value(dav::Property::ResourceType(vec![dav::ResourceType::Collection])),
- dav::PropertyRequest::GetContentType => dav::AnyProperty::Value(dav::Property::GetContentType("httpd/unix-directory".into())),
- v => dav::AnyProperty::Request(v),
- }).collect()
- }
-struct CalendarNode {
- col: Arc<Calendar>,
- calname: String,
-impl DavNode for CalendarNode {
- fn fetch<'a>(&self, user: &'a ArcUser, path: &'a [&str]) -> BoxFuture<'a, Result<Box<dyn DavNode>>> {
- if path.len() == 0 {
- let node = Box::new(self.clone()) as Box<dyn DavNode>;
- return async { Ok(node) }.boxed()
- }
- let col = self.col.clone();
- let calname = self.calname.clone();
- async move {
- if let Some(blob_id) = col.dag().await.idx_by_filename.get(path[0]) {
- let child = Box::new(EventNode {
- col: col.clone(),
- calname,
- filename: path[0].to_string(),
- blob_id: *blob_id,
- });
- return child.fetch(user, &path[1..]).await
- }
- Err(anyhow!("Not found"))
- }.boxed()
- }
- fn children<'a>(&self, user: &'a ArcUser) -> BoxFuture<'a, Vec<Box<dyn DavNode>>> {
- let col = self.col.clone();
- let calname = self.calname.clone();
- async move {
- col.dag().await.idx_by_filename.iter().map(|(filename, blob_id)| {
- Box::new(EventNode {
- col: col.clone(),
- calname: calname.clone(),
- filename: filename.to_string(),
- blob_id: *blob_id,
- }) as Box<dyn DavNode>
- }).collect()
- }.boxed()
- }
- fn path(&self, user: &ArcUser) -> String {
- format!("/{}/calendar/{}/", user.username, self.calname)
- }
- fn supported_properties(&self, user: &ArcUser) -> dav::PropName<All> {
- dav::PropName(vec![
- dav::PropertyRequest::DisplayName,
- dav::PropertyRequest::ResourceType,
- dav::PropertyRequest::GetContentType,
- dav::PropertyRequest::Extension(all::PropertyRequest::Cal(cal::PropertyRequest::SupportedCalendarComponentSet)),
- ])
- }
- fn properties(&self, _user: &ArcUser, prop: dav::PropName<All>) -> Vec<dav::AnyProperty<All>> {
- prop.0.into_iter().map(|n| match n {
- dav::PropertyRequest::DisplayName => dav::AnyProperty::Value(dav::Property::DisplayName(format!("{} calendar", self.calname))),
- dav::PropertyRequest::ResourceType => dav::AnyProperty::Value(dav::Property::ResourceType(vec![
- dav::ResourceType::Collection,
- dav::ResourceType::Extension(all::ResourceType::Cal(cal::ResourceType::Calendar)),
- ])),
- //dav::PropertyRequest::GetContentType => dav::AnyProperty::Value(dav::Property::GetContentType("httpd/unix-directory".into())),
- //@FIXME seems wrong but seems to be what Thunderbird expects...
- dav::PropertyRequest::GetContentType => dav::AnyProperty::Value(dav::Property::GetContentType("text/calendar".into())),
- dav::PropertyRequest::Extension(all::PropertyRequest::Cal(cal::PropertyRequest::SupportedCalendarComponentSet))
- => dav::AnyProperty::Value(dav::Property::Extension(all::Property::Cal(cal::Property::SupportedCalendarComponentSet(vec![
- cal::CompSupport(cal::Component::VEvent),
- ])))),
- v => dav::AnyProperty::Request(v),
- }).collect()
- }
-const FAKE_ICS: &str = r#"BEGIN:VCALENDAR
-PRODID:-//Example Corp.//CalDAV Client//EN
-SUMMARY:Event #1
-Description:Go Steelers!
-struct EventNode {
- col: Arc<Calendar>,
- calname: String,
- filename: String,
- blob_id: BlobId,
-impl DavNode for EventNode {
- fn fetch<'a>(&self, user: &'a ArcUser, path: &'a [&str]) -> BoxFuture<'a, Result<Box<dyn DavNode>>> {
- if path.len() == 0 {
- let node = Box::new(self.clone()) as Box<dyn DavNode>;
- return async { Ok(node) }.boxed()
- }
- async { Err(anyhow!("Not found")) }.boxed()
- }
- fn children<'a>(&self, user: &'a ArcUser) -> BoxFuture<'a, Vec<Box<dyn DavNode>>> {
- async { vec![] }.boxed()
- }
- fn path(&self, user: &ArcUser) -> String {
- format!("/{}/calendar/{}/{}", user.username, self.calname, self.filename)
- }
- fn supported_properties(&self, user: &ArcUser) -> dav::PropName<All> {
- dav::PropName(vec![
- dav::PropertyRequest::DisplayName,
- dav::PropertyRequest::ResourceType,
- dav::PropertyRequest::GetEtag,
- dav::PropertyRequest::Extension(all::PropertyRequest::Cal(cal::PropertyRequest::CalendarData(cal::CalendarDataRequest::default()))),
- ])
- }
- fn properties(&self, _user: &ArcUser, prop: dav::PropName<All>) -> Vec<dav::AnyProperty<All>> {
- prop.0.into_iter().map(|n| match n {
- dav::PropertyRequest::DisplayName => dav::AnyProperty::Value(dav::Property::DisplayName(format!("{} event", self.filename))),
- dav::PropertyRequest::ResourceType => dav::AnyProperty::Value(dav::Property::ResourceType(vec![])),
- dav::PropertyRequest::GetContentType => dav::AnyProperty::Value(dav::Property::GetContentType("text/calendar".into())),
- dav::PropertyRequest::GetEtag => dav::AnyProperty::Value(dav::Property::GetEtag("\"abcdefg\"".into())),
- dav::PropertyRequest::Extension(all::PropertyRequest::Cal(cal::PropertyRequest::CalendarData(req))) =>
- dav::AnyProperty::Value(dav::Property::Extension(all::Property::Cal(cal::Property::CalendarData(cal::CalendarDataPayload {
- mime: None,
- payload: FAKE_ICS.into()
- })))),
- v => dav::AnyProperty::Request(v),
- }).collect()
- }
// <D:propfind xmlns:D='DAV:' xmlns:A='http://apple.com/ns/ical/'>
// <D:prop>
// <D:getcontenttype/>