path: root/aero-proto/src/dav.rs
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Diffstat (limited to 'aero-proto/src/dav.rs')
1 files changed, 186 insertions, 70 deletions
diff --git a/aero-proto/src/dav.rs b/aero-proto/src/dav.rs
index 0e2e01a..faf5c05 100644
--- a/aero-proto/src/dav.rs
+++ b/aero-proto/src/dav.rs
@@ -190,6 +190,30 @@ async fn auth(
router(user, req).await
+/// Path is a voluntarily feature limited
+/// compared to the expressiveness of a UNIX path
+/// For example getting parent with ../ is not supported, scheme is not supported, etc.
+/// More complex support could be added later if needed by clients
+enum Path<'a> {
+ Abs(Vec<&'a str>),
+ Rel(Vec<&'a str>),
+impl<'a> Path<'a> {
+ fn new(path: &'a str) -> Result<Self> {
+ // This check is naive, it does not aim at detecting all fully qualified
+ // URL or protect from any attack, its only goal is to help debugging.
+ if path.starts_with("http://") || path.starts_with("https://") {
+ anyhow::bail!("Full URL are not supported")
+ }
+ let path_segments: Vec<_> = path.split("/").filter(|s| *s != "" && *s != ".").collect();
+ if path.starts_with("/") {
+ return Ok(Path::Abs(path_segments))
+ }
+ Ok(Path::Rel(path_segments))
+ }
async fn router(user: std::sync::Arc<User>, req: Request<Incoming>) -> Result<Response<BoxBody<Bytes, std::io::Error>>> {
let path = req.uri().path().to_string();
let path_segments: Vec<_> = path.split("/").filter(|s| *s != "").collect();
@@ -217,9 +241,10 @@ async fn router(user: std::sync::Arc<User>, req: Request<Incoming>) -> Result<Re
"PROPFIND" => propfind(user, req, node).await,
+ "REPORT" => report(user, req, node).await,
_ => return Ok(Response::builder()
- .body(text_body("Not implemented"))?),
+ .body(text_body("HTTP Method not implemented"))?),
@@ -257,6 +282,14 @@ async fn router(user: std::sync::Arc<User>, req: Request<Incoming>) -> Result<Re
// </D:prop>
// </D:propfind>
+// <C:calendar-multiget xmlns:D="DAV:" xmlns:C="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav">
+// <D:prop>
+// <D:getetag/>
+// <C:calendar-data/>
+// </D:prop>
+// <D:href>/alice/calendar/personal/something.ics</D:href>
+// </C:calendar-multiget>
const ALLPROP: [dav::PropertyRequest<All>; 10] = [
@@ -270,8 +303,16 @@ const ALLPROP: [dav::PropertyRequest<All>; 10] = [
-async fn propfind(user: std::sync::Arc<User>, req: Request<Incoming>, node: Box<dyn DavNode>) -> Result<Response<BoxBody<Bytes, std::io::Error>>> {
+// ---------- Building objects
+async fn propfind(user: std::sync::Arc<User>, req: Request<Incoming>, base_node: Box<dyn DavNode>) -> Result<Response<BoxBody<Bytes, std::io::Error>>> {
let depth = depth(&req);
+ if matches!(depth, dav::Depth::Infinity) {
+ return Ok(Response::builder()
+ .status(501)
+ .body(text_body("Depth: Infinity not implemented"))?)
+ }
let status = hyper::StatusCode::from_u16(207)?;
// A client may choose not to submit a request body. An empty PROPFIND
@@ -281,21 +322,78 @@ async fn propfind(user: std::sync::Arc<User>, req: Request<Incoming>, node: Box<
let propfind = deserialize::<dav::PropFind<All>>(req).await.unwrap_or_else(|_| dav::PropFind::<All>::AllProp(None));
tracing::debug!(recv=?propfind, "inferred propfind request");
- if matches!(propfind, dav::PropFind::PropName) {
- return serialize(status, node.multistatus_name(&user, depth));
+ // Collect nodes as PROPFIND is not limited at the targeted node
+ let mut nodes = vec![];
+ if matches!(depth, dav::Depth::One | dav::Depth::Infinity) {
+ nodes.extend(base_node.children(&user));
+ nodes.push(base_node);
+ // Expand properties request
let propname = match propfind {
- dav::PropFind::PropName => unreachable!(),
- dav::PropFind::AllProp(None) => dav::PropName(ALLPROP.to_vec()),
+ dav::PropFind::PropName => None,
+ dav::PropFind::AllProp(None) => Some(dav::PropName(ALLPROP.to_vec())),
dav::PropFind::AllProp(Some(dav::Include(mut include))) => {
- dav::PropName(include)
+ Some(dav::PropName(include))
- dav::PropFind::Prop(inner) => inner,
+ dav::PropFind::Prop(inner) => Some(inner),
- serialize(status, node.multistatus_val(&user, propname, depth))
+ // Not Found is currently impossible considering the way we designed this function
+ let not_found = vec![];
+ serialize(status, multistatus(&user, nodes, not_found, propname))
+async fn report(user: std::sync::Arc<User>, req: Request<Incoming>, node: Box<dyn DavNode>) -> Result<Response<BoxBody<Bytes, std::io::Error>>> {
+ let status = hyper::StatusCode::from_u16(207)?;
+ let report = deserialize::<cal::Report<All>>(req).await?;
+ // Multiget is really like a propfind where Depth: 0|1|Infinity is replaced by an arbitrary
+ // list of URLs
+ let multiget = match report {
+ cal::Report::Multiget(m) => m,
+ _ => return Ok(Response::builder()
+ .status(501)
+ .body(text_body("Not implemented"))?),
+ };
+ // Getting the list of nodes
+ /*let nodes = multiget.href.iter().map(|h| match Path::new(h.0.as_str()) {
+ });*/
+ todo!();
+ //serialize(status, node.multistatus_val(&user, multiget
+fn multistatus(user: &ArcUser, nodes: Vec<Box<dyn DavNode>>, not_found: Vec<dav::Href>, props: Option<dav::PropName<All>>) -> dav::Multistatus<All> {
+ // Collect properties on existing objects
+ let mut responses: Vec<dav::Response<All>> = match props {
+ Some(props) => nodes.into_iter().map(|n| n.response_props(user, props.clone())).collect(),
+ None => nodes.into_iter().map(|n| n.response_propname(user)).collect(),
+ };
+ // Register not found objects only if relevant
+ if !not_found.is_empty() {
+ responses.push(dav::Response {
+ status_or_propstat: dav::StatusOrPropstat::Status(
+ not_found,
+ dav::Status(hyper::StatusCode::NOT_FOUND),
+ ),
+ error: None,
+ location: None,
+ responsedescription: None,
+ });
+ }
+ // Build response
+ dav::Multistatus::<All> {
+ responses,
+ responsedescription: None,
+ }
// ---- HTTP DAV Binding
@@ -314,7 +412,8 @@ fn depth(req: &Request<impl hyper::body::Body>) -> dav::Depth {
match req.headers().get("Depth").map(hyper::header::HeaderValue::to_str) {
Some(Ok("0")) => dav::Depth::Zero,
Some(Ok("1")) => dav::Depth::One,
- _ => dav::Depth::Infinity,
+ Some(Ok("Infinity")) => dav::Depth::Infinity,
+ _ => dav::Depth::Zero,
@@ -386,75 +485,58 @@ trait DavNode: Send {
fn supported_properties(&self, user: &ArcUser) -> dav::PropName<All>;
fn properties(&self, user: &ArcUser, prop: dav::PropName<All>) -> Vec<dav::AnyProperty<All>>;
- // ----- common
- /// building DAV responses
- fn multistatus_name(&self, user: &ArcUser, depth: dav::Depth) -> dav::Multistatus<All> {
- let mut names = vec![(self.path(user), self.supported_properties(user))];
- if matches!(depth, dav::Depth::One | dav::Depth::Infinity) {
- names.extend(self.children(user).iter().map(|c| (c.path(user), c.supported_properties(user))));
- }
- dav::Multistatus::<All> {
- responses: names.into_iter().map(|(url, names)| dav::Response {
- status_or_propstat: dav::StatusOrPropstat::PropStat(
- dav::Href(url),
- vec![dav::PropStat {
- prop: dav::AnyProp(names.0.into_iter().map(dav::AnyProperty::Request).collect()),
- status: dav::Status(hyper::StatusCode::OK),
+ // --- shared
+ fn response_propname(&self, user: &ArcUser) -> dav::Response<All> {
+ dav::Response {
+ status_or_propstat: dav::StatusOrPropstat::PropStat(
+ dav::Href(self.path(user)),
+ vec![
+ dav::PropStat {
+ status: dav::Status(hyper::StatusCode::OK),
+ prop: dav::AnyProp(self.supported_properties(user).0.into_iter().map(dav::AnyProperty::Request).collect()),
error: None,
responsedescription: None,
- }],
- ),
- error: None,
- location: None,
- responsedescription: None,
- }).collect(),
- responsedescription: None,
+ }
+ ],
+ ),
+ error: None,
+ location: None,
+ responsedescription: None
- fn multistatus_val(&self, user: &ArcUser, props: dav::PropName<All>, depth: dav::Depth) -> dav::Multistatus<All> {
- // Collect properties
- let mut values = vec![(self.path(user), self.properties(user, props.clone()))];
- if matches!(depth, dav::Depth::One | dav::Depth::Infinity) {
- values.extend(self
- .children(user)
- .iter()
- .map(|c| (c.path(user), c.properties(user, props.clone())))
- );
+ fn response_props(&self, user: &ArcUser, props: dav::PropName<All>) -> dav::Response<All> {
+ let mut prop_desc = vec![];
+ let (found, not_found): (Vec<_>, Vec<_>) = self.properties(user, props).into_iter().partition(|v| matches!(v, dav::AnyProperty::Value(_)));
+ // If at least one property has been found on this object, adding a HTTP 200 propstat to
+ // the response
+ if !found.is_empty() {
+ prop_desc.push(dav::PropStat {
+ status: dav::Status(hyper::StatusCode::OK),
+ prop: dav::AnyProp(found),
+ error: None,
+ responsedescription: None,
+ });
- // Separate FOUND from NOT FOUND
- let values: Vec<_> = values.into_iter().map(|(path, anyprop)| {
- let mut prop_desc = vec![];
- let (found, not_found): (Vec<_>, Vec<_>) = anyprop.into_iter().partition(|v| matches!(v, dav::AnyProperty::Value(_)));
- if !found.is_empty() {
- prop_desc.push((hyper::StatusCode::OK, dav::AnyProp(found)))
- }
- if !not_found.is_empty() {
- prop_desc.push((hyper::StatusCode::NOT_FOUND, dav::AnyProp(not_found)))
- }
- (path, prop_desc)
- }).collect();
- // Build response
- dav::Multistatus::<All> {
- responses: values.into_iter().map(|(url, propdesc)| dav::Response {
- status_or_propstat: dav::StatusOrPropstat::PropStat(
- dav::Href(url),
- propdesc.into_iter().map(|(status, prop)| dav::PropStat {
- prop,
- status: dav::Status(status),
- error: None,
- responsedescription: None,
- }).collect(),
- ),
+ // If at least one property can't be found on this object, adding a HTTP 404 propstat to
+ // the response
+ if !not_found.is_empty() {
+ prop_desc.push(dav::PropStat {
+ status: dav::Status(hyper::StatusCode::NOT_FOUND),
+ prop: dav::AnyProp(not_found),
error: None,
- location: None,
responsedescription: None,
- }).collect(),
- responsedescription: None,
+ })
+ }
+ // Build the finale response
+ dav::Response {
+ status_or_propstat: dav::StatusOrPropstat::PropStat(dav::Href(self.path(user)), prop_desc),
+ error: None,
+ location: None,
+ responsedescription: None
@@ -643,6 +725,37 @@ impl DavNode for CalendarNode {
+const FAKE_ICS: &str = r#"BEGIN:VCALENDAR
+PRODID:-//Example Corp.//CalDAV Client//EN
+SUMMARY:Event #1
+Description:Go Steelers!
struct EventNode {
calendar: String,
event_file: String,
@@ -668,6 +781,7 @@ impl DavNode for EventNode {
+ dav::PropertyRequest::Extension(all::PropertyRequest::Cal(cal::PropertyRequest::CalendarData(cal::CalendarDataRequest::default()))),
fn properties(&self, _user: &ArcUser, prop: dav::PropName<All>) -> Vec<dav::AnyProperty<All>> {
@@ -676,6 +790,8 @@ impl DavNode for EventNode {
dav::PropertyRequest::ResourceType => dav::AnyProperty::Value(dav::Property::ResourceType(vec![])),
dav::PropertyRequest::GetContentType => dav::AnyProperty::Value(dav::Property::GetContentType("text/calendar".into())),
dav::PropertyRequest::GetEtag => dav::AnyProperty::Value(dav::Property::GetEtag("\"abcdefg\"".into())),
+ dav::PropertyRequest::Extension(all::PropertyRequest::Cal(cal::PropertyRequest::CalendarData(req))) =>
+ dav::AnyProperty::Value(dav::Property::Extension(all::Property::Cal(cal::Property::CalendarData(cal::CalendarDataPayload { mime: None, payload: FAKE_ICS.into() })))),
v => dav::AnyProperty::Request(v),