path: root/aero-proto/imap/search.rs
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Diffstat (limited to 'aero-proto/imap/search.rs')
1 files changed, 477 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/aero-proto/imap/search.rs b/aero-proto/imap/search.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37a7e9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/aero-proto/imap/search.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,477 @@
+use std::num::{NonZeroU32, NonZeroU64};
+use imap_codec::imap_types::core::Vec1;
+use imap_codec::imap_types::search::{MetadataItemSearch, SearchKey};
+use imap_codec::imap_types::sequence::{SeqOrUid, Sequence, SequenceSet};
+use crate::imap::index::MailIndex;
+use crate::imap::mail_view::MailView;
+use crate::mail::query::QueryScope;
+pub enum SeqType {
+ Undefined,
+ NonUid,
+ Uid,
+impl SeqType {
+ pub fn is_uid(&self) -> bool {
+ matches!(self, Self::Uid)
+ }
+pub struct Criteria<'a>(pub &'a SearchKey<'a>);
+impl<'a> Criteria<'a> {
+ /// Returns a set of email identifiers that is greater or equal
+ /// to the set of emails to return
+ pub fn to_sequence_set(&self) -> (SequenceSet, SeqType) {
+ match self.0 {
+ SearchKey::All => (sequence_set_all(), SeqType::Undefined),
+ SearchKey::SequenceSet(seq_set) => (seq_set.clone(), SeqType::NonUid),
+ SearchKey::Uid(seq_set) => (seq_set.clone(), SeqType::Uid),
+ SearchKey::Not(_inner) => {
+ tracing::debug!(
+ "using NOT in a search request is slow: it selects all identifiers"
+ );
+ (sequence_set_all(), SeqType::Undefined)
+ }
+ SearchKey::Or(left, right) => {
+ tracing::debug!("using OR in a search request is slow: no deduplication is done");
+ let (base, base_seqtype) = Self(&left).to_sequence_set();
+ let (ext, ext_seqtype) = Self(&right).to_sequence_set();
+ // Check if we have a UID/ID conflict in fetching: now we don't know how to handle them
+ match (base_seqtype, ext_seqtype) {
+ (SeqType::Uid, SeqType::NonUid) | (SeqType::NonUid, SeqType::Uid) => {
+ (sequence_set_all(), SeqType::Undefined)
+ }
+ (SeqType::Undefined, x) | (x, _) => {
+ let mut new_vec = base.0.into_inner();
+ new_vec.extend_from_slice(ext.0.as_ref());
+ let seq = SequenceSet(
+ Vec1::try_from(new_vec)
+ .expect("merging non empty vec lead to non empty vec"),
+ );
+ (seq, x)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SearchKey::And(search_list) => {
+ tracing::debug!(
+ "using AND in a search request is slow: no intersection is performed"
+ );
+ // As we perform no intersection, we don't care if we mix uid or id.
+ // We only keep the smallest range, being it ID or UID, depending of
+ // which one has the less items. This is an approximation as UID ranges
+ // can have holes while ID ones can't.
+ search_list
+ .as_ref()
+ .iter()
+ .map(|crit| Self(&crit).to_sequence_set())
+ .min_by(|(x, _), (y, _)| {
+ let x_size = approx_sequence_set_size(x);
+ let y_size = approx_sequence_set_size(y);
+ x_size.cmp(&y_size)
+ })
+ .unwrap_or((sequence_set_all(), SeqType::Undefined))
+ }
+ _ => (sequence_set_all(), SeqType::Undefined),
+ }
+ }
+ /// Not really clever as we can have cases where we filter out
+ /// the email before needing to inspect its meta.
+ /// But for now we are seeking the most basic/stupid algorithm.
+ pub fn query_scope(&self) -> QueryScope {
+ use SearchKey::*;
+ match self.0 {
+ // Combinators
+ And(and_list) => and_list
+ .as_ref()
+ .iter()
+ .fold(QueryScope::Index, |prev, sk| {
+ prev.union(&Criteria(sk).query_scope())
+ }),
+ Not(inner) => Criteria(inner).query_scope(),
+ Or(left, right) => Criteria(left)
+ .query_scope()
+ .union(&Criteria(right).query_scope()),
+ All => QueryScope::Index,
+ // IMF Headers
+ Bcc(_) | Cc(_) | From(_) | Header(..) | SentBefore(_) | SentOn(_) | SentSince(_)
+ | Subject(_) | To(_) => QueryScope::Partial,
+ // Internal Date is also stored in MailMeta
+ Before(_) | On(_) | Since(_) => QueryScope::Partial,
+ // Message size is also stored in MailMeta
+ Larger(_) | Smaller(_) => QueryScope::Partial,
+ // Text and Body require that we fetch the full content!
+ Text(_) | Body(_) => QueryScope::Full,
+ _ => QueryScope::Index,
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn is_modseq(&self) -> bool {
+ use SearchKey::*;
+ match self.0 {
+ And(and_list) => and_list
+ .as_ref()
+ .iter()
+ .any(|child| Criteria(child).is_modseq()),
+ Or(left, right) => Criteria(left).is_modseq() || Criteria(right).is_modseq(),
+ Not(child) => Criteria(child).is_modseq(),
+ ModSeq { .. } => true,
+ _ => false,
+ }
+ }
+ /// Returns emails that we now for sure we want to keep
+ /// but also a second list of emails we need to investigate further by
+ /// fetching some remote data
+ pub fn filter_on_idx<'b>(
+ &self,
+ midx_list: &[&'b MailIndex<'b>],
+ ) -> (Vec<&'b MailIndex<'b>>, Vec<&'b MailIndex<'b>>) {
+ let (p1, p2): (Vec<_>, Vec<_>) = midx_list
+ .iter()
+ .map(|x| (x, self.is_keep_on_idx(x)))
+ .filter(|(_midx, decision)| decision.is_keep())
+ .map(|(midx, decision)| (*midx, decision))
+ .partition(|(_midx, decision)| matches!(decision, PartialDecision::Keep));
+ let to_keep = p1.into_iter().map(|(v, _)| v).collect();
+ let to_fetch = p2.into_iter().map(|(v, _)| v).collect();
+ (to_keep, to_fetch)
+ }
+ // ----
+ /// Here we are doing a partial filtering: we do not have access
+ /// to the headers or to the body, so every time we encounter a rule
+ /// based on them, we need to keep it.
+ ///
+ /// @TODO Could be optimized on a per-email basis by also returning the QueryScope
+ /// when more information is needed!
+ fn is_keep_on_idx(&self, midx: &MailIndex) -> PartialDecision {
+ use SearchKey::*;
+ match self.0 {
+ // Combinator logic
+ And(expr_list) => expr_list
+ .as_ref()
+ .iter()
+ .fold(PartialDecision::Keep, |acc, cur| {
+ acc.and(&Criteria(cur).is_keep_on_idx(midx))
+ }),
+ Or(left, right) => {
+ let left_decision = Criteria(left).is_keep_on_idx(midx);
+ let right_decision = Criteria(right).is_keep_on_idx(midx);
+ left_decision.or(&right_decision)
+ }
+ Not(expr) => Criteria(expr).is_keep_on_idx(midx).not(),
+ All => PartialDecision::Keep,
+ // Sequence logic
+ maybe_seq if is_sk_seq(maybe_seq) => is_keep_seq(maybe_seq, midx).into(),
+ maybe_flag if is_sk_flag(maybe_flag) => is_keep_flag(maybe_flag, midx).into(),
+ ModSeq {
+ metadata_item,
+ modseq,
+ } => is_keep_modseq(metadata_item, modseq, midx).into(),
+ // All the stuff we can't evaluate yet
+ Bcc(_) | Cc(_) | From(_) | Header(..) | SentBefore(_) | SentOn(_) | SentSince(_)
+ | Subject(_) | To(_) | Before(_) | On(_) | Since(_) | Larger(_) | Smaller(_)
+ | Text(_) | Body(_) => PartialDecision::Postpone,
+ unknown => {
+ tracing::error!("Unknown filter {:?}", unknown);
+ PartialDecision::Discard
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /// @TODO we re-eveluate twice the same logic. The correct way would be, on each pass,
+ /// to simplify the searck query, by removing the elements that were already checked.
+ /// For example if we have AND(OR(seqid(X), body(Y)), body(X)), we can't keep for sure
+ /// the email, as body(x) might be false. So we need to check it. But as seqid(x) is true,
+ /// we could simplify the request to just body(x) and truncate the first OR. Today, we are
+ /// not doing that, and thus we reevaluate everything.
+ pub fn is_keep_on_query(&self, mail_view: &MailView) -> bool {
+ use SearchKey::*;
+ match self.0 {
+ // Combinator logic
+ And(expr_list) => expr_list
+ .as_ref()
+ .iter()
+ .all(|cur| Criteria(cur).is_keep_on_query(mail_view)),
+ Or(left, right) => {
+ Criteria(left).is_keep_on_query(mail_view)
+ || Criteria(right).is_keep_on_query(mail_view)
+ }
+ Not(expr) => !Criteria(expr).is_keep_on_query(mail_view),
+ All => true,
+ //@FIXME Reevaluating our previous logic...
+ maybe_seq if is_sk_seq(maybe_seq) => is_keep_seq(maybe_seq, &mail_view.in_idx),
+ maybe_flag if is_sk_flag(maybe_flag) => is_keep_flag(maybe_flag, &mail_view.in_idx),
+ ModSeq {
+ metadata_item,
+ modseq,
+ } => is_keep_modseq(metadata_item, modseq, &mail_view.in_idx).into(),
+ // Filter on mail meta
+ Before(search_naive) => match mail_view.stored_naive_date() {
+ Ok(msg_naive) => &msg_naive < search_naive.as_ref(),
+ _ => false,
+ },
+ On(search_naive) => match mail_view.stored_naive_date() {
+ Ok(msg_naive) => &msg_naive == search_naive.as_ref(),
+ _ => false,
+ },
+ Since(search_naive) => match mail_view.stored_naive_date() {
+ Ok(msg_naive) => &msg_naive > search_naive.as_ref(),
+ _ => false,
+ },
+ // Message size is also stored in MailMeta
+ Larger(size_ref) => {
+ mail_view
+ .query_result
+ .metadata()
+ .expect("metadata were fetched")
+ .rfc822_size
+ > *size_ref as usize
+ }
+ Smaller(size_ref) => {
+ mail_view
+ .query_result
+ .metadata()
+ .expect("metadata were fetched")
+ .rfc822_size
+ < *size_ref as usize
+ }
+ // Filter on well-known headers
+ Bcc(txt) => mail_view.is_header_contains_pattern(&b"bcc"[..], txt.as_ref()),
+ Cc(txt) => mail_view.is_header_contains_pattern(&b"cc"[..], txt.as_ref()),
+ From(txt) => mail_view.is_header_contains_pattern(&b"from"[..], txt.as_ref()),
+ Subject(txt) => mail_view.is_header_contains_pattern(&b"subject"[..], txt.as_ref()),
+ To(txt) => mail_view.is_header_contains_pattern(&b"to"[..], txt.as_ref()),
+ Header(hdr, txt) => mail_view.is_header_contains_pattern(hdr.as_ref(), txt.as_ref()),
+ // Filter on Date header
+ SentBefore(search_naive) => mail_view
+ .imf()
+ .map(|imf| imf.naive_date().ok())
+ .flatten()
+ .map(|msg_naive| &msg_naive < search_naive.as_ref())
+ .unwrap_or(false),
+ SentOn(search_naive) => mail_view
+ .imf()
+ .map(|imf| imf.naive_date().ok())
+ .flatten()
+ .map(|msg_naive| &msg_naive == search_naive.as_ref())
+ .unwrap_or(false),
+ SentSince(search_naive) => mail_view
+ .imf()
+ .map(|imf| imf.naive_date().ok())
+ .flatten()
+ .map(|msg_naive| &msg_naive > search_naive.as_ref())
+ .unwrap_or(false),
+ // Filter on the full content of the email
+ Text(txt) => mail_view
+ .content
+ .as_msg()
+ .map(|msg| {
+ msg.raw_part
+ .windows(txt.as_ref().len())
+ .any(|win| win == txt.as_ref())
+ })
+ .unwrap_or(false),
+ Body(txt) => mail_view
+ .content
+ .as_msg()
+ .map(|msg| {
+ msg.raw_body
+ .windows(txt.as_ref().len())
+ .any(|win| win == txt.as_ref())
+ })
+ .unwrap_or(false),
+ unknown => {
+ tracing::error!("Unknown filter {:?}", unknown);
+ false
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// ---- Sequence things ----
+fn sequence_set_all() -> SequenceSet {
+ SequenceSet::from(Sequence::Range(
+ SeqOrUid::Value(NonZeroU32::MIN),
+ SeqOrUid::Asterisk,
+ ))
+// This is wrong as sequences can overlap
+fn approx_sequence_set_size(seq_set: &SequenceSet) -> u64 {
+ seq_set.0.as_ref().iter().fold(0u64, |acc, seq| {
+ acc.saturating_add(approx_sequence_size(seq))
+ })
+// This is wrong as sequence UID can have holes,
+// as we don't know the number of messages in the mailbox also
+// we gave to guess
+fn approx_sequence_size(seq: &Sequence) -> u64 {
+ match seq {
+ Sequence::Single(_) => 1,
+ Sequence::Range(SeqOrUid::Asterisk, _) | Sequence::Range(_, SeqOrUid::Asterisk) => u64::MAX,
+ Sequence::Range(SeqOrUid::Value(x1), SeqOrUid::Value(x2)) => {
+ let x2 = x2.get() as i64;
+ let x1 = x1.get() as i64;
+ (x2 - x1).abs().try_into().unwrap_or(1)
+ }
+ }
+// --- Partial decision things ----
+enum PartialDecision {
+ Keep,
+ Discard,
+ Postpone,
+impl From<bool> for PartialDecision {
+ fn from(x: bool) -> Self {
+ match x {
+ true => PartialDecision::Keep,
+ _ => PartialDecision::Discard,
+ }
+ }
+impl PartialDecision {
+ fn not(&self) -> Self {
+ match self {
+ Self::Keep => Self::Discard,
+ Self::Discard => Self::Keep,
+ Self::Postpone => Self::Postpone,
+ }
+ }
+ fn or(&self, other: &Self) -> Self {
+ match (self, other) {
+ (Self::Keep, _) | (_, Self::Keep) => Self::Keep,
+ (Self::Postpone, _) | (_, Self::Postpone) => Self::Postpone,
+ (Self::Discard, Self::Discard) => Self::Discard,
+ }
+ }
+ fn and(&self, other: &Self) -> Self {
+ match (self, other) {
+ (Self::Discard, _) | (_, Self::Discard) => Self::Discard,
+ (Self::Postpone, _) | (_, Self::Postpone) => Self::Postpone,
+ (Self::Keep, Self::Keep) => Self::Keep,
+ }
+ }
+ fn is_keep(&self) -> bool {
+ !matches!(self, Self::Discard)
+ }
+// ----- Search Key things ---
+fn is_sk_flag(sk: &SearchKey) -> bool {
+ use SearchKey::*;
+ match sk {
+ Answered | Deleted | Draft | Flagged | Keyword(..) | New | Old | Recent | Seen
+ | Unanswered | Undeleted | Undraft | Unflagged | Unkeyword(..) | Unseen => true,
+ _ => false,
+ }
+fn is_keep_flag(sk: &SearchKey, midx: &MailIndex) -> bool {
+ use SearchKey::*;
+ match sk {
+ Answered => midx.is_flag_set("\\Answered"),
+ Deleted => midx.is_flag_set("\\Deleted"),
+ Draft => midx.is_flag_set("\\Draft"),
+ Flagged => midx.is_flag_set("\\Flagged"),
+ Keyword(kw) => midx.is_flag_set(kw.inner()),
+ New => {
+ let is_recent = midx.is_flag_set("\\Recent");
+ let is_seen = midx.is_flag_set("\\Seen");
+ is_recent && !is_seen
+ }
+ Old => {
+ let is_recent = midx.is_flag_set("\\Recent");
+ !is_recent
+ }
+ Recent => midx.is_flag_set("\\Recent"),
+ Seen => midx.is_flag_set("\\Seen"),
+ Unanswered => {
+ let is_answered = midx.is_flag_set("\\Recent");
+ !is_answered
+ }
+ Undeleted => {
+ let is_deleted = midx.is_flag_set("\\Deleted");
+ !is_deleted
+ }
+ Undraft => {
+ let is_draft = midx.is_flag_set("\\Draft");
+ !is_draft
+ }
+ Unflagged => {
+ let is_flagged = midx.is_flag_set("\\Flagged");
+ !is_flagged
+ }
+ Unkeyword(kw) => {
+ let is_keyword_set = midx.is_flag_set(kw.inner());
+ !is_keyword_set
+ }
+ Unseen => {
+ let is_seen = midx.is_flag_set("\\Seen");
+ !is_seen
+ }
+ // Not flag logic
+ _ => unreachable!(),
+ }
+fn is_sk_seq(sk: &SearchKey) -> bool {
+ use SearchKey::*;
+ match sk {
+ SequenceSet(..) | Uid(..) => true,
+ _ => false,
+ }
+fn is_keep_seq(sk: &SearchKey, midx: &MailIndex) -> bool {
+ use SearchKey::*;
+ match sk {
+ SequenceSet(seq_set) => seq_set
+ .0
+ .as_ref()
+ .iter()
+ .any(|seq| midx.is_in_sequence_i(seq)),
+ Uid(seq_set) => seq_set
+ .0
+ .as_ref()
+ .iter()
+ .any(|seq| midx.is_in_sequence_uid(seq)),
+ _ => unreachable!(),
+ }
+fn is_keep_modseq(
+ filter: &Option<MetadataItemSearch>,
+ modseq: &NonZeroU64,
+ midx: &MailIndex,
+) -> bool {
+ if filter.is_some() {
+ tracing::warn!(filter=?filter, "Ignoring search metadata filter as it's not supported yet");
+ }
+ modseq <= &midx.modseq