use std::io::Cursor;
use quick_xml::Error as QError;
use quick_xml::events::{Event, BytesEnd, BytesStart, BytesText};
use quick_xml::writer::{ElementWriter, Writer};
use quick_xml::name::PrefixDeclaration;
use tokio::io::AsyncWrite;
use super::types::*;
//-------------- TRAITS ----------------------
/*pub trait DavWriter<E: Extension> {
fn create_dav_element(&mut self, name: &str) -> ElementWriter<impl AsyncWrite + Unpin>;
fn child(w: &mut QWriter<impl AsyncWrite + Unpin>) -> impl DavWriter<E>;
async fn error(&mut self, err: &E::Error) -> Result<(), QError>;
/// Basic encode trait to make a type encodable
pub trait QuickWritable<E: Extension, C: Context<E>> {
async fn write(&self, xml: &mut Writer<impl AsyncWrite+Unpin>, ctx: C) -> Result<(), QError>;
pub trait Context<E: Extension> {
fn child(&self) -> Self;
fn create_dav_element(&self, name: &str) -> BytesStart;
async fn hook_error(&self, err: &E::Error, xml: &mut Writer<impl AsyncWrite+Unpin>) -> Result<(), QError>;
pub struct NoExtCtx {
root: bool
impl Context<NoExtension> for NoExtCtx {
fn child(&self) -> Self {
Self { root: false }
fn create_dav_element(&self, name: &str) -> BytesStart {
let mut start = BytesStart::new(format!("D:{}", name));
if self.root {
start.push_attribute(("xmlns:D", "DAV:"));
async fn hook_error(&self, err: &Disabled, xml: &mut Writer<impl AsyncWrite+Unpin>) -> Result<(), QError> {
//--------------------- ENCODING --------------------
// --- XML ROOTS
impl<E: Extension, C: Context<E>> QuickWritable<E,C> for Multistatus<E> {
async fn write(&self, xml: &mut Writer<impl AsyncWrite+Unpin>, ctx: C) -> Result<(), QError> {
let start = ctx.create_dav_element("multistatus");
let end = start.to_end();
for response in self.responses.iter() {
response.write(xml, ctx.child()).await?;
if let Some(description) = &self.responsedescription {
description.write(xml, ctx.child()).await?;
// --- XML inner elements
impl<E: Extension, C: Context<E>> QuickWritable<E,C> for Href {
async fn write(&self, xml: &mut Writer<impl AsyncWrite+Unpin>, _ctx: C) -> Result<(), QError> {
impl<E: Extension, C: Context<E>> QuickWritable<E,C> for Response<E> {
async fn write(&self, xml: &mut Writer<impl AsyncWrite+Unpin>, ctx: C) -> Result<(), QError> {
.write_inner_content_async::<_, _, QError>(|inner_xml| async move {
self.href.write(inner_xml, ctx.child()).await?;
self.status_or_propstat.write(inner_xml, ctx.child()).await?;
if let Some(error) = &self.error {
error.write(inner_xml, ctx.child()).await?;
if let Some(responsedescription) = &self.responsedescription {
responsedescription.write(inner_xml, ctx.child()).await?;
if let Some(location) = &self.location {
location.write(inner_xml, ctx.child()).await?;
impl<E: Extension, C: Context<E>> QuickWritable<E,C> for StatusOrPropstat<E> {
async fn write(&self, xml: &mut Writer<impl AsyncWrite+Unpin>, ctx: C) -> Result<(), QError> {
match self {
Self::Status(status) => status.write(xml, ctx.child()).await,
Self::PropStat(propstat_list) => {
for propstat in propstat_list.iter() {
propstat.write(xml, ctx.child()).await?;
impl<E: Extension, C: Context<E>> QuickWritable<E,C> for Status {
async fn write(&self, xml: &mut Writer<impl AsyncWrite+Unpin>, ctx: C) -> Result<(), QError> {
BytesText::new(&format!("HTTP/1.1 {} {}", self.0.as_str(), self.0.canonical_reason().unwrap_or("No reason")))
impl<E: Extension, C: Context<E>> QuickWritable<E,C> for ResponseDescription {
async fn write(&self, xml: &mut Writer<impl AsyncWrite+Unpin>, ctx: C) -> Result<(), QError> {
let start = ctx.create_dav_element("responsedescription");
let end = start.to_end();
impl<E: Extension, C: Context<E>> QuickWritable<E,C> for Location {
async fn write(&self, xml: &mut Writer<impl AsyncWrite+Unpin>, ctx: C) -> Result<(), QError> {
impl<E: Extension, C: Context<E>> QuickWritable<E,C> for PropStat<E> {
async fn write(&self, xml: &mut Writer<impl AsyncWrite+Unpin>, ctx: C) -> Result<(), QError> {
impl<E: Extension, C: Context<E>> QuickWritable<E,C> for Error<E> {
async fn write(&self, xml: &mut Writer<impl AsyncWrite+Unpin>, ctx: C) -> Result<(), QError> {
.write_inner_content_async::<_, _, QError>(|inner_xml| async move {
for violation in &self.0 {
violation.write(inner_xml, ctx.child()).await?;
impl<E: Extension, C: Context<E>> QuickWritable<E,C> for Violation<E> {
async fn write(&self, xml: &mut Writer<impl AsyncWrite+Unpin>, ctx: C) -> Result<(), QError> {
match self {
Violation::LockTokenMatchesRequestUri => xml.create_element("lock-token-matches-request-uri").write_empty_async().await?,
Violation::LockTokenSubmitted(hrefs) => xml
.write_inner_content_async::<_, _, QError>(|inner_xml| async move {
for href in hrefs {
href.write(inner_xml, ctx.child()).await?;
Violation::NoConflictingLock(hrefs) => xml
.write_inner_content_async::<_, _, QError>(|inner_xml| async move {
for href in hrefs {
href.write(inner_xml, ctx.child()).await?;
Violation::NoExternalEntities => xml.create_element("no-external-entities").write_empty_async().await?,
Violation::PreservedLiveProperties => xml.create_element("preserved-live-properties").write_empty_async().await?,
Violation::PropfindFiniteDepth => xml.create_element("propfind-finite-depth").write_empty_async().await?,
Violation::CannotModifyProtectedProperty => xml.create_element("cannot-modify-protected-property").write_empty_async().await?,
Violation::Extension(inner) => {
ctx.hook_error(inner, xml).await?;
mod tests {
use super::*;
use tokio::io::AsyncWriteExt;
/// To run only the unit tests and avoid the behavior ones:
/// cargo test --bin aerogramme
async fn test_href() {
let mut buffer = Vec::new();
let mut tokio_buffer = tokio::io::BufWriter::new(&mut buffer);
let mut writer = Writer::new_with_indent(&mut tokio_buffer, b' ', 4);
let ctx = NoExtCtx{ root: true };
Href("/SOGo/dav/so/".into()).write(&mut writer, ctx).await.expect("xml serialization");
tokio_buffer.flush().await.expect("tokio buffer flush");
assert_eq!(buffer.as_slice(), &b"<D:href>/SOGo/dav/so/</D:href>"[..]);
async fn test_multistatus() {
let mut buffer = Vec::new();
let mut tokio_buffer = tokio::io::BufWriter::new(&mut buffer);
let mut writer = Writer::new_with_indent(&mut tokio_buffer, b' ', 4);
let ctx = NoExtCtx{ root: true };
let xml: Multistatus<NoExtension> = Multistatus { responses: vec![], responsedescription: Some(ResponseDescription("Hello world".into())) };
xml.write(&mut writer, ctx).await.expect("xml serialization");
tokio_buffer.flush().await.expect("tokio buffer flush");
let expected = r#"<D:multistatus xmlns:D="DAV:">
<D:responsedescription>Hello world</D:responsedescription>
let got = std::str::from_utf8(buffer.as_slice()).unwrap();
assert_eq!(got, expected);